Watch Manny Pacquiao vs. Yordenis Ugas full fight video highlights from their main event showdown Saturday night, courtesy of multiple outlets.
Pacquiao vs. Ugas took place Aug. 21 at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nev. Manny Pacquiao (62-8-2) and Yordenis Ugas (27-4) collided in a WBA super middleweight title fight in the main event, which aired live on pay-per-view. Catch more video highlights below.
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For more on Pacquiao vs. Ugas, check out the live blog from Bad Left Hook.
Both fighters meet center ring and Pacquiao leads with a couple of jabs as he tries to measure before unloading a quick barrage of punches on Ugas. Ugas lands a jab upstairs. Ugas tries a counter uppercut now. Left hand from Pacquiao falls short and then throws a flurry of punches with Ugas on the ropes. Ugas pivots and pushes Pacquiao to the ropes until he gets stung by a Pacquiao shot that leaves Ugas smirking. Pacquiao falls short on some punches as he can’t lock in the range. Jab lands for Ugas. Pacquiao charges forward and gets pushed down by Ugas as Ugas ducked low.
Pacquiao 10-9.
Ugas lands the first jab of the round and has Pacquiao moving his head a little bit more. Double jab from Pacquiao misses. Jab lands again for Ugas. Straight left lands for Pacquiao who then gets in a jab of his own, then an counter. Straight left lands for Pacquiao this time. Right hand lands for Ugas. Hard right lands to the body for Ugas. Straight left lands for Pacquiao again. Ugas gets back on his jab. Quick combination comes from Pacquiao. Ugas leads with his own right hand. Ugas gets warned to keep his punches up.
Ugas 10-9, 19-19.
Jab to the body falls short for Ugas. Pacquiao comes in with a combination that doesn’t land and Ugas just pushes Pacquiao off of him. Ugas tries a jab and then another one to the body. Counter jab lands for Pacquiao this time. Right hand comes in for Ugas and Pacquiao tries to respond with a quick combination. Looping right hook gets blocked by Pacquiao. Counter jab lands for Ugas. Pacquiao gets in a left hand upstairs. Pacquiao comes in and lands a shot that puts Ugas to the ropes. Pacquiao wants to mix it up here and Ugas is willing to match him if need be. Pacquiao lands a combination and Ugas gets in one in return.
Pacquiao 10-9, 29-28.
Hard right hand lands to the body for Ugas following a double jab. Pacquiao wants to respond and lands his own hard left to the body. Hard shot from Ugas lands a little low and the referee calls a timeout to give Ugas a stern warning and Pacquiao time to recover. Counter jab lands for Ugas but Pacquiao responds with a flurry and Ugas wants to counter at the end. Sweeping right makes contact for Ugas. Right hand from Ugas gets blocked. Jab from ugas pierces the guard. Right hand from ugas gets in. Pacquiao lands his own jab this time. Ugas pops his own jab right back as the fighters take turns. Both exchange and Ugas slips to the canvas. Close round I’ll edge to Ugas.
Ugas 10-9, 38-38.
Pacquiao comes out with a double jab that falls short. Lead left from Manny doesn’t land clean. Jab and left lands for Pacquiao. Ugas gets on his jab and Pacquiao lands his own. Jab from Ugas lands, then a right hand. Right hook from Ugas gets partially blocked. Right hand makes better contact for Ugas to the body. Straight left from Pacquiao makes partial contact. Pacquiao lands a couple shots and Ugas gets one back. Quick punches from Pacquiao make contact. Ugas tries to respond and Pacquiao and Ugas exchange at the bell.
Pacquiao 10-9, 48-47.
Ugas presses forward and lands a jab. Pacquiao can’t find the mark on a lead left. Right hook lands to the body for Ugas. Pacquiao throws a combination that doesn’t land. Right hand from Ugas makes contact and now pacquiao comes back and throws three punches. Double jab from ugas makes contact. Pacquiao throws three quick punches that don’t really make much impact.
Ugas 10-9, 57-57.
Both fighters trade jabs to start the round. Right hand from Ugas gets blocked. Right hand lands to the body for Ugas this time, then a counter jab. Now Pacquiao lands a combination and Ugas wants to counter right away. Ugas lands a right hand at the end of a three punch combination. Right hand lands again for Ugas. Pacquiao fires off three punches that don’t land as well as he’d like. Jab from Pacquiao makes contact. Ugas gets in a right hand. Both fighters trade at the bell.
Ugas 10-9, 67-66.
Pacquiao lands a left hand after Ugas gets in a ajb. Right hook lands for Ugas. Left hand lands for Pacquiao upstairs. Jab lands for Pacquiao. Ugas lands a sweeping hook. Right hook lands again for Ugas and Pacquiao comes back with a combination that doesn’t land to hard. Lead left from Pacquiao as he steps to the side. Left lands for Ugas. Right hand lands again for Ugas.
Ugas 10-9, 77-75.
Right hand from Ugas as Pacquiao tries to touch gloves. Now both fighters touch gloves to resolve the misunderstanding. Left hand lead lands for Pacquiao. Ugas tries to work his jab and lefts one go. Ugas pushes Pacquiao down and the referee warns Ugas about it. Pacquiao blocks a right hook from Ugas. Pacquiao throws some quick punches and skips to the side. Jab lands for Ugas. Ugas misses on a right hand but wants to follow it up with a couple more. Pacquiao lands a hook to the body. Right hook lands again for Ugas.
Ugas 10-9, 87-84.
PACQUIAO vs UGAS: Round 10
Right hand from Ugas gets blocked. Combination comes from Pacquiao and Pacquiao gets the exchange he wants. Right hand lands upstairs for Ugas. Right hand from Ugas is blocked this time. Both fighters trade but Ugas is often the one ending the exchanges. Right hand from Ugas touches the body. Right hand lands clean for Ugas, Pacquiao gets in a shot in return.
Ugas 10-9, 97-93.
PACQUIAO vs UGAS: Round 11
Pacquiao tries a double jab that falls short. Right hook from Ugas doesn’t land clean. Jab lands for Pacquiao. Pacquiao misses on two punches as he lunges in. Two clean shots land for Pacquiao this time. Now Pacquiao blocks a shot and throws a few punches back at Ugas. Left lands for Pacquiao. Right hand lands better for Ugas this time.
Pacquiao 10-9, 103-106.
PACQUIAO vs UGAS: Round 12
There looks to be some concern in Pacqiuao’s corner to say the least. RIght hook from Ugas gets blocked. Pacquiao misses on a one-two. Left hand from Pacquiao falls short again. Right hand comes from Ugas again but it’s partially blocked. Right hand lands for Ugas. Right hand from Ugas comes again, then a left uppercut. Pacquiao has a cut on the left side of his face. Ugas is showboating a bit as he’s feeling good about his performance tonight Anotehr right hand for Ugas.
Ugas 10-9, 116-112.
Official score: Ugas defated Pacquiao (115-113, 116-112 x2) via unanimous decision