A Helluva Gamble - Ben10Extreme (2025)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A Roll Of The Dice Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: A Day Working With An Overlord Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Encounter Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Blitzø-Style Job Interview! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: You Are Not In Control Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: The Evils Of Humanity Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: I.M.P Formation! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Hellborn and Sinners Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: A Spinning Roulette Wheel Of Fate Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: The Powerful and the Powerless Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Submission or Defiance? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Do You Think I'm A Fucking Joke? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: No Storm Lasts Forever Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: The Wild Card Alliance Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: The 100 Kill Mission: Part One Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: The 100 Kill Mission: Part Two Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Operation Killjoy!-Part One Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Operation Killjoy!-Part Two Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Betting On The New Era Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Seeing Stars Under The Full Moon Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Vortex Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: The Sin of Gluttony: Beelzebub! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Good Bee, Bad Bee Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: A Roll Of The Dice


Blitzø makes a deal with Overlord Husk, for the sake of potentially saving Loona's life. His devotion to his daughter interests/moves Husk enough to partake in this gamble.


Well, I'm doing a thing it seems, with these two stories set in the same verse.

It's an Overlord Husker AU with Helluva Boss vibes seeping in, along with a few things here and there. It's been on my mind for a while, and now it's a thing that's manifested into...whatever the hell this is. This verse has quickly infected my mind and now I'm gonna see what else it does now that I've placed this down.

Hopefully that won't be an inconvenience as I try to figure out what will and won't work with this whole deal. Doesn't that sound fun!?

Anyway, uh, let's try this out.

Oh by the way, Overlord Husk is celestialalpacaron's AU on tumblr. Pretty amazing stuff!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hell’s sky felt like it was bearing down on the fleeing imp and hellhound, for they were in the most ruthless chase this week. Multiples were flying past them by the dozens, with several close calls here and there, chipping off bits of wall slightly.

They had been running for a while now, so long that they could feel their legs aching and their lungs burning. But they knew that stopping at this point was tantamount to suicide, for their own sakes they kept going and never looked back even a single time. Easier said than done, when bullets were flying and threatening to graze them or even pierce them right through.

That tended to make things difficult.

One of the bullets caused a nearby post to explode, making the imp flinch from the glass nearly getting into his eyes. “Shit!”

“These fuckers are gonna corner us at this rate; let me do this!” The hellhound next to him urged him.

“Not yet! There’s not enough cover!” The imp grimaced as he felt one of the bullets graze his arm, making him hiss and hold the bleeding spot immediately. “AGH! Fucking dammit!

“DAD!” There was a savage growling ensuing afterwards as he felt the presence next to him darken. “You motherfuckers…!

“Don’t, Loony! We’re not in a good enough spot, yet!”


The imp pushed past the pain enough to reassuringly smile at his daughter.“This is nothing! A paper cut has hurt worse than this.” They both knew that was bullshit, but losing concentration now would set them up for certain failure, and they can’t afford that. “Their aim is ass, anyway. Just keep it together for a little bit longer…!”

More shots rang by them as they turned a corner, picking up dirt while doing so from the ensuing slide. The ensuing demons kept up the chase, relentless in their pursuit. It wasn’t until they reached a decently open space with plenty of wreckage and rubble from previous turf battles in this area that the entire group somewhat stopped. They proceeded slowly, their guns honed.

“End of the line, Blitzø. There’s nowhere else to go.” One of the demons urged, knocking over a pile of debris to see if their target was hiding there. “It’s so fucking simple to understand this, even an imp should get it.”

“All that we asked is that you hand over the girl. It shouldn’t have to be this fucking difficult!” Another one of them blasted holes into the wall, thinking they were hiding there, but was once again disappointed with their progress. “Come out already you cowardly shitstain!”

As the demons scoured the area, the imp and hellhound were still next to each other, hiding behind one of the rougher and sturdier walls that were held up. The imp looked through one of the openings, seeing that the group of ten were in a nice little circle; not too wide, not too thin. Just enough.

“They’re in a good spot. Now?” Loona urged, somewhat quietly.

Blitzø pauses for a moment as he sees the demon group briefly stop their advance, seemingly prepared to fill everything in the area with holes to flush them out. He turned and nodded to his daughter, picking up a shiv nearby on the ground. “Go for it.”

The hellhound concentrated, closing her eyes. She brought up her hands, as a green, fiery ball of light was conjured in between them. It quickly became brighter, increasing in intensity slowly that would give them away in a few moments. But that’s fine; it wouldn’t matter in the next ten seconds.

With a grunt, she tosses the ball into the air, as it made a whirring sound that got the demon's attention. It began hovering right above them, before it suddenly unleashed a blinding flash that briefly blinded them.

“What the fuck?!”

“Where’d they get a flash bang?!”

“I can’t see anyth-”

The last one’s complaint died in his throat, along with a wet hacking sound as the imp’s shiv tore through his throat. Not giving the others a chance to recover, he moved towards them as well while they were still disoriented from the flash. Multiple slashes across their throats, and getting a deep plunge into one of their hearts, before pulling out and slashing another across the throat. He even kicked one of them down before pinning them down with his foot and stabbing the shive right between the eyes.

They were somewhat collecting themselves and noticed the imp swiftly killing them while they were off-balance, but they had no time or room for retaliation. They forgot the other one.

The hellhound runs between some of them on all fours, slashing their heads off with clean swipes of her claws, as if they were scissors through paper. Growling, she did the same to several others close to her, even stabbing her clawed hands right through them and pulling back quickly, blood staining her claws and briefly splattering against her face. She even savagely tears one of their throats out with her jaws, ripping a chunk of their flesh out with her fangs, callously spitting them out and leaving them choking helplessly on their own blood.

Both the imp and hellhound breathed as their pursuers were now all dead, blood and bits of gore splattered all across the area. The latter scratched her head as she spits into the ground more, growling as she wipes her muzzle with the back of her hand in a scornful scoff.

“I’m getting so tired of this chasing bullshit we gotta put up with.”

“I know it’s rough, but we at least took care of them. If something doesn’t fuck us over AGAIN, this will just be seen as another random scuffle that’ll get nothing more than a passing glance.”

“A big reach for sure, but what else is new?” Loona growled slowly, shaking her head as she began moving. “Whatever, it’s over. Now where do…we go…ne…” Loona couldn’t get very far, slowly coming to a stop, before she fell on her knees and collapsed onto her front.

LOONA! ” Blitzø ran over to her, sliding on his knees as he looked over her collapsed form. She was breathing, but with a bit more strain than before. Her face was red, but as Blitzø placed the back of his hand on her forehead, it was more so due to her fever kicking in. “Fuck! I thought we had more wiggle room than this! I should have just said no!” Blitzø placed his other hand on her head as she was breathing, overheated and exhausted; she was too warm, her head feeling hot on his lap. “Shit shit SHIT . Loona I'm so sorry. I shoulda come up with a better plan. You didn't have to end up like this!”

“...N…your fau…I wanted…to…” Loona struggled to speak, trying to reassure her foster father, but she could barely muster the energy to speak coherently. “ Fuuuuck …it's getting annoying to…just fucking breathe…”

“Don't talk, Loony. I'm gonna get us outta here, so save the rest of your strength.” Blitzø gently cupped her face, squishing her fuzzy cheeks slightly. “Just stay awake for me. Okay sweetie? You don't gotta say anything, you don't even have to keep your eyes all the way open, but don't fall asleep.” In her current state she wouldn't be able to wake up on her own if that happened; it wasn't safe for her to pass out while out in the open, and Blitzø was too tired to fight off another round of pursuers if that happened. But he was prepared to if forced; his daughter's well being superseded his own by a mile and beyond.


“Okay, good. Now lemme just-”

“So this was the source of all that racket.”

Blitzø's eyes widened at three things. A powerful presence descending upon him in waves, hearing the near effortless, majestic flapping of wings, and the deep voice of someone voicing their observation. He turned around slowly, without taking a single step away from Loona, in order to confirm his suspicion, dreadfully and desperately hoping it wasn't who he thought it was.

His hopes were dashed. He cursed everything.

The blank yet observant stare. The flapping feathery wings on his back. The tailor made suit that fitted him with the dignified presence that he commanded. His slowly saying tail. And the cane he has both his hands on, with a dice head. There were many who had several of these attributes, but there's one prominent figure that could be recognized by the dice cane.

The Gambling Demon: Overlord Husker. Shortened to Husk sometimes, but that didn't detract from his menace at all.

Of course. Of fucking course an Overlord had to descend upon them now . Blitzø absolutely hated his piss-poor luck with such a burning passion, so much that he didn't even question too heavily why he descended in front of them, but he wasn't in the mood nor mindset to complain about the unfairness of it all. All that he knew was that he was probably fucked, and so was Loona. That particular thought immediately had Blitzø scrambling to place himself in front of her and protectively hide her behind him, despite her being bigger and taller than he was.

This is it, we're fucked. But damn it, that doesn’t mean I'm just gonna do nothing!

Husk raised an eyebrow. What a reaction. The imp clearly knew who he was based on the look of recognition flashing before his eyes, and yet his first instinct was to place himself in front of the hellhound. Upon closer inspection, they both looked a mess. The imp was in a rather torn jacket and pants, while the hellhound barely had qualified as a shirt, more like a brown bag over herself, with what could hardly even be a tattered skirt around her hips. They were clearly in bad shape, damn near miserable even, which wasn't a complete surprise for an imp and a hellhound.

No, what's really gotten his attention is that they were somehow all the way up here, in his territory, in Pentagram City. Rather than IMP City, which is where they usually tend to be given being at the rock bottom of the hell totem pole. And given the numerous freshly made corpses that were littering the space around them, they've also recently been in a fight. Which definitely explained the hellhound almost passed out on the ground in a bad fever. By the looks of it she's been like this for a while, and just now hit her limit.

The two of them were bringing up so many questions. But did he care enough to see them all answered? Likely not. At the same time…

“What's your name? And the name of the hellhound?”

Blitzø found himself wary of the sudden simple sounding questions. But it's not like he has the luxury of not answering, especially with Loona right behind him and her life likely on the line. “Name’s Blitzø. Loona is my daughter.” He didn't take his eyes off of Husk, almost afraid that he'd swoop down too quickly for Blitzø to do anything about, and maybe do something to Loona. His thoughts were scrambled, he couldn't focus on anything else at the moment aside from how to get Loona out of this.

Husk, in the meantime, simply kept observing the imp, taking another step forward, and watching as Blitzø placed himself even more over Loona to try and keep her out of sight. Not a common sight for an imp to act so protectively of a hellhound, especially with the sense of growing desperation building from him. He knew if the Overlord really wanted to do anything to Loona, there wasn't much he could meaningfully do to stop him. And yet he had enough courage to give off the impression that he'd try. That resolve certainly wasn't fake. There's not many who have the guts to stare down an Overlord and not so much as flinch.

“Hm. And how did you two get all the way here?”

“We…we ran. We had an old home, but some fuckers chased us out, burned our shit down. We've been running for…what, weeks at this point? Damn it, it's been one thing after another.” Blitzø uttered, still not sure about telling all of this to an Overlord, but just a smidgen of a chance of possibly using this encounter to help Loona leaves him prepared to take the risk. “Eventually with a huge helping of luck and bullshit, we ended up here in Pentagram City. Shit certainly didn't get any easier on us. Loona's been getting sick during that time, and I couldn't find anything to help her get better.”

“Think we both know it ain't just a simple sickness that's ailing your daughter.” Husk tapped his cane on the ground, strolling over to the two and putting Blitzø even more on edge. “I don't care enough to want to know the grittier details, but I do know this; your daughter has a wellspring of power dwelling inside of her. Far greater than common hellhounds could even dream of having…but it's not properly controlled, and her body is being burdened by the strain.” Husk observed as Blitzø bit his lip, unintentionally giving away to him that this was indeed the case. “Musta been building up since puberty began for her, hasn't it? How old is she now?”


Husk nods again, slowly circling around them. Blitzø hated how cornered he felt; this was already going down a path he wasn't fond of, but he couldn't do anything about it right now. “I can hazard a guess as to why you're being chased down. After all, a hellhound with this much potential power to their name…what's an imp like you doing with her? That's probably going through their minds every time they chase you two down, never once really considering that a father is just trying to take care of his daughter.” Husk turned to look at Blitzø directly, and the imp struggled between breaking eye contact or looking away. Loona groaned and shifted behind him, skyrocketing his worry for her. Husk nods. “Perhaps I can be of assistance.”

Husk watched Blitzø's reaction. A flash of confusion across his eyes, followed by a spark of hope from a desperate father. And yet what nearly smothered them both was this heavy feeling of doubt towards the Overlord’s words. “What would you get out of that? What the fuck do you want from us?” Blitzø cautiously asked. The imp didn't seem to trust Husk’s words off the bat.

That's good. He seemed to be the reckless type, but not completely brain-dead. It made sense, because something he cherishes was on the line as well. And because of this, he's showing more awareness and caution than some of his fellow Overlord's ever did or are even capable of showing, simply because of who and what they were. Husk didn't have too much room to talk, for he used to be much the same way.

An all too close call with a certain red bastard managed to remind Husk of how easily those things could be lost with one wrong move; it brought him out of his high and closer to the ground. That experience gave him clarity, and with clarity came wisdom. One thing demons in hell can sometimes be too ready to throw away, be they Sinners or Hellborn.

“I'll cut to the chase then.” Husk briefly stopped circling the duo, keeping his hands atop his cane, and turning towards Blitzø in particular. “I can help her, stabilize her. And she'll be better after a few days of rest. Now: What are you willing to offer me that will convince me that I should bother?”

Blitzø didn't have too much time to ponder. Loona was only going to get worse without treatment, something he ultimately can't get for her on his own. If there was any way, any chance he could grab to help her, he'll do whatever it takes. She might not so readily agree, but he can put up with her being frustrated or angry with his choice, as long as she's well enough to express them at all. Not that he was particularly thrilled about this either, but his options are limited, and his time even more so. What could he offer to Husk that could benefit him, that he knew he could sustain?

There was one thing he knew he was good at. It's not likely to work out for him, but he's willing to try anything.

“Need somebody dead?” Husk raised an eyebrow at this, but gestured for him to continue. “I'd like to think that I'm pretty damn good at killing people. Would have been able to set up shop to do so for a living, but…well, bitches and bastards decided ‘oh no we can't have that' and crushed my plans before I could get them off the damn ground.” Blitzø shook his head, feeling himself rambling. Focus. “Point is this. You point me to whoever you want offed, and I'll kill them dead. Simple and to the point, right?”

Husk rubbed his chin, his tail swaying and wings fluffing slightly during his pondering. “Hmmm. You're willing to provide me services, then. Assassination.”

“Yeah! Yeah that.” Blitzø thumbed his chest with a grin. “I'll kill the fuck outta whoever you want me to, because that's what I'm most good at. I can bring real good results in this field.”

“Hm.” Husk wondered about this. Having his own assassination unit wouldn't be all too bad an addition to his faction, he could find plenty of uses for one. Especially when it came to dealing with upstarts; he was far too busy running his casino trying to deal with every cocky shit that thinks they can start things in his territory and get away with it. He needed someone who he could send to deal with unwanted annoyances like that. Though given that it's just Blitzø and his daughter right now, they'd probably have to start smaller as they're building up their numbers, just a little bit. Husk can still work with this minimal starting point, though. For the beginning, two was plenty. “I suppose I can find some use out of someone like that. You'd best be prepared to back up your words.”

“Pssh, no need to worry about that shit. I mean, sliced up six of these fuckers just now with a shiv I found on the ground! I can handle this!” Blitzø once again confidently declared. Though he immediately retreated down from his boasting as he returned to a core problem. “Just one condition, though. Yeah yeah I know, what's an imp thinking he can push forth a condition in front of an Overlord, right?” Husk had a pretty good idea of what that ‘one thing' was, but simply waved his hand to gesture to Blitzø to continue, if only to humor him. “Let Loona be free of this. She might wanna stay by my side and help me, but if she eventually decides she can't do so anymore and wants out, I want her to be able to get the fuck out with no strings attached; nothing should stop her from leaving if she doesn't wanna stay anymore.” Blitzø sighed, lightly running his hand over his head as he turned over, and Husk watched the worry in the imp’s eyes amplify when he realized Loona had fallen completely unconscious at this point. “If you can ensure that…then I'm all yours. Your personal killer for hire, your bodyguard, hell maybe even your bed warmer! I've got plenty of talents and skills to make it worth your while!” Blitzø was half joking there; the Overlord didn't look half-bad. An occasional fucking didn't sound too terrible if he was up for it.

“That last one won't be necessary.” Husk casually declined, and he nearly smirked in amusement at the flash of ‘what, I’m not good enough?!’ type offense across the imp's face at his denial. He hummed more, tapping his cane to the ground, occasionally opening and closing his hands around it. “So in short, you're willing to place the direction of your own future in my hands, just to ensure your adopted daughter's future remains her own?”

“Yes.” Blitzø answered without hesitation. “I don't care what I gotta do, or what's gonna be done to me. If it means that Loona will be alright, I can grit my teeth and bear it all. Wouldn't be the first time I had to put up with bullshit for her sake.”

Husk tilted his head, searching for any signs of doubt in Blitzø's eyes; he found none. He was fully prepared to commit to this decision, consequences be damned, so long as his daughter could have a future. Even if it risks him not being a part of it.

His tail swayed with interest at the Imp’s devotion, their kind wasn't exactly known for such intense loyalty, especially the familial kind. It's quite easy to turn them against each other with the right poking and the wrong words towards each other. But here, he sees Blitzø betting his own life for a daughter that wasn't even his by blood. Though it was clear that he thought of her as his daughter in all the other ways it truly mattered; it was the only reason anyone would take a gamble so risky, especially when they've no idea if the benefits will be worth what that risk.

“That condition is agreeable. You managed to convince me how serious you are about this, how prepared you are to take this gamble…so I'll play. You’ll offer your services to me as an assassin whenever I ask. While I'll stabilize your daughter, and help her harness her power.” Husk eventually decided, relaying their respective conditions clearly. A pair of rolling, glowing red dice soon came up beside Husk, and they landed in his hand while coming up as double eights. “Do we have a deal?”

Blitzø couldn't lie to himself, he did find himself at least somewhat hesitant at the thought of being at the whims of an Overlord. Who knows what might actually start happening when things begin to settle?

But then he thought about Loona deteriorating rapidly if he refused, with no other possible avenues of help available to low status Hellborn like them. Suddenly that hesitation vanished, as if it never existed at all. If he was gonna do this, he had to go all in. He could wither away in servitude under this Overlord for the rest of his life for all he cares.

He'd put up with anything if it meant his daughter would have a future. She was worth it.


The dice rolled once again, and a golden glow surrounded both Blitzø and Husk…

Loona's eyes eventually fluttered open, glowing red filling in the dark for several moments. She briefly moved herself so she could sit up properly.

It was a bad idea. She growled as an immense headache nearly knocked her back out, grabbing the sides of it and hissing deeply.

“My fucking head… ” She grimaced, the ringing in her ears similarly keeping her unfocused and incredibly pissed off. Moving only made it worse for herself, so aside from adjusting herself to make these noises and her headache less agonizing, she stayed still until they simmered to a bearable level. Sighing, she looked around, and realized that she wasn't outside anymore, but appeared to be in some sort of spare room. There didn't seem to be much in it, mostly something used to store other things that were forgettable enough to keep here but still potentially useful enough that tossing them away outright was wasteful. Blinking several times, there did seem to be a small desk lap nearby, so it wasn't completely dark it seemed.

She pulled the covers off of herself and after placing her padded feet on the floor, she felt much better, lighter. There has been a heaviness that's affected her entire being, but it's mostly gone now. Which was odd to her. What changed?

That didn't matter. Something more pressing did.

Where's Dad?

She pushed the door to the room open, cautiously looking side to side. Her eyes widened as she realized she could see her father across the room, which appeared as a fancy and well organized office, and he seemed to be talking to…the Gambling Demon?!


Blitzø stopped his conversation at Loona’s voice-she noticed the bags under his eyes from a very clear lack of sleep-fully turning to her with a start. “ Loony! ” He practically leapt out of the chair he was sitting in so he could rush over and hug his daughter. “Thank fuck you're okay! Waiting for you to wake up was fucking awful. You were out for four days and I just couldn't keep myself busy enough to take my mind off it all!” He looked up towards his Hellhound daughter as his eyes were swiftly watering up and shiny. “Papa’s been thinking and worrying about you the entire time, sweetie!”

I was out for four days? Loona wondered, surprised by how long her seeming recovery took, but was forced to focus on her imp father, who was seconds away from crying like a baby. She smiled sheepishly as she lightly pats the top of his head. “I'm fine, Dad. Can you, uh…ease up a little bit? This ain't exactly a good look to have while an Overlord is watching. Shit’s a little embarrassing.” Despite saying this, Husk managed to catch her fluffy tail beginning to wag ever so softly at the hug, allowing her real feelings on her father's affection to show. “Speaking of which…mind telling me what the fuck is going on here?”

“Oh, uh, yeah. That. You were falling in and out of consciousness when we began talking that night.” Blitzø scratched the back of his head as he released Loona, and both of them turned towards Husk, who was patiently waiting for them to have their moment. Blitzø coughed into his fist as he pulled up a chair for Loona to sit in, as they both sat before the Gambling Demon. It was a surreal feeling to be sitting in front of him, and not feel some sort of understated terror. Unease, nervousness, anxiety? Oh sure, there were plenty of those. But not fear. “So, uh, do you wanna hear the long version or short version?”


“In return for healing your body and stabilizing you, your father now works for me.” Husk began, and Loona looked towards the cat in shock, her ears shooting up and her tail going still. “You were in bad shape, and only worsening by the moment. Your father had a decision to make, and chose to make a gamble with his freedom, for your wellbeing. I agreed to his terms, and he agreed to mine.”

“...What terms?” Loona quietly asked, looking more confused than anything. She apparently missed quite a lot.

“Simple. Your father kills whoever I point him towards, and I help stabilize your power. Your body was weakening rapidly under the weight of it once you couldn't sustain it anymore, so I had to calm it down. You should be fine now.” He tilted his head as his wings fluttered behind him. “Honestly, you recovered far faster than I expected you to in your state; you're pretty resilient. Your father also made it clear that you're allowed to walk away at any time, no strings attached. He was fully prepared to completely give himself up if it meant that you would be alright, when it was uncertain you could hold yourself together any longer.”

Loona sighed as she gently palmed her face. Honestly she wanted to shout at her imp father for doing something so mind-bogglingly stupid . Getting caught under the grasp of an Overlord was not exactly the best thing to happen to some demons, and the fact that Blitzø willingly walked into said grasp left her snarling in frustration. And then she's reminding herself of the fact that he mostly took that gamble for her sake, and she couldn't really find it within herself to hold onto her anger. She was still irritated though, so she simply crossed her arms and scoffed at it all.

“You're such a dumbass, Dad.”

“What?! What’d I do?!”

“You know damn well what you fucking did!” And she was irritated with the conflicting feelings of anger, guilt, worry, and joy over his decision. Particularly joy and worry, with the latter being unknowing or what it'll cost Blitzø in the long run, and the former that he considered her worth that risk. So she's a bit of an emotional mess right now. “This is such a shitty thing to happen to us, you didn’t have to do something so stupid over me, goddamn it.”

“Loony, come on! Why wouldn't I do it for you?”

“I just…I mean…I dunno! It's just stupid!” Loona growled as she turned her head and folded her arms, unable to get the blush off her face.

“You’re not making any sense, sweetie!” Blitzø seemed genuinely baffled, trying to figure out what Loona was so worked up about, but Husk could think of a few reasons. He simply sighed and rolled his eyes.


Once Loona had collected herself and Blitzø composed himself as well, they both returned their attention towards Husk. “Now then, while per your father's condition you're free to come and go as you please, just know that doesn't include you being allowed to sit around and do nothing. So long as you're here, you're gonna have to put in some work too.”

“Whatever.” Loona shrugged, kicking her feet up slightly while folding her arms and blowing some hair away from her face. The other hellhound guards currently with them found the display shocking enough to make them do a double take. Husk, on the other hand, found it amusing enough to smirk.

“You're one of the cheekier little shits, huh?”

“Is that gonna be a problem, old timer?”

“So long as you pull your weight, words alone aren't enough to raise a fuss about.” Husk chooses not to bring up how a teenaged hellhound with an attitude is still showing more maturity than some of his fellow Overlords. If mere insults were enough to throw him off his focus he’d be terrible at gambling. “In any case, how long has your power been circling within you like this?”

Loona sighed, looking towards Blitzø for a moment, then back to Husker, raising her hand and allowing twinkles of magic to flutter above it. “Since I turned twelve. Ever since then, I felt like I was able to do more than the average hellhound could. Don't have a single fucking clue why this is…but it's been noticed.” The five years afterwards, before Blitzø took her with him, had been tormenting from how much those around her exploited her for her power, when she wasn't in the mindset or the position to do anything about it. “I only really know how to do some basic shit, like that flashbang I used to blind those fuckers before we killed them all.”

“That's still a place to start from. Basics are good for building a foundation for your skills and talents.” Husk clasped his hands, eyes focused. “We'll be using this adjustment period to teach you a thing or two.”

Loona blinked. “You're seriously gonna teach me? But why?”

“Part of the agreement means making sure you're cared for, as long as you're working with me. Honing and sharpening your magic will be beneficial to the both of us.” Husk raised his hand as a playing card manifested between his fingers, and he turned it, surprising Loona with an image of herself on one side and Blitzø on the other. “I'd rather not carelessly hand my subordinates jobs they can't do, especially if it could get their asses killed. Other Overlords may find theirs to be expendable, but I don't like pointlessly wasting my resources. For the time being, your only job is to improve your control over your power. And once that reaches an adequate point, I can put you to work for real.”

Loona tilted her head. “So, on the job training?”

“That’s one way to put it.” The card in Husker’s hands vanished, replaced by another pair of dice. “I've placed my own sort of gamble, you see. We're going to find out together if my investment in you two was worth the trouble. It's up to you to prove whether I've struck a good deal, or if I'm just wasting my time.” Husk allowed the dice to roll, and they came up twelve. “How about it, pup? Is your performance gonna match your spunk?”

Loona shrugged. “So long as you don't expect me to start kissing your ass, I might be able to make this work.”

Husk couldn't help but chuckle again as the other hellhounds in the room balked at the nerve of the youngest one before him. What a turnaround he's seen from the pup before him. It seems most of her worry regarding Husk came from her father taking such a risky deal for her sake, even with how happy it made her that he considered her worth that. Otherwise, she's mostly unimpressed with Husk’s Overlord status and speaking to him like she probably would anybody else. He can't help but find that refreshing; it's a potential grounding element for him that he's been interested in having.

Oh sure, he does still expect obedience and his directions followed in a general sense, but he’d rather not be an Overlord that surrounds himself with sycophants. That's dangerous for perspective, and some of the others surround themselves with far too many of those. He didn't need mindless minions that couldn't think for themselves, he needed people who could be competent without his direct input. Becoming someone's subordinate wasn't an excuse to start throwing away your own common sense.

Husker stood up from his seat and moved over to the window view that allowed him to oversee the casino, his hands behind his back. “Rooms have already been set up for you, some of the staff prefer living on-site, or if they're simply staying the night. If you build yourself up enough and eventually decide to have your own place outside of here, be my guest. What you do on your own time is your own business, but if something happens and I require your assistance, I'll need to know where you are. If there are tools you need to do your jobs that you can't access yourselves, inform me so I can sort that out.” Husker’s eyes stayed focused on the space below him, seeing the hustle and hustle that was gradually building. “Questions?”

“Yeah.” Loona raised her hand, her head tilted and eyebrow raised. “You're being awfully generous for an Overlord, aren't ya? Or maybe we just haven't seen your bad side yet?”

“Generous, huh? I wouldn't exactly call myself that, Pup. You don't ascend to Overlord status through something like generosity.” Husk lowered his eyes as he brought a hand before him, conjuring another pair of glowing dice. “When it comes to gambling, the game is always changing. Sure, maybe a few foundational rules stay the same, but eventually every once in a while, Hell throws you a curveball. Puts obstacles and challenges in your way that make you reevaluate what's truly worth gaining, or what you can't afford to lose. Forces people to show their true colors. Whether they truly mean what they say or were just coasting on fake shit.” He grasped the dice in his hand, and turned towards Loona. “I'll admit, a major reason why I agreed to all this was that your father didn't fake a single thing about giving himself up to ensure your wellbeing. I suppose I wanna see the results I can wring out of a gamble like that.”

Loona snorted a bit at that last part. “Kinda assholish of you, isn't it?”

“I just said that I wouldn't call myself generous, didn't I, Pup? I thought with those canine ears of yours you wouldn't find it so hard to listen.” Husker raised an eyebrow. “But it seems that like most brats, you can only hear shit and not actually pay attention, huh?”

“Fuck off.” Loona flipped him off with a scowl.

Husker scoffed while eyeing both Loona and Blitzø. “Any other questions?’

“Not really. My head still feels like shit right now…so I'm going back to bed.” Loona grunted as she pulled herself out of the chair and made her way back to the room.

“Yeah, this was a good talk and all, but it kinda burned me out.” Blitzø stretched and rolled his arm, looking at Husker with a grin. “Think I'm gonna crash too for the night.” He raised a suggestive eyebrow. “Unless you feeling up for-”

“Not interested.”

“Dammit. Rejected out of hand?” Blitzø sighed at this, a bit annoyed, before he shrugged with a cheery grin. “Oh well! Your loss! Don't even know what you're missing out on!”

“Oh yeah, I've lost big alright. Just look at how distraught I am.” Husker deadpans as he sits back down at his desk and continues work; it was going to be another all-nighter for him. “Don't have a single clue how I'm gonna get over this. I might just fall to pieces.”

“...Well shit, you sure know how to cut down a guy's confidence, huh?”

“It's a useful talent in my line of work. Being able to see through bullshit makes it even more effective. Anyway, beat it. Got work to do.” Husker shooed Blitzø away, with the imp sighing and grumpily turning and moving out to join his daughter.

Once he closed the door behind him, Husker raised his head slightly. He turned towards a screen to his right, pressing play on something. Footage began to play; specifically, Blitzø's first four days on the job while Loona was unconscious. He replayed some of it as numerous instances of Blitzø killing other demons. Be it through shooting through their heads or hearts, silently shanked behind dark alleyways before being thrown in the dumpster, sliced throats with a shard of glass when they got too close after cornering him. Whatever it may be, Blitzø had been killing off any stragglers and upstarts that tried to start shit in Husker's territory, be it in his main casino or one of his subsidiary businesses. Most of them underestimated him because he's an imp, and they all weren't expecting just how far his determination goes. Anything that ends up in his hands is a potential weapon to kill with. Whole piles of bodies, of those that tried to start shit with Husker they couldn't finish, left in Blitzø's wake.

He's only slept once that entire time.

The recent conversation Husker was having with the Imp that was on the verge of collapse, was nearly outright ordering Blitzø to get some fucking rest. It'd do Husker no good if his subordinates pass out from overdoing it, and end up in a dangerous situation because of it. It spells wonders that Husker was able to tell that the imp was not like this normally; he instantly saw him snap out of his dead seriousness once he saw his daughter was awake and well.

Blitzø more than proved over those four days that he was completely serious about honoring his side of things. And capable of doing so. This type of resourcefulness was born from scrambling to survive their whole lives. For a person like that, every single decision was a gamble that would decide if they lived to the next day. Perhaps Husker wanted to make use of that. He could afford to handle it, he's not risking much to have a few more people whose talents and skills he could make productive use of. He’s handled and dealt with Sinners of many aspects of this afterlife that work with/for/against him, he does it all the time.

Really, how much trouble could adding one Hellborn imp and his hellhound daughter to his faction bring?

Back in their current room, Loona sighed as she sat down on the edge, running her hands through her hair while trying to put up with her pulsing headache. It wasn’t as harsh now as it was before, but it was still irritating enough that she'd rather sleep it off than put up with it awake, especially when she's not in danger anymore. At least not actively, because now a different kind of danger was possibly surrounding herself and her father both.

This entire… thing they were now caught in, it had her on edge. The fact that she and her father weren't simply forced into this, and was rather given the choice to do so. Husk placed the choice in Blitzø's hands. Though she still feels like parts of it were bullshit, because of course Blitzø was going to make the choice they would likely save her life. Because of course her father was going to completely prioritize her own well-being over his own. Because of fucking course he's going to spend four days working his ass off while she was sleeping those days away and didn't end up doing jackshit.

He's shown more devotion to her well-being than her orphanage could ever be bothered to. Only had her for under a year and he's prepared to fight tooth and nail for her sake. Decided working under an Overlord and giving up some bits of his freedom for who knows how long or how much, was worth her getting better when there's no one else to turn to, and allowing her the freedom to walk away even if he can't.

It's not fucking fair. How was she supposed to feel about all of that?

“This shit sucks.” Loona grumbled while hugging her knees.

Blitzø sat beside her, patting her shoulder. “I don't disagree with ya, Loonie. But it's already been decided, so bitching about it ain't gonna help either of us…but it sure is a good way to vent.” Blitzø snarled as he clenched his fists. “Can you fucking believe that guy?! He rejected me twice! Twice! ” He exclaimed while holding up two fingers. “What, he thinks because he's a high and mighty Overlord he's too good for imp dick or something?!”

“I'm not sure that's the reason, Dad.” Loona deadpanned.

“Well what else could it be?!”

Loona rolled her eyes at her father's dramatics, before she turns herself over and lies down. “Just go the fuck to sleep already, Dad. You've been up long enough.”

“Fuck. Alright, fine. But I swear, if that shithead cat thinks he can make a mockery of me, I'm gonna-”

Blitzø blinked as he realized Loona was probably already deep asleep. He sighs as he simply runs his hand over his face. Whatever, it's not worth the energy that he sorely needed to recharge. Shaking it off for the time being, he stretches a bit and settles most of the blanket off of himself, draping it over his hellhound daughter. He turns over to Loona, gently brushing away bits of her hair, so he could see her slumbering face.

“Loony. I know shit's been hard for this past year, for the both of us. And this ain't exactly a confidence booster for several reasons…but we'll figure it out. How we do that, I don't fucking know. But we're gonna do it, and we're gonna make it look so fucking badass. I'm sure we've got a lot of bullshit to deal with ahead, and we'll fuck up anyone who tries to stop us. So rest up, gather your strength. Because you and I are going to kick so much ass together.” Blitzø leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “Love ya.” He then allowed her to have most of the covers to herself. He then turns with her back to her as he curls up on the bed, closing his eyes as he quickly falls asleep as well.

After ten seconds, Loona’s tail briefly moved, the immensely fluffy limb lifting itself and gently laying across most of Blitzø's resting body, blanketing him. A moment after that, Blitzø's tail curled around said fuzzy tail gently, securely, reassuringly. Loona, hearing her father fall asleep, briefly opened her eyes. Glowing red in the dark, her vision was somewhat blurred by her tears. She clutched her pillow and shook her head softly.

He is such a fucking dumbass.

Even so.

“...Love you too, Dad.”

Right now, she wouldn't want to be around anyone else. He gambled with his own life, his own freedom even, and he did it for her .

So damn it, she'll do whatever it takes to make sure, without a shadow of doubt, that she was worth that.


Welp, that's one chapter down!

(Hopefully more but who knows honestly)

Blitzø fighting desperately for Loona and she kinda has a hard time sorting through her feelings on that. She has the general spirit of her appreciation down, though!

The Gambling Overlord, Husker. Having no idea what he's just let into his doors, and no idea what these two are going to be causing in the times ahead of them.

No sign of Angel Dust...yet. I know how crucial he can be to the Overlord Husk AU, trust me. His role in the ensuing chaos to come is very much inevitable, but it'll take a bit of time to get to the starting point for that.

Until then, Overlord Husk will have to deal with an Imp and Hellhound under his watch, who aren't like most imps and hellhounds. That's surely gonna be fun for him. He doesn't doubt their capacity for chaos...but he might undersell how MUCH they can cause.

Anyway, that's all for this one! We'll see if life can be breathed into this or not.

Chapter 2: A Day Working With An Overlord


Loona: Inspires great fear in grunts that try to mess with her in her boss's territory.

Also Loona: Daddy's Girl who hates being called one.

Husk: Wary about Hell's Future and who's to benefit from the current climate.

Also Husk: Trolls Blitzø while having a drink.

Blitzø: Casually doing his assassin job with ease.

Also Blitzø: Refuses to change daughter's contact name from 'LoonyPoo'.


Chapter 2 is here!

Surprisingly people seem to like this so far, a bit of a different direction from the norm when it comes to Overlord Husk.

This one was pretty fun to do-hopefully it's not incredibly obvious that I like writing Loona-and several things and details being discussed and done here will eventually be incredibly important in the future, both near and far. You'll know what they are when you see them.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

[Five Hell Years Later]

The day progressed mostly routinely. As routine as one could maintain in Hell, anyway.

Demons were hustling and bustling to get to their destinations, be it to work or simply to kill somebody who pissed them off at the wrong time. Usually those would be cleaned up in due time from how common it was. It was much harder to try and tidy things up in dark alleys; those tend to pile up something fierce. And then there were the fights right in the open that were just to see who's feeling tougher that day.

Loona was sitting idly, briefly flicking her lighter a few times while holding a cigarette in her mouth. She finally managed to get a light, proceeding to light the end with the small flame. Flicking her lighter shut, she pulls out her cigarette and blows a puff of smoke, sighing.

“I have shit to do and places to be. But you guys had to go and try to pull the ‘let’s have a little fun’ shit. Well tell me, assholes… are you having fun now?

She was sitting on the chest of a loan shark…one of at least two dozen. They were laid out across the streets, with at least a few of them embedded into the walls nearby, or right into the cratered ground. They thought that one mere hellhound was plenty they could handle, to the point where twenty-four of them felt like overkill.

It was not. They were wrong. So terribly wrong.

Loona sighed and scratched the back of her neck. “I don't have time to deal with your bullshit. So, I'll go ahead and make this quick.” She breathed another puff of smoke in one of their faces, before hovering the heated cigarette above the eye of the shark she was sitting on the chest of, one of the younger ones around her age. “Who sent you here to start shit? Spill it, or your eye’s my ashtray.”

The young shark pinned down by her nervously looked at the hellhound above him, and the bored look on her face let him know that she wouldn’t think much of doing such a thing to him if she wasn’t given a good enough answer. So he collected his wits-hoping to Satan that Loona wouldn’t notice how he was briefly ogling her very well-toned legs-and spoke quickly… very quickly.

“O-Our boss is trying to start a fuss so that he can make a play for more turf space!”

“Where’s the dumbfuck now?”

The young shark, Razor, swallowed, shaking his head a bit as he tried to keep focus…and failing once his eyes also landed on the pentagram-like design that was prominent above Loona’s fuzzy bust, slightly hidden by the jacket she wore around herself. W-Will holding off a bit keep her sitting on me for a little bit longer? M…Maybe losing an eye will be wor-NO THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE THINKING WITH YOUR DICK! “H-He’s still back at base, getting everything prepared to move out! You could probably still catch him and stop him in his tracks! That’s all I know, please don’t burn out my eyes miss hellhound you’re VERY beautiful! ” A panicked and random declaration, but a sincere one.

“Razor! What the FUCK, man?!” One of his colleagues scolded in irritated disbelief…and groaned in pain. Razor sighed in shame. “I can’t believe you pussied out so easily to a literal and figurative bitch , rookie! She’s not all that!”

“A hot hellhound was sitting on my chest! I panicked! I told myself NOT to think with my dick and I did it anyway…

Loona tilted her head for a few moments at Razor, who continued to look panicked at his predicament. She soon smiles cheekily while rustling the hair on his head. He found himself absolutely bewitched by both the crimson glow in her eyes and her casual smile. He ended up blushing brightly at the combo. “Lucky you. You get to keep both of your eyes unburned today.” Razor sighed with relief as Loona soon removed herself from him. She proceeded on her way…and casually proceeded to shove the burning end of her cigarette right in the eye of the shark that insulted her, causing him to scream and fall on his back, grabbing his face. “Not your buddy, though. He’s a shithead.” She waved farewell while having a hand in her pocket. “Try not to start any more trouble, boys.”

“O-Okay…” Razor muttered, shaking his head and looking down at the ground with another blush after spending too many seconds staring at Loona’s ass as she left, the casual yet graceful sway of her shapely hips in tandem with her tail, as she’s off to her next objective. Through this observation he also picked up that she appears decently muscular and athletic for her size and age. Which very much goes into how easily she trounced them all. “Man…I didn’t think hellhounds could get so beautiful. Not to mention super strong. Did you, Reef?”


“Yeah, me neither…”

Both remaining conscious sharks were in totally different mindsets, as their opponent casually leaves them in their brutalized conditions. Though given the circumstances, Razor considered himself fortunate they got away from the encounter at all.

Loona had already lit another cigarette and was just strolling through to her destination, her hands in her pockets while listening to the rustle and bustle of demons passing by her. Hellborn and Sinners alike in a hurry to go about their business…or maybe getting into a fistfight. Perhaps even a knife fight if they’re feeling ballsy about their chances, but that’s before the guns come out. Then it really gets ugly.

She's lived this long in Pentagram City at this point, and she's less than impressed by it. If only because it was so damn noisy , and sometimes she’d appreciate more places to have a bit of peace and quiet. Not much she could do about that, though, so it’s one of those things where she simply has to grit her teeth and put up with it for now.

Passing by another opening, she turns her head, taking a glance at a distant place she heard was called the Clock Tower…or at the very least, where it used to be.

That area within Pentagram City had been utterly reduced to a smoking crater at some point, and several Sinner demons were still up for making space there to forge new turfs. Loona has no idea how that even happened, even less so when it happened. Though if her ears that picked up the murmurings of the Hellborn in particular are to be believed, it was a casualty to some sort of massive clash that led to it utterly destroyed.

Husker seemed to know more about what happened than what he told her.

‘A breaking point was reached, and the Clock Tower getting obliterated symbolized that. Don’t give it too much thought, pup. This shit went down before you were even born.’

That was probably the most she was going to get out of him regarding that subject. Not that she cared too much about it, but it would give a bit of context to some of the happenings here, at least a little bit. At the very least, she'd be able to navigate these things better, which would undoubtedly be helpful.

The only other useful tidbit she gathered from idle chatter in different conversations is that around the same time the Clock Tower was destroyed, the annual ‘Extermination’ that she heard much about, completely stopped. Not everyone knew what that meant for the future, just that that particular event was never going to repeat again. Even if she didn't particularly care, Loona was curious about the deeper details of it all, because as Husk said, it happened way before she was born. What were the consequences of such a progression?

Something like that doesn't just stop because someone asked politely; the Clock Tower being gone means that it was stopped by force. What were the nitty gritty details of it all? Husk was one of the only people she knew with possible answers, and he's keeping it quiet. So, she supposed there was nothing she could do about that, except wonder about the possibilities of the how and why. Maybe someday she'll get answers, potentially from another source.

Taking herself out of the subject, she sniffed the air for a moment, catching a scent trail of her targets. She grinned as she blew out some smoke while taking her cigarette out of her mouth. “Found ya.”

Off in a warehouse, several sharks were already packing their things, desperate to make a run for it. The big one in charge was moving several of the larger crates himself, irritated at how much it's all gone wrong. They weren't able to do things cleanly, and the consequences of their actions was certain to knock on their doors soon enough, so they had to clear out and get the fuck out as soon as possible.

The door to their base was soon kicked down, flying off its hinges.

Too late.

“Ahhhh, so this is where you assholes have been hiding.” Loona grinned as she stepped inside, flicking her hair to the side while seeing her opposition, more loan sharks, somewhat heavier built than the one’s she just beat down. “Fellas, you should know you can’t be fucking around in someone else’s backyard and not expect them to want their getback.”

“Who the hell are you?”

“Wait, hold up. I’ve actually seen her before!”

“Ain’t no fucking way! It’s Husker’s personal attack dog!”

The Mad Hound?!

Numerous sharks murmured and chattered about her appearance here, which simply had her shrugging. “You know who I am, then? That makes this much easier. I’ll cut to the chase fellas, you might wanna quit while you’re ahead.”

The leading shark, Brutus, grunted as he slammed the last crate down, glaring at the hellhound. “The fuck does that mean?”

“It’s very simple. So, listen up.” Loona began walking forward, putting the sharks on edge. “I don’t wanna get an earful from my boss for going overboard when I didn’t need to. Should you choose to behave and give up without a fight, I won’t have to kill you.” She stopped a few feet in front of them, blowing out more smoke. “Sounds fair?”

Brutus snarled as he stomped up to her, glaring down on her and attempting to intimidate with his larger frame. “How about ‘fuck you’, bitch? You think you’re in any fucking position to be making demands here?”

Loona shrugged. “I mean, you’re not exactly in such a position that saying no will end well. But I guess I already have my answer. Dumbfucks will be dumbfucks.” The massive shark savagely growled at this and raised his fist.

“Why you-” He was cut off as he felt immense, mind-boggling pain; his lower jaw was suddenly broken. Some of his precious razor-sharp teeth smashed from the vicious kick upwards that Loona dealt to him, without taking her hands out of her pockets.

“I actually wanted to try playing nice today, but you're all making that a bigger time waste than it needs to be. Now I gotta kill you.

Loona decides, as she turns on a heel, flames igniting across her leg, and kicks the shark in the chest, sending him hurtling and smashing into the wall, deeply denting it inwards and splintering it around the crash zone. The other sharks balked at their leader being felled so easily, seeing the cave in part where her kick landed; the blow had certainly killed him. She had turned towards the others and began stalking her way towards them.

Then she blinked as they all suddenly dropped their weapons and lowered their heads in dogeza. “...Wait, what the fuck?”


Loona blinked again as she stared in utter confusion, mixed with frustration, given her twitching eye. “...Are you fucking serious? You actually managed to get me itching for a fight and now you wanna be smart and give up?! Ugggh! Why you… grrrrrr …” Loona took a breath as she took out her cigarette and blew out more smoke. “...you know what, what-fucking-ever. It works out better that way anyway. But you just had to kill my damn mood at the same time, you cowardly shits.”

“We’re sorry, ma’am!” They all collectively declared in unison. Loona marched up to one of them and stomped on their heads, bashing their face into the ground. They all gawked at the sight as the second in command had their face bleeding from the impact.

“At least have the spine to commit to the stupid shit you’re trying to pull! That would have at least been respectable, but noooooo! You embarrassed yourselves and wasted my goddamn time!” Her foot grinds their face further into the cement ground, cracking their skull. Loona looked utterly irritated, baring her snarling fangs. “Do this shit again and I actually will kill all of you indecisive fucks next time! Got it?!

YES, MA’AM! ” Most of the sharks declared in gripping fear of the hellhound’s temper, now seeing the ‘Mad’ in ‘Mad Hound’ for themselves. Some of the younger adult sharks witnessed the second in command getting brutally stepped on. They’re in a very confusing state of being scared shitless and wanting to be up next. Sure, they might die…but that is sounding more and more like a worthy sacrifice.

Loona’s phone began ringing. Taking it out and seeing who it was, she pointed towards the sharks. “If any of you speak up while I’m on the phone I’ll fucking kill you.” She turned and stepped away for a moment, taking a breath as answered her phone.

“LoonyPoo! Hey there, how ya doing? Just thought I’d check up on ya!” She watched as her Blitzø appeared on screen, beaming at the sight of her and the sound of her voice.

“Hey, Dad.” Loona replies with a soft smile of her own, her tail gently waving behind her. The sharks were baffled at the stark mood change. “I’m all good. Just got done dealing with some dumbasses who wanted to start shit, then gave up without a fight.”

“Really? Well shit, that’s embarrassing! Why go through all the trouble then?”

“I killed their boss.”

“Ohhhh. The ‘can’t function without the head’ type of giving up. Makes sense I guess.” Loona could hear gunshots in the background, and she watches as her father knocks a knife out of someone's hand, grabbing it for himself and stabbing them in the chest with their own weapons. “Excuse me, my dear dumbshit. My precious daughter is on the phone. I’m gonna have to ask you and your buddies to have some goddamn patience and NOT INTERRUPT MY FUCKING CALL!”

“It sounds like you're dealing with things on your end, too.”

“Yeah, caught these assholes trying to walk off with supplies that ain't theirs. Now I'm all for negotiations when it comes to stealing shit, the main issue is that they tried shooting at me first. I didn't appreciate that at all, Loony! It's fucking RUDE!”

Loona raised an eyebrow. “Don't you tend to be the one who shoots first and asks questions later?”

“The difference there is that it's hilarious and cool when I do it. Somebody else does it, it's annoying and rude. It balances out.”

“Mhm.” Loona didn't quite believe him, simply rolling her eyes. “Anyway, Husk will be expecting us both to be back soon. Preferably without breaking more shit than we have to.”

“Yeah yeah I got it. I swear that guy can be such a pain in the ass for an Overlord. Shit is not gonna blow up when you leave me alone with it! The last four times it happened were all flukes!”

“All of them?”

“ALL OF THEM!” Blitzø took a quick breath, then soon smiled on the other end of the line as he used another body as a battering ram and smashed through a door. “I'll finish up here so that we can meet up at the casino! See ya soon, hugs and kisses! Bye Loony Toony!”

“Bye, Dad.” Loona chuckled as she soon hung up, pocketing her phone and shaking her head, her tail still softly wagging. “Such a dumbass…” She uttered, but there was no bite to it, simply warmth.

One of the sharks was still in utter awe at what just happened. “...I can't believe it. The vicious hellhound, the Mad Hound under Husk’s employ. I thought she was completely bloodthirsty and cruel…but she's a total daddy’s girl.”

Instant, and it truly does mean instant, regret flashed through his eyes and mind as Loona slowly turned towards the group, her fur standing on end, eyes glowing blood red, claws extending. “Which one of you is the dead fucker that said that?”

There was no honor among thieves, as the other sharks immediately pointed to the one responsible to save their own lives, and he balked at their betrayal. He then just sighed and lamented his fate as Loona stalked towards him with murderous intent.

“I should have never gotten out of bed this morning…”

An hour later, Loona pushed through the doors of Husk’s casino, Royal Roulette. Which is particularly fitting for someone like Husk, who amongst the Overlords that, aside from being the Gambling Demon, was similarly coined the ‘Lucky Emperor’. She strolled inside minding her business, being sure to put out her cigarette, as she went to change clothes.

As various patrons were playing games and hoping to win big, Husk was overseeing it all from his office, a wine glass in hand. Swishing it slightly, he turned to one of the TV screens as a broadcast was being displayed.

“Hello? Hello hello! Hopefully I'm doing this ri-oh! It's on! Hehe, I wasn't completely sure for a moment. Because you know, with all the-”

“Focus, Charlie.”

“Oh, sorry Vaggie! Hello Hell! I mean, *ahem*. Citizens of Hell…hello there! Princess Charlotte Morningstar here! Uh, but, feel free to call me Charlie. Feels…I dunno, better-ish, for talking face to face, you know?”

Husk couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head. What an introduction that was for Princess Charlotte Morningstar, and her consort.

“So um, just wanting to let everyone know that my super special project is almost finished! It's been ongoing for years now, and I've had my fair share of tough times trying to see it done. But as I'm getting closer, I’m feeling the potential this could bring to my people.” Husker could see the young woman clasp her hands in slight uncertainty, but also unmitigated firmness. “I know things have been hard for the past several years. And I have a feeling it's only going to get harder. But it'll be fine, because we're all much stronger than we've ever been before. That means we all have a chance to improve upon our own paths, and it'd be amazing if we could all walk together.”

Husk closed his eyes and sighed, downing the rest of his drink, and already pouring himself another glass. “I swear, how the fuck did we get stuck with such a bleeding heart as the Princess of Hell?” A thought ran through his head about how a place like Hell didn't deserve someone so immensely benevolent as its future ruler, but he shook it off. ‘Deserve’ has nothing to do with it.

“So, I say this with feeling; keep pressing on. We'll find a way to make all of this work. That's my promise to everyone, especially when I become Queen. It'll all be worth the effort.” The Princess, soon to be Queen of Hell, then smiled and waved with one of the sunniest smiles Husk had seen in his life. “Okay byyyeeee!~

The broadcast ends.

Husk pondered over this as he looked back towards his patrons. Some of them have understandably expressed doubt or disdain towards the Princess’s worth ethic, or more specifically what they're geared towards. Others complained that the volume was too loud and distracted them, costing them their games. And more than a few unsavory voices expressed how hot she was. No respect towards her at all.

Had she taken on a much more dogmatic perspective, nobody would dare question or insult her. It's baffling-and fortunate for many-that she, against all odds, managed to turn out so kind. At least hell's denizens, no matter how disrespectful they were towards her, weren't so brain-dead that they'd actually pick a physical fight with her. Or else Husk would really lose hope in Hell's capacity for intelligence and wisdom.

Husk sipped more of his drink, whiskey this time, sighing and staring at the date that was set to be Charlotte’s official crowning. Six months from today.

“She has spirit, but that alone isn't enough…she's not ready. Not with the way things are now.” Husk muttered while gazing out towards the windows, getting a glimpse of Hell’s skies. Disaster had barely been averted years ago, and there's still recovery efforts being done in various places in Hell. With various demons, Hellborn and Sinners alike, more than prepared to take advantage of the aftermath of such chaos.

Example: That radio bastard.

There's no way he's not planning something behind that freaky smile of his. He's the one Overlord that Husk is always cautious around. Especially with his near defeat at his hands. It occasionally haunts him, yet he's also grateful for the rather grounding experience.

Not to mention…

If even more citizens knew about Lucifer’s condition-like most of the Overlords currently do-, then they'd know the deeper truth about why the Princess’s crowning was happening so soon. Husk could see the brief flashes across her expression; it was of someone well aware of the gradually building pressure of something happening well before she was ready and trying to stay strong in spite of it. With the wheels of fate turning like a roulette wheel, regardless of her inputs and actions, she doesn't have a choice. But she does have a big chance to take advantage of things. It's up to her to be bold and take it.

As for Husk, he has a pretty good hunch that the next Overlord meeting was going to address a few things around this, and he had a feeling that only a few of them will have anything legitimately worth listening to. And yet he'll still have to go and sit through all of the bullshit of the less reasonable members. Like the Vees.

Wonderful. Husk bitterly thought. Hopefully nothing would happen that would get him more involved with that irritating Overlord trio than he actually needed to. He'd rather keep his interactions with them to the absolute minimum if zero percent was not an option.

Husk was brought out of his thoughts once Blitzø made his way inside, sighing and looking rather exhausted. “ Finally , I made it! You don't have a single clue as to how much of a pain in the ass it was to deal with those guys. They kept trying to start shit and didn't think they would get hit!”

Husk shrugged while pouring himself more whiskey and pouring some for Blitzø as well once he slid onto a stool. “Which suits me fine in this case. Keep ‘em coming here trying to win big, only for all their earnings to be swiped away. And then it comes down to gambling their own soul.” Husk sipped from his glass while taking another look towards the increasing number of players. “Never can go wrong with having more souls under your grasp. Allows for many opportunities to use them in the future.”

“Speaking of which, how many would you even have?”

“More than I can count. And I've tried.”


“What are you old men talking about?” Both of them turned to see Loona was done changing, pushing her hair to the side while tapping away on her phone. Simple is as simple does, she was wearing a gold and black sleeveless dress that just slightly went past her hips. Enough to feel somewhat safe…but they also gave said hips quite a bit of emphasis, and closer notice to her well-toned hind legs.

“Loonie! There ya are!” Blitzø beamed as Loona took a seat next to her father, looking up to Husk. “Just a bit of talk about gambling one’s soul away, nothing too serious.” He was shifty eyed, glaring towards one of the patrons who stared at Loona a bit too long. Keep walking if you don't wanna die, asshole. Blitzø quietly conveyed through his eyes, which was all it took for the leering patron to pale and move along quickly.

“Particularly Sinners, right?” Loona brings up, getting Blitzø back to focus.

“Never mind that, Pup. Have you been cleaning up the stragglers like I said?” Husk continued while downing his glass, with Blitzø turning about to see if any Sinners were interested in a bit of mingling.

Loona rolled her eyes. “Check your updates more, old-timer. I did just that. Didn't even break a sweat, either.”

“Without breaking a sweat, huh?” Husk raised a daring eyebrow. “Think you can do it again?”

“Maybe, maybe not.” Loona shrugged. “I'd rather not get roped into saying yes, and then have random shit happen in my attempt to prove it and make a total idiot of myself. I've seen this happen to Dad and it's not a good look.”

“Oh God, can we not talk about that?” Blitzø groaned while hiding his face behind his hands. “Never have I ever come across the kind of shit show where a demon would turn down sex with me AND potential award money! That means they beat my ass in poker simply because they could! I mean, getting more money should be a fantastic thing, right?! And sex with me is even more so!”

“Debatable.” Husk deadpans.

“How the fuck would you know?! You never went for it!”

“That implies there's something to go for with you. I doubt I'm missing out on much.”

“Oh, damn .” Loona chuckled at the utterly aghast look of disbelief on Blitzø's face, staring at Husk as if he had grown a second head. Seeing Blitzø's incredible self-confidence be tested over and over again against Husk’s cutthroat, no bullshit, straight to the point takedowns tends to be quite a scene to watch.

“...I'm working for a man that's constantly putting me down, Loony.” Blitzø face planted the table with a groan, with Loona giving him a reassuring shoulder pat. Though after pulling himself together, he shook his head and sat up straight. “But anyway, enough about all that shit! There's something I wanna give ya!” Blitzø dug into his pockets, wondering if he still had it on him, and surely enough he did. He hands it towards his own pride and joy. “Here ya go!”

Loona blinked as she took the gift, and she tilted her head while getting a look at it. “A phone case? Comes with a screen protector, too.” She tilts it about, finding herself nodding at the classic gothic designs, smirking. “Nice.”

“I knew you'd like it! You're always on that thing any chance ya get, so I figured it wouldn't be too much to invest in…well, making sure that shit doesn't break easy. Top quality stuff!” Blitzø rolled his arm while shifting his eyes side to side. “It just gets painful to watch, you know. Do you have any idea how many phones have been destroyed down here?! Casually , might I add! They just keep breaking and breaking them as if those damn things aren't expensive as hell to replace! Especially when you end up breaking them in a fit of rage or some shit like that!” He folded his arms and huffed. “I swear, these assholes need to take better care of their shit. It makes them look stupid when they can't.”

“Your own phone was destroyed again on your way here, wasn't it?” Loona deadpanned, getting straight to the point. Her eyes widened slightly when she noticed Blitzø biting the inside of his cheek and suddenly finding the ceiling fan incredibly interesting. And she suddenly noticed that his person did indeed seem like it was missing his phone. “The fu…Dad I was kidding! We just had a phone call! How the fuck?!”

“They shot it straight outta my hands, Loony! The damn thing was done for! How can they keep missing my head and yet shoot my phone and fuck it up so precisely?! ” Blitzø groaned and slammed his head into the counter again. “Their aim is so shit , UNTIL it seriously inconveniences you! Not even hurts, it's just fucking annoying that I gotta buy another again!”

“Pup's been able to keep her phone together without ever losing it or getting it broken.” Husk huffed while cleaning and wiping down the glass he was using, along with several others. “Maybe you're just kinda shit with phones.”

“Maybe.” Loona shrugged.

“Why is phone destruction so damn common anyway?!”

“We'll get you a new one. But. ” She pointed at him with narrowed eyes. “You are not naming my contact ‘LoonyPoo’ again.”


“I'm serious. I'll change that stupid shit myself if you try.”

“But you are my LoonyPoo!” Blitzø wailed as he briefly pushed forth and hugged his daughter. “It's a cute nickname!”

“Yeah, for hell puppies. I'm twenty-fucking-two, Dad!”

“Being five years older than when I first adopted you won't stop you from being my LoonyPoo!”

“Will you listen to me, Dad?! Dad! ” Loona groaned with a snarl, but she wasn't fooling anybody. Blitzø nuzzled against her cheek as she tried not too hard to pull away, blushing brightly. “God damn it, Dad…”

Husk couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. Loona talks a big game, and sometimes she can even back it up thanks to Husk's mentorship. But when it comes to her father? She's all bark and no bite.

Oh, the barking is vicious and vulgar all the same. In all of his afterlife Husk has never met a more foul-mouthed hellhound than Loona (which is REALLY saying something). But all the same, she never bites . Not her father. She might find it embarrassing, but Blitzø is the only one who she'll allow to get away with this, with only a bit of fussing from her.

The one time Husk tried just to see what happens-and to slightly be an asshole-, she landed her very first real magic hit on him, full force. He mostly shrugged it off, but the scorched spot ruined one of his suits and left a burn on his chest that actually stung quite a bit and didn't go away for weeks.

After eventually prying Blitzø off of her and calming down, Loona swiped through several screens, and she scoffed. “Hey, check it out. The news bitch is talking shit again.” She holds it up for Husk and Blitzø to see.

“And with that UTTERLY wasteful announcement from Princess Bimbo outta the way, we can finally get back to the important things that actually do. And that's whether or not we have to expect the bitch’s plan to crash and burn!”

“Well, Katie, maybe we could-”

“Fucking shut your mouth, Tom! Did it look like I was asking you, dumbshit?!”


“Up next, we go through the potential whisperings of another turf war in the making! Maybe the so-called ‘Gambling Overlord' can hopefully get fucked up by it and lose everything he fucking owns. That'd be orgasmic!”

“...Are you, um, still upset that he denied an interview you, poured wine all over your hair and said ‘get the fuck off of my property you screechy bitch?’”


666 News is experiencing technical difficulties.

Husk shrugged, chuckling at the memory of just turning Katie Killjoy away and not giving a damn. “Never liked the news. Always going on and on with fake shit. And she's one of the fakest demons I've ever witnessed.”

“Her bitchiness is real enough.” Loona grumbled, and Husk hummed, conceding to the point. “Didn't she kinda sound like Dad, though?”

“She what?! ” Blitzø shot up, slightly offended.

Husk smirked. “Now that you mention it, yeah.”

“I do NOT have the same voice as that bitch! My voice is beautiful! Hers is like a bitchy banshee!” Blitzø folded his arms and huffed, turning away. “No way are our voices even remotely alike! It's nowhere near possible!”

“I dunno, Dad. It might be slightly possible.”

“You never know.”

“Why do you two have to do this to me?” Blitzø sighed as he shook his head, with both Husk and Loona chuckling a bit. The latter scooted over and patted his shoulder.

“Don't take it too hard, Dad. At least your voice is relatively less grating on my ears.”

“I'll take what I can get.” Blitzø grumbled. He then perked up as he remembered something and turned to Husk. “By the way, I was thinking about this for a while. About maybe expanding our department a little bit, ya know. Add a little bit more to our numbers?”

“You're searching for more members?” Husk asked, and Blitzø rapidly nodded in confirmation. The Overlord shrugged. “If you think you can find somebody, be my guest. Should probably check them in with me to see if they're worth the trouble, and not take up space if they're not gonna contribute. Nothing here is free; you work, or you fuck off.”

“Oh yeah, I got that! I think we're finally ready for it! The others around here are nice and all that shit, but it's time for a real change!” Blitzø slammed the table with both hands, then raised an excited fist. “I’ve finally got the credibility to build my own department, and damn it, I'm gonna use it!”

“Who would even join up with us? Granted we're working for an Overlord, but we're still kinda bottom of the rung when it comes to the totem pole.” Loona points out, swiping through her phone after having placed it in her new phone case. “Do you even have anyone in mind?”

“No need to worry, Loony. I can figure it out. I'm just charming enough that I can recruit just about anybody that I want!” Blitzø declared confidently, which had Loona and Husk both raising a doubtful eyebrow. Blitzø then turned and rubbed his chin. Even so, it's probably not gonna be easy. Husk is right. We can't have any sorry suckers pairing up with our group. We need someone who actually can be useful.

But Blitzø wondered, just who would even fit that description?


There was a rough, rather nasal sounding sneeze sounding out in the room. The white haired imp responsible for it sniffed, quickly taking a tissue from the nearby desktop and sneezing again. He sighed while holding his head.

“Damn it, I'd better not be coming down with something.”

“Nnnngh…” He looked down to the black haired, female imp resting her head comfortably on his chest, snuggling him and looking quite cozy. She briefly lifted her head a bit, fluttering her eyes open. “Mmmm…Moxxie? Something the matter, hun?”

Moxxie smiled at his wife's adorable tired face. He held her and kissed her forehead. “Just a slight sniffle, Millie.”

“Mmkay…” Millie closed her eyes, nearly purring at the kiss, before she sat up and stretched her arms. She was wearing Moxxie's shirt… only Moxxie's shirt. After leaning down and giving her husband a sweet kiss, she hopped off the bed and ran her hands through her hair. “Imma think I'll freshen up. Don't go anywhere now!”

Millie was making their way through their department, which was getting rather cluttered from all the things they've yet to pack away. Many boxes were already being set and the like, though there were still some things that were left out for the sake of convenience. She briefly passed by one of the papers nearby.

Eviction notice. Four days left. Pack your shit and fuck off, lowlives.

“Tch.” Millie grunted and kept moving on. Fuckers sure know how to send a notice to their door to insult them, but apparently they're not brave enough to say that to her face. One of them did try once. She stepped over his severed head on her way to the bathroom.

She briefly spotted Moxxie’s phone atop one of their drawers, and took a look at it. Her eyes briefly glowing in the dark, it seemed that Moxxie for quite a few messages.

Client List Update: KK

Millie blinked. “Who da hell is KK?” She shrugged and kept reading.

Irritating nuisances have ruined my interview opportunities, and I've had it up to here with their shit. Don't care how you do it, but these two belong to an Overlord on the Pride Ring who has deliberately insulted me. I want them DEAD.

“Oh? Well ain't that somethin’.” Millie tilted her head, seeing the images of the hits that were placed up for bounty. On the right seemed to be a fellow imp, though he seemed quite a bit taller than usual for the species, and seemed to be in the midst of screaming in either shock or chaotic glee. And on the right appeared to be a hellhound, who seemed to be more interested in her phone and was flipping someone off in the image. They seemed like quite an eccentric pair. She turned to Moxxie while waving the phone. “Moxxie! We mighta found a job that'll get us outta the dumps!”

“Mmgh. Are you sure?” Moxxie yawned while making his way over to her, hugging her from behind and taking a look. “...Oh, wow. That's actually a lot of…shit, what did they do to piss this person off?”

“I dunno Moxxie, but this is definitely more than enough to maybe get us a nicer place. Somewhere…well, not so shit.” Millie sighed. They tried their best, they really did. But they were feeling more and more trapped by the moment, and it was only a matter of time before they're thrown out on the streets. “If we don't do this, we might as well not bother comin’ back here. Which good fuckin’ riddance, honestly. But…we won't have anywhere to go.”

Moxxie sighed as he took the phone himself, and right at that moment, a newer message popped up.

How long are you gonna play pretend until you remember that you're a worthless sack of shit without me, boy?

Moxxie narrowed his eyes, knowing exactly who this was. He immediately deleted the message, blocking the contact entirely, one of many that were nonetheless from the same person.

They weren't that desperate. Nothing good will ever come out of going back to him. They don't need him, and Moxxie sure as hell doesn't want him back in his life. Let him seethe for all he cared.

“It'll be okay, Millie. We'll be fine.” Moxxie smiles while grasping her hands, their tails slightly twirling around on another. “This will help us find some better ground, and then we'll have a solid direction on what to do next. Our chance is here, I can feel it.”

“Mmmh, I can feel it, too.” Millie smirks as her tail sways, staring back at Moxxie and fluttering her eyes. “I can also feel you right now. Somethin's poking at me and wants to say hello.~”

Moxxie blushed softly with a pout. “You're the one who decided to just hop out of bed, ass out, wearing nothing but my shirt. I can't really control my erection to th-REACTION! My reaction !” Millie bursts out laughing, giggling up a storm. Moxxie glared at her with a deeper blush across his cheeks, as he took up Millie in his arms, bridal style. “Laugh at me , will you? Think that's funny, huh? We'll see if you're still giggling after I'm done with you.”

“Oh no! Moxxie’s got me!” Millie squealed, cheerily kicking her feet about a bit. She then settles down before sliding her arms around Moxxie's neck and giving him a flirty gaze, feeling enthusiastically giddy at the rare occurrence of her husband boldly taking the lead. “Guess freshening up will hafta wait. Wonda what yer’ gonna do to little ol’ me now?~”

Let's find out.

And before long, they kissed again, which soon turned into a tongue wrestling make-out, quickly escalating as Moxxie closed the blinds and placed Millie on the bed, with himself following after.

They wouldn't be leaving it for the morning.


Hey look, it's Moxxie and Millie! The second half of the I.M.P gang in canon! We're gonna have so much-



It's, uh...not gonna be that easy, it seems...aahhh I'm sure everything will work out fine.

I also really like writing Loona and Blitzø positively interacting as father and daughter, especially openly. Even if it sometimes subjects Loona to embarrassment, which is a hilarious contrast to how her foes see her. Of course, she gives as good as she gets by joining Husk on trolling him, so it evens out!

Essentially their relationship becomes more wholesome and funnier when Loona tones down her usual aggression around her father and makes up for it by doubling down in her sass, while still being more openly sincere in loving him back. And given they're-an imp and a hellhound-are at the bottom of the ladder when it comes to Hell's hierarchy, they both kind of have something to prove that they feel they probably can't do without each other.

Kudos and comments feel so great, I thank you for each one. Every single one is appreciated. So long as everyone's enjoying themselves with this, we can keep forging ahead!

Chapter 3: Encounter


Blitzø is being himself, Loona has a healthy appetite, and Husk makes plans to further their ambitions, even as Hell's climate continues to change. Husk sends them on another task under his orders, and it goes relatively well.

Then they encounter a certain duo...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hom! Glom! Mhm!

Not too long after taking on Blitzø and Loona as subordinates, Husk was made very well aware of something regarding the latter. It managed to stick to him very quickly, simply because of just how memorable these kinds of scenes were in comparison to the young woman's usual demeanor. Which tends to be some form of frowning, scowling, or a snarky smirk of sorts.

" Om! Mmmh, this is so fucking good….!

Loona can apparently pack it away when it comes to food. Like no, really.

The Hellhound can eat.

The first time was hilarious. He saw that the young woman was hungry and trying to pretend she wasn't. Which was obviously futile, considering her stomach growled incessantly and loudly the longer she tried to ignore it, which worsened her frown, brightened her blush, and caused her no shortage of embarrassment. But once Husk showed her mercy and had someone prepare her a proper meal for the first time in a while…

She practically inhaled it all in a matter of short minutes. Nothing was left on the platter, and it was a rather stacked platter to begin with. The other hellhounds were practically speechless as she set it down and picked her fangs with a claw.

Then there was the rather casual yet loud and VERY unladylike belch afterwards.

Even Husk couldn't help but find himself surprised yet amused at how much her demeanor changes when she's eating to truly gluttonous extent for her size. These moments are the lowest her guard drops, her scowl goes away, and she just goes into her own personal happy trance. A tail wag here, leftover food there, crumbs on her cheeks which she licks away without a care in the world.

“That can't be it. Where's the rest…aha, I knew there was more! You're alll mine!”

She's spent a good chunk of her childhood and teenage years malnourished and starved. Both of love and affection, and actual food and nourishment. Blitzø was taking care of the former constantly whenever they're close to one another, even if she's sometimes a bit unsure on how to accept it. Then there was actually getting the girl fed, and when it was established she's in a safe environment to indulge herself, she did NOT hold back.

A truly ravenous hellhound emerged from within, feasts became victims to her, and it's quickly been imprinted in the minds of Husk and his workers since it's so drastically different from how she is normally. A look of peace and bliss would sometimes take over, a break from all of the bullshit that she might have been forced to endure up to that point in the day. She didn't hesitate in the slightest to indulge herself after so long of only barely being fed just enough to not outright keel over and die.

Husk is glad that Loona was in some ways awakening her inner hedonist, even if she's quieter about it than most, because she seems genuinely happy in these moments. Moments like that deserve to be common for her.

“And then I was like, ‘buddy you’re not exactly making this easier on yourself, you're kinda in pieces’.” Blitzø relayed to Husk about one of his hits the other day. Loona was next to him, somewhat stuck in her own world, as she was downing several platters of food and drink without a care, her tail wagging behind her with utmost fulfillment. “And he was trying to be like ‘Hah! I didn't lose, I let you win by letting you cut off my arms and legs! This doesn't count lowly imp!’” Blitzø got into it, exaggerating his movements with a hand swipe and a glare. “And I was all like ‘the FUCK it doesn't! You're the one on the ground in pieces! You don't get to talk shit like that to me when I fucking won! Don't be a liar and an asshole, you don't make it look cute! Only I can make that shit look cute; I've got the talent for it!’” Blitzø exasperatingly groaned while at the counter for a moment. “Can you fucking believe delusional morons like that exist?!”

“Present company included?” Loona raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

Blitzø points to her with a pout. “Don't you sass me over this, young lady. I'm always in my right mind!”

Husk shrugged, seeing Blitzø in ranting. “Stubbornness tends to vary between people, especially when it comes to their approaching deaths. The varieties tend to be creative.” Husk hums as he is handed a glass of whiskey, then downing it in a single go, then turning around and flashing the cards he had in his other hand with a fanged grin. “Full House.”

“What the fuck?! ” The demon before him was baffled by the results,needing that his own hand was useless against this, slamming the table in outrage, disbelief, and growing terror at what this meant for him. “There's no way! You weren't even looking!”

“Didn't need to. You got too greedy too quickly, kid.” He held up a card, and the demon's eyes widened as an imprint of himself can now be found on the card, briefly glowing gold. He soon suddenly found himself with a good chain around his neck, before it shifted and turned into a badge on his chest, with Husk’s insignia on it. He looked up to see that Husk had many cards of this variety, representing the souls he's gained over the years. Looking even farther, many of the poker chips he privately owned looked much the same. “Congrats, you work for me now.”

“F-For real…?”

“Really shouldn't be betting your very soul if you weren't prepared to lose it.” Husk retained his grin. He then allowed the glow to dissipate, and he yawned slightly. “I think I'll put you to work in one of the smaller casinos I have within the area. They could use some extra muscle to ensure visitors are safe. And visitors won't feel up to betting and spending more if they don't feel secure.”

“I…guh.” The demon sighs at their piss-poor luck, their subservience to their new Overlord set in stone as they were taken away to be properly fitted for their occupation.

Loona eventually finishes her lunch and kicks back a bit, picking her fangs with a claw while checking her phone. “And so goes another soul betting themselves away. I could've told them that trying to win a bet against the Gambling Demon wasn't gonna rule in their favor, but you at least gotta respect the guts.”

“Things like poker do require a bit of guts, as well as a clear head. He was gutsy, but sloppy.” Husk poured himself more whiskey and downs the next glass as easily as the others. “You gotta have the skill, the ability to strategize, and most importantly, for luck to be on your side. And I'll tell ya, while it will feel like the biggest factor, it ain't gonna matter if you can't capitalize on it properly.”

“No shit.”

“I know I've played a few games that in the rarest of times they ended up with even better luck than myself, but then they fumbled at the last moment and ended up losing it all.” Husk placed his glass down as one of the waitresses picked it up for him and went to clean it with furniture dishes. “It's not too much different from being an Overlord. You gotta be able to work around your shitty luck and capitalize on your good luck. Otherwise you get fucked up, and possibly end up with nothing.”

“Guess that's why they call you the Lucky Emperor. You can manage yours better than most.” Loona tilts her head, ears flicking at the sounds of patrons in their various matches of poker and roulette. “Certainly a lot better than me and Dad’s blatantly shitty luck.”

Husk nodded. “Your father at least has the guts to push through bad luck through sheer force of will. At least from what I've seen from him so far.”

“You've seen a lot of amazing things from me.” Blitzø grinned while drawing a circle on the counter with his finger. “And maybe you could see a whole lot more.~


“Oh come ON!”

Loona shook her head. “Honestly Dad, you oughta be glad for his patience. Anyone else would have gotten fired by now for trying to flirt and sleep with their boss…” Loona paused for a moment as she placed a finger on her lips, her tail fluffing as she was thinking of some related scenarios. “Hold on, there's plenty of cases of others trying to do exactly that, sleeping their way to the top…” She shrugged. “But I don't think that's what's happening here.”


“I'm sorry Dad, but you're gonna have to accept that he's just not into you.”

“Do I really have no choice but to accept defeat? Damn, it feels so bitter…”

Loona chuckled lightly, simply glancing at her phone whilst occasionally keeping an eye on things within the casino. Most people wouldn't be able to tell from a glance, especially with how Loona usually carries herself. But she was actually rather diligent and attentive at some of her assorted duties. Though not in a rather enthusiastic way that leaves her excited with her job, but in a way that she'd much rather prevent bullshit from starting so she wouldn't have to be given a headache about it later. As in she'd rather get it done and out of the way quickly and immediately if possible, in order to have even more time for herself. So she's always paying at least some attention to what's going on around her, with her sensitive hearing and nose. It'll allow her to act immediately in case something happens.

And her ears did pick up on a bit of idle chatter near the bar. It was some of the more mundane aspects of her mentorship under Husk. Her fellow demons liked to talk. And every now and then, they might say something worth listening to. A subtle sort of information gathering. After all, gambling does involve some on the fly info gathering on what one's opponent may or may not have in their hand.

“Didja hear? One of the oldest hellhounds managed to reach three hundred years old! That old bitch surprisingly has a lot of fight in her bark and bites for a bag of bones.”

“Yeah, looks like the life expectancy of common hellborns has gotten much higher. The fact that she's even lived this long means she's been through some shit and is a tough old dog. Hell ain't exactly sunshine and rainbows to live in.”

“Ya think it has something to do with Lilith’s songs? Her singing all the time had been passively making demons throughout Hell stronger back then. Like, it was somewhat symbolic and shit to keep us from falling completely off the deep end, but it seems like she really was empowering us. In power, in body, in magic, all that. I don't think it's stopped, even though she ain't around no more.”

“That kind of effect kept stacking within Hell throughout the years. Now we've got all sorts of problems popping outta the woodwork to make a shit show of things. That shit is how Overlords like the Vees come into power. It seems like this is the thing that benefits nearly everyone, no matter who or what they are.”

“Maybe it also has something to do with Hell just…subtly expanding? It starts feeling bigger every year, especially in the Pride Ring. Still finding homes is a bit rough, but it doesn't feel…cramped, anymore. Am I making sense?”

“I hear ya. At any rate overpopulation hasn't been a problem in over a century, and that means one less reason for Exterminations! On that front, there's no complaints from me!”

“Still, the fact that bullshit was put down violently rather than through a sit-down like they used to do at the Heaven’s Embassy…though I do get why it was destroyed. That place projected as somewhere that demons and angels can discuss important matters and all that…when it also had a doomsday clock on top of it for us to watch tick down, until the Exorcists come down to indiscriminately slaughter Sinners, fuck off, then say ‘see ya next year!’ to do the whole fucking thing over again. I'm glad that stupid piece of shit building is gone. Condescending fuckers.”

“Yeah, the whole Extermination shtick is definitely over and done with. I'm happy about that, don't get me wrong. But Heaven’s beef with Hell? And vice versa? Doubt that's gonna simmer down any time soon.”

“Princess Bimbo is aware of this and seems to be making plans to act on it…but really, what exactly does the bitch think she'll be able to do?”

Loona narrowed her eyes softly as her tail swayed behind her. She's heard plenty about some of these phenomena at least several times, and every now and then, she's getting more and more context about it from various people across Pentagram City that try their luck in Husk’s casino. Context that Husk himself wasn't willing to provide her, but to be fair he never said that she couldn't go looking for it herself…

Now that she thought about it more, that's probably why-or at least one reason-why he doesn't tell her about these kinds of things. It was a way for her to do her own info gathering and come to her own conclusions. If there was really something she wanted to know from him that she couldn't learn anywhere else, then he'd likely need her requests.

So something like this? It didn't need his input nor his guidance, at least not right away. If there was something she wanted to know for herself, she had to go and get it herself. She was somewhat grateful for leading her down this approach, it's gradually done wonders for her ability to be competent on her own.

Her ears twitched at the sounds of other voices. Her eyes remained glued to her phone, while her ears flicked and turned in the direction of other chatter.

“Current climate of Hell is feeling more cutthroat than ever these days. Dunno what to make of it, really. Except that plenty of upstarts are looking to cause some shit. They wanna make a name for themselves throughout Hell, and are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure it.”

“I haven't exactly been keeping up to date with some of that shit, aside from the whole fiasco that went down in the Greed and Wrath Rings.”

“Shit went crazy down there in the former, with several power plays going off at once, and only a few of them ended up coming out of the situation with meaningful victories and ended up making a name for themselves. It's fucking insane, man.”

“I know, right? Hell as a whole, has been shifting more and more into some chaotic shit these last hundred years. Even more than it's usually always been. Especially right here in Pride, with the Overlords on everyone's backs. No idea what's even going on at this point…but I know it's gonna be messy. Maybe things were always inevitably going to go this way…but who's going to be the ones left standing when everything settles?”

Loona listened attentively to the various voices conversing about the changing landscape of hell. Particularly that for years, it’s been slowly mutating and growing , especially in the Pride Ring. And it seems to be doing so in order to accommodate for the sheer number of demons-particularly Sinners, who are restricted to Pride-and to give them the space and opportunity to grow and settle themselves in certain places.

With the way that Hell’s seeming mutation was also greatly strengthening demons all over, from the imps like her father, to hellhounds like herself, and various Sinners in Pride to the Overlords themselves…maybe even the Ars Goetia and the Deadly Sins themselves were affected. It was prompting ambitious demons to make an infamous name for themselves and prove their chops in the increasingly cutthroat environment that was Hell, almost as if the realm itself was beginning to shape itself to test its inhabitants.

Admittedly, she and Blitzø were among those demons. They both had something to prove to themselves, as well as to Hell itself. With Imps and Hellhounds at the bottom of the hierarchy, they wanted to be able to prove that they can succeed even against all odds. Though she wasn’t quite all that enthused about the notoriety and fame aspects of it all like her father was, she did still want him to succeed.

However, she herself was somewhat intrigued by the prospect of being an example that hellhounds could achieve greatness and don’t have to settle for being glorified guard dogs at best , even though they’re usually very good for that. It’s simply a possible way, one she could get on board with, for her to be able to say ‘fuck you’ to everyone who believes that’s all they’ll ever be good for. When it comes to ambitions, her father Blitzø managed to ignite a fire in her heart, and claim one for herself.

Husk seems to have noticed, for he waited a moment for her to gather her thoughts before she turned back his way. “Seems like you managed to gain some useful information. Gonna do something worthwhile with it while ya have it?” His eyes twinkled knowingly, and Loona simply rolled her own.

“You would know, old man.”

“What, what does he know?” Blitzø briefly came in between them, looking around curiously. “Did I miss something?” Loona rolled her eyes again while she somewhat roughly pushed his face away.

Husk felt his phone briefly ring, and he answered it quickly. Someone on the line was speaking frantically and desperately, and he narrowed his eyes in response. “I'll send them there right away. Sit tight.” Husk hung up and turned towards the duo. “Something’s going down at one of my subsidiaries. I need you two to take care of whoever's fucking things up over there. Don't worry about damaging the place, that can be dealt with easily. But I can't have them thinking I'll let this slide, so do what you have to.”

“Aye, captain.” Loona lazily salutes with a slight sway of her tail.

“Damn it, again?! Christ on a stick, I swear these chucklefucks have nothing better to do than mess with and wreck other people's shit!” Blitzø groaned as he slid away from the stool, as he and Loona headed out. The latter simply puts music on with headphones over one of her ears, keeping one uncovered to keep some awareness. “I mean seriously , Loony! Can you believe anyone would do such a disgraceful thing?!”

“You mean…like you do when faced with an enemy’s home turf?” Loona deadpans. “Something we do like…all the time?”

“That's different, alright? It's perfectly fine if we're being paid to wreck other people's shit. Then at least you're committing property damage and gaining money instead of losing it!” He threw his hands up. “And even then, it's only after they strike first! We were having a perfectly good day before they decided to start shit! Shouldn't a’ done that if they can't finish it!”

“Hm, true.”

Blitzø sighed, massaging his forehead and shrugging. “Look, all I'm saying is that they shoulda taken better care of their shit if they didn't want someone coming in and fucking breaking them! And they really shouldn't be starting shit while thinking that no one is gonna fuck them up right back! These kinds of dumbasses never wanna finish the fights they start! Where's the commitment?!

“In their spines. Which they don't have.” Loona shrugged.

“I KNOW, RIGHT?! Fucking cowards! Where's their balls of steel?!

“What if they're women, Dad?”

Where's their ovaries of steel?!

The sheer lack of hesitation of that one actually got a bit of a snort and a hearty laugh out of Loona.

As Husk watches them leave, he sighs and looks to the side, dialing for someone else. He has some of his attendance on standby as he goes to his office, wings briefly flapping, tail swishing, and a hand in his pocket. He pulls out something from the compartment, and it's shining in his hand…

An Asmodean Crystal.

He won it fair and square a while back, when he gambled in a game of poker against a drunken succubus. Poor woman looked so absolutely flustered at losing such an important item in her arsenal that she hastily offered to sleep with Husk in exchange for getting it back. Husk was less than impressed with her terms, and showed the distraught woman the door. For a while, he was content with it sitting pretty on his desk. But now, he's finally found a way to put it to actual good use. Just not in his hands.

Blitzø could start up his own business with this, as it'll definitely involve the human world. And with an Asmodeus Crystal, it would be safer to travel from Hell to Earth and back. Though if he does manage to give it to him and decides to take up assignments, he'd have to press that he, Loona, and whoever they end up taking in as employees, need to be able to keep themselves safe while in the living world. There's no telling what sort of dangers they'd encounter there.

Husk knew that he couldn't hand the crystal to Blitzø right away. And he was right to hold off on it for as long as he did, because there was one thing that absolutely needed to be taken care of before he could truly give it to him. Since Asmodean Crystals technically place registered wielders under the jurisdiction of the Sin of Lust, Asmodeus, Husk would rather clear up and do away with that potential mess before it ever became big enough to cause a shit show for all parties.

So, he proposed a deal.

“Since one of Asmodeus’s people gambled it away, it's no longer in their hands, but mine. Mine to do with as I see fit.” Husk declared, making it clear what the nature of the call would be. “My subordinate gets to keep the Asmodean Crystal if he manages to prove himself capable of succeeding at the jobs he intends to use it for. That'll serve the purpose of ensuring that the resource won't be pointlessly wasted, and that he's properly earned it for his five years of service. And in exchange, I'll be giving refuge to any succubi or incubi that have settled themselves in my territory in Pentagram City and find work here. Sounds fair?” Husk said while on the phone, speaking with an attendant of Asmodeus. The big guy himself seemed busy and worried about something, so he delegated current duties regarding this subject, at the moment. “I wouldn't worry about it. We're helping each other's subordinates. I can afford giving a bit more leeway.”

Gambles like this would either fall flat on their face and end up costing him big time, or it's one of those things that'll pay off over the long run. At one point, Husk wasn't quite caring about the long term consequences of his gambles, simply basking in the rush of winning with luck and chance by his side, and using cunning to manipulate those things to his favor.

But this was different. For he chose to bet on Blitzø, at the chance for it to pay off over the long run. The odds of this being beneficial to Husk aren't very high, nor are Blitzø's chances of success…but the imp has built up five years of good faith from Husk to have a chance to at least try.

Risk and Reward.

“Let the chips fall where they may…

The air within Pentagram City was somewhat heavy, though not so much that it could suffocate. There was just this certain heaviness to it that seemed foreboding, but Loona was hardly deterred by this, simply focused on getting her job done and moving on.

Within twenty minutes, Loona shifted her headphones to the side once her father brought attention to their current location. The Lucky Cat Casino. Loona scoffed at the glowing cat paw on the top of it.

“Looks like this is the place.” Blitzø double checked Husk's instructions while he and Loona stood before one of the subsidiary areas that Husk delegated, which seems to be another smaller, low-key casino that was made for those who didn’t want to draw too much of a crowd. Which could possibly explain why they needed help when someone began attacking it; they’re not used to this kind of ruckus. “Alright, let’s get this shit over with and see what the damage is. Can’t be too bad, right?”

Loona’s ears raised slightly as she heard the sound of something crashing inside, followed by a stool with a severed hand attached to it, smashing through the window and landing right next to her a d Blitzø. Both of them stared at it quietly for a moment, before Loona sighs and puts her phone away. “Yeeeaaah…it might be a little bad in there.”

“Welp, we've got a job to do! Let's roll, Loony!”

“Maybe we should wait a bit and come up with-” Loona began, only for Blitzø to already be climbing inside. She sighed and shrugged. “-orrrr fuck it, I guess.”

They both made their way inside, the commotion building inside when they came across the perpetrators responsible for the destruction going on inside. They were slamming the workers that were just trying to open up the casino for today, before being jumped by what appeared to be thugs. Some of the workers looked understandably terrified, while one managed to gather enough courage to kick one of her attacks in the face, making him fall on his back. Though they soon aimed their weapons towards them when they were backed into a corner.

“Hey hey hey! ” One of them turned their way, only to have a chair slammed into their face, which shattered into pieces upon impact. Blitzø had thrown the chair at him with a grin. “You can't go wrecking other casinos just because you don't wanna mess with the main one with the Overlord in it!”

“Pussies.” Loona agreed, cracking her neck, before she leapt into the fray with a snarl, taking one of them by the shirt and slamming them into the ground, then picking them up and throwing them into another, crashing them both through a table. Unfortunately there was no use in trying to limit the damage to equipment, they've managed to damage the place pretty badly already. “Don't you guys have anything better to do than mess with an Overlord’s shit. Ya shoulda known that wasn't gonna work out for ya.”

“Maybe it could have! If you would have just stayed away!”

“I considered it. But then I'd be bored.” Loona slams one of their heads through the wall. “Oh and by the way, our boss gave the okay to be a little rough with you since damage costs aren't a concern for him. It's not looking good for you boys. ” She turned and punched down another shark that attempted to get the jump on her. One literally attempts to jump onto her from behind, but her tail flicks them away, slamming them through the counter. “You at least make for good exercise. Gotta keep myself sharp for when I'm out in the field for the real deal jobs.”

“Oh right, Loony! I was just thinking of bringing that back up!” Blitzø called out as he was holding back a shark from attempting to bite him, before he elbowed him hard enough to shatter his teeth, then kicked him away. “If we somehow manage to get our own department to take off, I was thinking: Maybe we could probably have you fill in the position as receptionist? Someone's gotta process and file and all that boring shit we'd probably have to sort through, right?”

Fuck no!” Loona denied as she smashed another shark through a wall, before grabbing his fail and battering him into another behind her. “Let me keep fighting! I can't actively contribute to anything if I'm stuck behind a damn desk!”

“But you'll be safer that way, sweetie!” Blitzø slammed a glass bottle and stabbed it multiple times into another shark's chest. “Fuck off , we're having a serious conversation!” He kicked them away into another shark and stabbed them both again. “I just wanna reduce the risk to you, is all!”

“I don't even know how to do secretary shit!” Loona snarled as she grabbed another shark attempting to interrupt her, doing so by the face and slamming him through the window. “Don't fucking interrupt me, asshole!” She snarled as she bashing him through several windows several times before tossing him away, then slashing her claws clean through another. “I don't wanna be stuck doing boring ass office work I don't even know how to do! I'm better off on the field!”

“Loony, it's just…it's gonna be even more dangerous, ya know? Here and up there, if we somehow find a way.” Blitzø stomped on the head of another shark, swiftly taking his gun out of his hands and shooting another through the chest with it several times before he went down. “Something could happen. Like you-”

“Getting hurt? That already comes with what we're trying to do.” Loona savagely snarls as she bites off the hand of another shark attempting to strike her from the side, kicking him away and spitting out his hand in the same motion. She wiped her muzzle with the back of her hand. “I’m ready, Dad. If we ever go for it for real, let me come with. I can do it. Let me show you that I can do it.”

Both of them stopped, as they were now surrounded by a plethora of bodies that were either unconscious, barely conscious, or straight up dead. Blitzø sighed as he scratched the back of his head, still somewhat unsure about all of this. But when he looks up and sees the determined steel in Loona's eyes, as well as himself slightly beaming with pride after the carnage she just left in her wake, he sighed and relented. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Alright, Loony. Sorry about that, last minute jitters. I kinda let me being a Dad slightly override that you're absolutely capable of being badass. You deserve to have as many chances to show that off and shine as ya can. And you're gonna have them. Count on it.” Loona sighed for a moment to relax, then quietly smiled back at her father, her tail softly wagging at his approval.

Her ears twitched. A gun was loaded.

Get down!

Loona suddenly pushed Blitzø's back as a bullet shot at the spot the matter previously was. She looked around to try and locate the origin, but then was forced to leap back immediately after her ears kicked up something else. Something slammed into the ground before her, and the dust briefly obscured what had just happened. Loona narrowed her eyes while heading something hurried pitter pattering across the ground.

She immediately turns around, and something manages to kick her in the gut, sending her crashing through the walls behind her. Something hopped through the walls giving chase.

“Loona?! What the-” Blitzø began, before another shot of something erupted the ground before him, stopping him from getting very far. “- Fuck! ” He ducked behind a fallen table just as another shot went off.

This was far different than what they were expecting, but Blitzø was quick on his feet in situations like this. Thinking, someone must have been waiting for him and Looks to clean up the stragglers, letting their guard down at an opportune moment, and then taking the shot. Had it not been for Loona’s hearing, Blitzø might have taken some serious damage from the get go in what he was now describing as stage two of the battle.

Now where was the shooter? He wasn't going to let them pin him down like this. So he looked for something to toss, like the broken bottle from earlier. Throwing it up and catching it for a moment, he tossed it outwards. Predictably, it was shattered into pieces when it entered the shooter’s line of sight. His eyes narrowed when he figured out the direction.

“Gotcha, asshole.” He mutters while slinking into the shadows…

Up on the abandoned balcony…

“He got too quiet. Where'd he go?”

Moxxie wondered with narrowed eyes, shifting them to try and get Blitzø within sight again. He seemingly managed to spook him within the first few shots, but now it looked like he figured out where he was. But there's no way for him to get to him without Moxxie knowing, so he should be fine as long as he maintains his distance.

He heard something move, and immediately lined up and took another shot at the movement. Though he blinked when he realized it was a surviving shark he shot in the back. “Not there, either? How did he-”

The sound of a boot hit the ground behind him.

Moxxie immediately turns and takes the shot, but Blitzø grabs his wrist before he could fire properly and it barely misses him. He punched Moxxie across the face, making him crash into the ground and forcing him to drop the gun, which Blitzø quickly kicked it away. Moxxie grunted as he turned his head towards the taller imp, realizing what happened; he stuck to the shadows and doubled back, whilst Moxxie was firmly focused on the front, the last place he was seen.

“Well well, what do we have here?” Blitzø folded his arms with a clicking tongue. “You thought you were gonna get the jump on us while we were distracted, huh? Sorry to break it to ya, but your plan’s-” Blitzø’s eyes widened as Moxxie immediately turned onto his back while pulling out a pistol, with Blitzø hastily ducking under the proceeding shot, pulling over a table to block the other ones. “ Christ on a stick! You certainly don't waste any time, do you?!”

“I'd prefer to get this done quickly and painlessly.” Moxxie reasoned, standing up and wiping the blood from his mouth from the punch, taking aim. “Please give yourself up quietly. This doesn't have to hurt.”

“HAH! You think you're the one in control here? You're ballsier than the others, I'll give ya that!” Blitzø grinned while adjusting his collar. “Okay then, I'm game. Let's go, bitch!”

With Loona, she growled as she slides across the floor, shaking her head after getting kicked. Her eyes saw something dashing at her through the smoke, and she instinctively slashed her claws towards the moving object. They parried something, and the force of the blow blew away the smoke around her. Before her eyes, there was an imp. And what Loona was holding back with her claws, was an ax .

“Hiya, hellhound.” Millie grinned with her clicking tail. Loona narrowed her eyes at the tone of the wording but shrugged it off as she pushed the imp aways sending her flipping in the air. She pushed herself off the wall and came down again, slashing her ax towards Loona. Once more, Loona caught it between her paws with a savage growl, before turning and throwing both it and Millie to the side. She stopped herself via having her ax blade slash into the ground.

“Alright, who the fuck are you?” Loona growled.

“It doesn't really matter, does it? Just know that me and my hubby are being paid to kill ya two.” Millie cheerily declares with a smile, which quickly turned bloodthirsty as she gripped her ax tighter. “No hard feelings, hon. Juussst business.” She leapt and swung her ax against Loona, with the hellhound managing to catch it within her claws again. Though a bit more force was put behind it, she was ultimately sent rocketing through the walls again, with them nearly collapsing on her. Millie lands on her feet with a chuckle, leaning against her ax. “Yer’ seriously making this too easy for me. Woulda thought that a hellhound could put up a better fight than-”

Millie blinked as the dust was immediately dispersed, and Loona was no longer there. She only had a moment to turn and go ‘huh?’ at the looming shadow of Loona snarling at her with her claws back. Millie reacted just quickly enough to deflect the resulting blow with her ax, before she was knocked off her feet and set hurtling into the walls. She slid onto the ground, rubbing her head.

“Ouch…she's quicker than she looks…way tougher , too.” Millie uttered, seeing Loona making her way towards her.

“You're right about one thing. It doesn't matter who you are, I don't give a shit. But if you're going to start attacking me out of fucking nowhere, I'll retaliate.” Loona's eyes narrowed a fraction. “And apparently you're trying to off my father, too?”

Millie stood up, shaking off the blow with a smile as she reached out with her ax in her hands. “That is what we were requested to do, hon. To both of you!”

“That so? That means you're pretty prepared for what might come next, right?”

“Maybe. Do tell, hellhound, what that might be, though. Just to be sure!” Millie grins, unafraid.

“You both attacked me and my dad with the intent to kill. It should be simple.”

Loona quietly tilts her head, showing a vicious fanged snarl as her eyes menacingly glowed in the dark, her hair briefly shadowing one of her eyes. Her demonic aura swirled around her, highlighting the shadows over her form, as well as the depths of her current fury at the thought of her father being endangered.

Turns out, she's just as protective of Blitzø as he is of her.

You're fucking dead.


The very first time the canon cast of Helluva Boss meet up, and they're coming to blows!!

With Moxxie and Millie pressing and throwing the first punch, Blitzø and Loona have no choice but to defend themselves.

Time for each duo to see what the other's got!

Chapter 4: Blitzø-Style Job Interview!


A clash between two pairs of demons down on their luck, eventually turns into a partnership, and the first step into something truly formidable.


Slight Warning for bloody violence. Not the best at content warnings, but I'd like to get int the habit of knowing when and where to put them.

Hopefully this was enjoyable. I did get somewhat carried away in a few aspects, but I think it turned out well!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Moxxie managing to find the targets wasn’t a difficult affair for him. It was somewhat easier than he expected, even. A lot of chaos was going down in the Gambling District, and the active fighting could be heard within the Lucky Cat Casino. And judging by how it only intensified when two more demons showed up and started fighting all the others, he made a small bet that it would be the ones he and his wife accepted the request to kill. And there they were, the fellow imp, and the hellhound. He figured that if he managed to get them while they were done fighting, with their guards relaxed, he’d be able to do this cleanly and quickly, without any mess or mayhem.

Unfortunately, Moxxie doesn’t consider luck to be his strongest attribute.

The hellhound’s ears instantly picked up on the sound of Moxxie taking aim, and she pushed the taller imp out of the way the second he took the shot. Such reaction time briefly had him stumped, but he recovered quickly as Millie decided to take on the hellhound, leaving him with his fellow imp. From what he saw and heard; the imp was…a bit eccentric. Probably one of the nicer ways to put it, while the other end of the line would say he was batshit insane. Still, Moxxie thought he was prepared for him, not expecting the assignment to be too difficult so long as he kept the advantage of distance and the imp within his sights.

Said imp managing to compromise both of those advantages in a matter of minutes proved to be a startling demonstration. It destroyed any remaining pretenses that this would be an easy mark if he and Millie were careful enough. That was well out of the picture at this point, with how much stronger and smarter they seemed to be from their first sightings. Though Moxxie made sure to adapt to the circumstances, with him doing what he can to fight back against the taller Imp’s adaptability, and unpredictability.

For example, the fact that he grabbed a table leg with his tail and effortlessly did it towards Moxxie, forcing him to duck under it to avoid the object. Heading it crash behind him, Moxxie was back up and firing multiple shots where Blitzø was, with the latter retreating behind cover once more. He narrowed his eyes, searching for the taller imp and keeping vigilant. Turning to the side, he sees a chair being flung at him this time, and he blasts it to pieces with his gun, though his eyes widened when he found Blitzø slinking behind him, in the corner of his eye around several seconds after throwing the chair.

“Gotcha bitch!”Moxxie tried to gain distance again, but he felt Blitzø’s tail wrap strongly around his leg, pulling him towards him and ended up getting punched across the jaw, crashing to the ground in a heap and nearly dropping his pistol. He was undeterred, rolling on his side again and firing multiple times, Blitzø avoiding most of them while occasionally placing himself behind cover. Though none of them lasted too long, for they would soon burst apart from the repeated gunfire, forcing him to keep moving. “So hey, if ya don’t mind sharing with the class, what exactly are you coming after us for? What’s your client’s beef with us?”

“It doesn’t suit either of us for me to divulge that information.” Moxxie replied before firing more shots, attempting to keep track of Blitzø before he could find other places to cover behind, or possibly close the distance again. “All that you really know is that we’re here to kill you. There’s not much need for anything else.”

“Ah, so you’re the ‘by-the-book’ type. Ain’t that a-” Blitzø began, only to walk back on his taunt when one of the bullets managed to shoot through his shoulder. “Agh! Fuck!” Blitzø winced while holding the wound but kept his wits about him as he ducked behind another table, but not after another shot pierced his right leg, briefly making him stumble. “Shit! Damn it, I do not need any new holes!” Moxxie wasn’t about to give him an inch if he could help it, and he was doing whatever he could to keep him pinned at bay. Blitzø must admit that the shorter imp was a remarkably good shot. If he was careless about this, it won’t end well for him. “Little shit knows how to keep me from getting in close. Gotta be a way to put a stop to that…can’t let him have time to get his wits together.”

Moxxie narrows his eyes as he notices Blitzø taking cover again, but this time he’s not going to take chances by taking his eyes off of his potential movement. He was incredibly quick at finding cover and using his surroundings to catch Moxxie by surprise; so, he’ll simply have to prevent him from taking advantage in that manner. Little did he know that was somewhat easier said than done. He had his wife fighting with the hellhound in the background did wonders for his focus due to his concern, but he resolved to trust Millie, and to not take his eyes off his own target’s movements again.

Once he sees Blitzø darting out of cover again, he lines up to take the shots firing almost immediately. Though he swore when Blitzø immediately managed to find another point of cover, and in a smooth maneuver, grabbed an entire table with his tail and swung that towards Moxxie with all his might. Moxxie made sure not to flinch this time and fired, blasting the table to bits in one shot. Though what he didn’t expect was that immediately afterwards, an entire glass bottle was similarly thrown towards his face, which Blitzø quickly grabbed after throwing the table.

Stuck during reload time, the glass bottle smashed into his face and Moxxie winced from the impact. He took some steps back and was forced to clear the glass shards from his face lest it get into his eyes. He was summarily picked up by his neck and slammed into the wall, cracking it slightly. The impact took some air out of him, as he grabbed the wrists of the hand that was holding him against the wall.

“Well, looks like I caught you lacking!” Blitzø grinned while keeping the struggling Moxxie pinned to the wall. Moxxie gritted his teeth with narrowed his eyes, his tail whipping about in outrage, but found himself unable to break Blitzø’s grip, despite it being with only one hand. “Now then, are you going to drop the professional bullshit for just a few minutes so that you can tell me who’s the fucker who sent you?”

Moxxie grits his teeth more, considering just biting Blitzø’s hand to make him let go, but considering he already shot him through the shoulder and leg, and he mostly walked both off after being stunned for several moments, pain probably isn’t much of a deterrent to him unless it’s truly extreme. He looked more irritated by the gunshot wounds than outright pained, though it hurt overall. Regardless, he refuses to fold for something like that. He narrows his eyes in defiance. “I already…told you…I can’t divulge that…information…”

“Seriously? Ugh, I’d respect your guts, really, I would, if this were in a situation where I was the only one being targeted. I have plenty of people who’d want me dead because I fucked with them or flat out fucked them, or someone they knew on both counts. It’s pretty much business as usual for me.” Blitzø narrowed his eyes and tightened his grip, making Moxxie cough just slightly. “But you see, you and your client also made an absolute dumbshit mistake of putting my daughter in the crosshairs too. Now I’m obligated to make sure they don’t keep that shit up and letting them think that I’ll let them get away with it.”

Moxxie blinked slightly as something clicked inside his head. His grip even lessened slightly. “Wait… daughter? The hellhound isn’t your bodyguard…?” Now that he thought about it, he was so focused on getting the mission done with little fanfare that he very much missed the several times the hellhound referred to Blitzø as her father, when he was somewhat within hearing range. He focused too much and missed that vital bit of information with his tunnel vision.

“She works on and off as a guard for my boss, but yeah, Loona is my daughter. My Loonie Toonie, isn’t she just precious?” Blitzø’s eyes sparkled slightly as he gushed about his daughter for a moment, bringing Moxxie quite a bit of surprise. He then switched back to being serious and applied pressure to his hand again, nearly choking Moxxie. “So let me just say that I don’t appreciate that some dumbfuck is out there ordering a hit on my daughter. That shit is not gonna fly with me, so I’m gonna need to know who sent you so I can make sure that they can’t pull this stunt again.”

With the kind of business Blitzø wanted to run, he knew that Loona making her own enemies was sort of inevitable. He obviously had a bit of hesitation coming to terms with that due to the dangers if brought, but he consented to her desire to contribute more. But if she’s being targeted like this before they even really got started, that shit was simply not acceptable. He wanted to cull that thread while he was still aware of it.

Moxxie’s eyes widened softly as the information processed inside of his head. If this was true, then obviously the Hellhound was adopted, but that just as obviously didn’t matter here, because the love was real all the same. The look in Blitzø’s eyes, which shifted from sheer admiration to fierce paternal instinct when talking about Loona, was more than enough to convince Moxxie that Blitzø wasn’t lying. The horror in Moxxie’s eyes mounted as he just realized he was ordered to kill a father and his daughter. With this context in mind, if Blitzø had shown any hints of being a despicable father to this Loona, then it wouldn’t cost Moxxie any sleep to try and kill him. But there was no faking the love in Blitzø’s eyes when speaking about Loona, both in a doting manner as well as a protective one. Moxxie could also tell from first sight that Loona was far stronger and more powerful than Blitzø…but that’s not going to matter to a truly loving father that wants to protect his children.

Someone that truly cares.

‘C’mon, Mox. When you gonna drop this soft shit you’re trying to hold onto? Your motha ain’t around to lead ya astray anymore, so why do you keep defyin’ me?

Moxxie knows firsthand what a horrible father looks and feels like. From the few short interactions that he was able to recall with better clarity, Blitzø was not that with Loona at all.

He lets go of the taller imp’s wrist and sighs.

“I surrender.” Moxxie utters, which had Blitzø blinking on confusion. “I still can’t give away the name of my client, because it was mostly anonymous aside from some initials. I don’t know if that’s of any use to you, but it might be better than nothing.”

“Huh. You cooperated. Didn’t expect that, honestly.” Blitzø tilted his head. “Isn’t that a bit too easy, though? What if I had decided to kill you anyway, just to be on the safe side?”

“…It would probably be better and more pragmatic if you did. It’s not like I have anyone who would miss me.” Moxxie lifted his head pleadingly, desperation seeping into his eyes. “I don’t care if you kill me. But I beg of you, please, don’t hurt my wife, Millie, any further. Kill me if you really don’t trust my word; just don’t let her go down with me. She has people who will miss her…I don’t.” Moxxie lowered his head again. “It’s the better choice.”

Blitzø was a bit overwhelmed by Moxxie’s desperation, especially when a moment ago he was more collected. The other imp attacking Loona must be his wife, then. Obviously, he can’t just promise that because said wife was attacking his daughter…but then he went on about how he has nobody would miss him if he died. Something about that reached Blitzø, briefly touched him...and pissed him off.

It reminded him far too much of some of the worst periods of his life. Several years before he brought Loona into it.

“If you’re going to try for some dramatic last words/begging for someone else’s life bullshit, at least try not to be a contradictory ass about it.” Blitzø glared, with Moxxie blinking in confusion. “It should be obvious, dumbass! If that bombshell of a wife you’ve got really cares about you, that’s someone who would miss you if you died.” Moxxie didn’t have much of a response to that, he even looked absolutely shocked by something so obvious. Blitzø sighed as he released Moxxie, letting the smaller imp catch his breath with huge gasps while holding his throat. “Christ on a stick, how is that not obvious to you? I know it tends to be a bit of a blind spot when you’re placing someone else’s needs before your own, but you have no reason to not even consider it. Who beat the self-esteem out of you?”

Moxxie took another moment to collect himself, before he sighed and wiped the blood from his mouth with his sleeve. “…My father.”

Blitzø, who honestly did not expect that answer, could only fold his arms and grunt. “You know what, that makes sense. Also, far too relatable.”



Both imps blinked as Moxxie’s phone beeped.

“Hold that thought.” Moxxie raised a finger as he checked his phone, though he was keeping peripheral vision on Blitzø in case he attacked again. He looked over the newest message he got, and his eyes slowly widened in shock…before they narrowed and began glowing with outrage. “…What the fuck? Wait, lemme reread that real quick, just to be sure.” Moxxie quickly did so, muttering and nodding to himself. “Mhm. Yup, that’s what I thought it said. Thus, I reiterate…WHAT THE FUCK?!

Blitzø looked over his shoulder to read the text and hissed in sympathy. “Oooooh…yeah. Yeah, that is indeed some bullshit…”

Meanwhile, across the other side of the casino…

Several sparks flashed across the rooms with the number of slashes going back and forth. The sounds of claws swiping and reflecting ax swings sounded throughout, as well as the ground cracking at the places where they occurred. Several pillars even somewhat cracked from the shockwaves slamming against them. One would be able to see flashes of red and yellow across the opponents' eyes when they’re trying to cut each other down or mauling the other. It was highly dangerous to get in the way of either of them.

Loona and Millie parried each other’s attacks and slid across the ground for several moments, both glaring fiercely. Various cuts from claws and ax swings alike adorned their bodies, various bruises from the blows landed on each other. Yet despite this, not only did they not look the slightest bit winded, but they seemed to be prepared for even more. Loona shook her hand slightly with a bit of a grunt, while Millie leaned against her ax with her eyes lowered in slight focus. They didn’t take their eyes off one another, now knowing how quickly the other can close the distance.

“You’re not looking too good, l’il doggy. You sure you don’t wanna lie down for a moment?” Millie grinned with a bit of a tail flick.

“What, and give you an opening to lop my head off with that ax? Fuck no. Like I’m gonna give you that chance.” Loona scoffed. It was ridiculous that her enemy was even capable of swinging around a double ax of that size as easily as she did, but she supposed that was a testament to her strength. Physically this woman had far more going for her than the average imp. “But if you’re prepared to call it quits any time soon, feel free to do so.”

“What, and leave myself open for you to bite my throat out with those hellhound chompers of yours? You must be shittin’ me.” Millie scoffed. For as much as she teased her target, her strength and ability were beyond that of the common hellhound. It wasn’t every day that someone felt confident enough to outright parry Millie’s ax strikes with the consistency that Loona was able to. With her claws, no less. Not even a single flinch of hesitation.

And with that silent acknowledgement of each other, they dashed towards each other again.

Loona leapt over the first ax swing to her legs, swiping her claws towards to slash at Millie’s head. Parrying the claws away, sparks spraying around them from the impact, Millie planted her ax for a moment so she could lift herself up and kick Loona in the side. The blow sent her crashing into the wall, and Millie immediately jumped at her with another ax swing while she was briefly stunned.

Growling, Loona ducked under the swing, letting the ax get stuck in the wall when it made an impact. It surprised Millie long enough for Loona to strike at her with her clawed fist. Millie managed to pull out the ax in time to avoid too heavy damage, but the claws managed to slice at her side before she could fully get away. She planted her ax into the ground to stop her own momentum, blowing some hair away from her face.

Loona was running towards her on all fours, and Millie was prepared to swing at her once she was within range. Though once she did, Loona managed to leap over it again, though this time Millie lifted her ax immediately afterwards to block what might have been a claw strike. But instead of that, it was a rather forceful jump kick with both legs being out behind it, the force of which launched Millie off her feet and sent her careening through a pillar, before crashing along the ground from the harsh landing.

“Agh, damn it that smarts…” Millie muttered, looking up immediately to see Loona pouncing upon her again. She lifted her ax in time to protect herself from a vicious bite, getting her jaws stuck with them for several moments. She took the opportunity to harshly elbow her in the jaw, simultaneously getting clocked upside her head from Loona’s punch so she wasn’t the only one struck. Loona was forced from Millie while Millie was reeling slightly from the blow dealt to her head.

Loona snarled for a moment, spitting blood from her lips while wiping her mouth with her elbow. Millie managed to pull herself back up with her ax while shaking away the dizziness nearly overtaking her. “You’re tough.” Loona utters as she lightly stretched her arm and claws, not taking her eyes off Millie. “You gonna tell me who the fuck thinks it’s so funny to order a hit on me and my dad? I’d like to take the opportunity to maul their face when I find them.”

Millie shook his head. “Now how it works, darlin’. I can’t to tellin’ you-“Millie began, before Loona closed the distance between them in several bounds and struck quickly and ruthlessly. Millie barely managed to block the blow with her ax, being sent hurtling through the air before she crashed into the ceiling, then falling to the ground on her face. “Oowww…that’s just fucking dirty.”

“When you’re trying to kill somebody, who cares about fighting fair?” Loona scoffed as she leaped into the air and came down claws first.

“Ugh…all too true…” She groaned while rolling onto her back, before she stopped the clawed hand that nearly dug into her throat grabbing it by the wrists.

She glared up and hissed towards Loona, who was growling and snarling down towards her while trying to drive her claws into her throat. Millie used her tail to grab her ax and attempted to swing it up and downwards on Loona, though the latter grabbed it with her other hand, slightly cutting into it but otherwise managing to stop in its tracks. Both were stalemated, with Millie attempting to bring the ax down on Loona’s head, and Loona attempting to maul her throat.

“Tiring out now, bitch? ” Loona growled, her fur rising with feral intensity.

“I can do this all fuckin’ day.” Millie hissed back, gritting her teeth.

“That’s enough, Loonie! /You can stop, Millie!”

Both women blinked as they turned to the sight of Blitzø and Moxxie running towards them, and not currently attacking one another. Noticing this, both glared at one another, before ceasing their attacks and pulling away from one another. Blitzø rushed towards Loona, and Moxxie towards Millie.

“Moxxie? What’s the matter, hon?” Millie wondered worriedly as Moxxie took her hands into her own. Moxxie swallowed some anxiety down, as well as a bit of frustration, before sighing and answering her.

“Our client…denied our acceptance of their request.” Millie blinked in astonishment, but Moxxie continued before she could make assumptions. “And no, it wasn’t because we were taking too long, or that because of our possible payment likely being outside of their ability. No. It’s far pettier and more frustrating than that.” Moxxie shook his head while Millie listened intently. “Once they managed to find out that we were imps …they declined our participation immediately.”

Millie blinked in sheer disbelief, then her own eyes narrowed. “What the fuck?

“That’s what I said!”

Loona checked over the message that Blitzø was showing her, and she sighed while pushing her hair from her eyes. “Well, no wonder. See these initials here?” -KK, as she showed them the message, they received that detailed the hit. “This was from that news whore that was talking shit the other day about Husk. Looks like she wanted to get back at him by singling us out.”

“Katie Killjoy? That bitch? Oh, Satan fucking dammit! ” Millie growled as she stomped the ground hard enough to crack it. “How could we be so dumb?!”

“Dumb…and desperate.” Moxxie sighed while massaging the bridge of his forehead. “We were close to being out of options. So, we had to do something, anything, to secure ourselves a lifeline. No matter how slight. Do be honest, I had a feeling that it could possibly turn out like this…but I wanted us to take a chance to turn things around with this opportunity.” Moxxie lowered his head dejectedly. “Guess it didn’t pay off…”

Millie turned to Moxxie, hurrying over to him and holding his hands. “Don’t shoulder it all, Mox. I decided upon this, too. We both fucked up majorly with this one. It’s that skank that left us out to dry.” She shook her head. “…It’ll be okay. We can still figure something out. We just must put our heads together.”

“I don’t know if there’s much more, we can do…but I don’t want to give up, either.” Moxxie gently squeezed Millie’s hands, and they gently pressed their foreheads together. “There’s a way out of this mess, I’m sure. We just need to find it…or make it.”

Loona folded her arms with a twitching ear. “Okay, what’s with the doom and gloom hovering over you both all of a sudden?”

“We’re about to be evicted from our home, and we’re fresh outta trying to pay for rent. Those fuckers won’t leave us be or let us catch our breath at least.” Millie sighed as she gently hugged Moxxie. “I can’t go back to my folks. Not that they wouldn’t welcome me back…but they don’t approve of Moxxie. And I ain’t going back home if Moxxie ain’t allowed to be there with me, especially if he won’t be treated with respect. On Moxxie’s end…we obviously can’t rely on his pops because he’s a rancid piece of shit. Nothing good will ever come from being involved with him.” Millie and Moxxie gently rubbed each other’s backs, and they closed their eyes. “When you tally that up, that means…we’ve got nowhere to go.”

“We’re on our own.” Moxxie summed it up nicely, as he and Millie nuzzled each other for warmth and support.

Blitzø watched them for a moment, folding his arms as the gears began turning in his head. Loona’s ears twitched as she gazed at her father, and on sight immediately knew what he was thinking. “Dad. You’re not seriously considering what I think you are, right?”

Blitzø looked back towards her, pretending to not know what she was talking about, but she placed her hands on her hips and waited for him to come clean. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, then turned towards Millie and Moxxie. “Can you give us a minute?” He pulled Loona away for a moment as the married couple were left to their own devices, once they were a good distance away, he turned towards his unamused daughter. “Now Loony, hear me out- “

“Hear what out?! You’re seriously thinking about that when they just tried to kill us?!”

“Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”

“I’m seriously doubting that right now.”

“Ouch. The lack of faith from my precious baby kills my heart!” Blitzø gripped his suit around the area of his heart, before he shook it off and clapped. “I’m not just thinking of this out of my ass, Loony. It’s a good opportunity!”


“Think about it.” Blitzø placed his hands together. “Those two were sent after us, with the promise of pay. And since they were promised money, they seriously needed, there wasn’t too many ways we could get them to back off, unless their conscience began acting up.” Blitzø took note that Moxxie’s conscience restrained him far more than Millie’s, which means their fight ended because he didn’t want to continue. Blitzø will probably have to adjust that if it becomes problematic. “And when they got fucked over by Banshee Bitchtits because she doesn’t want to bother paying imps for the shit she wants done yet won’t do herself, that means they’re no longer obligated to continue the request. Payment dropped; request dropped. Do you know what that also means? Hostilities dropped. ” Blitzø spreads his arms slowly. “They don’t have any more reasons to pick a fight with us. But they do have a reason to try and find employment, since they’re out of a job and are about to be out of a home. And guess who’s nearby and currently hiring?”

Loona glared at him with narrowed eyes, her ears flicking in irritation. Especially when Blitzø slid closer to her with a nudge to her shoulder and a wink, pointing to himself and going ‘Ehhh? Eeehhhh?’ like a smartass. “…You can’t go spouting all the nonsensical bullshit that you do, then pick and choose random times to start making sense. That is fucking disorienting.”

“I knew you’d understand, Loony!”

They eventually made it back to the other two, with Millie patting the top of Moxxie’s hand reassuringly. “If it means anything hon, I was definitely about to win my fight!”

“Pfft, as if.” Loona rolled her eyes.

“Sweetie, my ax was about to come down on your damn head.

“And my claws were about to rip open your fucking throat.

Both women proceeded to flip each other off with a respective hiss and growl.

“Ladies, ladies, you’re both super deadly. Let’s calm down now.” Blitzø attempted to cool things down, coming in-between the two before they picked up where they left off. “Alright then, you two. It looks like you’ve been dealt quite a shitty hand. Trust me. We’ve been there, we know what it’s like. All too quick to use imps, and hellhounds,” he quickly gestures to Loona. “For as much as they want however they want. And in this case, they couldn’t even be bothered to let you either finish or fail before kicking you to the curb! Now that, is some Grade-A bullshit.”

“Really fuckin’ shitty, honestly.” Loona agreed while swiping on her own phone, looking for updates on Katie Killjoy.

“Exactly!” Blitzø clapped once while leaning towards the duo. “But. It doesn’t have to end there, ya know. Getting a firsthand experience at what you both can do; it be stupid for such skills and talents to go to waste. Even though these skills belong to imps, there’s gotta be something they can do, right? There’s a way to put us all out there a bit more, ya feel?”

Millie blinked. “Are you…saying what I think you’re saying?”

“Oh, I’m saying it.” Blitzø smirked while clenching a fist. He would have continued, but then Loona pushed him out of the way, knocking him down as the walls busted down from several directions. One wall came down where Blitzø was forcefully moved away from, with Moxxie and Millie leaping out of the way in similar fashion. Soon enough, more demons began entering through the spaces.

“Got a tip that two of Husker’s best have been tired out and exhausted. Ripe for the killing! What a lucky day!” One of the demons grinned while holding their guns out. “You assholes are done for now!

Blitzø groaned, clenching his fists. “Graaaaah, fucking…I lost my fucking place! I had a whole damn thing that I came up with on the spot! It was good and cool with all that inspirational shit! It’s gone now!”

“Ooh, I do hate it when that happens.” Millie shook her head with a sigh.

“Losing your train of thought is the worst.” Moxxie couldn’t help but agree.

Blitzø slammed the ground with his fist before pulling himself up, grabbing a shard of glass and jabbing it through the head of the nearest demon that got too close, kicking them away. “Fuck it, short version! M&M, you work for me now!”

Both imps blinked at the taller imp’s proposal, and Millie’s eyes sparkled. “For reals?!”

“Wait what?! Now?! As in right now now?!” Moxxie found himself baffled by the swiftness of it all, while Millie quickly threw him his supply bag, which he caught seamlessly as he got his other guns. “I-Isn’t that a bit sudden?! I didn’t get time to prepare! We haven’t gone through orientation, or job training-“

“Fuck that! This is a Blitzø-style job interview, and you’ve already passed the ‘orientation’ holding your own against me and Loona! If nobody else is going to make use of or appreciate the skills and talents you’ve both worked hard to build up, then I fucking will! ” Blitzø kicked down another demon before catching one’s punch, throwing them over his shoulder. “Next trial! Help me and my Loona clear out and kill these fuckers! You both have six minutes to wow me, so make them count!

Briefly in disbelief at how serious he was, Moxxie and Millie turned to one another, before they grinned enthusiastically while grabbing their weapons.

“Yes sir! /Okie Dokie!”

“And Loona!” Blitzø called out, causing the hellhound to turn to him. He pointed to her. “…Do the thing.”

Loona blinked. “I get to do the thing?”

“You get to do the thing.” Blitzø confirmed, as Moxxie tossed him a shotgun, then he blasted one of the other demons away. “Aw hell yeah, a boomstick! Anyway, these assholes ran out all my remaining patience for today with their interrupting bullshit, so fuck them up.

Loona grins viciously, cracking her neck, as well as her fingers. “Ohohoho, you assholes are in for it now. I just got the go ahead to do the thing.

She flexed her hands, and shrouds of shadow surrounded them both. She dashed forth, with a demonic glow in her eyes, as she slashed her claws through her opposition, with several of her claw slashes continuing to fly and cleave through unfortunate enough to stand behind her initial target. More of them attempted to surround her, but she dashes across the floor and cleaves through each of them with her shadowy claws, making the process much more seamless than before. She pounces on one of them and bites off their arm, with the shadows around her slashing through the others that got close, leaving blood in her wake. The dark shadows grew around her, along with her bloodlust. Her eyes glow sinisterly in the dark, the fur on her tail standing on end while it’s swaying with menace, her lips peeled back with a predatory grin. A frightening demonstration of her incredible hellhound physical abilities and her immense aptitude for demonic sorcery, both working in unison and to truly deadly effect.

Who’s fucking next?

Millie was off to the side, sliding through the shark demons with her ax. None of them were prepared for such a small imp to slice through them so easily, but with every twirl and swing, she manages to do just that. All the while, being swift and dexterous enough to use her axe to deflect the bullets that were sent her way, even managing to send a few back to sender. When she slashed another shark down the middle vertical wise, she looked to the side and saw Loona cloaked in shadows, making her blink in astonishment. “Well, I’ll be. She still had more up her sleeve, huh?” She briefly ducked under one of the sharks attempting to bite her, responding by slicing their head clean off with her ax, rather nonchalant about the blood splatter. “Well, whatever. It’s helpin’ a ton right now, so I’ll roll with it!”

Moxxie used twin pistols to shoot multiple shark demons in the head, one at a time. After a moment, he ended up by Loona’s side, with her cleaving the head off another shark. “Is, uh, is our new boss going to be okay fighting like this? I already managed to shoot him twice, through the shoulder and leg each…”

“Nothing he can’t walk off and put up with. I’ve seen him take worse.” Loona savagely tore another shark's throat out with her fangs when they tried to jump her, throwing them to the side and spitting out the chucks. She then sucked under a swing and pierced through them with her claw. “You just focus on shooting these fuckers until they’re all dead!

“Noted!” Moxxie decided to trust this, while shooting another shark through the throat before they got too close to Millie, as she smashed another one’s head in half. Both smiled sweetly to one another before they went off in their separate corners.

Blitzø meanwhile was able to blast his way through with several well-placed shots of the shotgun Moxxie passed to him, managing to blast away numerous shark demons that tried to get in his way. He tripped one up with his tail and shot them through the chest before they could fully recover. He grinned as several of them attempted to get in his way, but he blasted them, sometimes used their bodies as shields to fend off the others, then blasted them through his body shield. “Hah! None of you even hold a candle to Moxxie over there! He managed to hit me twice,at least!” Blitzø punched one of them away and shot through their chest the next moment. “Meanwhile you all keep striking out! Your eyesight must be sooooo shit!”

“Damn it, Blitzø you bastard!” One of the sharks attempted to shoot him, but found the gun shot out of his name by Moxxie…along didn’t be entire hand being shot off. He then found his other arm sliced off from a slash of Loona’s claws. Then both of his legs smashed away from Millie’s ax swing, leaving him to fall on the ground on his face. With his remaining arm he pushed himself up slightly. “Ugh…you think you can just up and get away with this?! Don’t you know that we’re with the Vees?!”

“Quit bitching. You think the Vees are gonna throw a hissy fit over you? Puh-lease! There’s more where spineless sheep like you came from, they’ve got plenty to spare.” Blitzø grinned as he got on one knee, the shotgun over his shoulders; Loona, Moxxie, and Millie stood around him, and the quartet shared a rather demonic glow in their eyes, and a similarly demonic smile across all their faces. “Me? Well as you can see here in this instance, I’m going for quality over quantity. And you’ve got no quality to your name, dipshit.”

“Fuck all of you! Maybe you got past me, but how do you intend on dealing with the rest of my men?”

Moxxie grinned as Blitzø gladly moved to the side so his new subordinate could aim his pistol towards the shark. He also sees Loona casually flipping him off. “Simple, really. Like this.

The shot pierced the shark’s head, and he was no more.

“Excellent proactivity, Mox! Keep up that energy!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Even though Blitzø was sure Moxxie and Millie would pass his on-the-fly test with ease, the fighting continued through the next hour. All four of them had various ranges of bloodthirsty grins on their faces, and Blitzø could honestly say…

He might have found his next starting point.

Husk was looking over the reports given to him by his informants, wearing his reading glasses whilst doing so. He’s gotten all the facts down quickly and couldn’t help but huff.

Various forces have been sent to neutralize Blitzø and Loona due to their status as Overlord Husk’s top subordinates. They all chose to aggressively attack, so the groups aggressively defended themselves. And thus, not even one of the attacking forces was spared. If anything, the fact that their targets were two, and then they left the area with two more on their side could only describe this operation as a failure of extraordinary proportions. After the quartet had things situated with each other, their fight against the oncoming enemies was a bloodbath heavily in their favor.

The incident occurred to reinforce Husk’s authority in his own territory. He approved of this, because he's already given his warnings in the past to not mess with his people or his subsidiaries if they don't want the treatment return fourfold.

Given it was in one of his casinos, Pentagram City was already coining the incident the ‘Lucky Cat Crash Out’.

Speaking of the ones that crashed out, Husk looks up to see the doors open, and the quartet in question were making their way inside, covered in blood but otherwise looking no worse for wear.

“Wait wait wait, you what?!”Blitzø sputtered, as he and Loona couldn’t keep themselves from cackling at Moxxie’s stories. “You sniped that guy in the dick on accident?! How do even manage that?!” Mox held his hands up.

“I sneezed! My grip of the rifle was shaky for several seconds! The next thing you know…well…”

“BOOM!” Millie exclaimed with a giggle.

“Mox, are you a good enough shot to do it on purpose?” Blitzø eagerly asked.

“That kind of thing is highly unprofessional and unnecessary, sir!” Moxxie folded his arms, shyly looking to the side. “…But I could probably do it.”

“You gotta show me, I need that shit on tape!” Blitzø eventually made it to the counter and sat up on one of the stools. “We’re back, Husk! Hope you don’t mind we were a bit fashionably late; we ran into some…complications.”

“That’s one way of putting it.” Loona huffed while she was texting, her feet kicked up.

“Oh, I know already. You two made quite a spectacle. Though it’s not exactly your fault, because they decided to start shit first on my turf. They occasionally need to be reminded that I don’t let that slide.” Husk flashed some playing cards across the counter and got them nicely stacked up, taking a swift look towards Millie and Moxxie. “You’ve brought company back with you.”

“Yup! These two work for me now! Moxxie, Millie, say hi.”

“Howdy do, Overlord!”

“I, um, g-greetings to you, Overlord Husk. I, uh, is it okay to sit here? I just, um…sorry I’m just a bit nervous right now, I’ve never been in this situation before…”

“Charming.” Husk huffed while slightly opening his wings, which fluffed slightly for several moments. “Well then, looks like you’re gathering your crew up quite nicely. Think you’re about ready?”

Blitzø thought about it for a moment. While having Moxxie and Millie around was certainly going to bolster his ranks, there was still the matter of having someone behind to manage things while they were off on assignments. He’s not going to have Loona do it, there was no need for her to. Her capabilities were far more suitable for the field, which he conceded to, but that still means he needed someone to keep things organized. “Maybe. We could probably get the ball rolling, but we don’t yet have enough for a solid foundation, ya know? Four is a pretty good start, but not enough for the long run.”

Husk smiled. “You mean you’re going to take my advice seriously?”

“Mmmm…yeah, I think you’ve got a point there all around. Four is a good starting number, but for a solid base, even for a small one, we could probably round things off at maybe six or eight.” He counted off his fingers. “We still need a secretary, a receptionist…oh! Also, a cook because employee luncheons are a must,and a medic. Ugh, need a decent medic.” He winced and rolled his shoulder; the bullet sound having healed up by now. Demons are relatively tough to most things and could heal quickly but getting shot still stung for imps like himself.

Moxxie rubbed his shoulder and shyly raised his hand. “I can cook, sir.”

“No kidding? Well damn, that covers that part then!”

“Bullshit he can cook.” Loona doubted with a scoff. Though she then curiously raised her eyebrow. “…You cook?”

“Yeah, I cook! Why’s that so hard to believe?!”

“Prove it.”

“Okay then, I will!”He then shifted to Husk, lightly pushing his fingers together. “Can I, uh, borrow the casino kitchen, Overlord Husk…sir?”

“Knock yourself out.”

“Thank you.”

While Moxxie was off, Husk turned towards Blitzø. “Ah, before I forget. Wanted to give you this.” Husk pulled out something from his suit, and Blitzø’s eyes widened considerably as they focused on the glowing Asmodean Crystal before him. “I wanted to give this to you. Given the line of work you’re pursuing, I think it’d be rather useful.”

“Holy shit. You got your hands on an Asmodean Crystal? With that we’ve got an express pass to and from Earth without worrying about the law slamming down on us?” Blitzø blinked in sheer disbelief and astonishment. “How did you even get this? Asmodeus doesn’t exactly land these out for free!”

“A succubus fumbled her gamble and her crystal. It was mine, and I’m giving some of his succubus here in Pride save havens in my territory so they can work, exchange. And now it’s yours to use how you see fit.” Husk raised a finger. “But there’s a catch.”

“Yup, saw that coming. Figured it was too easy to be given something like this straight up.” Blitzø sighed and rolled his shoulder. “Alright, lay it on me.”

“Asmodeus wants to be sure this resource is being used competently, since it’s not within succubus possession. So, here’s the layout, Blitzø.” Husk pointed. “You got to prepare for and complete your first assassin request within six days, or I’m going to have to revoke it from you, and have it returned.”

“Oh sure, I’m totally in a good position to take that challenge on, when I don’t even have a fucking office yet.” Blitzø deadpanned. This wasn’t even mentioning how such a display would make Husk look like an incompetent Overlord. Being forced to concede an item that he won fairly because his subordinate couldn’t make proper use of it. It would send a terrible impression of him for entrusting a resource so rarely obtained to someone who can’t make good use of it.

“Gee, no pressure at all.” Loona rolled her eyes. Eventually after a while, during their small talk in the break of business, Moxxie came back. He hops onto a stool and passes a platter to her. She took several sniffs of it, then her ears twitched as Moxxie also passed her something to drink. “What’s this?”

“Barbecued Meatballs. Easy to make. Needed something short and to the point and wouldn’t take me over an hour.” Moxxie leaned back while holding his head up on the counter, gesturing to Loona with a smirk. “There are about three dozen in that one platter. Go on, have a few.

“Tch, if you think something as simple as this is gonna convince me…” Loona began, as she managed to pop a meatball into her jaws. She paused for a moment, blinking at the sensation of both grape jelly and barbecue sauce coming together. Tender and juicy meat, smoky and tangy sauce, with just a hint of sweetness from the jelly to round things out with succulent grace. After her initial pause, she wasted no time munching on the rest of the meatballs in no time at all, eventually clearing the entire platter. She licks her lips and grunts, grabbing her drink and looking back towards the smirking Moxxie. She pointed at him with a pouty glare. “…You win this round, little man.”

“Mmmmhm.” Moxxie hummed victoriously, as he and Millie high fived each other. “Now, what’s this about finding an assignment to complete before the six days are up, sir?”

“It should be simple, Moxxie. I say should,but boy does the afterlife like to throw out a curveball.” Blitzø grunted while rolling his shoulder. “The first thing we gotta do is secure our first hit and prove that we can get the job done on the surface. That’s probably gonna be easier said than done, considering the circumstances.”

“You leave that to me. I can help get ya started.” Husk nods while making himself a martini, his wings fluffing slightly before folding. “You’re currently in Pentagram City, where most of the Sinner Demons in Pride are shored up. You’re bound to find at least one person who’s somewhat curious about your services. Establish that your services are available, prove that you can do the job, that you have a secured way of carrying out your assignments, and you’re sure to get a steady increase in attention.” Husk places his glass down as his eyes reflect softly off it. “Putting it simply; get results. You can say whatever you want, dress yourselves up however you want. But what people that want most, especially vengeful people who will certainly be the main source of your interest, is results. Everything else will follow that.”

“Yeah, yeah I kind of figured that…it’s just…damn it…” The tall imp grumbled while massaging his forehead again. Seriously, anxiety? Now? I don’t need that bullshit when I’m so close! I’ve got an Asmodean Crystal and two more members of my crew on the same day! That’s a fucking STEAL! It’s not like I’m expecting smooth sailing from here on, but at least I should have enough backbone to believe in the first steps working out!

And yet alas, he couldn’t help but worry.

Blitzø sighed at just how monumental their first steps into this were going to be. He’d really have to pull out all the stops just to get them started. Not to mention having to think about new members to add to their four now. It was all annoying, but he had to take it all into account if he wanted this to work. And he did want this to work. But he wasn’t quite sure how yet. And if he couldn’t figure it out…if he couldn’t… then…

What was all that effort even for?

Millie places a supportive hand on Blitzø’s shoulder, getting his attention. “Hey, boss man. You went ahead and decided to give me and Moxxie a chance. So, I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t do the same to help you make the most of yours.” She held her fist up with a grin. “You just go ahead and say the word! And I’ll be there to lend you a hand! And an ax!

“Millie’s right, sir. After the unfortunate way we got off on the wrong foot, I think we should take this time to really establish our skills on the field. And help you get this entire thing off the ground.” Moxxie nodded while clasping his hands together. “I still have all sorts of firearms ready, sir. I’ll be sure to hit my mark.”

Blitzø blinked at the support he was getting from the married imp couple. But then again, it’s like he said, all hostilities were dropped the moment they were screwed over. And if there’s anything that could get a bunch of hoodlums to trust each other in a place like Hell, it’s covering each other’s backs and fighting off whoever is currently trying to kill them today. They’ve just fought off an entire joined gang of the Vees’ goons. That’s bound to do something about them trust in one another. Not to mention they had nowhere else to go by this point, at least not somewhere that the proposed places wouldn’t scrutinize one or the other, or both at once

He felt Loona place her hand on his shoulder, and he turned to his daughter, who was looking at him with a smile. “Hey, Dad. We already showed that we’ve got what it takes to fight alongside each other and fuckup the other side, at least. That’s gotta be a good starting point. Now we just gotta put our heads together and find a way to…well, not fuck this up.” She nodded to Millie and Moxxie, then back to her father. “If there’s anyone who can make shit like this work, it’s you. So do what you gotta do, Dad…and I’ll be there.”

Blitzø took a breath, deeply touched by his daughter’s show of support, placing a hand on his chest. Before long, he turned fully towards her and gave her a big hug. Loona blinked at the suddenness of it, but simply smiled and patted the top of his head. He let her go and turned towards M&M. “Alright then! Let’s brainstorm how we’re gonna get this shit off the ground!”

Husk nodded, then nudged Loona on her shoulder. “Be sure you all clean yourselves up.” Seeing her nod somewhat absentmindedly as she was on her phone and listening to her father, Husk allowed everyone their space. Blitzø excitedly trying to draw up plans for their buildup, with Moxxie trying to figure out their direction and how to give his input, and Millie wondering what the rate of their targets would be.

Husk moved back up to his office, turning to one of his aides that was waiting for him. “I let her inside, just as you asked. She’s been waiting for a few minutes.”

“Thanks, I’ll take it from here.” Husk dismissed them, and he opens the door to his office, closing it behind him, and indeed sees someone waiting on him, sitting in one of the chairs in the spacey room adorned with gold and red. Pictures of Blitzø and Loona adorned his desk in frames, accordingly one of where the two of them were openly relaxed and chilling on one of the balconies outside, free from their troubles. It was one of his favorites. “Sorry to keep you waiting, some of my subordinates got into a bit of a scuffle with some unwanted troublemakers. So, they took care of them.”

“Aren’t you worried about the Vees making a fuss about lost little minions?” The guest turned around to greet him, her elbow over the chair, pushing her hair from her face and adjusting her glasses.

“The Vees may be dangerous, but they’re also too focused on image. Well, at least Vox is. He’s not going to make a big deal out of this in a way that makes him look worse-though he’s probably going to come to blows with Killjoy soon since she started it-, Velvette is likely going to give it five minutes of thought and already will have moved on to something else, and Valentino…doesn’t think at all.” Husk grunted, though his features softened as his guest stood up to greet him fully. “But enough about that. I still apologize for being a bit late, Mayberry. Not very professional of me. Hope your time hasn’t been wasted too much.” He took the fellow Sinner by her hand and kissed the top of it with gentlemanly grace, which had her smiling and shaking her head.

“No need to apologize. I’ve finished teaching the Hellborn children at the orphanage in my turf for the day, I have nothing but time to spare.” She shook her head and grunted. “I love those little shits, but they can be so damn draining sometimes. I still need to decompress. Mind if I smoke?” Husk nodded at this. His fellow sinner took some time to light a cigarette, using the tip of her finger to ignite a small flame and light the end of it. She breathed out a puff of smoke afterwards, as she and Husk both took their seats. “So, Husker. I’m sure you didn’t call me over just for a leisurely chat. Not that I don’t enjoy those.” She hums, crossing one athletic and shapely leg over the other.

“Right then, Mayberry. I think I have a deal to offer you, from one Overlord to another.” Husk hummed, his tail swishing from side to side. “You once confided to me that you have unfinished business back on Earth, involving the reason you were sent to Hell in the first place.”

“…Yes. What about it? ” Overlord Mayberry blew a puff of smoke, though her eyes and hair were beginning to glow slightly in warning.

“I think some of my subordinates can finally help you finish what you started.” Husk smirked when he saw Mayberry blink in disbelief, especially when she realized he wasn’t bluffing. “I’ve provided them with the means to do so. And they need to complete one job in six days so that they can be allowed to keep those means. For their business to get afloat, they need a good starting point. And I figured, what better way to start off and gain some traction, than providing their services to an Overlord?” Husk lowered his eyes knowingly. “To which you can help put in the good word for them, spreading and validating that their services are legitimate and reliable.”

Mayberry blew another puff of smoke, sighing in thought, as she placed her cigarette in the nearby ash tray, then briefly took off her glasses. “…You’re saying that in exchange for giving your little assassin friends some starting momentum, and a chance for increased exposure for their business…I get to use their services first?

“That about sums it up. You get first crack, they get exposure due to their first customer being an Overlord, and that means I get more souls to gamble at my casino by proxy of that exposure. Pretty amazing deal all around, right?” Husk hums with a knowing, demonic smirk, a glowing golden glint in his eye. “But that all depends on you. How badly do you want that bitch dead?

It didn’t take much to sway her. Being the emotionally passionate woman Mayberry was, she couldn’t pass up on the opportunity. The chance to finally achieve her burning desire for vengeance on the enemy that still had the audacity to walk the earth while she herself was in Hell. This may very well be the only opportunity she has to finally settle this matter for good. She placed her glasses back on, pushing them upwards. “How much time do they need to prepare?”

“They have six days to take on their first job, so I say approach them in three. You want the best results from them, give them time to situate themselves and ready themselves for their first outing. If you have anything specific to detail regarding your hit, I say take it up with them directly, seeing as you’re going to be their first client.”

“And you’re so confident that they’ll be able to do this for me. Why?”

“I wouldn’t be propping this deal up if I didn’t think they could do it.” Husk’s features straightened slightly, though remained composed. “I don’t give my people jobs they can’t do.”

Mayberry narrowed her eyes slightly at this, but the unflinching confidence Husk displayed at this moment managed to finally break through. She sighed and sat back in her chair, in the middle of lighting another cigarette, blowing more smoke, and her eyes glinting. “Alright. We have a deal. I’ll approach them in three days. They better be ready by then.”

“They will be. Count on it.” They both nodded, then proceeded to shake hands, with their mutual demonic glows surrounding one another in a subtle binding manner. Husk nodded as he pulled out a glass. “Martini?”

“I could really use one…”

Heeding the request, Husk went to pour a glass for himself and for Mayberry, as the friendly atmosphere between them slowly returned. Sharing a casual drink with her, Husk feels content that he has provided his subordinates with a way forward.

Now it was up to them to capitalize on it.


Now...if anyone remembers who Mrs. Mayberry is, then you already know who's the gang's first target.

The first half of this arc, which I might call 'I.M.P Actuation', is done, with our four founding members finally together. Next chapter will begin the second half of the arc.

Thanks to the grounding influence of Husk, Blitzø is taking his assassin gig with a somewhat higher degree of seriousness, having a strong desire to see it succeed, and worrying a bit about possible pitfalls. Just as well, seeing from Husk treating him and Loona properly for five years, he also might become a more benevolent and competent boss to his crew. But of course, it's still Blitzø.

Moxxie can cook good. Loona eats a lot. I think this is a good foundation for these two to actually GET ALONG as co-workers in this universe!! Also, an influence from Husk, Loona can actually treat her coworkers with respect, even if she'll still rib on them from time to time. I mean, she doesn't hesitate to do so with her own father.

Overlord Husk has over been a somewhat positive and grounding influence on Blitzø and Loona, five years under his service doing well to tone down their vices and nurturing their virtues, even if it's to make them more effective subordinates. He's still and Overlord, after all; he doesn't want his subordinates to be incompetent. That reflects terribly upon him.

This also results in them becoming incredibly more competent, as Blitzø is taking his potential business more seriously and Loona actually feeling motivated to do her job (which fortunately doesn't involve being stuck behind a desk here), even if it's somewhat to get it over with so she doesn't have to be bothered over some of her duties. This in turn will greatly improve their relationships with M&M in the long run.

But of course, this is rambling. I'll be sure to back up all this talk with action, beginning with the latter half of this arc.

See ya then!

Chapter 5: You Are Not In Control


Husk provides positive reinforcement to Loona during their first year together. Loona patrols with Millie and Moxxie, and has words with another Overlord she's gotten on the bad side of. Meanwhile, Blitz hears out Overlord Mayberry and Husk as they warn him about the potential dangers hovering on Earth, and to exercise great caution while navigating it.

TL;DR: Loona and Millie being chaotic, Moxxie and Husker being cautious, Mayberry being angry, and Blitzø...being Blitzø.


Not gonna lie, a majority of the Loona parts of this chapter are heavily 'Infamous' inspired. I mean, just look at the title of the chappie!

I agonized over this for quite a bit, still not all that happy about it, but we stay resolved!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“You paying attention, pup?”

“Yeah yeah. You ever going to stop calling me a damn pup? I turned eighteen a while ago.”

“So long as you’re young, you’re a yapping pup.”

“That means I can keep calling you a meowing, shitty old cat. It’s only fair.”

Husk chuckled at Loona, as they were both sitting in a spacious area within the Royal Roulette Casino, somewhere a bit more private. Blitzø was off to the side, busying himself with various videos and photos of horses, particularly ones that sparkled in the distance. Or maybe Hell’s horses where they were on fire and looked epic. Husk didn’t question Blitzø’s sheer love for horses, nor did Loona. They just let him vibe.

Husk shook his head. “I’ll let ya have that one since I like ya.”

“Oh, how loved I feel.” Loona rolled her eyes.

“I love you lots, Loony!” Blitzø exclaimed wholesomely from the background, which made Loona roll her eyes a second time, but also subtly smile.

“Just focus on your horses, Dad.”

“Can do.” Blitzø ended up laughing and pointing at his screen. “HAH! That horse just punted that guy over the horizon! Right in the dick! Man, that’s fucking hysterical!”

“Heh. Alright then, review time.” Husk began as he was holding up a glowing playing card above his palm. “Within all demons, is a circulating flow of demonic energy. It doesn’t matter how low you are on the demon hierarchy; demon energy runs through us all. To higher capacities the higher you are on said hierarchy, obviously.”


Husk allowed his playing card to glow, as his wings flapped. “This energy circulates through us constantly, allowing for greater reinforcement of our bodies. Makes us tougher, faster, agile, durable. Some in higher degrees than others, but it does apply to everyone.” The glow around Husk was a subtle golden, emphasizing his own flow of demonic energy. His wings clapped and his tail flicked, sparkles of golden glitter emitting off of him. “Some are content with just having the natural physical enhancement that come from this circulating demonic energy, because it’s all they need. They’re content with the simple yet effective nature of that, as well as the longevity, stamina, vitality, and healing capabilities that come with it. But as for most others, they use it to reach beyond, and realize the potential powers they could manifest.”

Loona nodded as she briefly flexed her hand, softly feeling a flow of demonic power through her arm. “Yeah. I have a bit of firsthand experience with that, the physical parts at least. It makes more sense to me now, that I’ve been feeling even tougher. Especially ever since…since…” Her hand slowly clenched closed.

“Loona.” Husk calmly calls out, as he could see Loona’s arms beginning to shake slightly. Her ears were twitching nervously, and were folded against her head. “You don’t have to go into detail. It isn’t necessary.”

“…Yeah. Sorry.” Loona gently palmed her cheek while turning away. “It was stupid to even think about.”

“Your discomfort isn’t stupid. You’re fully within your right to keep things about your life to yourself. Nobody’s pressing you, and I won’t let anyone make the attempt while you’re around me.” Husk reinforced, and Loona’s soft nod gave him the go ahead to continue. “Of course, that’s if Blitzø doesn’t kill em’ first.”

“Damn straight.” They heard from his space in the back. Both of them chuckled as Husk continues on.

“Anyway, you managed to reach an understanding that your demonic energy naturally reinforced your already resilient demonic body. Now that you have a better awareness of it, you can learn to better utilize it.” A pair of glowing dice appeared around Husk and levitated slowly around him, rolling in place. “Many demons that are somewhat above being mere grunts, have attained this ‘awareness’, they have a bit of a general usage of their energy across the board. Common powers such as blasts, force fields, strength enhancement. Ya know, the simple and to the point stuff. Any demon could learn to do these.” Husk allowed the dice to roll, and they both came up as eights. “Though the ones with an even deeper, innate understanding, are able to use demonic sorcery.”

“Moving into the borders of magic, right?” Loona contributed, and Husk nodded as the dice rolled about above his paw. “It’s technically possible for many demons to use magic…but that takes like, dedicated focus and practice. There can be basic spells that can be learned by many demons, though anything that goes into intermediate stuff, are more innate to each individual. And that tends to be decided by their personalities and histories, and other stuff that’s unique to them.”

“Mhm. Let’s take a Sinner turned Overlord like me for example.” Husk demonstrated via having multiple glowing cards spinning around him. “I did a lotta gamblin’ in life, alongside magic tricks involving cards. Thus, while I could technically learn other feats of magic, most of my most developed sorcery, the ones I’m more innately connected with revolve around those themes.” Husk caught one of the cards in his hand, and turned it around to reveal an image of himself. “A Sinner’s more developed powers, especially an Overlord’s, will mostly revolve around the kind of life they’ve lived and the skills they had.”

Loona nodded, as she looked towards her hand again, as she felt the dark shadows enveloping her, surrounding her in a notable shade of deep blue. Similarly around her, sparks of flames came to life, also having a shade of deep blue to them. Husk hummed while observing her. This was likely Loona’s natural aura color; a shade of deep blue akin to the night sky in the living world, especially when the moon was out to light up the night with its graceful luminescence. Paired with that, Husk quietly hypothesized that her more developed magic abilities will have an innate connection to the night sky; especially the moon itself.

Considering her name, it felt fitting.

“The color of your magic is beautiful, Loony.” Blitzø was already next to her, his eyes shining in pure and sincere admiration. Loona huffed a bit and tried not to act like his praise didn’t make her smile.

“Loona. You have a strong aptitude for demonic magic, and your body will continue becoming naturally strong enough to handle it.” Husk continues as he placed his hands on his dice cane, his tail swaying behind him with casual grace. “Not only that, but you have extraordinarily potent, demonic energy reserves. And they’ll only become greater the stronger your body is. Hellhounds have a good energy capacity for magic compared to most demons lower on the overall hierarchy, but yours is to a significantly higher extent than is normal for them.” He gazed towards her with a glint in his eye. “Potentially powerful Hellhounds with innate talent like yours are extremely rare.”

Loona paused for a moment at this, allowing it to sit for a moment. Husk didn’t say it with much offense in his voice, merely just stating the facts based on what he knew. And what he knew that Loona’s immense demon energy capacity, which can fuel her innate aptitude for magic, is not a common sight amongst hellhounds. She was an anomaly, a rarity.

A target.

“…Even if I am those things…will it really matter?” Loona briefly wondered, as she slightly curled up and hugged her knees, her eyes lost in thought. “…I’ve been told, over and over, that I would never really amount to anything. And for a while, years even, there was really nothing I could do about that, from where I was. What are the chances of that suddenly changing now…?”

Husk hummed quietly at this, looking towards Blitzø, who was tempted to hug Loona for her comfort but currently allowing her space to think. Husk soon looks back towards Loona, his feathery wings flapping once to get her attention, the brief gust blowing back her hair. Husk slicked his own hair back with his hand, then sighed.

“Loona, there isn’t a single soul in this shithole who has the right to tell ya that you aren’t allowed to succeed in anything. You can’t let trash like that place limitations on you.” Husk saw her blink almost innocently, and he knew she was laying closer attention. “Anyone who tries, you break their damn teeth in, and go about your business.”

“Well damn, aggressive much?” Blitzø casually joked, but he was also paying attention.

Husk grabbed some of the wine he had on a nearby counter, pouring himself a cup. “I didn’t become an Overlord by letting people step all over me, nor did I do so by sitting on my ass and doing nothing about my situation. I didn’t get all this massive personal and political power for free. To make something of myself, I had to fight tooth and nail for it, like everyone else.” Husk took a sip, swirling his cup around slightly as his eyes glowed. “Does that always work out? No. There’s no certainty that you’ll succeed even if you try your absolute hardest. Sometimes giving it everything you have just isn’t enough, and that shit can suck. But not trying at all will most definitely ensure that you’ll never succeed. There’s some merit of knowing when to fold when there’s something you just can’t do. But there’s just as much merit of knowing when to stand your ground on something. Especially if it matters to you.”

Blitzø wonders about this, with the way Husk focuses more on Loona. She blinked somewhat cautiously as his wings opened up again. “What…what do you mean?” As she’s asking this, he reached out and lightly touched her forehead.

“We’ll need to hone your fortitude, resilience, and conviction, because those things will give your power a meaning. Demons can’t thrive in Hell without an iron will. And yes, I mean thrive. Your father managed to save you from your plight, which gave you a chance. I can help ya realize the strength you have. And you can take the rest from there, prove that you’re worth more than all the jeers and doubts that’s plagued you for most of your life up to this point.” Husk’s eyes softly glow gold once more. “Shit heels like that have no control over you; they don’t have what it takes. You’ll prove it over and over, with the strength and power in your building arsenal.” Husk slowly pulled back, but kept one hand extended for her to possibly take. “Ya up for it, pup?”

Loona hazed at Husk for a while, then briefly towards Blitzø. Being the Overlord that he was, Husk was bound to gain something from helping Loona like this, no doubt about it. But he seemed to at least ensure that it was mutually beneficial to both parties. So far, he’s made sure it was exactly that, and he didn’t seem like he’d break the streak now.

This wasn’t a deal being made; this was simply an offer to help n her realize her potential. One that she didn’t believe that she had…but Husk did.

Loona reaches out to take it, as well as Husk’s hand. She didn’t voice how it felt strange to have someone aside from her father firmly believing in her. Nor did she voice that it felt nice.

“…Yeah. I’m up for it.”

It was the day that she took her apprenticeship under him even more seriously than before.

Loona slowly opened her eyes, having her arms folded whilst she was in deep thought.

She raised her head and blew a puff of smoke, having a cigarette in her mouth as she was looking over Pentagram City, on one of the rooftops. The hustling and bustling of various Sinner Demons, they slight franticness of Hellborn Demons, all of them trying to get where they need to be and not caring if they need to knock each other’s teeth out to do so. Brothels were full and filled with deviants trying to either get drunk, feel each other up or get drunk while feeling each other up. Casinos where Sinners were determined to win it all or lose their souls in the process-which Husk occasionally counts on. Or are on TV going on about who knows what for the tenth time that day with nothing of real substance being said in the meantime. Which is why Loona is rarely ever in the mood for whatever bullshit Katie Killjoy is bitching about for the daily news.

Loona sighs as she takes her cigarette and puts it out, as she tosses it into the nearest ash tray. She claps her hands and stretches her legs, her tail swiftly flicking back and forth in slight preparation. She takes another breath and sighs, slicking her hair back, and standing back up straight with a few hops in place. She shook her paws as well, loosening herself up a bit, and grinned.

“Alright then, Loona. Let’s see how you’re going to earn your keep today.”

She ran across the roof and hopped over to another. Subtly, a glow of deep blue followed her while doing so. She was running across roof after roof, her ears listening out for any signs of trouble that could possibly ambush her while she was moving. It was always something to worry about to a certain degree. But then again, most demons rarely looked up. And they always end up surprised when something ends up falling on their heads, because they weren’t careful enough to look up.

Though it’s not like a majority of demons, especially Sinners here, were any more careful on the ground.

As she was pondering what would be on her agenda for the day, seamlessly in her parkour streak, she heard her phone ring, pressing a button on her pack to answer. “Sup.”

“Hiya, Lulu!” Millie’s cheerful voice could be heard piercing through. Loona groaned.

“Don’t fucking call me that.”

“We’ve got a buncha punks over here trying to start a ruckus! I’ve been handing them their asses just fine on my own, but if you’re not too busy you can give me and Mox a hand!” Millie explained as the sound of demons getting slashed up could be heard in the background. “I couldn’t quite reach the boss man! Is he busy?”

“Dads in a meeting right now with Husk, they made it clear they aren’t to be interrupted unless it’s over something dire.” Loona grunted gruffly as she cleared the space between two more roofs, making her way towards Millie while listening to her and Moxxie going to work. “Judging by the sounds of things over there, it’s not going to be anything dire. Still, I’m on my way.”

“Thanks a million, Lulu!

Loona took a deep breath as the call ended, shaking her head and palming her face. “This bitch...” Still, she’d better to check on the imp duo, before they ended up causing more trouble for themselves than they could handle. She’s had more than one scuffle like this that usually escalated into getting jumped. It didn’t help the attacker’s chances any, but it’s the thought that counts.

Unfortunately, they don’t really think all that much.

Meanwhile, with Millie and Moxxie...the latter was in a bit of a panic. An understandable one, in all honesty.

Third day on the job, all he wanted to do was ensure that things were in order. His boss asked him to check on the last area that had a bit of trouble within Husk’s turf, and Moxxie thought it to be a simple task. A simple checkup to make sure the area was in order and no demons were starting shit just because. He thought it to be a fairly reasonable assignment to take on. Go with his wife, ensure things that were in order, come back to the casino. Simple and to the point. Easy.

Except not. Because nothing has ever been easy for Moxxie.

“Oh crumbs... ” Moxxie utters as he takes dodges around another shark attempting to smash him to bits with his sheer strength. Thinking that a small imp like him would be incredibly easy to crush into bits, but they’d have to actually tag him in order to see if that was true, and Moxxie had no interest in such a thing. “We could have been reasonable about this, gentlemen!”

“Reason with this fist, imp!”

“I’d rather not be fisted, thank you!”

They attempted to chase him down but found themselves struck in the face by a swift kick from Millie, sending them spinning in place before landing on their face. Before they could retaliate, Millie jumped up and landed a skull crushing elbow drop, killing them with a resounding crack. Millie soon spun upwards on the ground while grabbing her ax, grinning madly.

“Alrighty boys! If you’re not going to behave, then come closer and let me slice ya up, nice and clean-like!”

The demons pressed their luck, greatly underestimating the small yet fierce imp in front of them. As if they didn’t just see her elbow drop one of their own and split his head in half. “Tch, what the fuck can a measly imp bitch like you do?”

Millie’s grin turned absolutely vicious . Moxxie sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. “Ohhhhh you really shouldn’t have phrased that as a challenge...”

“Well then, I’ll go ahead and show ya!”

If Moxxie hadn’t known and been married to Millie for a while now, he would have found her next feat unbelievable. But he’s had enough time to know what to expect from her. Unfortunately for these poor demons, they truly had no clue who or what they were dealing with.

Millie gripped her ax, her muscles tending and pulsing, particularly in her biceps. She pulled it behind her, and then did a rather mighty swing towards the approaching gang of demons, Demons that outnumbered her ten to one. Rushing her all at once should have been full proof, they thought. There was no way she could fight them all simultaneously.

Then she slashed them all apart in that single horizontal swing. They didn’t really understand what happened, except that all of a sudden, they were now in halves rather than being whole. It didn’t even make contact with them; the force of the swing, the shockwave of it, was what sliced them. Not even the ax itself.

Millie looked over her handiwork with a rather bright sparkling smile across her face. Meanwhile, Moxxie couldn’t help but swoon over her with a sigh and clasped hands, his tail forming a heart. “Oh, Milliiieee... ” Something landed behind him with a resounding THUD , nearly making him leap out of his skin. “GAH! Satan-dammit Loona, you scared me!”

“Didn’t take you for a scaredy imp, Mox.” Loona stretched as she stands fully up, rolling her shoulders. “This is why you should occasionally look up. And, ya know, not stare at your wife as if you’re gonna fuck her right then and there while you’re both surrounded by bloodied corpses.” Loona meant it as a joke, but then she saw Moxxie blush and hide away his face while his tail flicked awkwardly behind him. She blinked. “...You were actually gonna do it.”

“... No. No, I was not. Nope.” Moxxie tried to deny, but his uncertain tone did little to nothing to convince her. Still, he committed. “I’m far more professional than that, I wouldn’t be caught in such an act while on the job!”

“Mmmmhm.” Loona then turned towards Millie. “How often? Before you began working with us, I mean.”

“Oh, every once in a while.” Millie answered almost offhandedly, yet still with positivity. “There’s nothin’ like a good helpin’ of bloodshed to really get the blood runnin’!”

MILLIE! ” Moxxie exclaimed with a shriek and a deeper blush, as Millie blinked innocently.

“What? She asked! And it's true, ain't it?"

“...Well, yeah...but you don’t just tell her that!”

Loona couldn’t help but chuckle at Moxxie’s expense. She’s only known Moxxie for a few days, but something about him makes him far too easy to pick on. Maybe it was the reactions. It definitely adds to it at least. “She absolutely pegs you, doesn’t she?”

ANYWAY...!” Moxxie very quickly interjected with a profusely bright face, covering Millie’s mouth with a hand before she could helpfully provide Loona with more information about their love life. Information Loona absolutely did not need but would definitely provide to her father for teasing material. “As you can see, Loona, we managed to handle the situation efficiently.”

Loona narrowed her eyes, briefly sniffing the air a few times, before she growled. “Not completely. There’s a second wave incoming.”

Sure enough, another onslaught of demons came their way, which each of them having something in terms of being armed. Though curiously, one of them brought a large monitor with them, and it turned on as someone appeared on the screen.

“Can’t believe I have to deal with this shit. I was in the middle of a sale’s pitch!” A familiar TV head appeared on the screen, and once he saw Loona smirking and waving at him, he sighed. “Ah. If it isn’t Husker’s new favorite dog. Of course you’re behind this.”

"Hey there, Vox.” Loona greeted smugly with her hands in her pockets. “I’ve always wondered if someone tried to change your channel-ya know since you’re a TV head and all-that you would go through personality changes. Would changing into a shopping channel suddenly make you yammer on about products nobody’s ever buy because they’re so shit? * Cough *Voxfloops* cough *!”

“I still can’t fathom why Husker bothered to pick up a stray like you, but it’s been a pain of the ass to even hear of you ever since.” Vox groaned with a shake of his head, static slightly permeating. “When are you going to stop messing with my property?”

“When your property stops snooping into areas it isn’t allowed to be. You’ve already got cameras all over the fucking place. Speaking of which, do you even really need all of that surveillance?”

“Apparently, if I’m forced to deal with barking dogs contributing to noise pollution.” Vox shook his head and dismissively waved to his men on the other side of the screen.

Some of the demons began cracking lightning, much like Vox himself tended to do. At this, Loona smirks, while Millie and Moxxie were already taking cover and handling some of the others. Some of them already began zapping lightning towards her, to which Loona quickly moved out of the way. “Oh crumbs, the second wave starts!” Moxxie exclaimed as Millie pushed him out of the way of a punch, while she threw a punch herself and knocked a nearby demon down.

Before they could continue their assault, Loona moved again, grabbing one of the demons and tossing them into another. Before they could collect themselves, Loona dashed forth, coated in darkness, and slammed into the both of them, knocking them into the others and sending them all on their backs.

She lands on all fours, sensing another shower or electric sparks coming down on her, and she dashes away again before they could land. The electric sparks smashed into the ground and charred it fiercely. They were soon blindsided as she slammed a flaming fist into their head, and they’re sent crashing into the ground in a fiery heap.

“Hoowee, you seein’ this Moxxie?” Millie watched the spectacle while she had another demon an arm lock, with her thighs around his torso to keep him from moving. “The guys we were fightin’ before weren’t doin, all a that!” She grilled him and tossed him through the wall, shattering it and having it crash into him. She winced. “Oops. Uh, that was an accident.”

“Overlord Vox must have enhanced them by giving them a portion of his power! Likely through indirect transfer, as his subordinates!” Moxxie pondered as he leaps over two demons and shoots them both through the skulls with his dusk pistols, downing them immediately. “Obviously they’re far inferior to the real thing…but for them it’s probably enough to do what they usually do.” He utters while rolling out of the way of one larger demon that attempted to tackle him, shooting them twice through the chest and once in the head before standing back up.

Millie smiled as her tail flicked. “I don’t think that’s gonna mean much against Lulu, though.”

Some of the other electric sparks flashed and fired several bolts towards Loona. Her ears twitched and she reflexively ducked under the bolts, before leaping up and throwing a ball of fire towards them. The heated sphere slammed into their chests and sent them ablaze with blue flames, leaving them panicking and yelling in agony. Coating herself in shadows once more, she dashes back down to the ground and smashed into the nearest demon closest to her. When she caught their face and slammed them into the ground, the impact released a burst of demonic power all around her.

Said power burst sent spiraling shockwaves of blue shadows and flames outwards that slammed into the remaining demons and sent them flying all over the place, leaving them in pained, burned heaps. One of them even crashed through the walls, and a few through nearby windows. Said shockwaves even managed to wreck many of Vox's cameras overseeing the entire exchange, just to spite him further.

The screen they were holding for Vox to look through glitches, though his face could still be seen. Vox sighed, disappointed but not at all surprised by the outcome. “You’ve all earned your cuts. Truly you have.”

Loona smirked as she walks up to the remaining damaged camera, picking it up in her hand. “It’s pretty hard to find good help when you’re the boss of a corporation, isn’t it?”

“Pfft, are you feeling accomplished? These were nobodies! Surely you realize this is a negligible inconvenience at best. Your brazenness is cute and all but doesn’t mean nearly much as you believe is does." At the very least Vox found incompetent rabble getting beaten up like that was an entertaining enough pastime to recharge from his daily routine, so it wasn't entirely a waste of time. Still annoying that he has to have all of them replaced, but it's a minor annoyance overall.

“Yeah, but those little inconveniences tend to continue on and on, piling up in the long run if they keep happening unchecked.” Loona slowly tilts her head, grinning maliciously. “Until it reaches a high enough point that it cripples you, leaving you vulnerable. Weak enough for others to pounce at you and bite your throat out.So, I’d adjust my perspective on that if I were you, dude.”

“Say that I humored you and took what happened here seriously. What’s the point of it, hm? What exactly are you trying to prove to me?”

Loona brought the camera closer to her face, narrowing her eyes as they began glowing with ferocious resolve.

“You are not in control.”

Her hand caught fire, and she crushed the camera in her hand whilst it burned to ashes. She allows them to call to the ground as she dusts off her hands. She turns towards Millie and Moxxie, nodding to signal that they were done here, and lead the way out of the area. The imp couple followed her out, passing by the grunts they were either too severely wounded to move or were flat out dead. All a result of the Vees attempting to flex their power as casually as they do, expecting those beneath them in status to just roll over and accept it. And for the most part, a majority caught in their crosshairs have done just that.

But not Loona.

Loona has not, and will never , be one of them. Not without a fight, at least.

Millie and Moxxie caught up with her, currently holding hands. “Uh, Loona? Not that we don’t understand the many reasons demons might not like the Vees. But what might be yours?”

“I don’t rock with the way they do shit. Manipulative and underhanded tactics to keep the rabble in line and maintain their power bases.” Loona spits at the ground momentarily, growling. “Can’t stand a single one of them.”

Millie tilted her head. She couldn’t help but agree. Just taking a moment to notice just how many cameras were all over the places, and how many of the used tech here was Voxtech, he can’t help but feel that privacy as a whole was nearly compromised here. She wasn’t quite sure about the vast abundance of technology, but she did know that there was no way someone of Vox’s stature needed this many eyes everywhere unless he was up to no good. “I don’t feel too good about it either. Kinda freaky if ya ask me.”

“All the more reason we should watch our steps. This easily could have gone a lot worse had he felt like escalating the matter. We’re far too beneath him to even bother with more action than this.” Moxxie sighed while shaking his head. He decided to move on, no use in worrying about it now. “Let’s take our mind off all that for now. How about I make us some quiche?”

“Ooh, quiche?! Haven’t had that in a while!” Millie beamed brightly. “Hey Loona, do ya want some?”

Loona scoffed with her arms folded, wanting to seem like she wasn’t that interested. Though not too much time passed before she did peek her eye towards Moxxie, ears flicking up in attention. “…What kind of quiche are we working with?” Moxxie sees her expression remain mostly flat to express nonchalant interest, though her tail wagging at the mention of food gave away how eager and hungry she really was. He was steadily getting used to the idea that the best way to earn Loona’s good graces and improve her mood was to give or make food for her.

“Well quiche is pretty versatile; it can be breakfast, brunch, and dinner!” Moxxie began, the trio speaking more about lunch plans as they left the aftermath of their recent battle behind.

Back in the Royal Roulette, Blitzø was walking with Husk, the former really beginning to talk the latter’s head off with what he had experienced that day. Though it wouldn’t be remisd to say that Husk was actually listening to half of it. In times like this, if the matter wasn’t absolutely urgent, he sometimes found it better to just let Blitzø talk on until he eventually stops or his own accord.

“Can you believe that bitch? She actually thought that I was responsible for that!” Blitzø pressed his fingers against his forehead, then threw his hands out. “And I was like for FUCK’s sake, Susan! The sign was right fucking there! Are you saying you’re too old to use your own eyes, condescending bitch?! ” Blitzø groaned, still completely aggravated by the entire encounter. “I swear I was considering just leaving her shit where it was left and walking away, but that definitely would have come back to bite me.”

“You made the right choice, not putting it off. Susan can be pretty difficult like that, but Rosie tries to keep her somewhat in a stable, sensible perspective. Emphasis on try . She is pretty stubborn.” Husk opened the door to his office and allowed Blitzø to step inside. “Anyway, there’s somebody that wants to see you, Blitzø.”

“Eh?” Blitzø blinked, seeing a demon up ahead, one who was already in the middle of smoking. She turned to him and pushed up her glasses, and their eyes met. “Who the hell is this?”

“This is Overlord Mayberry.” Husk gestured to the female demon before them. Blitzø tilted his head and folded his arms at the sight of her. He vaguely heard of an Overlord like her, or at least was beginning to recall her. A seemingly harmless Sinner demon in her beginning stages here, and she unexpectedly made a bit of a name for herself when she crushed two small time Overlords and took all of their resources and subordinates. And she did so mainly in fits of rage that allows her to beat down her opposition through sheer force. Establishing her own turf, she’s been protecting and teaching Hellborn children, and savagely besting down the enemies of scorned female Sinners like herself, ever since. “She’s here to talk business with you, Blitzø. Specifically, she’s here to offer you your first job.”

Blitzø blinked as he nearly jumped out of his seat. “Wait wait hold up…for real?! Just like that?! Holy shit, I seriously h- gah! ” Blitzø managed to fall over his chair in his hastening attempt to make sense of things, which ended with him crashing on the floor. “ Fuuuuuuck! Ugh…hitting the funny bone…is so not fucking funny…guh…give…gimme a minute...Christ on a stick that shit hurts…”

Overlord Mayberry did indeed give him a moment to collect himself, though she briefly looked over to Husk as well and had a slightly raised eyebrow. Husk shrugged, having gotten plenty used to Blitzø’s antics by now. Eventually the imp finally managed to collect himself, and Husk helped him up and set him back to his seat, before walking around his desk and settling into his own.

“Sorry about that. Kinda fucked up my initial impression there…”

“As far as first impressions go, that definitely was not the worst, so don’t worry about it.” Mayberry waved off easily, taking in and blowing a puff of smoke from her cigarette. She sighed as her eyes glowed softly. “From the little ramblings I’ve been hearing, you’re intending to start up a little assassination business. Blitzø, right? Silent ‘O’.”

“Ahh, yup. That’s me.” He declares quickly while pointing to his chest.

“Right then, I’ll cut to the chase on this part.” Mayberry’s eyes glowed. “I’ve got someone on my mind that I want dead and gone from the Earth, and from what I hear, you’ve recently acquired the means to leave to and from there. You might be my best chance at achieving this, so I’m going to take it while the going’s good.”

“Mmmmh, that so. Well then, I think I can make that happen. You got any information on her I could use?”

Mayberry snapped her fingers, as the smoky image of a blonde woman soon appeared before Blitzø. “This whore, Martha, decided it was a grand idea to come into my life and ruin my marriage. I tried to kill her, and I did kill my husband for cheating on me. But…I was a schoolteacher in life, and after committing these acts while my students were watching, I ended up killing myself out of guilt and shame. I set a terrible example for them.”

Blitzø scratched the back of his head. “Huh, shit. Immediately killing yourself directly after killing those two, right in front of those kids on screen, no less? I dunno, doesn’t…seem like…the best…” Blitzø’s voice slowly dies off as Mayberry beganglaring at him with an ever-increasing wave of hellish heat glowing off of her body. He immediately realized that it wasn’t the time or place, then stepped back. “…I’m gonna shut up now.”

Mayberry glowered while shaking her head. “I didn’t manage to kill that bitch. She managed to survive my attack, and she was being celebrated for it. Nobody knows what that fucking whore did, but I know. Oh, I know. She’s playing up the innocent act, the whole ‘I survived a tragedy’ bullshit, and because of it she’s being treated like a goddamn hero! ” She stomped the ground, outright roaring: “She is NOT a hero!” Coinciding with her stomp, a massive surge of power from her made the casino rumble , startling the patrons and making Blitzø yelp ‘ Christ on a stick! ’ while nearly tripping from the trembling.

Only Husker remained unfazed by his fellow Overlord’s unconscious display of power. He moved up to Mayberry and gently took her by the hand, soothingly caressing the top of it. “Mayberry, I understand that you’re upset. But please don’t take it out on my casino. A tough building it is, but I’d rather not test its resilience too heavily if it isn’t necessary.”

Blitzø recovered from the mess as he shook his head and stood tall. “Don’t you worry! Me and my crew are on the case! Within twenty-four hours we’ll have that bitch dead for sure!”

Mayberry sighed as she reined herself in for a moment. “If…if you manage to do this for me, you will have my backing to get your business off the ground, on top of Husker’s. Money is not a problem for me; just see that this gets done .” Mayberry was far past the denial stage by this point. She was willing and ready to accept that she probably did deserve to be in Hell. But she couldn’t completely move on without making sure that Martha no longer walked the Earth either. She simply wouldn’t ever know fulfillment unless the woman was dead. She needed it more than words could even begin to explain. “Can you truly get this job done?”

Trust me. You won’t be disappointed. This will make for an amazing trial run!” Blitzø grinned, though he rubbed his chin and hummed. “I still haven’t come up with an organization name though…” He utters in brief thought, then shrugged. “Meh, I’ll figure it out sooner or later.”

Husk nodded to this, as Mayberry settled down from her burst of rage. “Blitzø, you have your Asmodean Crystal on you?” Husk questioned. Blitzø grinned as he held up his arm, tapping his wrist where the Crystal shines brilliantly, disguised neatly as one of his gauntlets. “Good. I know you know this, but I gotta reiterate how important it is that you hang onto that damn thing. Furthermore, look after your people. It’s dangerous up there on Earth, especially for Demons.”

“Oh? How do ya figure?”

“It’s understandable caution.” Mayberry pushed her glasses up, going into teacher mode. She’s made sure to do her homework on this particular subject after she arrived in Hell. “In more than one place on Earth, people have practiced the concept of demonic rituals. This was usually done to summon demons from Hell and onto Earth, either to be partners...or slaves.”

Blirzø hissed. “Oooooh. Yeah, that would be kind of bad for me and the crew, huh?”

“At one point, a mass collection of demonic rituals progressed all over Earth.” Mayberry continued, her eyes glinting. “There were so many demons' summoning’s, sacrifices, and the like in order to access Hell’s infernal powers. This occurred in multiple places simultaneously within that era, not to mention the rampant open use of the summoned demons' powers. It was too big of an event to cover up; hiding the fact that demons and Hell exists became impossible at that point. There was no going back.”

“This is one reason why so many demons tend to end up on Earth illegally; humans end up summoning them there.” Husk utters while he tapped his cane on the ground. “Demons in the thousands tended to end up missing from Hell, and never returning. Most don’t have a way back, so they end up stranded on Earth. The only hard exception to this that I know of this event are Sinner Demons; we’ve had our time on Earth as humans, so there was no chance we were getting another one as demons. It’s set in stone; can’t leave the Pride Ring no matter what.”

“This means that there’s more than enough demons to make an impression on Earth. There was far too much to try and cover up, so there wasn’t a great attempt at it. Earth knows Demons and Hell exist.” Mayberry pushed her glasses up with a glinted glare. “I myself never encountered any demons myself, but I knew enough about events that I could occasionally teach about them to my students, and have them exercise great caution regarding these things.” She sighed as she looks down at her current form. “Oh, how the universe tends to be so fucking funny about these things.”

Husk turned towards Blitzø. “The main gist is, Earth is already aware that demons and Hell exists, so being seen while you’re traversing isn’t going to be a big deal. It’ll cause a bit of a freak-out in some places sure, but our existence is already out in the open. No risk there.”

“Oh? Well, that’s definitely one less thing for me to worry about them!” Blitzø sighed with relief.

Husk narrowed his eyes and pointed towards the imp, his tone dropping into dead seriousness. “All the same, you cannot afford to get captured; you’re at risk of being enslaved by a greedy enough human that might try to use a demon for their own ends. That’s highly unlikely to end well for you. For pragmatic reasons not being seen makes it much easier for you to not ger caught, but the latter matters more important overall.”


Husk gruffly tapped his dice cane on the floor as he began to pace. “On top of that, if you lose your Asmodean Crystal, you’re going to be stranded on Earth. As things are, there won’t be anyone coming to save you if that happens. I need to know you’re going to keep that thing on your person at all times.” Husk’s eyes then softened after getting his point across. “It’s for your own safety on top of making sure you’re not breaking any rules you don’t need to break.”

Humans, especially the dumb or arrogant ones, have a morbid curiosity that drives them to mess with shit that they really shouldn’t be messing with. Husk knows much about that. At least a quarter of the Sinner souls he owns, those from recent years, could tell him weeks worth’s of stories about how they did demonic rituals in life in order to access Hell’s infernal powers. To attain demonic abilities in life; unlikely to be for benevolent reasons.

But nothing in life-even the afterlife, which Husk quickly learned-ever comes for free.

Demons always have demonic energy circulating inside of them, even if they never extensively utilize it. But normal humans on Earth? They’d have to do certain things to maintain and sustain their connection to the powerful infernal energy that’s naturally abundant in Hell. Things that can escalate quickly into them throwing away their humanity. More often than not, they pay their side of the exchange through the sacrifice of others, somewhat so they can stave off the consequences towards themselves for as long as possible.

Husk would hate for Blitzø or Loona to get caught up in the consequences of such practices. They needed to stay on guard if they’re going to operate on the surface.

Blitzø backed off a bit, raising his hands up. “Alright I get it! Message received! Shit, Husk, have a little faith in me, will ya? This is potentially my big breakthrough, I’m not gonna fuck it up.” Husk effortlessly sensed the unheard ‘I hope’ attached to that declaration. The imp knows a lot is riding on this, as having the open support of another Overlord was not something that comes easily. Especially for imps like him. Blitzø then turned to Mayberry and gave her a thumbs up. “Me and my crew are out he case! Consider the bitch dead and gone!”

“You can leave whenever you’re ready.” Husk nods while looking out towards the window with all his patrons. “Be careful. I mean it.”

“We’ve got this covered, Husk. Don’t even worry about it!”

As Blitzø went off to assemble his new employees and his daughter, Husk turned back towards Mayberry. She released another puff of her smoke, sighing as she briefly turned towards her reflection in the glass window next to her.

She was currently looked at the much happier, cheerier, kinder disposition that she had in life, the echoes of laughing children sounding through her mind. A stark and depressing contrast to the one that she had now, which was nothing but cynical and wrathful.

Mayberry put out her cigarette, narrowing her eyes as they began to glow red. And along with it, burning tears of guilt and remorse…but most of all, they were tears of hellishly hot fury .

That phase of her existence was over; she has nothing to gain from letting her mind longer over what no longer was. She had a new phase of her existence to experience, and she’s had plenty of time to adjust and commit to it. But only after this last piece of unfinished business was done. She couldn’t just leave it well enough alone, so she wouldn’t. Not after what she discovered, what almost completely soared over her head if she didn’t press other Sinners for answers. And what she learned was absolutely, detestably unacceptable . She swore on her soul, she can’t let things end there . Her wrath will reach Martha from behind the grave, one way or another.

She won’t let her be the one who decides how their feud ends.

Today was a great day for Martha.

She managed to get quite a lot done this time, with the way things have gone. She smiled as she briefly rubbed her hands clean slightly, washing them thoroughly before shaking them off. She cheerily groomed her hair, setting all of the lose strands straight for a moment.

“Today’s been mighty productive! Probably the best that I’ve done this week!” Martha beams while adjusting her blouse over her sizable breasts, her eyes briefly flickering to something on the other side of the room. “I think I might be in a bit of a roll this month. Really provin’ myself!”

It was something to fill in the silence, nothing too noticeable. After all, it was kind of impossible to make conversation with the corpses that were hung up in this private space she had. It was something she uses weekly, when the time was appropriate for it. The sacrifices have been working wonderfully recently, and the flow of power as a result could be felt.

Glowing dark red energy flows into her hand, and she was nearly overwhelmed at how utterly fantastic it felt to have this kind of infernal power. She was intoxicated with it, relishing this unique sensation of power and dominance. Sure, it requires diligence on her part to maintain her connection with it, but in her mind and soul the results were well worth it.

To her, this power was her reward for remaining steadfast towards her path in life.


“Hm?” Martha turned around and tilted her head, as one of her supposed sacrifices stirred from their place. “Oh, yer’ still conscious? Well shit, I musta missed ya, huh?”

The man barely managed to utter anything above a hoarse whisper. “Martha..I thought…I thought we had…something special. How could you…?”

Martha clicked her tongue as she walked close to the man, gently stroking his cheek. “Oh honeybunch, it’s real funny that you’re tryin’ to act like I’m the only one misbehavin’. Had you wrapped around my pretty little finger, with no effort at all.” Martha chuckled softly. He had been ridiculously easy. So easy that she felt that there was no sport in it. But it was definitely funny. “Had dug my nails into your head so easily, that when things reached the boiling point, with you hellbent on doing whatever I asked you to so you could get into my pants. That when I asked you to kill your friends as a final ‘test’…look what happened!” Martha gestured for the other corpses inches room, to which the man ended up flinching shamefully away from. “You went and fuckin’ did it!” She exclaimed while hollering with laughter, slapping her knee. “I shit you not, I really didn’t think you’d actually do it! That was lowest I’ve ever gotten anybody to stoop so far! Holy fuck, you’re so pathetic!

“B…But I thought…” He tries to defend himself, find any defense. But the fact that he’s already seen pictures of her with her family and still decided that taking the risk was worth it…there wasn’t much he could do. Except wallow in misery.

Shhhh…” Martha gently, almost sweetly, shushed him with a touch of her finger, stepping closer and purposely mocking him by pressing her breasts against his bare chest. “Now ya see darlin’, that’s where you went and fucked up. You were definitely thinkin’. But moreso with your dick rather than with your head. Because of that, yer’ buddies are dead by your own hand. I didn’t force ya into agreeing. Coulda rejected me and went about your way. But naw, you made that treacherous choice all on yer’ own.” She lowered her eyes, sensual calm over taking her face…but he could now clearly see the madness behind her mask. “So, riddle me this, hon…are you really in any position to be tellin’ me off?”

He had no defense for her psychological assault. Twisted as she was, which he could now see below all her surface beauty, she was right about him. And that realization, the sheer wrongness of his actions, was like a stab thought he heart.

Almost more painful than the actual knife that Martha plunged into his heart when she finished speaking.

The last thing the man saw of Martha, the last sight he’ll ever witness in this life, was her washing her hands again, seamlessly slipping into the innocently sweet persona that many of her neighbors know her for. Her eyes even shifted from red to doe to signify it, and she straightened her hair to clean it up. She would go back and return to her routine, as if nothing had ever happened. He had about as much impact in her life as a pebble being absentmindedly kicked aside; he was nothing and nobody of notice to her. Her life would go on, while his own ends pathetically in the dark, with no one knowing the truth. In the end, he was simply one more victim like many before him.

And if fortune continued to favor Martha, many more after him.


Okay. I'm speaking with honesty.

I'm not going to say anything in detail about it here, (those that know what I'm talking about, you'll know) but when Apology Tour came out, I had most of this chappie done already. And woe and behold, I was NOT expecting THAT scene at all. I was trapped in a laughing fit when I saw that. Because wow, WOW. It seems to have quickly caught on with the fandom as well, so I was wondering if I should rearrange my plans a bit to somewhat align with this shocking revelation...then I decided nah, I'm going to just stick to my original plans, I'm committing to them. But hoo boy, writing this chapter and the next few after that episode is gonna create a bit of a crazy contrast.

In a slightly more taken seriously (but still kind of funny) note, these chapters are likely going to be the first instances where chaos and destruction rapidly increase proportionally with the incident in question. That's kind of what happens when these four maniacs are on the prowl. Either they're the ones causing it, or it follows them. There's very rarely any in-between.

Husk will most definitely need a drink or two...or three.

Anyway, our gang goes on their first mission officially begins next chap! Likely be divided into two parts, both on the shorter side for focus purposes. Their target, given who it is, is probably going to be a BIT tougher to take down than in canon...

We'll see!

Chapter 6: The Evils Of Humanity


With the gang heading out for their first mission on Earth, Moxxie finds his assassin resolve shaken when he's brutally exposed to just how vile living humans can really be, even in comparison to demons.

These are the kinds of enemies that they're up against on Earth.


CW(Content warning)

Somewhat graphic sacrifice scenes

Blood and Violence

Deaths of small/young children

Yeah, this one is going to be a bit harrowing, folks. Hopefully I managed to do these content warnings/heads up well enough.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Loona has managed to try one of Moxxie’s quiches. And true to his word, they really can be made as breakfast, brunch, or dinner. In a particular instance, it could even be a dessert, or very close to it. More often than not though, it was more of a brunch/lunch addition. Apparently, quiches share a bit of a relation to tarts, even if they’re not completely similar either. A normal quiche was decent enough, a pastry crust filled with savory custard and various of meat.

It was certainly enough for Loona. The fact that she was able to eat and taste ham, bacon, and sausage within the quiche put strong emphasis towards her eating several of them all by herself. So that’s exactly what she did, eating several whole quiches by herself, enjoying the crunchiness of the crust, the milk and cream fillings, the meaty goodness of the aforementioned meats.

Loona could admit with certainty that quiches such as this were fucking delicious .

Millie watched as Loona was ravenously annihilating the quiches that Moxxie put before her, as the couple casually enjoyed their own. “Well, she can really put it all away, can she. That’s the most I’ve ever seen anyone so eager to eat quiche. Quiche can be pretty good tho!” She chuckled as Loona crunches on the last of the crust of the quiche, munching and licking her muzzle with a growl. “Ya didn’t show that quiche any mercy, Loons!”

“Been in a fight earlier and Dad just got us set up with a job. Gotta recharge.” Loona grunted while swiping her thumb across her muzzle. “I want to eat some more, though. Damn it.” She uttered, and Millie briefly wondered how much Loona was willing to eat if anyone made something for her. Because for the time that they’ve known the Hellhound, she’s been a rather casual yet ravenous eater. She’s up for nearly anything that Moxxie might bother making for her. If only to keep proving to her that he can indeed cook. Millie was beginning to wonder if Loona kept bringing it up just so he could make something else for her to eat.

It was a bit of a quiet and casual connection between them that managed to form rather quickly. Millie didn’t mind it too much; Moxxie seemed rather happy to cook for someone aside from himself and Millie. For someone else to appreciate a skill of his that didn’t involve killing. He’s always been eager for opportunities like that, so he’s never outright upset when asked to cook or bake for someone else.

Moxxie was such a sweetheart. Sometimes too much for his own good. But Millie loves and adores that sweetness anyway. She wouldn’t let anyone try and stomp that out. She’d kill them before they could dare try.

Their boss came down from his meeting with Overlord Husk. Both of them descended as the gamblers around them focused on attaining their winnings, the brief distraction of Husk simply appearing might have cost most of them their games, which he seems to get a hearty chuckle out of him as they scrambled to recover from such a massive fumble. It wasn’t even on purpose; it wasn’t his fault that they were so easily distracted. And Millie does indeed mean easily distracted.

She’s felt more than one pair of roaming eyes on her person, her figure. The same could be said for Loona as she could several eyes ogling her. Had been for a while, but she doesn't have too much to say about it. All she knew is that if any of them had any funny ideas she would have no qualms about beating them bloody where they stood. She had a laugh and a half about the times Loona mauled several gamblers that tried their luck and lost horribly. Blitzø and Moxxie would probably just shoot them.

Husk tends to be against making a bloody mess. Not because of his concern for the patrons-specifically the disruptive ones; as anyone who tries to touch his employees when consent was not given are simply getting what’s coming to them-but because blood and viscera are a bitch to clean up and he’d rather not hassle his cleaning crew with that nonsense if he doesn’t have to.

“M and M, Loony, hope you’re ready! We’re movin’ out!” Blitzø exclaimed with confidence as he scurried ahead. Loona stands up, her eyes currently glued to her phone as she shifted her jacket over her shoulders. “This is our first big job. Like, an Overlord requested it kind of job! So, if it goes over well, we might just get our big break!”

“W-What?! An Overlord is our first client?!” Moxxie exclaimed with his hands on the sides of his head. It’s only been a few days and he and Millie already gotten entangled in the affairs of at least three different Overlords. It left him wondering just what kind of influence his boss actually had, and if it slightly connects to Loona as well. “T-This all feels so sudden, like, I’m still trying to pace myself through all of this...”

Loona huffed as she pushed her hair back. Husk definitely gave them a push on this matter, it would make sense. She just didn’t expect someone to take them up on the offer so quickly. Which meant this Overlord really wanted someone on Earth dead. Which was probably not going to be an easy affair, given what they know about Earth so far.

Her ears twitched as she lightly scratched behind one of them, before she turned towards Blitzø, expectedly seeing that glint of parental concern in his eyes. She found it annoying...but can't bring herself to completely deny it. Not when it came from a place of sincerity.

“Last chance to take a back seat on this, Loony. I swear you won’t be shamed for it, and you’ll be safe back here with Husk anyway.”

“Dad. I'm going.”

“Alright, just checking! Last check before the big expedition, ya know.” Blitzø clapped his hands and beamed towards everyone. “Hopefully everyone’s ready, because ready or not, we’re off for Earth!” Blitzø turns towards an open spot and presses a finger against the Asmodean Crystal on his arm, and a diamond-like, glowing portal opens up before him, briefly allowing a bit of a breeze inside. “Huh, easier to use than I thought. How handy!” He grinned. “Alrighty gang! Let’s go lick some ass!

Moxxie blinked, as he raised a hand. “Um, don’t you mean kick some ass, sir?”

“He knows what he said.” Loona and Husk deadpan simultaneously.

“I know what I said.” Blitzø confirms without dropping his smile. “My version’s better.” He confidently points a thumb towards himself before stepping through the portal.

Loona smirks and grandly gestures to the portal for Millie. “Age before beauty.”

The imp rolls her eyes as she steps halfway through. “Oh ha-ha. Ya realize I’m only like, five years older than you, right?” Millie chuckled at the disbelief on Loona’s face.

“There’s no fucking way you’re only twenty-seven.”

“Believe it, sweetie. C’mon, Mox!” Millie waved as she and Loona stepped through the portal next. Moxxie took some preparatory breaths and prepared to step through, but Husk stopped him for a moment with a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey. Moxxie.”

“Y-Yes, Overlord Husk...sir?” Moxxie cleared his throat before turning towards Husk, who’s eyes were focused on him, with caution across his features.

“You look like you’re the most levelheaded of the bunch so far. So, I’m trusting you to do what you can to keep things from going too off the rails.” He doesn’t even bother saying to prevent that from happening. He seems to be betting on chaos finding Blitzø or being caused by him, one way or the other. What he’s suggesting is more along the lines of keeping things from getting worse after shit likely hits the fan. But if everything goes smoothly? Well, that’d definitely be a welcome surprise. Husk lowered his eyes. “Make sure everyone’s able to do what they need to do and get back in one piece.”

Moxxie nodded, though with some uncertainty. So, he’s going to have to be the responsible one? That would feel like no problem…except he’s never quite been the best at asserting himself. Even when first fighting Blitzø he could tell the taller imp heavily outclassed him when it came to having a will of iron, given how ambitious he was and the force of personality he held. His own wife Millie had a sort of devil may care attitude that allows her to slaughter her foes with ease of mind, he honestly loved about her, though couldn’t quite imitate it. And Loo a bad such a sharp sense of cutthroat resilience and defiance, enough to mouth off against an Overlord, for her to intimidate many demons that dare to try and impede her.

Moxxie doesn’t have the sheer presence that the other three has, so he’s wondering what he could really do to support them if his will is lacking in comparison to theirs. But he’s already committed to this path, he can’t just back out now because of uncertainty. He shook his head and briefly slapped both sides of his face and nodding again.

“I’ll do what I can, Overlord Husk.”

Husk hummed as Moxxie moved out into the portal, as it closed behind him. He took a deep breath and sighed. It was out of his hands, now. It was up to them to make sure they could keep themselves safe. But if course, Husk’s confidence in them outweighed his concern. He’s always made it a point to never assign his subordinates and employees jobs that he knows they can’t do. And he knows that those four can do this.

For now, he’ll just retreat to his office and make sure that the casino remains running smoothly. He turns around and begins heading on his way, only for his phone to go off. He sighs and holds it up. It was a decently sized black phone with golden edges, and a heart symbol on the back. It was a relatively new one. He had an old one, a bit further on the older side, that he believed worked relatively fine for his purposes for a while.

Then Loona intervened.

That fucking brick you call a phone is worthless! You’ve been missing all sorts of calls, texts, and emails for weeks now! We’re getting you a new phone that isn’t so stupidly shit!

“Youth. Always so obsessed with their tech.” Husk shook his head with a grunt. “Damn it, I really do sound like an old man.”

He and Loona of course made sure that their technology was in no way connected with Voxtech. That would provide the TV Overlord a piece of surveillance on him that Husk didn’t want or need him having. That was always the tricky part when it came to technology in Pentagram City; Vox makes most of the best, which gives him a hold over many demons only he can have.

That’s why Loona went with a decent phone for Husk that’s not too old that it’s basically a brick, but also having help from Blitzø to import tech over to Husk from different Rings. Just so that Vox would have no way to access or tamper with them should be feel like scheming. Newer laptops, computers, phones, TV’s, etc. Needless to say, Husk’s faction had a bit of a tech overhaul ever since Loona came into the picture, and he couldn’t express his gratitude enough. That’s one advantage Vox would not have over him, as the tech juggernaut of the Pride Ring.

No wonder Vox was so annoyed with her.

In any case, Husk takes a look at his phone, gazing at the notification.

Overlord Council Meeting: Two hours.

Shit. That’s today?” Husk sighed while pocketing his phone with a soft grimace. He completely forgot that the Overlord meeting was today. That was why Loona had the reminder set on his phone; he tends to get a bit too caught up in his own work to notice sometimes. Two hours was plenty of time, but Loona knows that shit tends to happen right before reaching a destination, which explains the extra hour grace period, just to be safe. “Well, guess I’ve got no choice. Hopefully things won’t be as annoying as they were last time…and that the Vees won’t show up. I do not feel like hearing them yapping about a whole bunch of nothing.” He’s had a habit of skipping out on some of these, though bed probably be better off attending this one, if only to gain more information that can help him navigate around the others.

With his in mind, he made sure to close the Royal Roulette early, saying to his patrons to get their last games well and finished before heading out. It wasn’t exactly something Husk liked doing, but he’d rather not take any chances with the main casino simultaneously serving as his base of operations. It could be attacked while he was gone-it happened enough times to himself and other Overlords to be a legitimate concern-so he decided everyone should vacate the premises while he’s away for these Overlord meetings. Honestly, if Loona did choose to stay behind, he’d be more willing to leave the casino open, for she could handle most of the potential rabble all by herself.

It's no trouble either way; he always made up for it with a little bit of a grace start the next day. The casino would be open a bit longer than the norm, an earlier starting time and a later closing time, and then things are set back to normal the day after that. He also paid his workers for the day since he’s closing early, suggesting they treat themselves for their diligent work.

He steps outside as his driver has his ride prepared for him. Soon he was in his way, with one leg over the other, and his hands clasped while in deep thought. His driver was speaking in the phone for a moment, and he knew something was wrong when he groaned in annoyance. “What is it?”

“Looks like one of the Vees will be attending after all. They’re sending a representative.”

“Which one?”

“The one that annoys you the most, Boss.”

Husk didn’t have to wonder too much about who that is.


They made it in front of the Carmine Industries building, where most of the Overlord Meetings are held. And right there, arriving at the same time as Husk even, was indeed the Vee that arguable annoyed him the most out of the trio. Seeing him with his heart glasses, smoking his pipe with one of his four hands, adjusting the hat on his head, and is overall sauntering through as if he owns the place. His moth wings clapped majestically for a moment, before closing around his body and appearing as a luxurious coat. There was no way Husk could mistake this one for anyone else.


There is no way that Vox and Velvette would have allowed Valentino of all three of them to be the representative unless he pulled some bullshit on them that forced them to agree to. Husk might not have known what, but he didn’t need to and didn’t care. All that mattered was that the Pimp Overlord was here now, and thus his entire day suddenly became that much worse.

“Husker, baby! Haven’t seen you in person for a while, you reclusive bitch!” Valentino grinned with a hand on his hip. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were actively avoiding me in favor of Vox! Good thing I got him to agree to let me represent the Vees this time, hm? We finally get to talk again!” Valentino blows a puff of pink smoke before strutting inside. “Let’s get inside now. Our fellow Overlords shouldn’t be kept waiting!”

Husk knew it. Vox was putty in Valentino’s hands when the mood strikes them both, which tends to leave Velvette outvoted.


Husk groaned loudly, suddenly in desperate need of a heavy drink, and maybe a good smoke. Preferably at the same time. He was so fucking done with this meeting, and it hasn’t even started yet.

He sure hoped Blitzø and the others were having a better time than him, because now he had his own brand of bullshit to deal with.

Earth isn’t completely what Blitzø expected. Or should be better say, his first sight of it wasn't how he imagined it. Not that it didn’t admittedly look pretty nice. Their target took residence at hat appears to be a lakeside home. The water within the lake was bright and shimmering, the greenery around them was a nice and healthy green from the grass to the leaves, and the sky above them was a nice and clear blue. Loona for one, looked up with her hand hovering over her eyes, pushing her hair out of the way.

“Huh, well I’ll be damned.” Loona uttered with slightly narrowed eyes. “I’ve heard and seen pictures of the living world having blue skies, but seeing it for myself? I dunno. Kinda gives a bit of a different vibe.” Having grown up in Hell, where the skies, have been several different colors across the rings aside from blue, it was a bit of a different experience for the Hellborn demons that have never been on Earth before. But she’s heard many stories from Husk about what Earth was like from the perspective of a Sinner. Blue skies were such an everyday sight, yet rarely ever stops being beautiful to just gaze at. She could see where he’s coming from, just a bit. She takes out her phone and snaps a picture of the sky, for prosperity. “Might take a few more while we’re here...”

“Not here for a tour, sweetie. We’ve got work to do and a bitch to kill!” Blitzø grinned, even though Loona took a few more pictures anyways. “She’s gotta be in that house over there. Heh, this might be easier than I thought!”

“I wouldn’t hurry too quickly.” Loona utters with a growl, her ears up and occasionally turning and twitching every time she heard as much as a bird chirping in the air. “We ought to scope out the area first. Wouldn’t want any unexpected surprises to come and jump us when our backs are turned.”

Moxxie looked around cautiously, keeping vigilant as Loona instructed. Though as he reached the window of the house, hoisting himself up, his eyes somewhat softened at what he was seeing. It was their main target in question, Martha. And apparently, she…had a family .


There they were, having dinner. Martha had called over her husband with the intent of nuzzling noses with one another, while their daughter and son were similarly eating with such a cheerful aura around them. They were sharing stories about each other’s day and laughing along, finding some sort of comfort in one another. The look of it all was so domestic, calm, and wholesome and happy. Moxxie…


“…I…I...” Moxxie uttered while looking down to the ground, rubbing his palms uncertainly. “Are…are we sure that this is the right way to go about this?”

Blitzø groaned and palmed his face. “Oh, for Satan’s sake, Mox. You were doing so good. Don’t tell me you’re pussying out now.”

“I-It’s not that! I’m just…shouldn’t we look over this a bit more, first?” Moxxie gestured to the window. “They look completely harmless.”

Millie sighed as she gently grabbed his hands, caressing the top of them. She knew this would happen. Moxxie’s heart was large and warm; she truly loved that about him and would never want him to relinquish it. But at the same time, in moments like this, it could only limit him and get in his way. “Moxxie dear, I get how you’re feelin’, but it isn’t up to us. We have our target, and so we have to kill our target. Anything that doesn’t involve that objective, ain’t important.” Millie gently kissed his nose. “There’s a time and a place for compassion, Mox. This isn't either.”

“I don’t know, Millie. I mean…this is a family . A full and happy family.” Moxxie lightly rubbed his head as he tried to shake off this sudden wave of uncertainty over himself. Hesitation like this right in the middle of a job was unbefitting of an assassin. He knows, he knows that. But he can’t just pretend like this doesn’t bother him at all. “M…Maybe we should just think about this a bit more. Maybe there’s more to this than meets the eye?”

“You’re half right about that.” Loona growled as she was prowling the area, sniffing then ground as she was moving around the house. “Don’t buy their happy to lucky bullshit for a single damn second, Moxxie. It’s a lie, a cover.”

“How would you know?”

“Think, dumbass. A bimbo like that is smarter than she looks; she knows anybody could be watching her at any time from here, so she keeps up the facade in order to maintain her cover.” Loona turned and tapped her snout. “But she can’t fool my nose.”

Moxxie blinked, a heavy foreboding feeling beginning to build within his chest. “W…What do you mean?”

“You might not be able to smell it, but I do. This whole house reeks with death and human decay.” Moxxie began to pale somewhat at that, as he could see the seriousness within Loona’s eyes, which seemed fully sharpened and focused. “And if that isn’t enough to convince you that something is up, the area around the house is also dense with demonic energy. A ‘wholesome and happy’ family doesn’t need something like that. Taking the possibilities into account, that can only mean one thing.”

Moxxie blinked, and his eyes slowly widened as he weighed said possibilities in his mind, and feeling sheer disbelief that such an innocent looking family could indulge in such things. “T-That would be bad…”

“Loona’s hunch is definitely on the money. Which is why we want to get this over with quick before she could do anything with it.” Blitzø pulled out and raised his sniper rifle, taking aim towards Martha’s head, right as she was looking at her husband with doe eyes. “With what we managed to gather; this can go one of two wo ways. One: This shot rings true, I blow that bitch’s brains out, and we can all celebrate how incredibly easy our first job together was. Two…”

The shot rang out. There was half the expectation of the bullet to pierce Martha’s head and for that to be the end of it all. But of course, Blitzø took into account the other possibility that could ring true. So of course, there’s a bit of mixed surprise and resignation when not only did the bullet miss her head-because she dodged it at the last moment, letting it shatter the mirror photo behind her.

“Yep, saw that coming. Had to try, though.” Blitzø narrowed his eyes. “You called it, Loony. No completely normal human is dodging a bullet from this range, where they can’t possibly expect it.”

Millie patted Blitzø’s shoulder. “Least you gave it your best shot, boss.”

“That was a shitty joke, Mills. I love it!”

Loona snarled as she clenched her fists, her ears twitching. She was sensing a sudden buildup of power from behind the wall. “She’s gonna retaliate; everybody back off!”

The quartet scattered different directions at Loona’s sudden declaration. Moments after that, the wall was blasted away by a shotgun blast, which seemed far more powerful than a normal one should. The smoke eventually cleared, and Martha stepped through the hole, holding her smoking shotgun as she surveyed the area. She definitely sensed multiple creatures scattering just then. Surely, they didn’t think he wouldn’t notice.

“Well, Ralphie. Somebody got the bright idea to try to shoot me in the head. That’s no good.” Martha grinned as she loaded her gun again, whilst her husband and children did the same with her own weapons. “We ought to hunt them down and let em’ know that we aren’t to be fucked with.”

Ralphie grinned as his own shotgun clicked into place a sinister flow beginning to surround the couple. “They won’t be getting’ away that easily, Martha.”

As the deranged family set off, Moxxie peaked out from the bushes. Looking around for a moment, he goes through the hole made in the wall and decides to do a bit more investigating. He sees that the living room and kitchen looked mostly normal…that is, until he noticed something odd about the food they were eating. The smell was…

Wait. It couldn’t be…. could it?

Moxxie finds himself wandering further through the house, morbid curiosity having him by the throat. Something good him he absolutely wouldn’t like what he found here, but he felt compelled to process anyways. If to ensure that the target they’re after is truly deserving of dying. It was a bit of selfish impulse driven by his soft heart; he knew. But he just wanted… needed to know. He ended up descending down some stairs and flicking the lights on once he got to the bottom.

He immediately stopped at the sight of the room and felt the need to retch.

“Oh… crumbs.

The wooden walls stained with blood was the first sight he saw. Then there was a stitched up human corpse tied to a chair. Numerous limbs were placed on plaques all over those walls, picture frames made of bones had a face made of skin inside of it. Even more human skin was tacked to the walls with ‘Bless this mess’ stitched onto it. Organs could be seen in several bowls, and an entire human body was set on a platter, complete with an apple in their mouths. The entire image brought forth an eerie, distressful atmosphere that brought Moxxie to step back a bit.

“They’re cannibals… ” He uttered quietly. Sure, there was Cannibal Town in Pentagram City, where Overlord Rosie is considered the leader of them all. The image of this room itself doesn’t bother Moxxie too much. But cannibalism being committed in life by such a seemingly innocent looking family left him feeling conflicted, and even more uncertain about his conclusions. He stepped back more, until he jumped into a screen. He turned around and saw a TV in the corner, and similarly looked towards something on the side. “Video diaries of…Family Memories?” Once again, Moxxie had the uneasy feeling that he wouldn’t like what he sees if he proceeds onwards with this.

But proceed he does anyway.

“Another sacrifice for the day. He’s a bit of a whiner who didn’t hesitate at all at leaving his girlfriend for me. Then he ended up all confused and panicky when he woke up strapped to the table after sex. He looked at me like I betrayed him! Pfft, he’s the one with the wife he cheated on, so he’s got no grounds to stand on complaining about loyalty.” Martha could be seen chuckling onscreen, all the while Ralphie could be seen in the background cutting the poor man open, chest first. Blood spatters could already be seen. “But hey! Lucky break, we don’t have to go out and buy dinner!”

“Crumbs…” Moxxie grimaced as he briefly shook his head. Was this her strategy? Sleeping around with various men to get their guards down so that she and her husband could kill them? He watched the next one.

“Had a bit of a challenge with this one. Had our next target well and truly claimed, but you wouldn’t believe it, his bitch he dumped came to take him back!” Martha could be heard chuckling while wiping her tears of laughter, while furious yells could be heard in the background. “Of course, she threw a bit of a hissy fit when she saw that he was already dead. Her screeching was getting on my nerves, so I had Ralphie take her out back.” This statement was followed by the sound of a shotgun blast, and the yelling immediately stopped. “I think I’ll let the kids cut this one up once their own. It’s about time we taught them how. Learning experiences and all that!”

This woman absolutely shouldn’t be raising children, Moxxie thought with increasing unease. He didn’t know why it was growing ever so steadily, it’s not like he hasn’t seen worse before. But something about the nonplussed way this human carries herself was rendering him unable to focus his thoughts properly. As such, he shook it off and proceeded quickly.

This was more recent, but also a while ago at the same time.

“Satan blessed me this day. I almost ended up dyin’, thanks to some bitch that barged in while I was fucking her husband. She ended up slicing me with a chainsaw and shooting the dumbass, then shot herself! That bitch might actually be insane.” Martha was slightly in a ranting mood this time, with several bandages around her head, covering one of her eyes a bit as well. “The dumb fucks around me praise me as some kind of hero for surviving that. Giving me free praise, stuff, sex. Well, I sure wasn’t about to turn down free things…but I couldn’t let things end there. That whore of a woman made a mockery outta me. I can’t just let it go.”

Moxxie had a deep, deep feeling that he wasn’t going to like what he was seeing. And he was absolutely right about that, watching Martha step a bit further into the background…and his eyes widened as he noticed children strapped to the walls around her.


Oh no.

He wasn’t going to like this at all.

“The cunt was a teacher. Turns out, these little shits are the reason she even showed up. So, it stands to reason that I have them to blame for nearly getting killed that day, don’t I?” Martha smiles as raised her hand. Demonic power flowed through it, while she was standing in the middle of the room. The children were confused and scared, wondering what was going on. “They’re perfect for tonight’s sacrifices. Witness my latest contribution to you, Satan. This should be a pretty immense boost to my powers, as I once again prove my dark allegiance to you.”

That’s when the flames ignited, and the shrill, agonized cries of children burning alive filled the room. Smoldering melting flesh, burning hair and clothes, helpless struggles, tears rapidly turning to vapor, until the eyes themselves melted…

Moxxie ended up punching the screen so hard, it shattered completely on impact. Glass shards punctured his fist, but he didn’t even feel it.

“Fuck…fuck… fuck!” Moxxie uttered to himself repeatedly, grimacing as he stepped away from the shattered screen. He shook his head, stressfully grasping it as his tail whipped wildly behind him in deep anxiety. “This…this is cruel. This is too cruel…” There wasn’t even a concrete purpose to it aside from the sacrifices to help sustain her power. She was acting purely out of spite towards the woman that came close to killing her.

It was suddenly clear why Mayberry’s hatred ran deep for Martha, more than any dark abyss. Not only did she end up ruining her marriage, but her failure to kill Martha the first time only ensured the demise of the students she cherished. She couldn’t protect them from the unforeseen consequences of her wrathful rampage. Her students, who were also deceived into believing Martha’s unearned pedestal as a hero simply for surviving said rampage.

And Martha killed them regardless, purely driven by spite towards a woman who’s already dead and in Hell.

Now, Moxxie was a demon. He was definitely one of the nicer and more compassionate Hellborn Demons, but no one can claim that he was someone who never engaged in a bit of wrongdoing. He was an assassin for crying out loud, he’s being paid to kill whoever his clients tell him to. And he tends to get to absurdly turned on whenever he watches his wife commit a bloody massacre. He couldn’t outright claim that his hands were completely clean.

But there’s no way he could abide this or pretend that it didn’t really bother him. He didn’t exactly have the highest opinion of humans either, but that didn’t matter. Those helpless children ended up being collateral damage to Martha and Mayberry’s feud for no reason than spiting the latter. They didn’t do anything wrong.

Someone like this had children of her own, whom she was no doubt teaching to follow her terrible example. Their wrongdoing was a result of nurture, not nature. They likely didn’t fully comprehend what they were doing was wrong, simply imitating what their parents are teaching and showing them…

The unnerving familiarity of the scenario was enough to snap him out of it, and he immediately headed outside to join his fellow coworkers.

Outside, Ralphie was following the trail of Millie, who was busy leading him away from the other members of his family so she could get him on his own. He had had his shotgun locked and loaded, searching for the opportune moment where she would pop out her head. Though she wouldn’t be giving him that opening so easily.

“Come out, little critter! Y’all can’t hide from me!” Ralphie shouted, keeping a vigilant look for the imp.

He was unaware that she was peeking her head out from the water of the lake she jumped into to hide. She wades through the water under the docks, a knife between her teeth. She waits until Ralphie stops, and she was right under him.

Then, she leaps out and stabs him through the foot with her knife, making him cry out briefly. He aims his shotgun towards the ground and fires a shot, busting through the wood and into the water. It barely misses Millie, who could be seen grinning audaciously, her hair drenched with water as she pulled her knife out. She leaps out as she thrusts the knife towards Ralphie, who briefly and quickly blocked with the barrel of his gun, before pulling out a bottle from his vest and smacking her upside the head with it, shattering it upon impact.

“Ugh…” Millie grimaced while stepping away a few paces and irritably scratches her head, then blinked as Ralphie aimed his shotgun towards her again, this time being charged with demonic energy. He fires the gun, and right towards her. With narrowed eyes she had her hand out and caught the bullet in her hand. It sent her pushing back briefly from the sheer force behind it, until she stopped in place, picking up dust. “Owww…shit, that stings!” Millie winced as she dropped the caught and crushed bullet, shaking it and cutely blowing into her hand a few times. It hurt, but it didn’t even pierce her skin.

“What in blazes…” Ralphie scratched his head in bafflement.

Millie grins as she tossed her knife in-between her hands, before rushing towards Ralphie. He immediately shot another round towards her, but she was better prepared this time; she deflects the first shot with her knife, parries yet another one with just as much ease before leaping over a third. She slashes the shotgun down the middle, leaving it in two halves and rendering it useless. Befuddled by the turnaround, Ralphie tried to punch her, only for her to use her tail to hook around his arm and latch onto it. She looked towards him with a rather manic grin.

“Ya won’t mind if I disarm ya, right?” she asks sweetly, before using her knife, pressing it against his wrist, and sliding off the hand he was firing with in one clean motion. Ralphie crashed onto his back while holding his bleeding stump of a hand, with Millie landing on her feet and dusting herself off. “Welp, that takes care of your trigger finger. You’re kind of a shit shot. My Moxxie has way better aim than you do.” Ralphie could only grimace as he stumbled back to his feet and ran back into the forest. Millie grins as she twirls her knife in her hands, casually following after him.

Further deep into the forest, Blitzø was taking cover behind several trees, as Martha continued shooting at him with her shotgun, blasting some of them into pieces in the process. All the same, she similarly spared some power to fire a blast of energy towards Loona, forcing her to dodge out of the way to keep from getting hit. All the while her children were giggling at having the demons somewhat on the defensive.

“What the fuck! How much firepower is this bitch packing?!” Blitzø winced as a piece of bark was blasted apart and nearly got into his eyes, but he brushed it off easily.

“She’s been doing this sacrifice shit for a while. That would definitely explain it.” Loona narrowed her eyes as she dodged under another blast that whiffs over her head. Clearly Martha considered her the bigger issue, completely denying her a chance to get close so long as she’s aware of her. “Those little punks attached to her legs and laughing at us are giving her better reinforcement.”

“Stupid little shits! Back off already!” Blitzø growled as he rolls over to another tree for cover, another one being blasted to bits. Though before he could complete is roll, a shadowy hand shot forth and smacked him, sending him crashing through the tree and smacking into another one. “Ugggh…that was a cheap shot, and you know it, damn it…”

“I’ve never had actual demons coming after my head before.” Martha grinned as demonic energy swirled around her hand, her eyes glowing blood red. “This must be a test by Satan, a test of my dark determination. After tonight, I’ll have proved that it isn’t lacking at all .” She fired another wave towards Loona, who briefly dodged and ran on all fours out of her line of fire. “I already know I’m doing great work by him. I wouldn’t have gotten this power if I wasn’t. Every dark deed I commit, this power further connects with me, resonating and all that shit.” She slammed her hand into the ground, as even greater surges of power rend the earth, and caused brief dark eruptions where Loona and Blitzø stood. The latter was sent hurtling through the air before crashing against the ground, while the former reoriented herself and lands on all fours. “Our demonic power clicks pretty well with my lifestyle, so of course I’m going to double down and fulfill my obligations. I’ve been entrusted to honor Satan’s will, and that’s what I’m gonna do! Ya hear?”

Blitzø groaned at this. He felt the compulsion to correct the delusional woman on her sense of self-importance, but he was cut off by another shotgun blast; this one was charged enough to set off a small explosion. This sent him back, tumbling across the ground as he landed on his side and clutched his arm. “Grrgh! Shit!”

Loona growled as she attempted to figure out a way around Martha’s guard. She couldn’t hold it up perpetually; she could kill her if she just diverted her focus well enough. She blinked as she could eventually see Moxxie in the distance, setting himself up for a shot. Taking note of this, Loona leapt over another blast as she kept pace with Martha’s attempts to tag her.

“I’m gonna send you filthy creatures back to Hell! That’ll prove to Satan that him adding me to his ranks was a mighty fine choice!” Martha exclaimed with an enthusiastically chaotic grin. It lasted until she heard the sound of a gun firing, and something just barely missing her head if she hadn’t dodged to the right. She turned around just for a moment, to see Moxxie having his gun honed towards her. “You really thought you were going to-“


Martha’s eyes widened. Had she been several seconds slower that would it for her. She moved, but it was still agonizing that Loona rends her claws straight upwards, nearly goring her on the spot. She was able to move back in time with a quick shift of shadows, but she vomited blood from her mouth as she was brought to her knees. She touched the spots where Loona’s claws nearly tore right through her. One good hit, and Martha, even with all her demonic power she’s earned, was on death’s door.

A regular human had little to no chance against a hellhound.

Martha groaned as her children hurried to her side. In the corner of her eye, she could also we her husband Ralphie, running towards her and missing a hand. The murderous family reunited, as the four demons surrounded them with glowing menacing eyes.

Moxxie narrowed his eyes as his gun was trained on Martha. The second she dropped her barrier; he was taking the shot to her head with no more hesitation. “We’re only here to kill Martha. The rest of you don’t have to die with her. Please, step away from her.”

Ralphie grimaced while rubbing his arm that was now handless. “Martha, these critters are tough…what do we do?”

Martha hummed, even as she was holding her hand over the claw marks that were bleeding profusely. She had already made her decision, of course. She wouldn’t have gotten this far in life if she ever hesitated to do what she needed to do. So, she gently placed her arms around Ralphie and her children and brought them all into a group hug.

“Ralphie, kids. Ya know that I love y’all bunches, right?” Martha asked even through her bloodied mouth. When they all nodded and returned the sentiment, she closed her eyes and smiles. “That’s good. Very good. And y’all love me too. That’ll do. That’ll do nicely…”

None of the demons before her were expecting for Ralphie and the kids to immediately be lit ablaze, right after her declaration. The brief looks of surprise on their faces soon gave way to agony, before Martha wills the flames to burn brighter and incinerate them completely. Martha lowered her head as she stood tall, her family now ashes in the wind. Loona felt her power beginning to surge more than before, and she growled.

“This bitch did not just do that.” But she did. She very well did. They all saw, and yet it still felt unbelievable.

Martha felt her wounds beginning to heal, lifting up her hand as even denser demonic energy welled up within her after such a malevolent act. “Yup. Just as I said. My power resonates with me, whenever I commit a dark deed in the name of Satan.” Martha turned towards the demons as lines of red began running across the veins in her body, and the whites of her eyes soon turned black. “I think this is pretty high up there in terms of dark deeds, dontcha think?” Her eyes shifted to Loona, who remained the biggest threat towards her, watching how her claws remained extended. She was ready to maul her at a moment's notice. Martha’s barrier was brought back up; she wouldn’t be caught lacking twice in a row.

Moxxie was in such a state of disbelief that he actually lowered his gun. “W-Why? Why did you…?”

“You lot showin’ up is a test. A test of my dedication. I’m mighty glad for that, because now I can really prove myself. Everyone needs that one moment where they gotta validate their purpose to themselves, and this is my moment to do just that.”

“But that was your family! ” Moxxie exclaimed, his frustration at her casual dismissal mounting. Martha simply rolled her shoulder slightly.

“Oh, little devil. There are things in life that matter more than family. For me, it’s my dedication to Satan. Besides, it’s a big world out there! If I ever feel up to it…” Martha soon appeared before Moxxie, whom she currently viewed as the weakest link, grinning with her glowing red fist held back. His eyes widened as he brought up his arms. “ I can always make another.

The resulting blow sent Moxxie away and right into the house, smashing though the walls. She turned and also made a beeline for Millie, before Loona leapt in front of her and grabbed her firmly by the arm, stopping her path.

“Hey now. How about to focus on me for a moment?” Loona dared, her eyes and fangs flashing. Martha ended up grinning maniacally as both of their powers surged against each other. “You’re looking happy with yourself, having thrown away your family without so much as a blink.” Loona knew how these exchanges tended to go. If it were a mere boost in power after sacrificing someone, it wouldn’t have given her this much. But this particular exchange could only happen if the bond between Martha and her family was sincere. Their love was genuine. Martha simply decided that they didn’t matter more to her than her conviction.

Loona wasn’t sure if that was better or worse than her potentially never caring about them at all. Especially with how unhesitatingly she went about it. Well, not that she herself cared all that much. Hard to care about the beliefs of soon to be dead people.

Back at the house, several holes were made in it, and Moxxie ended up slumped against a cracked wall he had slammed against. A picture frame of Martha and her family was right next to him, cracked and shattered.

Blitzø and Millie caught up to him soon enough, with the latter kneeling by his side and holding his hand. “Mox?! Mox, sweetie, are you alright?”

Moxxie was slightly out of it, the blow to his head having left a bit of a bloodied mark. But he was more dulled by the discovery chain of cruelty he has heard about Martha, video recordings of said cruelty, and now a firsthand witness to it in real time. It was a bit overwhelming for him, and he was at a loss. “She…really just cast her family aside. Without even flinching…” Millie winced at the words. The act was clearly hitting a sore personal spot for him, and she was the only other person amongst them who knew why.

Blitzø would be more annoyed with Moxxie getting thrown so far off his game by something like this…but disparaging him wasn’t going to help him focus, especially when they were in the middle of a fight. So he went for a different approach, instead.

“Moxxie. Humans like her are the kind of targets that we’ll be dealing with.” Blitzø began, keeping his head low while occasionally checking outside. “Sinners in Hell will pay us to off anyone still on Earth that fucked them over in some way or another. There are many who want people on Earth dead, but the ones who will pay the most will have our targets be someone who had it coming. Anybody that we kill, is asking for it. The crazy whore outside is one of those humans.”

Moxxie shook slightly, his vision refocusing. But he was still gazing at Blitzø with a hint of uncertainty. “I-I know I shouldn’t be letting this shake me, I know. But this kind of cruelty from a human…. I wasn’t prepared. I should have been, but…I wasn’t.”

“Damn right, Moxxie. That woman is cruel. Humans like her do shit like this as easily as fucking breathing .” Blitzø began bluntly, making Moxxie flinch. “And she’s going to keep being cruel and getting away with the bullshit that she’s been up to up to now. She has the mindset and the power, now. She’ll keep ruining people like Mayberry, throwing anybody under the bus if it means she herself gets ahead, and have a damn good time doing so. She’ll keep fucking everyone over and over for her own gain, for as long as she lives, with nobody ever being the wiser.” Blitzø laid it out to Moxxie, which made the smaller imp flinch and further shrink into himself. Millie looked towards Blitzø with a bit of a scolding glare for his unrelenting bluntness. But, after he let that sit for a minute, Blitzø leaned in closer to Moxxie. “ Or …you can stop all that right now. By using the skills that I know you have, to make sure the bitch dies today.

Moxxie blinked in astonishment as he looked up towards Blitzø, his boss and superior. Breaking through his barrier of uncertainty and hesitation by reminding him that they were on a job, and they took on this job for a reason . Someone had to pay for their wrongdoing, and the way things are, someone like Martha could keep going on with her sinister life unpunished for as long as she’s able and willing, and she’s enthusiastically willing. Clean, by the books justice can never reach people like her.

But good old bloody revenge can. Revenge that Overlord Mayberry is willing to pay for, since she failed to finish the job herself and could no longer reach the target of her ire. And after everything that Moxxie witnessed…she was going to fucking get her vengeance.

That’s where they come in. That was their role.

Moxxie shook his head, slapping his cheeks with both hands, and slowly pushed himself up. “I apologize for letting myself get in such a sorry state, sir. Just…give me a second.” He then lifted his head, and his eyes began glowing fiercely. Millie nearly swooned on the spot from how hot her husband looked to her right now. “Let’s go kill that bitch .

Blitzø smiles, patting his shoulder. “Attaboy.”

Back outside, Loona was crashed through a tree, as Martha briefly pinned her and punched her across the jaw, her crimson eyes glowing with madness.

“Nothing to say now, huh doggie?! Ain’t talking so tough now that we’re on even playing fields, huh?!”

Loona simply looked at her with nonchalant indifference, spitting some blood from her mouth without losing eye contact. “That all ya got?” Martha was about to reply along the lines of ‘not even close’, but then her barrier reacted to a shot being fired in her direction. At the time, Loona kicked her in the gut hard enough to send her flying away a few feet. She could see that Moxxie once again took a shot at Martha and ran around to rejoin the imps. She stands on her hind legs, briefly sparing Moxxie a glance. “Hey. You gonna lock in, now?”

Given she was in attack mode, Moxxie could tell that was Loona-speak for ‘are you good?’. “I’m sorry, I lost focus several times. It won’t happen again.”


Blitzø loaded his guns, as Martha was lifting herself up via a barrier, laughing all the while in her power high. “What’s the play, Loony?”

“She’s powerful as she is, but that’s all. She’s an amateur at using her powers, and her high won’t be enough to sustain her. She’s got no one else immediately nearby to take the consequences for her.” Loona swiped leftover blood from her jaws. “Sooner or later, she’s going to get too excited, and she’ll fuck up.”

Millie nodded, grinning as she takes her knife in her hand. “So, we force her to burn herself out, and eventually she won’t be able to turtle up anymore. After that…”

Loona’s eyes glowed menacingly as her claws sharpened. “We kill her.


Moxxie: (Tries to be as merciful as possible for an assassin.)

Martha: (Literally burns up every and any possible reason to take it easy on her.)

Moxxie: Fuck it, we're killing her.

So yeah, Mayberry's grudge against Martha is even more intense and resentful in this AU. I think by now you can pinpoint the extra reasons why. And the feeling's mutual, even with the former already dead.

Moxxie's over the initial shock and disbelief, now he's locked in.

And all the while the gang is handling their target, Husk is off to an Overlord Meeting...and Valentino is gonna be there!

Surely that will end up being a nice and civilized gathering indeed.

Anyway, that's it for now. The battle continues next chapter!

Chapter 7: I.M.P Formation!


Blitzø and his group are out to kill their first official target.

Husk attends an Overlord meeting; Valentino has some disconcerting things to say and bring up, that are also VERY important. Overlord Mayberry tries to adjust.

Katie Killjoy is here. Moxxie and Millie didn't forget about what she tried to pull with them. It's payback time.

Blitzø, faced with an uncertain future, decides to go all-in on taking a chance.


CW: Blood, gore(?), violence. Just to be safe.

Why'd this take so long?

11k words?!

...Yeah that oughta do it.

It just kept writing itself and didn't wanna end...

Ah well.

Let's get into the thick of it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was clear to everyone there, to even Martha herself, that Loona was by far the biggest threat to her. She was the strongest of the quartet both physically and in magical might. If she managed to get in close again, she’ll very likely best her, then kill her outright. They knew that Martha knew this, for while she’ll be more than glad to engage Loona in the fight, it’s after she’s made sure that Loona couldn’t counter in a decisive and deadly manner.

Loona warned that the bimbo was smarter than she looked, and she was right. She was specifically keeping Loona at a far distance unless she was the one attacking and was more than happy to let the imps try and get close so they could try their hand at attacking her. She was confident in her ability to repel them whenever she wanted, but not directly engage Loona herself unless it was in her favor.

In short, she was confident…but intimidated.

Good. Then it won’t take long for them to tear the former to shreds.

“She’s really letting us have it, huh?!” Millie exclaimed as she leapt upwards in order to avoid the mass of power that was attempted to crush her where she stood. She leapt over several tendrils, then sliced her knife through a several others that she couldn’t immediately dodge, twirling midair and landing on her feet. “Gonna need something with a bit more oomph to get through all this!” It won't do to use her axe for this one. She was rather dexterous with her axe, but she needed her agility to be unhindered, and she wouldn’t be able to sustain it while swinging it around. Using her knife would keep her speed and agility mostly consistent.

“Gimme your knife.” Loona uttered, extending her hand. Millie blinked at this but handed Loona her knife. She briefly grasped it and channeled some of her power, infusing it into the knife, until it lit with blue flames. Millie gasped in surprise, as Loona pulled back. “It isn’t gonna burn ya. Should give you a bit more to work with against her defenses.”

“Hey, thanks Loo!” Millie grinned viciously while twirling the flaming blade once in her hands. “Imma cut her reeeaaal good.”

Loona nodded as she turned towards Martha, seeing her focus her efforts on her. Which was good for them in a way, as it means Millie was able to approach Martha sooner than she could. And she was having a blast with the blue flaming knife. She was slicing through several of the tendrils in her way, gleefully leaving blue sears behind to the point they couldn’t impede her. They ended up incinerated later, vanishing into blue glowing embers.

Martha was relentless with her attacks, some of the tendrils expanding and extending further and further, but Millie managed to cut through them with timed and relentless precision. Though before she could leap towards Martha, the latter blasts Millie back with energy bolting from her form. It hit Millie dead on, causing her to stumble across the ground, before she rights herself and stands back on her own two feet, tail whipping behind her. She cuts through several more attacks headed her say, not letting up, before she took a rather wide swing. A slash of blue flames was projected from the force of her swing, and the projectile slammed into Martha’s barrier, which briefly sliced a vertical opening in it that remained open for several seconds.

It was enough, as Blitzø immediately took a shot at her with his pistol, managing to shoot her through her shoulder. It off balanced her enough that she briefly faltered with her barrier, but instead of simply dropping it she shot a tendril towards him. Briskly he rolled out of the way, and Moxxie was nearby to blast it to pieces while it was moving, with a well-placed rifle shot. Blitzø attempted the same thing for a moment but was denied when one of the lashes immediately sliced it to pieces after smacking it from his hands.

“Gah, fucking bitch! ” Blitzø growled as he hid behind a tree for cover, barely dodging out of the way of shadows rending through his path. “Moxxie, toss me another!”

“Yes, sir!” Moxxie rolled while reaching into his bag and tossing Blitzø a new pistol. They weren’t able to do so much damage to Martha themselves, but what they could do was make her waste her energy trying to keep them back. Loona was right about Martha, she’s currently carrying a lot of magic power for a human of her stature, but she couldn’t do much in terms of actual skill with it. Wearing her out was a viable way for them to take her down a peg and then kill her. They wouldn’t give her any chance of recovery. Moxxie proves this while he and Blitzø were running along her sides whole firing several rounds from their pistols. Each shot was ultimately deflected by her barrier, but it was taxing to try holding it up with how much focus it took.

And Martha isn’t exactly one for focus.

The bullets made several cracks in her barrier despite her efforts, and in the midst of the assault, Loona would clench her fist as she moved before it and shattered the front of said barrier with a punch. Not giving her time to recollect herself from that, Millie ran up Loona’s back and leapt over her head, before she went to stab Martha. The woman moved just enough where the imp managed to stab through her other shoulder, which was agonizing due to her knife being coated in flames.

Gah! ” Martha grimaced as she redoubles her efforts on her barrier and ended up smacking Millie away with it, the latter tumbling across the ground. Loona rushed behind her and caught her before she could be sent flying too far. “Fucking demons think they can make a mockery outta me, when I’m one of Satan’s chosen? I don’t think so! ” There was a gathering of energy around her hand, and she swung upwards towards them, multiple orbs forming towards them.

The resulting detonation wrecked a good chunk of the landscape nearby and caused the nearby lake to splash heavily from the shockwaves caused by the blasts. Martha was wide grinning at the results of her destruction but couldn’t revel in it for long as she has to move again; a bullet pierced through her shoulder while she was distracted. She nearly fell over from that but kept sturdy while seething towards the one responsible.

“You keep yapping about how you get to do all this shit because Satan ‘chose’ you. Chose you based on what? Being a bloodthirsty whore? Hell already has that all over the place.” Blitzø shook his head while his pistol was smoking from the chamber. Martha glares heatedly towards him while maintaining her smile. “You think because you got demonic powers that it means you’re meant for something greater under Satan’s name?”

“Why of course.”

“Bitch puh- lease !” Blitzø rolled his eyes as he rolled out of the way of another wave of energy, shooting at Martha twice and seeing her deflect both shots. “All that you are is a shitty imitation of a succubus! You’re a goddamn insult to them and their jobs! And I should know a thing or two about that, I used to date one!”

“You did?” Moxxie asked curiously, standing next to Blitzø while firing another rifle round, which Martha reflected just barely. He laid close attention to this, as it meant she couldn’t maintain her already short and strained focus for much longer.

“Shh. Not important.” Blitzø deflected with a raised finger to Moxxie while staying focused on Martha. “Succubus they gather power from the lust of humans they seduce, and take it back to the Lust Ring, cause turns out human lust is pretty fucking great for energizing shit there. Their work is productive at the very least. The fuck have you accomplished, aside from sitting in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and occasionally dragging a hapless dumbass between your legs and then killing them afterwards?” Blitzø’s grin was at peak audacity, even in the face of Martha’s ever-increasing hate in her eyes. “Satan has no reason to value you , sweetheart. You’re not special. And you certainly aren’t a fucking hero.”

Martha’s eyes sharpened at this, something clicking in her mind at how he brought that up. “…It was her. That trollop sent you after me, didn’t she?”

Blitzø grinned. “Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t. Pretty good question there, overall. The only way you’re going to know for sure is when you’re right in Hell with them.”

Martha snarled as she slammed her hand into the ground, eyes glowing fiercely. “I ain’t fucking goin’ anywhere .”

Blitzø blinked, and hurriedly pushed Moxxie out of the way, before another dark eruptions tore through the ground between them multiple explosions of darkness and fire, crackling with demonic energy.

Blitzø ended up being smashed through a tree and dropping his gun. He rolled to a stop with a groan, before he felt something heavy on his chest. He gripped it and felt it was a foot, as he stared up at Martha grinning viciously down towards him.

“You got any other comments to come outta that smartass mouth of yours, little devil?” Martha dryly asked with renewed scorn.

Blitzø grinned right back, undeterred. “Y-Yeah…holy shit what a rack! That bounce game is no joke! I can’t even fully see your face right now from this angle-uck!” He felt his ribcage poking his lungs as Martha forcefully drove her foot into him more, though even with blood running down his chin, he still smirked. “H-Heh…I know a couple of guys who would totally be into this…”

“You ain’t gonna be yapping for long without a fucking head .” Martha swirls power into her hand and prepares to fire it down on Blitzø point blank. He grimaced at this, sweat running down his face.

Martha soon found a flaming knife through her hands, and it distracted her just enough to dissipate the energy. She didn’t even have time to recoil from the pain before Blitzø managed to kick her off due to the distraction while using his tail to quickly pull the knife out of her hand. She stumbled back, blood profusely leaking from the wound. She grimaced and looked at who threw it.

“Gosh, is that really the kind of boss we have?” Millie whistled as she was emerging from the smoke, shaking off some debris and dusting off her arm.

“That’s Dad for ya. No matter the situation he doesn’t know when to shut up.” Loona also emerges from the smoke, little worse for wear as she pushes her hair back while her tail sways calmly behind her. “But to be fair, I like to shit-talk, too. Guess I’ve been kicking that up from him.”

Both women have various bleeding cuts and bruises from the sheer impact and backlash of Martha’s explosive attack, but they came back out of it raring to go again. Martha manages to get past her sheer disbelief enough to attempt preparing to fight them again. Though she took a step forward, and she stumbled just slightly. “H-Huh?”

Loona leapt towards her in a pounce, lashing out with her claws. Martha took a second too long to regain her bearings, so she was off on protecting herself with a burst of energy as the hellhound slices the right side of her face. Loona soon lands on all four and whipped her tail, which Martha was shocked to be hit by and have it carrying a lot more force than she expected, as she was now slightly off her feet.

Not too long after that Millie ran up as Blitzø used his tail to toss her back her knife, and she slashes at Martha with another wave of blue fire still being channeled. Martha was even slower this time, unable to prevent a burning cut from making it’s way across her torso. The flying slash pushed her a few more feet away before she stopped, burns appearing across her body. She gazed at her hands in confusion.

“W…What’s…happening…? Why can’t I…?”

“Like I said before, you’re a fucking amateur.” Loona smirks while raising her hand, which was sparking with blue flames. She then throws it towards Martha, who tries to block it but barely managed, having a mini-explosion go off in her face and sent her crashing into the ground with newfound burns. “We demons always have demonic energy naturally circulating in us, so we can technically never really run out. Humans, though? You’ve been getting that power from an outside source; it isn’t really yours.”

Millie also grins while twirling her knife in her hands. “And whaddya think happens when that supply ain’t nowhere to be found no more?”

Martha’s eyes slowly widened as she shook her head. “I’m…I’m out of power…?”

“Ding-Ding! We have a winner!” Loona clapped as her and Millie’s eyes glowed menacingly, their smiles laced with killing intent. “What does she win, Millie?”

“I do think the reward is death, Loons.”

“Yup. You’ve got no one else to leech off of, so now you’re just gonna wither away into complete powerlessness. But don’t worry, we’ll kill you before that happens. A job is a job.”

Martha wonders how this could have happened, but then a flash of realization kicked in, and she glared heatedly at Blitzø. “You and your yapping made me waste my energy!”

The imp simply shrugged. “I mean, that wouldn’t have worked if you weren’t so intent on proving that Satan has a reason to give more than zero fucks about you. But sure, it’s my fault you’re fucking stupid.”

“Humans are pretty quick to point fingers at others rather than accepting their faults, even more than demons are.” Millie clicked her tongue and shook her head. “Pretty sad.”

Martha glares, nearly stumbling over again. She looks around and found her rifle, going over to it, licking it up and taking aim towards the trio as they closed in on her. “Stay back! You devil bastards aren’t gonna take me! I ain’t letting you!”

Loona huffed. “She’s still going to try fighting. If nothing else, she isn’t backing down.”

“You devils better stay the fuck back! I fucking mean it!” Even with her back towards the wall and well and truly realizing her luck has finally been extinguished, Martha refuses to back down, aiming towards Blitzø. “I’ve still got shit to do here in life! I ain’t going to hell this soon! I’ll be the ones to send you all back there myself, with Satan as my witness!


A shot rang out through the destroyed woods which sent whatever woodland creatures still alive and nearby running/flying away with swiftness. One bullet met its mark.

But it wasn’t from Martha.

A look of sheer shock and disbelief was on her face, as a bullet pierced through the back of her skull and through her eye. She soon fell over, dead on the ground. Several feet behind her, carrying a rifle and having the shot meet it’s mark, was Moxxie. The barrel of the rifle, smoking.

Without demonic energy to reinforce her body, one bullet in the right spot was all it took to kill a demented, yet otherwise normal, human like Martha.

“You should have channeled that devotion towards your family. Fucking scum.” Moxxie uttered with a mercilessly cold edge to his voice.

Millie bit her lip through her proud grin as her tail wrapped around her shaking legs, because seeing Moxxie in deep focus assassin mode had her just a bit- extremely -horny.

“Nice shot, Mox! Right through the back of the head and through her eye socket!” Blitzø laughed as he went over to Martha’s corpse, kicking it over so he could get a better look. “HAH! Look at her bitch face! She has ‘what the fuck just happened?’ written all over it! She didn’t see that coming at all!” Dismissing Moxxie as the weakest link ended up working very poorly for her, as he’s the one to finish her off.

Loona pulled out her phone, snapping a picture with a smirk. “Heh. You can see the exact moment where the last of her delusional ego shatters completely as her brain matter splatters across the ground. Beautiful.

“I know right? Hey Loony, snap a few more of those! Pics or it didn’t happen policy, our clients oughta have a clear visual confirmation of the kill!”

“Already on it.”

Moxxie hummed. “Huh. I would feel at least a little bit of apprehension about this…but this woman completely wore out my capacity for fairness towards her. So honestly, nah. I don’t feel bad at all.”

Blitzø moved over to Moxxie and grinned. “Ya did a good job, Moxxie! Ya didn’t fuck up! Although it is kind of shitty of you to just kinda swoop in and steal our thunder at the last second…”

Moxxie blinked. “O-Oh! My mistake, sir! Did I kill-steal? I just thought-“

“Pfft! I’m fucking with ya, Mox! Lighten up a little!” Blitzø snagged an arm around Moxxie and gave him a noogie, which had the shorter imp surprised and briefly struggling before his boss lets him go. “Ya see? I knew that you had the skill. You’ve got the makings of a badass marksman, Moxxie.” He thumbs his chest confidently. “You stick with me; you’ll be one of the most renowned sharpshooting assassins in Hell. Count on it.”

Moxxie blinked at the sheer sincerity of Blitzø’s praise, and he found himself smiling and nodding. “Yes sir. Thank you, sir!”

Millie was soon by his side, giving him a big hug and nuzzling his cheek. “That’s my Moxxie! Really showed that whore what’s for! You did amazing, hon!” She grinned while cupping his cheeks with a sultry smile. “How do you wanna ‘celebrate’, hm?”

Moxxie chuckled with a blush but slid his arms around his wide while pressing their foreheads together. “Oh, I think we can come up with something…” They soon kissed, nearly smashing their mouths into each other, then separating slightly while letting their tongues wrestle again, pleased moans coming from them both.

Loona finished taking pictures of confirmation of the kill, and then for a moment took a look towards the skies. The battle had lasted long enough that night was beginning to set in, but they were still able to make it before their deadline. Though Loona blinked as one particular aspect of the skies caught her attention the most. A large, bright sphere that hovered in the skies, alone but majestic.

The moon.

“…Huh. So that’s what Earth’s moon looks like?” Seeing it with her own eyes was an entirely different feeling. Loona raised her phone and took a picture of it, then another with herself appearing to stand next to it. Typing away and posting on her Sinstagram, she turns to Blitzø with a hum. “Yo, Dad. Don’t you think it’s time? To make it official?”

“Eh?” Blitzø blinked as he looked towards Loona in confusion for a moment, before he gasped and clapped. “Oh shit, that’s right! I figured it out! This is actually a really great opportunity!” Blitzø gestured to Moxxie and Millie. “M and M! Gather round really quick, you can fuck each other later!” The imps in question paused, power with Moxxie lifting up Millie’s leg to wrap round him, and Millie about to unbutton his suit. They quickly separated, and Moxxie blushes brightly, looking everywhere but in Blitzø and Loona’s direction.

“W-We weren’t about to do that, sir.”

“Mhm sure you weren’t, okay anyway, gather around everybody!” Everyone collected around one another as Blitzø had Loona hold her phone out for another photo, this time with everyone in the shot. Blitzø smiled as he made sure Martha’s corpse was in the shot as well, letting Moxxie hold it up for a good visual. “First kill: Homewrecking Satanist who killed our clients' students out of spite and killed her own family for a power boost that amounted to fuck-all. Everyone smile and say ‘Fuck this bitch!’”

“Fuck this bitch!”

Picture snapped, having the dead Martha in the center with the gang all posing and flipping the bird right next to her head, making sure to get the hole in her skull. Loona’s smirk was laid back and smug, Moxxie’s smile was awkwardly proud of himself, and Blitzø and Millie’s grins were energetic and unhinged. It was an image up to the brim with chaos, and yet through it all, there was a sense of deranged yet sincere camaraderie to it. There was a bit of a rough start, but now they’ve found an identity to unite under.

It was time for return to Hell, for the final part of their actuation.

Husk dreaded going to the Overlord meeting, now more than ever.

He was sure that his patience wasn’t going to survive it, now that Valentino was allowed to throw his hat in the ring. Husk would demand that he outright get thrown out, but he dismissed the thought. None of the other Overlords really liked the Vees, but they were nonetheless allowed to attend if they truly wanted to. And given how they saw themselves as far above all the others, that was always unlikely to happen. Valentino showing up is a red flag, and Husk was going to remain on guard because of it.

A drink was out of the question, but when he was offered a cigar on his way inside by one of the workers, he couldn’t bring himself to decline, because he was sure as hell going to need it. Just seeing Valentino’s smug face already had him ready to turn around and just skip out. He still could, technically. But that was a bad look he couldn’t afford to have.

And so here he was, sitting with all of the gathered Overlords that chose to attend, having a cigar lot and hanging from the edge of his mouth. Across from him, was Valentino, smiling and waving to him with his pipe in one of his hands, a gleam in his eyes behind his glasses. Husk calmly flips him off, and it seemed to make him laugh more than anything else.

He breathed some relief when a familiar face joined him at his side. Mayberry, who had chosen to keep going by her name, was outfitted in a more formal black and red suit, with her coat somewhat loosely hanging around her shoulders. Her hair was nicely groomed, neatly into a ponytail, with a red head and to keep it in place. One long, slender and powerful leg folds over the other, her arms folded, and her presence exudes a feeling of power and rage just biding its time until it could justify a new target to unleash itself upon. Yeah, she’s a newbie at this, but she’ll make for a formidable Overlord.

Also, he noticed that Alastor chose not to attend the summit this time. To which he says… thank fuck. Valentino and Alastor being in the same room with Husk means he’s throwing a punch at one of their smug faces.

“I’m glad that you all chose to attend our latest Overlord gathering.” Carmilla greets, her rather large hands clasped. There was a measured, even gaze that allowed her to survey the entire room. It was a gaze that was all business and no bullshit, which was one thing Husk could definitely respect her for. “There are somethings that I would like to address with you all, regarding the future of Hell’s landscape, especially in the Pride Ring.”

“Hah, I thought I was the only one wondering what the fuck is going on.” Zeezi pipes up, laughing for the most part. The dino-like Overlord and powerful owner of Klub Kaiju was obviously quite a deal huger than the others, really needing to duck under some of the doors just to fit through, and her every step shook the ground when she was approaching. “But glad that I’m not. Thought I was goin’ crazy or something!”

“Oh darlin’, it’s pretty hard to not find out!” Rosie smiles sweetly through her sharp fangs, and quite possibly having the largest Aura of friendliness in the room at the moment, in spite of being the Overlord heading Cannibal Town. Husk found himself a bit affected by it and couldn’t help but smile back at her in return. “It’s getting especially be in the Pride Ring, friends! A whole Overlord Boom happening right under our noses!”

Husk lowered his eyes, which shifted to Valentino and saw a flicker of amusement across his features. He clearly had something to say but was waiting for the proper moment. Husk didn’t like the implications of that, but he kept it to himself for the time being. He feels like pointing this out at the wrong moment could spell trouble he didn’t feel like dealing with.

“An Overlord Boom. Many more of them have begun showing up, and mostly because plenty a sinner has begun collecting souls in earnest. It’s getting pretty chaotic out there.” Zeezi scoffed, her tail whipping slowly behind her, then gesturing a claw to Mayberry. “New girl over here is proof of that. Isn’t that right?”

Mayberry couldn’t really deny it, though she had no idea how things worked in Hell when she first crashed down. She did manage to learn quickly that Sinners couldn’t leave the Pride Ring, but even so, the extent of what she knew was very limited. “I wasn’t exactly looking to be an Overlord when it happened. A few of them pissed me off when I was already filled with rage, so I beat the shit out of them.” Mayberry shrugged, tilting up her glasses. “I didn’t think winning those fights meant that all their souls went to me.”

“They must have found you amusement enough to bet their souls on how quickly they could put you in your place. Never thinking they’d actually lose against a newcomer Sinner.” Odette observed, on one side of her mother, adjusting her glasses. “The folly of their arrogance ended up in your favor. Still, you’re undeniably powerful for a newcoming Sinner. It’s not too surprising you managed to defeat them.”

“Sometimes the simplest way to best an enemy is sheer raw power.” Zeezi chomped her fangs with a grin. “It’s worked wonders for me. Assholes want to start shit on my turf and not expecting to get hit for it. Those kinds of party crashers ain’t gonna get off so easily.”

Mayberry sighed, rubbing her shoulder. “Still, this is a bit overwhelming. It hasn’t even been that long since I’ve been living life on Earth. I still have some adjusting to do, if this is really how I had to move from here on.”

“Oh don’t you worry, sweetie. For a beginner you’re doing fine!” Rosie supportively smiles with a wave of her hand.

Zeezi grinned with an agreeing nod, her tail swaying back and forth. Though after a moment of just embracing the vibe, she sighs while turning to Carmilla. “Alright, we’ve got some of the introductory stuff outta the way, how about we get to the meat of the matter, eh? You ain’t the type to call us all in just for a fun chat. Not that I mind that, ya know. Ya should come over to more of my parties sometime!”

“I’ll consider it.” Carmilla sighed while placing her hands on the table. “Some of these newer Overlords from this ‘Overlord Boom’ have been growing bolder, more daring, and audacious. I myself have been attacked more than once throughout this week alone. Of course they were easily dealt with, but it’s an undeniable sign.”

Husk scoffed. Of course, no newbie Overlords are going to be able to take down someone like Carmilla. Still, the fact that they’re trying at all does mean something for an Overlord’s reputation in the Pride Ring. “Tides are changing, and they’re doing so at a faster rate, ain’t that right? There ain’t been such an upset in the Pride Ring amongst Overlords since…”

“Alastor’s descent.” Zestial confirmed, sitting a bit closer to Carmilla than the others. The spider like demon was in Hell long enough to know when the status quo has begun changing rapidly and radically, and Alastor’s descent was the last recent shakeup, due to his slaughter of multiple Overlords. Having their screams broadcast as he tore their souls apart. Abnormally powerful even for a Sinner. That as the most recent shakeup before the current one, and nothing has been the same after that. “This recent overlord boom is a radical departure from the norm. Tis not the first time such change has happened, but tis the first of its kind. Didst thou see the newer overlords clashing the other day, Carmilla?”

“I have, Zestial. That was an irritating thing to quell.” Carmilla sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose. “This boldness goes in tandem with their increasing strength, so dismissing them out of hand run the risk of consequences haunting us later. Nothing good will come from sitting on the issue, which is why I would like your own inputs on this matter.”

Zestial took a look towards Valentino, who remained rather smug and composed for the moment. “Is there something thou wouldst liketh to shareth, Valentino? If it be true thou has something to addeth, prithee, doth not hesitate to speaketh.”

Valentino huffed some pink smoke while casting a raised eye to Zestial. “You have a weird way of speaking, you know that? I seriously think that half the time you’re mostly talking like that just to fuck with people.”

Zestial grins. “Perhaps.” He takes a bit of amusement at Valentino’s surprised face while sipping a cup of tea. Odette and Carmilla hid their own amused smiles, while Claire simply giggled. Zestial will likely never confirm it one way or the other. He has the seniority to get away with it.

“Wait, for real? The fuck?” Valentino blinked, before he shook his head and kept focused. “Anyway, I have my own hat to throw in this ring, if you don’t mind. I’ve been catching some of this little increase in Overlords across Hell, too. So, I did a bit of digging to try and figure out what the fuck the deal was. And I think some of you will have an idea of what I’ve found out.”

Clara folded her arms. “Eh? Didn’t take you for the intel gathering type.”

“Neither did I!” Valentino grins. “But it turns out, you put your people in the right place at the right time, they tend to hear some interesting things by sheer chance . And woe behold, the things that I managed to find out. Let’s get one of the immediate ones out of the way, shall we? It does involve all of us, after all.” Valentino gave everyone a rather knowing look, as if he suddenly had the world revolving around him. “These upstarts are beginning to rally. And not just them, but the ones who had a bit more time to settle in as Overlords, but mostly kept their mouths shut and stayed out of the way. They’re prepared to move, too.” Valentino turns with a flick of his pipe, his eyes glowing. “Just thought I’d help you all further confirm that that was a thing. You’re welcome!”

“Gimme a break…” Husk grumbled while taking his cigar and blowing a puff of smoke himself. “I take it things don’t end there, do they, Val?”

“Not in the slightest, Husky. It’s not enough that all of these elements are finding the guts to gather together, but they’ve also set their sights on us. All of us.” Valentino shrugged. “Or at the very least, our territories. Which is about the same thing as challenging us, which these dumbasses clearly aren’t as afraid to do as they used to be. Sets a bit of a risky precedent, doesn’t it?”

Zeezi sighed a bit at that. “Some of my boys have been getting into scraps with punks that are led by those upstarts. Or others who have simply been waiting to make their move. That kinda shit. So from there I do see what you’re talking about.”

Rosie placed a hand over her heart and sighed. “Fraid it’s true on my end as well. It’s becoming a bit too common to be waved off as nothing. My fellow cannibals have been getting plenty to eat, of course. But it could go wrong at any moment.”

“Precisely, which is why I’m thinking this is important to bring up in better detail like this.” Valentino uttered as his eyes glowed under his shades. “Hell is shifting about enough to be able to allow all this weird shit in both the background and right before our eyes. Which leads to shit like Overlord’s popping up all over the place, Hellborn growing ever more drastically in power, and all the potential power struggles that could kick up from that.” Valentino turned towards Husk with a look. “If ya ask me, I think the next big thing to come to pass is for them to make several attempts on our presence in the Pride Ring. If they’re feeling bold enough to challenge us repeatedly like this, then who knows what they will eventually be able to do when they group up?”

Husk had a good idea what he was talking about, as he’s already experienced it plenty of times himself. Especially in one very close call instance. His eyes narrowed, every slightly as he goes to confirm, “They’re gunning for us even more now. They’re trying to do what Alastor once did.”

“Mhm. Of course, none of them are anywhere near as audacious, powerful, or capable as the Radio Demon is…but these days, who knows how easily that could change, with the right circumstances?” Valentino turned towards Husker with a knowing glint in his eyes. “And with someone like Alastor serving as a motivating figure to these demons from his infamous reputation, that’s also an inspiration for them to do whatever it takes to attempt to fulfill their own ways of matching it. Quite worrying, isn’t it?”

Husk narrowed his eyes as it was slowly becoming clear what Valentino was trying to pull. His feline ears flicked slightly, his tail slowly moving side to side in thought. “They’re trying to shove us aside in terms of infamy, and because of that, you want some of us to band together.”

“It would be helpful for some of us, wouldn’t it?” Valentino smiles towards Husk. It wasn’t lost on Husk who Val was interested in entering an alliance with, but Husk wasn’t interested, and has never been interested. He will never be interested. “We ought to be in a better position to protect ourselves and our interests, and act against these no-names out to make one for themselves by trying to undermine us. That’ll be easier if we band together, wouldn’t it?”

Husk raised an eyebrow as another thought came to him. “Hey, is Vox putting ya up to this pitch? Sounds like something he would say.”

Val actually pouts a bit at that, before he sighs and shrugs. “That hurts, Husky. But you know, I don’t even blame you for thinking Vox might have been doing the heavy lifting on this. I’m used to being underestimated compared to him.” Val stands up a bit and does a bit of a walk around the room. “But that’s fine, because it just means that every now and then, I get to surprise you all and make you second-guess that.” Valentino gives everyone a measured gaze, a smile growing across his features. “There’s this sort of realization in the back of my mind, once you realize that most of these things have begun happening, when the Exterminations stopped for good. Maybe not instantly, but you can mark that as the point where shit kind of just gets wilder in Hell.”

Carmine narrows her eyes at this; there was a subtle underlying tone to. Valentino’s question that left her cautious. “What are you getting at?”

“I’m just saying! The Exterminations being stopped permanently: That’s something far too big to happen without something going down in-between. Adding to that, I think we all know that the only one who had any real power or authority to accomplish something like that is Lucifer himself. Which does beg a few important questions that I think are very critical to one another.” Valentino’s eyes glowed again, blowing pink smoke, with a sinister grin across his features. “What kind of price did our dear King have to pay in order to accomplish that? Hm? Stopping the Exterminations couldn’t have been as easy as finally having had enough, saying ‘cut that shit out’, and letting that be the end of it. So, what was the trade-off? And is it related to the fact that his precious Princesa will be succeeding him in a few months?”

The room was silent for a solid minute. The implications were heavy, and those deeper in the know didn’t need one of the Vees being handed the answers to something like that. Valentino briefly turned to Zestial, the only being in the room who’s old enough to definitely have a clearer picture on what went down during those times and why, than the rest. He was expressionless for the most part and didn’t cave to the silent challenge.

But all the same, a twinkle in Valentino’s eye said that he got what he wanted regardless.

“Just something to think about, that’s all. We all need to be on our guards. Anything can happen, after all.” Valentino walked by, briefly circling the table. “Hell has been a meritocracy with the mask of a monarchy for years , now. Those pompous Goetia dipshits have been stepping up their game recently to back up their egos. Even the damn Princesa understands this! As bafflingly fucking naïve as she tends to be, she’s at least out and about doing shit to try and build herself up with merit. When was the last time anyone’s even seen Lucifer’s face , hm? What has he done, recently? If he never does King shit that gets results, then nobody’s going to respect him as one. Most powerful being in Hell or not, nobody will respect a King who never does a goddamn thing but sit on his ass. Unlike us Overlords.” Valentino slides by and placing one of his arms around Husk again. “You should consider an alliance with us, Husky. You’re definitely one Overlord who always manages to bring credit to himself with true, undeniable méritos . Even after you've...changed a bit, since your last high-stake encounter with Alastor.The Vees could use someone like you in our corner. Whaddya say?”

“…I’ll think about it.” Husk half lies. It was definitely something to think about. About how little as possible that he wanted to be involved with the Vees. But Valentino doesn’t need to know that. Husk enjoyed a good gamble as within his nature as the Gambling Overlord, a gambling demon. But there are some bets you just don’t take, and getting involved with the Vees was one such bet. Nothing he'd get out of it would be worth it the trouble that's attached to it. Husk doesn't exactly consider himself a saintby any means, but he knew keeping his hands clean of the Vees was better for him in the long haul.

“Great! Anyway, I think I’ll be seeing myself out. I’m getting a vague feeling that I’m a little bit unwanted here. Adiós!~ ” Valentino coos before he ends up leaving the room, with most of the other Overlords in silence.

Mayberry recovered the quickest, with her adjusting her glasses. “Is he always like that?”

“He seemed much more put together than usual. Either he had a talk with Vox and Velvette on what to say and what to ask, or he’s been sitting on this for a while. Regardless, it might be best to keep one eye open for the Vees.” Husk muttered with a sigh. Valentino of all three of them picking up the slack on reinforcing his status as an Overlord was not a good sign. Though before he could dwell on it further, his phone buzzed a few times. Taking it out, he was sent a picture. He blinked in surprise for a moment, then smirked. “Heh. Mayberry, I think you might want to see this.”

Mayberry blinked as Husk showed him a picture his subordinates sent him. Her eyes widened and glowed for a moment, and she slowly smiles, ever so ecstatically. “They got her. They got her. The bitch is dead! HAH!” Mayberry laugher rather uproariously for a few moments, partially out of disbelief, and also catharsis. “The bitch is fucking dead . There’s so much I wanna do or say right now, but what I want to take care of right away is thanking your little troop for doing this job for me!”

“I’m sure they’ll be happy to hear that in person.” Husk smiles.

“I just…well, there’s our deal of course. I intend to live up to my side of it. But I’m just so fucking happy right now…I think I’ll do them one favor for free.” Mayberry clasped her hands. “Ask them what they want.”

Husk’s eyes twinkled at the direction of this, as he texted Blitzø and Loona back. A response came quickly, Mayberry was given a chance to see, too. They both looked at each other and ended up laughing. “That’s certainly one thing they could put down, but I can also see if causing quite a shit show on its own.”

“Doesn’t matter, tell them to consider it done.”

“Alrighty then.”

Carmine sighs as she stands up, hands behind her back. “I think that will be all for this meeting. As much as we don’t share much love for the Vees, events outside of them have proven that at least some of Valentino’s words have merit. We should do what we must to protect our assets. I would hate to see any of you on the wrong side of an incident you can’t come back from.” Carmine turned towards Husk in particular. “I advise caution, Husker. Given the Vees interest in you as a potential ally, you’re the one most likely to end up targeted. It’s far too coincidental that the Vees have an ambition to challenge the status quo, and Hell’s current circumstances are slowly shifting to fit that frame. Whatever you intend to do from here on, do not let them get the better of you.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Husk nodded as he sits up, putting out his cigar. “Let’s get outta here, Mayberry. We’ve got favors to fulfill, and business to conduct. With any luck we can do both at once.”

Most of the Overlords began filing out, leaving Carmine, her daughters, and Zestial in the room on their own. The former sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose. “Valentino. It’s clear he was trying to sow seeds of doubt and perhaps paranoia amongst us. Perhaps to persuade us to the Vees or compromise our mental fortitude. Turning us against each other?”

“He hast something to prove as well. Even if it be true this is not the end of it, he’s madeth his point clear now.” Zestial sighs softly turning towards Carmilla. “Exercise caution, Carmilla. Given the current state of things, thou art a high priority target yourself. Mine own confidence in thee is unquestionable, but I worry for thee all the same.”

“Appreciated, Zestial.” Carmilla’s eyes softened, and she sighs, trying to wash away this sudden sourness to her mood. She was in edge now, and she wanted to get rid of that for the time being, if she were to return to work. “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in sitting down somewhere and sharing more of that tea of yours?”

Zestial smiles warmly. “Sounds lovely.”

At this, Carmilla warmly smiles back.

“...Don’t start.” She drops the smile for a moment, holding up a firm finger as she could sense the knowing smiles of Odette and Clara behind her.

“Oh, don’t mind us, Mother.”

“Yeah! Power to you if you wanna go on a tea date. Maybe even several?”

“Do not .”

Her daughters picked a really inopportune time to be cheeky.

“Another Overlord Summit has recently come to pass! With all of the crazy shit going down these days, who knows what it all could have been about!” Katie Killjoy shrilled, which caused quite a bit of pain to one’s hearing if they were too close or if the volume was too high. “Back-to-back Overlords sprouting from the woodworks, trying to stake their claim to infamy! Will they set their sights on toppling the ones that supersede them all?!”

Tom looked quite uncertain, given the current circumstances. “Why, I don’t know, Katie.”

“That’s because you’re a fucking dumbass, Tom!” She smiles with deceptive cheer even as she was kicking Top out of the camera shot. “It could be about anything! Are they thinking of crushing the upstarts trying to push them out of the spotlight? Did they talk about how much of a fuckup the Royal Family is? Maybe it’s about making special dealings with the Goetia? Anything could be going down during these Summits!” she closes in uncomfortably close to the camera, full of her face. “Rest assured, Sinners! We’ll have our answers soon enough!”

Too soon, unfortunately for you.”

Katie blinked as she looked up for her sky. She could see Husk flapping his wings while descending. His arms were folded, and his eyes glowed a soft gold. He landed on his feet with excellent grace and posture, his wings spreading out for a moment before closing behind him. With his hands behind his back, he walked up to Katie with a rather unreadable smile.

“Ah. If it isn’t Overlord Husker.” Katie’s eyes twitched slightly, still remembering that he’s snubbed her more than once already. “Care to share a comment on the subject of the latest Overlord Summit? I’m sure that-" She tried to begin, only for Husk to casually take the mic out of her hand. “Hey! What the fu -" Her protests were cut short as Husk proceeds to palm her face and push her out of the shot, and into the ground. He turns towards the cameraman and Tom.

“I’m gonna need to borrow this broadcast really quick. Does she pay either of you?”


“I’ll pay ya to keep that camera rollin’ on whatever I’m sayin’ and showin’.” Husk cleared his throat and turned towards the camera. “Sorry you gotta put up with that bitch’s voice, folks-"


“-but I’m gonna have to borrow your attention for a few minutes.” Husk ignored Katie’s outraged outburst at his casual insult. “We interrupt his newscast for me to promote a few business partners of mine. They’re both starting out, so I’d like ya to go easy on them, as one of them offers to provide a pretty unique service I think many Sinners would be interested in.” Husk smirks and grandly spreads his arm. “Blitzø, the floor is yours.”

There was a brief pause. And before long, a portal opened, crystalline and shining. And stepping through it and brimming with confidence, was Blitzø. Adjusting his suit and cuffs, he made his presence known.

“Sinners of the Pride Ring! Good to have your attention! Now then, lemme ask you all a question: Is there someone in life that you hated? And I mean, really hate? Someone who fucked you over in life, even? And the fact that they managed to outlive you is something you call bullshit on?” Blitzø’s paced, looking quite animated while having one arm behind his back. “Well, I have the solution to that!”

Moxxie soon enters the fray from behind a sign, adjusting his tie. “Justice often can’t reach these folks in life if they did you a disservice.” Moxxie scoffed as he eventually joined Blitzø on one side. “They avoided being punished and get to continue walking and living freely, all the while you remain victims of whatever they ruined you through or with. Does that frustrate you?”

After that came Millie, who was as wearing a black suit and skirt that are comfortably snug over her figure, moving with energy while holding an ax over her shoulders. “You’ve got that one fucker on Earth that you think’s gotta die. You hate em’ more than anythin’, or them simply being alive will rubs you the wrong way. But ya can’t get your grubby paws on em’ cause yer’ stuck down here.” Millie grins viciously while standing next to Blitzø.” “Well then, if justice can’t reach em’, you know what can? Good old-fashioned revenge!

“Of course, if you don’t like how that's worded…you can also call it ‘ retribution’ .” Finally, Loona appears, from a shroud of blue sparkling mist, her eyes glowing with ferocity. Adorning a red dress that nicely hugged her hips and left her legs bare, a short-sleeved jacket that she had her paws in her pockets with. Tail swaying softly, she grinned. “They might have dodged its bullet before while you were alive, but we’ll ensure that they can’t do it twice. And if you don’t believe we can back that claim up, ask our first successful client!”

It was now time for Overlord Mayberry to enter the fray. She walked forth, clasping her hands with a soft sigh. There was one thing that they could understand that she could understand. And it’s that an Overlord’s word in the Pride Ring carried immense weight. Time to put that to use; it was the least she could do.

“Back on Earth, when I was alive, I was a schoolteacher. Had a decent career, loving husband, lovely kids to come teach every day. And then, a blond bitch ruined it all for me. And ruined things even further when I wasn’t there to stop her.” Mayberry briefly began beating up at the memory, but she cooled down and sighed just as swiftly, as she gestures to the others. “But thanks to them, she wouldn’t get away with it. She wouldn’t walk around freely after everything she’s done. And because of that, I think I’ll be able to progress even further, with that closure.” Her eyes closed fiercely. “Now I know most of you might not care much for my story, but I’m sure there’s a lot of us who’d like to get back at someone who fucked you over and still lives, while you’re stuck down here and I able to enact that vengeance yourself. On that , I think many of us can relate.”

Blitzø was once again at the center, grinning rather energetically. “There you have it, folks! Payback’s the name of our game. Revenge and Retribution. Unfinished business that you can’t finish yourself. That burning hatred you feel, when the targets of your ire are still living on Earth, beyond your reach! But they’re not beyond ours. ” Blitzø points a thumb to himself. “So, leave it to us. Immediate Murder Professionals: I.M.P!”

Husker and Mayberry smile at the imp with his surfing confidence. Meanwhile, Katie was fuming , her eyes begin to glow, and extra pairs of eyes and arms sprout from her body. “ You interrupted my broadcast to promote a shitty bunch of imps and their mutt? ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME?!

“Oh, you’re still here.” Blitzø hummed as he was checking his nails for a moment. “Katie, honey, I do appreciate you letting us have this opportunity to get our names out there. Thanks for that, sweetheart move, you’re a doll.” He clapped his hands together while sucking in air, pretending to look remorseful over something. “ Buuuuut you’re also the one who sent M and M to try and kill me and my daughter, and then immediately cut them off when you realized they were imps. You didn’t even let them fail first, you just cut them off mid-job! That’s fucking unprofessional, ya know. Heh, betcha forgot all about that already, didja?” Blitzø’s grin turned vicious. “Shitty time to be you right now, because they didn’t. And neither did I. They’re part of my crew now, and nobody messes with my crew and walks away scot-free. Payback time, bitch.

“DO NOT CALL ME A FUCKING BITCH!” Katie roars as she goes to swing her claws towards Blitzø, before she found her hand immediately sliced off, with Millie sliding in front of Blitzo, her ax bloodied. Katie shrieked bloody murder while stepping back, only to hear a shot go off, and another one of her hands was obliterated. Courtesy of Moxxie firing a shotgun at a proper time.

“Hey now, you can’t go swingin’ at the Boss like that and expecting us to just stand there.” Millie says with a rather vicious grin of her own, twirling her ax before balancing it across her shoulders again.

“I shouldn’t feel so fulfilled for shooting off her hand…ah fuck it, that was pretty great!” Moxxie joined in with a grin of his own. “Great slash by the way, honey. So swift yet so brutal.”

“D’aaaw, shucks! That was nothin’ compared to your sharpshootin,’ Mox! Precise and right on target!”

The imp couple watched as Katie was shaking violently while attempting to come at them with her remaining limbs.

“You ..You…miserable fucking pieces of-


A burst of blue flames crashed down on Katie, sending her into the ground. The best scorched her for several moments, which she mostly shook off. As she tried to comprehend what just happened, she was stomped on her head and slammed face first into the ground again, courtesy of Loona, with her hands in her pockets and her tail swaying behind her. With her foot atop against Killjoy’s head for a moment, her grin turned especially savage as she lifts her foot back up, keeping it hovered.

“Oh, I’m sooooo sorry! You looked like you needed to say something. Please, don’t let me stop ya.” Stomp. “You gonna speak up or what?” Stomp. “Don’t be shy, Killjoy.” STOMP. “The camera’s rolling.” STOMP! “There are people watching this, ya know.” STOMP! Loona tilted her head as her grin spreads further, grinding the heel of her pawed foot against the Sinner’s head once it was buried halfway into a crater. “Katie Killjoy. Always flinging shit at her fellow demons no matter their status but can never quite take what she dishes out. Thin-skinned as fuck, if you ask me.”

Katie snarled, her eyes glowing fiercely, yet she could not force Loona to budge. “Fucking…filthy dog…why the fuck…are you so strong?

Loona shrugged rather casually. “I work out.”

Pfft! ” Millie couldn’t help but snort. Considering the notable muscle in Loona’s toned leg and thigh-which Tom took a hot minute to ogle, muttering something about ‘women with muscles’-that pulses whenever she was about to stomp Killjoy, that technically wasn’t a lie. But it obviously wasn’t the answer she wanted.

Husker, on the other hand, could sense the demonic energy around Loona more clearly. It’s become larger, and also sharper. Powerful, but also efficient. Being in an intense battle allowed her to deepen her innate understanding with her own powers, and now it feels her potential has expanded considerably. He chuckled. Well fuck. I might have nurtured a monster in the making.

Blitzø clapped. “Excellently savage beatdown, Loony! Be a dear and help her get up real quick?” He requested, walking up to Katie after Loona finally stepped away from her onslaught, before she grabs Killjoy by her hair and yanks her upwards with one hand, the other still in her pocket. “Thank you, sweetie.” Blitzø nodded to Loona as he stood before Killjoy’s bloodied face, which was snarling with rage. “Hey so, uh, I bet you’re wondering why none of your crew are coming to help ya out. Didn’t wanna look bad on TV, huh? Meanwhile, my crew came to my defense, and I didn’t have to utter a word. Know why that is?” He points to himself. “Because I’m just that awesome.” He points to her. “And you’re...well, you’re not. Know what you are? Old, outdated news.” Then, at the peak of his impudence, he stuck his tongue out as he cheekily poked her nose. “ Boop!”

You…you fucking…! ” Katie’s body shook violently, unable to even voice her rage at this point. She glared, seething at the fact that a gathering of imps and their hellhound, with their proper place being at the bottom of Hell’s hierarchy and below Sinners like her, just completely humiliated her on live TV. Her body could recover from a beating, but her reputation being battered is significantly more damaging. “...Tom, cut the feed! Hell can’t see me like this!” She eventually shrieked, but Husk wasn’t having it.

“Tom, I’ll pay ya triple to keep things as is.” Husk casually lays out. Tom looked towards Husk, then towards Killjoy, then back at Husk again. Katie felt herself spiraling further at this.

“The fuck are you standing there for Tom?! Cut the damn feed!”

“…I really like money, though…”


Loona hummed. “We done with her?”

Blitzø dismissively waved his hand. “Yeah, we’re done.”



Loona smashed Katie’s face into the ground, the impact assured to completely knock her out. She won’t be getting up for weeks. Loona pulled back her hand and shook it for a bit, sliding it back in her pocket. “Breaking News: Katie Killjoy breaks her face on the pavement. How clumsy of her.”

Tom Trench sighs dejectedly. “She’s definitely going to take all of this out on me when she wakes up…” He mutters as he leaves, with the news team picking Killjoy up and hurriedly carrying her away.

Husk, rather amused by it all, moved up to Blitzø, alongside Mayberry. “Blitzø, you’ve definitely stepped up. You’ve proven you can competently use the Asmodean Crystal for the purpose that you intend it for, so that clears that hurdle. And not only that, but you managed to coordinate with your crew.” Husk smiles. “I think it’s about time we’ve updated our deal.”

Blitzø blinked. “Update?”

“I think you’ll be into this one.” Husk smirks, his tail swishing knowingly. “I think five years of service was more than enough, and I don’t think you’d be able to do as much as you’re capable of, if you’re known mostly as my subordinate.” Husk tapped his dice cane on the ground, and a golden glow began to surround him, with dice rolling and swirling alongside it. “Would you like to be a business associate of mine, instead? You have enough of my goodwill that I’m willing to be one of official benefactors in getting your company started for real. So long as I can keep asking you for favors whenever I personally need something that requires your unique brand of touch. I’ll give ya a call ahead of time.”

Blitzø’s eyes widened in disbelief at this, briefly looking towards the similarly confused Loona, then back towards Husk, raising his hands. “Hold up, slow down a bit. Back up. Adjusting our deal freely. You can do that?”

“Bet you’re feeling really glad that we didn’t get our deal in writing , huh? A written contract woulda been a bitch to try and loophole around, cause it’s even more magically binding cause the terms are clearly written out and documented.” Husk tapped his cane again as golden magic continued to swirl around him. “Deals by verbal agreement are much easier to change and update, so long as both parties can willingly agree to the new terms.”

“Wait, what the fuck. That shit was calculated? ” Loona uttered, her eyes wide with surprise.

“Not entirely. It was based mostly on gambling on you and Blitzø exceeding my expectations if I took you in.” Husk nodded, another smile across his features. “And you have. Both of you. That deserves to be acknowledged.”

Blitzø’s tail flicked a few times, out of silent uncertainty. He opened and closed his mouth, then scratched the back of his head. “Geez, Husk. Is this really something you’re okay with?”

“More than okay. You’ve more than done your part around my casino and helping keeping my territory streamlined, so I want to acknowledge your efforts properly.” Husk held out his hand. “Do we have a deal?”

Blitzø blinked, as he turned to Loona, then Moxxie and Millie. The suddenness of it all took him by surprise, and not for the first time he wondered if it was truly real. And if he truly thinks he could make good use of this opportunity. Though he took one more look towards the curious Loona, and their shared base finalized their decision for him. He turned back towards Husk, and they clasped hands.

He was responsible for them all, now. Within his chaotic heart, was a desire to do whatever it takes to ensure they’re cared for.

“It’s a deal.”

A golden glow surrounds them both, swirling around them, until it gathered into their hands and shimmered brilliantly. Husk pulls back, as he clasps his hands behind him. “Now then, two of the things I can cover for ya:. General housing, and the foundation where you’re likely to run your central operations. Send me pics of the locations of your choosing, and I’ll take care of it.”

“O-Our housing?!” Moxxie gasped, he and Millie looking to one another in surprised gratitude, then back to Husk. “But Overlord Husk, sir. Are you sure…?”

“Mox, I run casinos. One personally, several indirectly across my territory. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with. This isn’t gonna make a dent, trust me.” Husk dismissively waved off with a hand. “Blitzø has more than one earned this kind of support from me, so don’t even worry about it.”

Mayberry turned to Husk while adjusting her coat. “Can I get in on this benefactor position? Who better to direct more demons like myself to this group in order to build their clientele? Especially with me being their first.”

Husk smiles. “I’d say that makes this a whole lot easier. We can discuss it in better detail another time.”

Blitzø was marveled at the idea of receiving some sort of support from two Overlords, especially since one of them was even throwing in financial support to make sure his crew his cared for. Which also leaves them room to spend whatever money they do earn for themselves, on themselves. It didn’t completely reach him before, but as it slowly sunk in, he found himself feeling lighter, placing a hand over his chest. He heard Millie hiccup, and immediately turned to her.

“Payin’ for our homes, providin’ a clientele, givin’ us exposure. Blitzø even stood up for us…” Millie chuckled while slightly wiping her tears. “This mighty generous of y’all. I thought we were done for…” The thought of getting some really decent and steady support after so long of herself and Moxxie trying to survive on their own, was getting her a bit emotional. It was a look and feeling that Blitzø was extensively familiar with, and it’s because of this that he feels a greater sense of gratitude towards Husk for helping them make this happen. Even though Husk would occasionally want to be the first to use their services if he finds himself in need of them, that was something they can easily do. It really feels like they could manage this kind of productivity to help them all. Millie gently took one of Blitzø’s hands with a super sweet shine in her eyes. “You really helped me and Mox out of a tough spot, Blitzø. Thank ya kindly.”

From imp to imp, Blitzø managed to smile more sincerely. “Don’t worry about it, Millie Billie.” The sincere gratitude from Millie managed to reach him a bit, and it made him want to do even better for her.

Yet at this, his mind wanders.

Some parts of him, the parts that he sometimes has to actively shut out and silence, are still cutting at him from within. That none of this effort truly counts, because he has the help of an Overlord. He wasn’t able to completely build himself up on his own, nor was he even able to help his daughter in his own when she really needed it. The realities of these elements sometimes ate away at him, preventing him from fully appreciating what he’s managed to accomplish from time to time.

Then, Husk once told him something.

“Lemme tell ya, Blitzø. Being self-reliant is a pretty useful skill. I actively encourage it amongst my employees, even, saves on management bullshit that I don’t gotta look over their shoulders all the time.” Husk adjusted his tie as he was pouring himself some whiskey. “Still…don’t get too fixated. No matter how much other demons might say otherwise, there’s only so much one can do on their own. Hell is a shithole, probably always will be. All the more reason to have others rely on, to trust to support ya. And if ya can’t find that circle of trustworthy folks…take a shot at creating your own.”

Blitzø, looking inside, stared at his own drink for a while, then looked back up to Husk. “I have thought about it many times. I kind of need to if I’m gonna do what I wanna do…but…how do I know that I can make it work?”

Husk shrugged. “There’s no real way to know beforehand, until you’re already in the thick of it.”

The imp scoffed as he downed his drink, then set it down with a grunt. “So there’s an equally high chance I can make this thing happen, just as high as me fucking it all up and letting it go to shit?”

Husk grinned a fanged, mischievous smile, his wings fluffing while holding up his whiskey, floating dice rotating around his head, before they dropped before Blitzø’, both landing on fours. “Sounds like a helluva gamble, don’t ya think?”

Blitzø once again, took a real good look at the people around him.

There were his two fellow imps, Moxxie and Millie, who he had allowed to become his employees. There was his primary benefactor and perhaps even savior, Overlord Husk. There was his newest benefactor and first content client, Overlord Mayberry. And last but certainly not least, there was his daughter Loona, the brightest light in his life thus far. Without even realizing it, he was in the midst of building his own relationship circle. And so far it was successful. It felt…nice.

And scary. Terrifying. Even now, the whispers echoing in the back of his head are pulsing, making him worry about all the various ways he could possibly and believably fuck this up for himself. To render it all void.

You think you did anything to earn this? Fat chance.

You’re gonna fuck this up, just like you always have.

There’s no reason to believe that you being a perpetual fuckup is suddenly going to change now.

Do you really wanna lose yourself to this false hope and risk destroying it yourself?

It’s no big revelation, you only have yourself to blame for being this way.

You’re just gonna end up shattered again.

He heard the depreciative voices echo through his mind, but for once, he firmly resisted listening to them. He shook his head and pushed them back, far back into the depths of his mind, then proceeds to mute them. He won’t give credit to his fears again . Every time he succumbed to his doubts, he ended up reinforcing them, bringing the consequences into reality and ruining things for himself and others around him. Thanks to that, even now, he’s had difficulty fully accepting the rare good things that happen to him.

He won’t deny being afraid. He’s afraid of fucking things up, and he probably always will be. But ever since adopting Loona, and after five years taking care of her while working for Husk, that fear alone is no longer strong enough to stop him. This…whatever this is, he wants to build upon it. Maybe even cherish it. The thought is scary, but now that he’s beginning to feel for it, he badly wants more.

There’s no guarantee that things still won’t to go shit somehow, even if he gives it everything he’s got to keep it from happening. But if he allows fear keep him from taking that risk at all, then he’ll never advance beyond who he currently is. All because he doesn’t want to risk getting hurt again.

Husk deserves a better business associate than that. Moxxie and Millie deserve a better boss than that. Loona deserves and needs a better father than that.

So all of those things: that’s what he’ll be. At least, he sure as hell feels motivated to at least try to be.

“Dad. You’re spacing out.”

“Sir, are you alright?”

“Boss, whatchu starin’ at nuthin’ for?”

Blitzø blinked, seeing Loona wave her hand in front of his face, with Moxxie and Millie looking at him worriedly. He got lost in his own thoughts again, a pretty dangerous thing for himself considering what his thoughts sometimes consist of. Glad that Loona pulled him out, he took a breath and smiles.

“Sorry about that, guys. This noggin of mine has thoughts that tends to wander all over the place.”

“We can tell. Try to keep your mind in the present so that we know where your headspace is at, yeah?” Loona smirked with folded arms, her tail calmly swishing behind her. Moxxie and Millie held hands while being similarly relieved for Blitzø. For him . He took a moment to collect himself again, before he swiped a thumb in front of his face with a grin. Husk and Mayberry were chatting in the back, though occasionally looked their way to smile as Blitzø encouraged his employees.

“Alright then, group huddle, gang. We can consider our company business well and truly underway!” Blitzø shot one fist up, another on his hip. “Let’s take this shot and show Hell what Imps and Hellhounds can really do!”

Fist bump. It was such a silly and casual way to fully commit to a business starting up. It was absolutely ridiculous.

And yet Blitzø couldn’t help but feel warmer when his daughter Loona, with a smirk, met his fist first with one hand still in her pocket, all while her tail swaying with confidence. “I’ve got your back, Dad.”

Moxxie sighs, tentatively letting his fist join theirs with a polite and sincere smile, clearing his throat as he adjusted his bow tie, his own tail sitting calm and still. “Ready and waiting, sir.”

And Millie enthusiastically jumping her fist with theirs and had her other fist up with a wild and cheerful holler, her tail whipping about with excitement. “Ya can count on me, Blitzø!”

Blitzø smiled at them all. This was their starting line. I.M.P has been born.

Yeah. He wants this. He’s willing to risk himself to keep this, to sustain and nurture this. To really protect this . Is he gutsy enough to potentially and repeatedly face seemingly impossible odds if that's what it took to do those things?

With no hesitation, he decided yes.

Yes he fucking IS.


I adore writing Loona and Millie not only getting along but combining their different types of feral while fighting together to utterly eviscerate the target of their wrath.

Also, Martha has been ASSASSINATED! Getting shot by Moxxie must be fate...

Overlord Meeting/Summit had some uncomfortable truths laid out by VALENTINO of all people, as he and the other Vees fully intend on taking advantage of Hell's rapidly changing state in order to gain more power. Valentino wants Husk to join in but kitty ain't interested. (Also Zestial is cool but writing his dialogue be DIFFICULT)

And the first major thing I.M.P does open public wise is absolutely DECIMATE Killjoy live on TV. Blitzø originally wasn't planning on doing something like this to announce his crew's official debut, but since Killjoy messed with Moxxie and Millie, she messes with him. And so, he had her messed up for all of Hell to see.

Revenge and Retribution! Whether it be for their clients or for themselves when someone messes with them. That is the I.M.P way.

Husk rolling both dice on four points to the fact that in some places 4 is considered a very lucky number. In others it's the unluckiest number of them all. Either or could happen to anybody no matter who they are, as it's a gamble everyone takes or has taken at some point. Husk quietly relaying this to Blitzø somewhat helps him gather is resolve; even as a mere imp, he has a chance to succeed, no matter how big or small, just like everybody else.

Found family of crazy assassins, ACHIEVED! Now it's time to nurture and build upon it...and perhaps, add a few more, later...? In any case, the I.M.P finally forms in this world. And alongside this formation, there are several instances of difficult times ahead that they might ger caught up in...

Anyway, that's the official end of this first arc! The next chapter will be dealing with a few more things regarding what some of this chapter brought up, and it will also segway into the next arc. Things are probably going to settle and quiet a little bit, as other elements of Hell begin to move.

We'll see how it all goes down next time! Hopefully in a slightly less bulky chapter...HOPEFULLY.

See ya then!

Chapter 8: Hellborn and Sinners


Overlord Mayberry meets the Princess of Hell.

Moxxie ensures that Martha's punishment is even heavier, Husk comes across an unconscious spider...

Blitzø and Loona return to Imp City for a few errands, only to run into the last kind of demon they expected to see there.


With this, the first arc ends.

And multiple things have concluded, while several others have been set in motion,

Let's see where it leads!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Overlord Mayberry didn’t quite know what to expect when she was being called up like this. She had no precedent for this during her relatively short time in Hell compared to most Sinners. She wasn’t quite sure what her responses were to be, or what to ask. Or if she’s even allowed to ask questions about this situation. She’s going in completely blind, and it was rather silly to expect too much from her when she just started out as an Overlord. However, she couldn’t help but be extremely anxious all the same, very much feeling the pressure of this visit just from the sounds of it, the concept of it. Even now, she was trying to collect herself and figure out what to do and what to say.

Because honestly, what was she supposed to say, when the Princess of Hell decided that she wished to speak to her? As much as she was new to this whole being in Hell thing, her instincts told her that denying the Princess an audience would be a bad idea…not to mention really fucking rude.

Mayberry was carrying her purse over her shoulder, her coat nicely ironed, her hair nearly groomed, and her spectacles glinting in the light being emitted in front of her. She wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but by the time her vision cleared, she was met with a rather surreal sight. She was greeted with a surprisingly tall woman’s one with golden hair, red cheeks, and a white complexion. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say that the woman looked like a nicely dressed porcelain doll. On top of that, was the fact that the next idea that she could tell that the woman before her was indeed the one who invited her. The sheer pressure and weight of her presence could be felt pushing outwards into her. Not knowingly, but it was something Mayberry absentmindedly sensed, and nearly stumbled from trying to gather herself enough to gauge it properly.

She didn’t even think she was trying to exhibit this pressure, it just seemed to be a natural part of her, as if it were as simple as breathing with how obviously different, she was. Though just as surprising, the woman seemed to realize that Mayberry was having a hard time focusing, so she immediately let herself relax more. And just as quickly, Mayberry felt the weight around her vanish into nothing. Nothing but warmth and welcome.

“Oh! Sorry, sorry! Didn’t mean to pressure you, literally. I just, uh, kinda forget sometimes to de-tense, ya know?” She went on for a bit, with Mayberry blinking at her father bashful and embarrassed expressions whilst she rubbed a hand behind her neck. Whatever Mayberry was expecting from her, it certainly wasn’t this. “Okay, okay okay! Ahem. Hiiiii, Overlord Mayberry!” She placed a hand over her chest with a beaming smile. “I’m Charlie! Though in more formal things people tend to call me Princess Charlotte Morningstar. Please call me Charlie, though! It’s, I dunno, more comfortable? That way.”


“Okay!” Charlie claps, as points to a white-haired woman besides her, whose sole uncovered eye was staring at her cautiously. “This here is Vaggie, one of my confidants, and also my consort. Whiiiiich is just a fancy royalty way of saying she is my wife. Or at least she’s going to be. For now, it’s more to mean ‘partner’. It’ll feel better once I become Queen and I can call her my wife with even more confidence.” Charlie slides next to Mayberry with an even brighter smile, which Mayberry briefly thought wasn’t possible. “She’s gonna be my wife! ” She whispered giddily behind one hand while pointing to Vaggie with the other, bouncing in place at the declaration as if it was the best thing ever. Vaggie, for her part, bashfully blushed at Charlie being so open about it. Regardless, she smiles and shook her head while she walks up to Charlie and holds her hand, patting it.

“’Char, you gotta stay on track. This is important, remember?”

“Right! Right, of course!” Charlie clapped her hands while turning to Mayberry. “If you’ll please follow us, Mayberry. We’ll explain on the way why you’re here.”

Mayberry was still incredibly confused, but she nodded silently while following Charlie and Vaggie inside of a building. She looked around, seeing that multiples of rooms, long hallways, numerous paintings, vases with exotic plans lined up…and perhaps a lot more. Something felt different about this place, in a way Mayberry couldn’t immediately place. Because from the outside, before she stepped in, the building looked like some sort of hotel . And that was the strong impression she got when she saw it for the first time. But then she stepped inside, and everything suddenly felt very different. When she managed to adjust her glasses and get a better feel for the area around her, she was able to pinpoint why.

The hotel was vastly bigger on the inside. It already looked big enough from the outside, but within? It’s a completely different level of large.

“Now, the reason why I called you up for all is pretty simple, yet also pretty important.” Charlie goes on, bringing Mayberry’s attention back on her. “I once said this during one of my announcements to Hell. About a special project of mine that I’ve been working on. But, for a while…I wasn’t really sure if it was something I could go for. Or if I should go for it. I tended to think it was far too out of my reach.” She soon turned to Mayberry with a smile. “But! You managed to give me a flash of inspiration!”

The other demoness blinks. She's clearly confused. “I did?”

Charlie palmed her hands together. “What you said about gaining closure about what happened to you and who was mainly responsible for it, really spoke to me. It gave me the push I needed to make a hold first step at really committing for his. I mean, I’ve always been committed to this, but something was always itching at the back of my head, making me think this is a bad idea.” She separated her hands as the does upwards. “But I managed to get inspired! So, I know that I really want to commit to this, all the way through!”

Mayberry tilted her head, her tail swaying softly side to side under her skirt, her eyebrow raised. “I mean…I’m glad I was able to help? But is there anything else that makes this have to do with me?”

Vaggie nodded. “Charlie was given the clearance to try something, but she couldn’t think to a good candidate for it. Once she saw you on TV and you have your story…well, she picked you for a good reason.” Mayberry blinked as Vaggie turned towards a wall, where in a brief flash of light, a door ended up forming. “I think you’ll want to stick around for this. It’s highly important.” Vaggie gestured to the door, as she turned the handle and began opening it. Another bright shimmering of light beamed and was nearly too much for Mayberry to try and see. She blinked a few times in order to readjust her sight.

But when she actually managed to see what she was supposed to be seeing, she felt her eyes widening. With sheer, unrelenting, heart-stopping disbelief.

There’s…there’s no way. That’s impossible. I…how…?

Was this a trick? A test? A cruel trial? What would even be the point of this?

Why was she seeing her beloved students right in front of her eyes? And not only that, but they were also no longer human. They were somewhat cute variations of animals, from little lambs to a puppy poodle, to small bunnies. All of them surrounded in some sort of subtle holy light. She knew who her students were, and what their presence felt like. As dedicated a teacher she was in life, this was not something she could forget while she was teaching them. She slowly took off her glasses, wiping them and putting them back on. It wasn’t necessary; her eyesight was drastically better ever since she became a Sinner demon, she just liked the aesthetics her glasses brought her. But all the same, out of habit, she wanted to be sure she wasn’t just seeing things.

But there’s no mistaking it. Her students were angels. Literally. But that only belies the more critically important questions: Why were they here? How were they here?

“Ms. Mayberry?” The demon was snapped out of her thoughts by one of them, one she instantly recognized by her bow.

“These little ones were taken from Earth far too soon.” A somber voice echoed with melancholy. Mayberry’s head lifted slightly as another angel, one with darker skin, slowly walked through the door with her hands clasped. She smiles knowingly at Vaggie, then turned towards Charlie. “Sorry I was late, Charlie. There were a few, teeny tiny bumps in the road that I had to move around to fulfill this request.”

Charlie smiled as she held hands with the angel, who smiled in turn. “In any case, thanks for helping out with this, Emily.”

“Of course!”

Mayberry turned towards Charlie, who looked back with a small smile. “With what you said about being a teacher, and you finding some sense of closure, I thought of it as the last push I needed to make this move.” She nodded towards the children in question. I figured this would be a good way of giving my idea a demonstration, before I explain it in words.”

Mayberry turned towards the kids, resisting the urge to turn away and hide herself, utter something along the lines of not looking at her. But the very last time she chose to look away from them, resulted in them turning out like this. But she couldn’t look away. She didn’t want to look away. Turning thing she could really do, was taken off her glasses and wipe her face, which was very quickly tearing up.

“Children…I’m so, so sorry. What I did was not supposed to reach you like that. I acted selfishly and got you caught in the crossfire. I…I ended up going against m-my own lesson to you. I didn’t think before I acted. And now you’re…you’re all…” She nearly choked on her son’s as she felt her shoulders convulsing from them, her demeanor dropping most of her sense of anger, replacing them with something close to despondence. But it wasn’t allowed to stay swelling in her chest, it didn’t settle. Because when her distress became more obvious, the children gathered around her and hugged her legs. She blinked, startled. “W-What…but why…?”

“We’re the ones who are sorry, Ms. Mayberry.”

“Our best teacher was hurting a lot, and we couldn’t help you.”

“Martha was a big jerk, never once was she actually a hero. We only known that now, but we still left you behind in our hearts…”

“That wasn’t right of us at all!”

“Ms. Mayberry, do you think we can forgive each other…”

“…So you can be our teacher again?”

So, yeah. That’s when the damn breaks. She didn’t bother trying to hide it.

Mayberry’s face softened considerably, and for the briefest flash of a moment, Emily could see a vestige of Mayberry’s former human self shining through. The Overlord dropped to the ground and pulled all of the angel children into a hug, to which they readily returned with gusto.

“Of course….of course I’ll be your teacher again. You…you kids didn’t do anything wrong. Not a single thing. I’m the one who sinned…oh my stars, I missed you all…”

Charlie didn’t miss how much softer Mayberry was being at the moment. She seemed to recall that she occasionally had quite a mouth on her ever since she landed in Hell, her supposed mental instabilities in life evened stabilized through being in a constant state of cynicism and rage. But that shows no sign of actually surfacing when she’s around the small children she had taught.

She really is a teacher, through and through.

“Guuuuhuhhh…they’re forgiving each other …and they’re…they’re gonna be teacher and students again…” Charlie sniffed as she was tearing up and fanning her face. “I’m not gonna cry, I’m not gonna cry… ohwhoamikiddingimgonnacryyyyy! ” The last part was said quickly. Vaggie and Emily chuckled as they handed her some tissue, which she thanked them for, before audibly blowing her nose.

Mayberry eventually turned towards Charlie, her glowing red eyes flashing with questions. “Why…do this for me? What are you actually trying to do here?”

Charlie cleaned up her face a little, cleared her throat, then smiles while clasping her hands. “I have a super special project in the works. One that involves mending some of the differences between Heaven and Hell. To give a better chance of mutual understanding, and that can’t happen unless there’s a mutual ground where they can both be comfortable enough to mingle.” Charlie beams while spreading her arms. “Which leads to all of this!”

Mayberry blinked while the children stayed gathered around her, mostly focused on each other for the moment. “A mutual ground? A hotel like this?”

Emily nods with her own hands clasped as her holy light was shimmering around her. “Charlie and I have been talking about this for a while now! It sounds like such an interesting idea, but we also didn’t want to go into it blindly. So, with some permissions on both our parts, we wanted to do a few trial runs to see if we could really have it sustained for the long run.”

“Which of course, brings us to today, in which our first patron is you.” Vaggie continued, nodding to Mayberry and her angel students. “There’s far too many foundational differences between Heaven and Hell to hope that they could ever really mend that distance…but surely, there’s a way to get pretty close.”

Charlie smiled and clasped her hands together, as she had the windows open near her, seeing the glowing pentagram. “At some point, I was thinking of doing whatever I could to stop the Exterminations, because my people were suffering and dying en masse. But then, my father did what he did to permanently stop them. I promised to keep the how hush-hush, because that’s risky information to have spreading willy nilly. All the same, it left things in even more sour between the two realms.” Charlie closed her eyes. “So, I took my dream into a similar, yet also different direction. A newer, improved safe zone for demons and angels to interact and mingle, away from the chaos of their conflict. The Heaven’s Embassy…” Charlie sucked air through her teeth as she brought her hands up a bit. “It was, um, a nice venue , for the purposes of was trying to serve, buuut…”

“Demons aren’t exactly missing the place that also has a doomsday clock on top of it that’s signals an annual purge.” Vaggie lays out bluntly. Though there was a flash of something in her eye that Mayberry didn’t quite catch.

Charlie continues on, her hands pressed together. “This will be a better, more balanced place like that. Demons and Angels are in no danger here from one another, as one of my only hard rules here would there to be no violence. This is to be a place where they don’t have to be at each other’s throats. And who knows, they might be more alike than we thought.”

Mayberry lightly tilts her head. “You think that can be done?”

“Of course! Like, imagine it. A place where demons and angels can co-exist. And not only that, but they can also probably even befriend one another…” Charlie gestured to a smiling and waving Emily. “…or fall in love.” Charlie reached to hold and squeeze. Vaggie’s hand. The latter looked up and the two of them smile knowingly to one another. Then she turned it to Mayberry again. “That’s the kind of grounds I want my Happy Hotel to be.”

Mayberry was briefly confused by Vaggie, but immediately it became clear once she used her senses. Vaggie didn’t feel like a demon, not even a Sinner one. There was probably something deeper behind all that, but it wasn’t her place to pry. She instead focused on the matter presented to her.

“A safe place, where demons and angels can happily co-exist? It sounds like such a fever dream. So out there that it feels ridiculous. And yet…” She turned to her students for a contemplative moment, then back to Charlie. “What do you need me for?”

Charlie nodded; glad they could move to a more conclusive direction. “Obviously I can’t just put forth something like this without something to support it. If this is going to be taken seriously, I need something concrete to help prove that this idea has its merits.” Charlie claps. “That’s where you and your students come in! You don’t need to do anything special, just interact together how you all used to in life, with all the services and utilities the hotel provides! Show that nothing’s changed between you aside from not being human anymore. That kind of connection and familiarity is what we want to encourage building upon and nurturing here.”

“So, you want us to be the prototype of how relationships between demons and angels could be here?”

“Exactly! The sneak peek, the introduction! If we cans tell that, we can slowly build upon that and help build the courage to give it a chance. And it’ll officially start with you, because as an Overlord, your presence here has a lot of weight to it.” Charlie claps her hands together once more. “So, what do you say? Does this interest you at all?”

Mayberry still wasn’t completely sure about it. It seemed completely naïve to think that something like this could progress without pushback, which might be why she was asking for an Overlord’s help. On the other hand, Mayberry’s beliefs had been turned completely upside down ever since landing in hell despite living the best she could. Her rage at the apparent unfairness of it all still simmers. So…would it really be so remiss to see if she could do something worthwhile with her Overlord position, since she has it now?

Happy Hotel. Where angels and demons can co-exist and mingle, become friends, and maybe love each other. It sounds absurd. And so fragile and rare. There wouldn’t be much about how to navigate and guide such a thing, especially due to potential backlash from both sides of the equation. Something about that made Mayberry want to protect the idea. And in order to protect the idea, she needed to learn how to navigate it. And after navigating it, she could teach it to others.

There might still be some use to her ability and love of teaching.

“I’m interested.” Mayberry declares with confidence, having had a moment to think things over.

“Great!” Charlie clapped gleefully, and Emily did much of the same. Mayberry suspected they were on the same wavelength; would definitely help their friendship. “Now then, we can discuss scheduling and meeting times, the materials we might need, potential staff…”

As Charlie and Emily went through planning, with Vaggie offering a few grounding suggestions here and there, Mayberry felt herself smiling. This wasn’t at all what she expected when she found herself in Hell, but she might have found an opportunity to make things even more fulfilling for herself. A purpose that she thought she had lost forever, she maimed to gain a new and potentially improved one.

She looked to the side of her reflection, and she could see her human self, smiling softly. She couldn’t quite say that she got her old optimism back…but she no longer felt she was at rock bottom.

That will have to do.

“So…there are Heavenborn in Heaven? There are people who are born in Heaven? That’s a thing?” Mayberry blinked, truly astonished by how different Heaven and Hell seem to be, yet so alike as well.

Emily nods. “That’s right. Much like how there are people born in Heaven and others are sent to Heaven, many are born in Hell and Sinners are sent there as well.”

Mayberry sighed. “Guess I wasn’t good enough, huh?”

Emily sympathetically patted Mayberry’s lap, her eyes saddened. “Murder is a very severe sin for humans, and so is suicide. You performed a murder-suicide in life. Out of hatred and malice , no less.”

Mayberry sighed; that unfortunately checks out. Not only that, but she killed herself in front of her beloved students, too; that was their last memory of her in life. It wasn’t an answer she liked to hear, but she also appreciates that it wasn’t too sugar coated. She turned to her students, then towards Charlie. “So, Sinners are immortal in Hell. That makes sense with the whole eternal punishment part of the package. But Hellborn aren’t?”

Charlie took a breath, holding her hands together. “It’s a bit…well, out there. You see, Sinners across the Pride Ring, and Noble Hellborn like the Ars Goetia, they’re mostly immortal themselves. There isn’t much that can fatally hurt them, or in a Sinner's case render them double dead, aside from anything imbued with holy energy. So, mostly Blessed and Angelic weapons and attacks. The same couldn’t be said for most Hellborn below that…at least, not until recently.”

Mayberry blinked. “Recently? What does that mean?”

Vaggie tries to help come up with something comprehensive, but at the end she sighs and tries her best to keep it concise. “At a certain point during Hell’s changes, once a non-royal Hellborn Demon lives for long enough and/or grows strong enough, some essentially become locked in their top condition, their physical and maybe even magical prime. And that prime can technically be either in their youth or when they’re elders. And from then on, their potential continues to rise and flourish immensely.” Vaggie folds her arms. “Of course, unlike demonic royals and nobles, more common Hellborn can still be outright killed easier than them if they’re not careful. But if I were to break it down to the bare basics; death specifically by aging for non-royal Hellborn demons, is no longer a concern in this era.”

Charlie nods knowingly, confirming of this. “Dad once described it as demons, um, adapting to Hell’s changes as they go along. It’s like a mass awakening, advancing demons towards their true potential!”

Mayberry softly blinks as she looks down and thinks. Something about it all made for some sort of sense. Hellborn being born in Hell as it implies, they have a much higher capacity for growth within their own infernal realm, than Sinners who were originally human. Whether they can actually live long enough to fulfill that potential is one thing, but it was possible. It seemed like their potential is even greater than ever. And in order to survive in a cutthroat realm like Hell, be they Hellborn or Sinner, one would have to be strong. Even more important, one has to be able to adapt .

She believes she can handle both.

“How interesting.” Mayberry nods while clasping her hands under her chin. “Looks like I descended into Hell during quite a shakeup, huh?”

“That’s definitely one way to describe it. Oh! I have to make a few calls, brb!” Charlie lifts a finger as she heads off to what would eventually be her main office in Hazbin. And as she went through her menu, she blinked as she realized she still had the video of Katie Killjoy’s beatdown on live TV saved. Mostly because she felt a lot of guilty satisfaction at seeing the insufferable newswoman Sinner put in her place for the first time for all of Hell to see.

I probably shouldn’t be so happy to see this…eh, I can’t help it. Fuck her.

She looked closer, and seeing the group that delivered said smack down…and how they used that as a publicity stunt to promote themselves and get many Sinners attention. The attention of Sinners like Mayberry. An assassination agency to eliminate people who wronged Sinners in life.

While Charlie couldn’t say she was completely thrilled with such a thing, Mayberry was only in the state to give Charlie a chance because she had closure. Closure from knowing that the one who wronged her, and her students, didn’t get away with her wrongdoing and continue living happily. I.M.P put a stop to that. And not only that, but they had direct backings from Overlord Husk, who had colluded with Mayberry to make the whole thing happen.

She owes this big step forward in her dream, to them.

I.M.P and Overlord Husk…hm.

Charlie hummed, and with a nod, made sure to keep these people in mind. She took a closer look at one of them, particularly I.M.P. They were Hellborn just like her. Three Imps and a Hellhound. Far lower on the hierarchy as Hell currently knows it, but it didn’t seem like they were letting that stop them. Good for them, honestly. If anything, this kind of union, and their cooperation with Mayberry, proves that Hellborn and Sinners can succeed working together if they tried. It made her smile, her people coming together and helping each other overcome hardships and reaching aspirations. As future Queen, she wants to be able to improve and sustain that kind of cooperative capability across all of Hell.

She can’t say she’s completely on board with their profession…but outside of that, I.M.P sound like an interesting and fun bunch.

I hope I get to talk to them someday.


“Well well. Get enough shut-eye after your descent? It’s been a bit.”

Martha slowly blinked her eye open as she lifted her head. The light nearly overwhelmed her, but she grits her teeth and ignores it so she could see what is going on. Being a Sinner with one eye can be dreadfully annoying, it seems. But that’s not even her biggest issue; that would be the fact that she’s currently restrained and being forced to sit before Overlord Husk, without the slightest idea as to why.

But as he was sitting idly in a chairs his class clasped over one another on his dice cane, she zeroed in on Moxxie, the one who killed her, a ending by his side. Millie was standing on the other, looking cheerful and peachy despite similarly looking like she wants to cut Martha up right then and there.

“What the fuck is going on? I was just wandering around, wondering where I oughta claim some turf for myself. And the next damn thing I know I’m here?”

“Yeah, you don’t seem to be the sharpest took in the shed, so I’m gonna do us a favor and make the beginning of this very simple for you to understand.” Husk snapped his fingers, and all of a sudden, a golden chain appeared around Martha’s neck, her eyes widening with her gasp of disbelief. “ I own your soul, now.


Husk stands up from his chair and even pacing, occasionally tapping his dice cane on the floor. “I was mostly content with how the deal went down between me and Blitzø. But Moxxie over here was thinkin’ ahead and brought up some genuine concerns for the future.” He turned towards Martha with a hum. “And once we cleared that up, I made a few more, ah, amendments , with their approval. You want to start explaining it to her, Moxxie?”

Moxxie nodded as he also began pacing, with more steps. “There was something of genuine concern to bring up, and both thoughts brought me back to you. For one, someone like you would adjust far too easily in Hell. You’d probably think that it’s a walk in the park for you, and it can believably be that easy for you. A dream comes true.” Moxxie sharply turned towards her with glowing menacing eyes. “ Fuck that. Not an ounce of regret in your soul, not even a single moment of hesitation or apprehension, from killing your own family. A family that loved you, even with all the twisted things you did together. No. Someone like you doesn’t get to have it easy in Hell. I won’t let you.

Martha narrowed her eyes. “For fuck’s sake, are ya still on about that? Ya really think that wasn’t a perfectly acceptable move in order to get more powerful. I thought you were a demon, not a fucking spineless coward.”

“Oof. You weren’t fuckin’ around, Mox. This one’s a piece of work.” Husk scoffed. “Not that anybody is all saintly and shit. Still, you seem to misunderstand. Martha, right? There are a lotta Sinners down here who can and will fuck each other over in order to get ahead. And yet still , a part of us still clings to the pieces of decency that managed to stay with us. We may be scum that deserves to be down here, but that ain’t an excuse to start throwin’ away whatever decency ya had left.” Husker pointed to Martha with a calm yet cutting glow in his eyes. “Ya abandoned your last bits a decency when you killed your folks, who sinned together with ya but still loved ya. Ya didn’t love em’ enough to not throw them away for the sake of convenience. Yeah, I agree with Mox. You don’t get to have it easy down here after that.”

“That still doesn’t explain why you suddenly own my soul!”

Millie raised her hand excitedly. Moxxie smiles again and gestures for her to take the floor, as she hops into the fray. “Well, ya see sweetheart, that goes into our second point. Our jobs mostly killin’ people who wronged our client in life, and they wish to even out the score. But that there leaves another problem; what if the target we killed comes after us as a Sinner?” Millie shrugged. “Honestly, I’m not all that worried about you in particular cause I’m stronger than ya even now-“

“The FUCK you say?!”

“-but we sure can’t afford dividing our attention even further by Sinners wanting payback for the payback we deal em’ in the livin’ world.” Millie clapped. “So, the amendment that Overlord Huska made after the deal was struck was simple.” Millie raised a finger and grinned maliciously. “Every human that I.M.P is contracted to kill…once they fall into Hell as Sinners, their souls immediately fall under Husk’s ownership. Startin’ with you.

Husk’s smirk widened as the sheer panic in Martha’s eyes. “I like a good gamble every now and then. The uncertainty and constant adapting keep things fresh. But I can’t have every sinner the I.M.P has killed while they were human trying to take revenge on them or some shit. Blitzø is my business partner; his services also benefit me, thus any threats to my benefits hafta be dealt with. Sometimes it’s better to be safe than sorry. So, we set up this little amendment; I get more power via new souls I.M.P send down from killing their targets, I.M.P gets an extra layer of security from me. We both benefit.” Husk’s grin widens further. “Oh, and we made extra sure to get these specific things in writing. Can’t hurt to have a little bit of magically binding power in the mix, right?”

As if on cue, a glowing golden paper manifested above Husk. Martha looked up towards it, and could see signatures from Husk himself and Blitzø, the main contractors of the ordeal.

  1. All Sinners that descend into Hell after meeting their deaths at the hands of I.M.P, will have their souls immediately fall under Overlord Husk’s ownership. This is indirect compensation for his assistance in their functions.
  1. Sinners that have been killed on Earth by I.M.P and under Husk’s ownership are strictly forbidden from pursuing them in retaliation. This is an enforced safety measure to ensure partnership flows smoothly.

Martha couldn’t help but stare in disbelief as Husk lets the contract dissipate. Husk grins at her while she began stubbornly shaking her head. “You bastards, you bitches, you damned demons! This isn’t…this can’t…!”

“D’aaaw, are ya shattered cause ya ain’t as special as ya thought, sweetheart?” Millie walked up to her and lightly patted her cheek, tilting her head. “I do gotta give ya credit. I ain’t ever seen Moxxie go outta his way to truly fuck somebody over like this. Ya really pissed him off. No easy time in Hell for y’all.”

“Absolutely not.” Moxxie emphasized, pointing to Martha with a glare. “There are a lot of Sinners in Hell who can still hold onto some sense of decency and just do their best to get by with what they’re dealt. But you? You had this coming.

Martha growled, her eyes glowing with malice as she shot to her feet and launched herself at Moxxie. “ Why you SACK OF SHI- AGH!

While mid-air, the glowing golden shackles around Martha tightened immensely when she tried to attack Moxxie, leading to her crashing into the ground in a heap while clutching her nearly crushed neck. She gasped and coughed as Moxxie walked up to her with his hands behind his back. He looked down on her as his wife struts up to him and wraps an arm around him, drawing a circle on his chest as she too looks down on Martha.

“Well now, least we know that the contract is in effect. Thank ya kindly for demonstrating, Martha.” Millie smiles sweetly.

“Those shackles will remind us of the weight of your own sins. You won’t be able to just forget what ya did, because it’s the reason you’re in this to begin with.” Husk hummed, tapping his clawed fingers in his dice cane. “Though to be honest, I don’t have a lotta use for ya. Can’t put ya to work because I know you ain’t gonna do shit, and I also can’t have ya makin’ a mess of my employees.” He soon shrugged, his wings fluffing. “So, I decided to give ya to Rosie. She was talkin’ about one of her territories needin’ some new replenishing meat sources. I think she’ll appreciate a little goodwill gift from me.” Husk casually watches as most color drains from Martha’s face as two hellhounds picked her up by the arms, and he waved her off. “We’re done here. Get her outta my sight.”

Martha screeched in sheer outrage as the hellhounds dragged her away, her golden shackles restraining her from putting up much of a resistance. When she was eventually far enough that they couldn’t hear her anymore, the trio collectively sighs. Husk ran a hand through his hair, whilst Millie helped Moxxie adjust his suit and bowtie.

“That went about as well as it could have, I guess.” Moxxie sighed while scratching the back of his neck. “This will ensure that Mayberry never has to deal with her again; she deserves to move on from her hatred of her and focus on herself.”

Millie smiles and hugs Moxxie, giving several kisses to his cheek. “Always so thoughtful, Mox. You managed to give us an extra layer of security, too.”

“Yeah, I had to make sure that we don’t have the tables turned on us again, like Killjoy tried to do. Now we can focus fully on our assassin duties.” Moxxie smiles while holding a hand around Millie’s hip, pulling her closer and gazing into her eyes. “And of course, each other.”

“Oh you.

Husk hummed with a soft nod their way. “I’ll be heading out for a little bit. Mind keepin’ things together here. I won’t be long.”

“Sure thing! We can hold down the fort for ya!” Millie assured with a wave.


Husk proceeds to step out of the Royal Roulette, and just takes a walk, hands in his pockets. Truth be told, dealing with such an ordeal was taxing mentally. Sure, he was glad to help out, but he began to wonder to himself about doing such things in the first place. Obviously, he made sure that he managed to benefit from playing his part in the whole thing, but he was wondering when it was that he was going out of his way to help out he first place.

Truth be told, it was probably because of Blitzø and Loona.

Five Hell years might not mean much to a Sinner in the long run, but ever since he took those two in, paying close attention for them while watching over their progress, he found his perspective on some things shifting. The two of them were diligent workers, and incredibly determined. Loona might try to hide her sense of care behind general aloofness, but he had her figured out from minute one, because he’s similar in that regard. She’s fully capable of valuing and being protective of the group that was beginning to gather around her. Blitzø seems to have reached that point already, given how willingly he was able to potentially give up his freedom for her sake. All of his hard work, effort, growth, and resolve was mostly dedicated to her, for her sake.

And watching that flourish, might have truly motivated Husk to think about things he rarely had before. He can’t say that he doesn’t enjoy his Overlord lifestyle overall, and he isn’t bored by it, either. Having to sustain a gambling empire has its own challenges, even without other Overlords waiting for him to fuck up before they pounce. But he sometimes feels that he could probably benefit from a new, concrete direction to take for himself. Though he still wondered how he’d be able to do such a thing, out of curiosity.

Wonder what that’s like? Husk wondered. He closed his eyes and chuckled, shaking his head. Tch, right. Imagine the Gambling Overlord holdin’ onto something closely enough for it to become his muse. Like I’m ever gonna find somethin’ like that…hm?

He dropped in place, hands in his pockets, blinking as he came across a rather strange sight. Well, not particularly strange; it was a demon passed out against a wall, with what looked to be several bottles of alcohol in their hands, and their phone in one of them. That’s not particularly a new or strange sight. What caught Husk’s attention was who it was. It wasn’t too hard to guess, with the colored mix of white and pink, clad in a figure hugging, golden glittery dress.

Angel Dust.

Husk humored his confusion for a moment, tilting his head. Now what’s Valentino’s biggest money makin’ soul doin’ passed out all the way out here? Valentino can’t exactly be called the most responsible Overlord out there, but this seems incredibly bone-headed even for him. Then again, he’s not exactly someone who takes care of his people, no matter how much money they make him or how diligent their work ethic.

He shrugged, and slowly began walking. It was whatever. Valentino not keeping a better eye on the one soul hard carrying a majority of his business wasn’t his problem.

“Holy shit, is that THE Angel Dust?”

“Yeah, I think it is!”

Husk’s ears picked up, but he didn’t turn around just yet. He simply listened, his tail swaying calmly.

“It looks like he’s out for the count. Doesn’t seem to be waking up any time soon.”

“Nope, he’s out like a light…I’m sure he won’t mind us playing with him for a bit, right?”

Husk took a deep breath. That better not be what I’m thinkin’ is happening.

He slowly turned his head halfway around, and through his peripheral vision could see several demons surrounding the unconscious and defenseless Angel Dust, with several of them grabbing his hands as another went to grab the hem of his dress and lifting it up just slightly. Husk pinched the bridge of his nose with a silent snarl.

Of fuckin’ course it is.

The group of demons surrounded Angel Dust, who wasn’t even stirring in his unconscious state, with one of them was on the cusp of sliding his hands under his dress, and another was beginning to slide it down his shoulders.

They both suddenly heard something whistling through the wind, and suddenly found themselves without their hands. They blinked as they freaked out, holding their stumps and collapsing to the ground. Heading the sounds of steps, they loo me up to see Husk staring them down, both of his hands atop his dice cane. Flying, glowing playing cards surrounded him, one of them covered in blood. One he used to slice off their offending hands.

“O-Overlord Husk!” They gasped, briefly finding themselves at a terrified loss, cos meeting how calmly yet furiously Husk’s glowing golden eyes locked onto them, his tail swishing in agitation. “W-We weren’t trying to start any trouble on your turf! We just-“

Fuck off.

They immediately ran for the hills, tails between their legs. Husks scoffed, then took a second look at Angel. A more focused one, which allowed him to catch into things he missed before. Firstly, Angel’s makeup was runny, and the manner of which meant that he’s been crying. Secondly, there’s the phone in his hand, which was just several percentages away from dying. Though he wanted to respect privacy, in the midst of him trying to tend to Angel, he could briefly see several messages.

Can’t meet up today Cherri

Just can’t

Today was a fuckin’ shitshow and Imma mess


I’ll see ya when I see ya

Just wanna forget all about today…

A friend of his, most likely. Sounds more than a rough day at work, it seems. And as he was going to adjust Angel’s dress over his shoulders, his eyes briefly caught the numerous bruises running up his arms and neck. And at even closer inspection, welts across his cheek. His right eye also seemed swollen. They were gradually healing, but it didn’t look like it would be a quick process. His body must be beyond exhausted for his demonic healing to be this slow.

Leaving him alone here definitely wouldn’t sit right with Husk now, especially when punks were on the cusp of taking advantage of him when he can’t fend for himself.

With a sigh, he pocketed Angel’s phone and took the bottles out of his hands. Gently smoothing the dress down his lengthy legs to better preserve his modesty and adjusting the straps of the dress to be over his shoulders again. Husk nodded at his handiwork and eyes him for another moment, using a hand to gently brush away some of the loose strands of white fur to see his sleeping face fully. He looked so…soft and fragile, a far cry from his public portrayal. He’s unwittingly seen many of Angel’s faces on billboards and displays and the like, and most of them felt at least halfway fake. This more natural look he’s taken while asleep, Husk already prefers it to all the other expressions he’s seen from him.

Shaking his head and focusing, he slid his hands and arms under the unconscious spider and easily lifted him up in a gentle cradle carry. Angel stirred just slightly, but otherwise remained unconscious. Husk turned and began making his way back to his casino, muttering while being careful carrying Angel.

I’ve got a gut feeling that getting involved with you is gonna cause me a lotta headaches…

“P-Please, young ladies, I dearly need your help…”

“Shut up, you old mutt!”

This was quite a common event in Imp City. A lot of demons simply didn’t know how to behave, and this was one of those moments where chaos on the streets would simply erupt spontaneously. Sometimes for something as simple as looking at one another wrong.

Though given the state of things, one could hardly blame them from being extra rambunctious today. Some of the chaos happening in Pentagram City tends to be shoved off into Imp City; it is quite easy to do so. And thus, the current scene happens, where several female lioness Sinners were accosting am elderly hellhound who was wrapped in a blanket and currently on his knees. Said Sinners didn’t find the gesture impressive.

“We’re busy, fuck off and bother someone else”.

“Please…it’s my grandson. He’s been missing for days, and you were the last ones to see him!” The hellhound pleaded while bowing his head far enough to be touching the ground. “I beg of you, you’re my best chance at helping me find him…”

“Tch, you don’t look like you’re in any shape to take care of him anyway. We have far better used for him take edge off of our stress, than letting him waste away with you.” The leading Sinner scoffed as she sharpened her claws. “Why don’t I do you a favor, old dog, and put you down nice and easy?” She swiped once, making a notch in one of the poor canine’s ears, making him yelp, but he didn’t stop pleading.

Please …my boy is all I have left...!

“Pfft! Listen to the old coot beg like a good little doggy! What a spineless bitch!”

The old hellhound whines pitifully at the threat and slash, as the other Sinners laughed at how pathetic he looked. That is, until they stopped after someone walked into from of him, hands in their pockets. He blinked and slowly lifted his head. What he saw first was a fluffy tail.

The Sinners balked. “Hah? And who the fuck are you?”

“Does it matter? Nah, not really.” She grinned while lifting a hand and pointing at them. “I don’t like any of your shitty faces. I think I’m gonna fuck them up, if ya don’t mind.”

The three Sinners snarled. “Who does this bitch think she is?! You’re fucking dead! ” They all charged at once, fully prepared to pounce. The Hellhound grinned as her shadows moved around her, their outlines glowing blue…

There was a flash of black and blue…then things slowly returned to normal.

“Pfft, you were talking such hot shit a moment ago, girls. And this was what it led to?” Loona smirked, looking as all three Sinners were forcibly embedded into the wall, creating a singular massive fester in the wall next for them. All of them had their faces bloodied, while Loona was completely unharmed. “ Sad .”

The old Hellhound blinked, shaking in disbelief. But as soon as he heard a rather calling bark, he turned to see his young adult grandson hurriedly moving to his side. He cried out to him, and they both hugged and embraced.

“My dear boy, I’m so overjoyed to see that you’re okay! You can’t to running off like that. All sorts of hooligans could run off with you!”

There was a soft whimper, as the young Hellhound hugged his grandfather. “I’m sorry, Pops. I fucked up. I won’t to against your instructions anymore.”

As they were having a heart to heart, Loona walked up to the three defeated Sinners, shaking her head as her tail swished confidently. “Sinners like you pop up a lot. Think that they’re immune to an ass-kicking from Hellborn, simply because of what they are. Well news flash, that doesn’t mean jackshit if you’re surrounded by those who can put you on your ass over and over again, essentially turning you into a stress ball/chew toy for however long the fuck they want. And the higher the gap in power, the more it’ll barely need any effort on their part.” She flicked her clawed finger against their foreheads, drawing blood. “Think about that next time you think you can get away with shit and not expect to get hit by someone who’s waiting to punish.”

“Loona! I got the stuff! Let’s go, dear!” Blitzø cheerfully saved from cross the street, having a shopping cart in hand as he exited the store…while it was on fire.

It was not on fire when he walked in.

Loona shook her head with a chuckle. “Seriously? I take my eyes off that dumbass for two minutes…coming, Dad!” She flicked a piece of paper to the two hellhounds, and went for arch up with Blitzø, hands in her pockets. “Now, are there any other Sinners in need of an ego-check…?”

The grandfather and grandson hellhounds blinked at this, as they took a look at the piece of paper.

If you need a job to help you get by, call Overlord Husk. He’ll hook you up.

“Ah, Imp City! Haven’t been down here in a good five years!” Blitzø merrily walked with the cart in hand, as Loona follows while browsing on her phone. “Everybody’s still an asshole, and everything still smells like shit! My fellow imps in that store tried to steal from me, the Sinners outside the store called me all sorts of imp slurs, an incubus tried to feel me up and ask me how much I was packing. I was kinda tempted cause he looked hot, but I needed to focus on shopping.”

“And in retaliation for all their bullshit, you set the store on fire.” Loona deadpans.

“Uh-huh!” Blitzø nodded with a huge smile.

“And you thought that was completely and entirely necessary.”


“…It’s like we never left.”

“I know, right?!”

The mood between the two remained like this, while the various demons of Imp City watched them pass by, and quite a few of them widened their eyes before turning tail and running at the sight of them. A common disbelieving tone of ‘ they’re back?! Oh, fuck no!’ was uttered whilst they were running for the hills and not looking back. Blitzø whistled while taking in the scenery.

“Seems like the locals still remember us a little bit. Maybe they saw us on the news!”

“You do have to remember that the last time we were here, you committed a massacre.” Looks pointed out, her ear twitching every now and then. “A rather brutal one at that.”

“Yeeeeeah, I guess something like that might leave an impression. But of course, I still stand by the fact that killing all those fuckers was completely and absolutely needed!” Blitzø narrowed his eyes. “Taught them that they can’t fuck with me and expect get away with it unscathed. But if they fuck with you , I’m not letting them get away at all .”

“Hm.” Loona softly nods while moving at a calm and aloof place. She still remembers that night very vividly. It’s something she could never forget a single detail about, because of just how important it was for her and Blitzø. The night that she’s mostly shed off her beginning adopted time and went from straight up calling her foster father by his name, to calling him ‘Dad’ proper.

There was also one detail that night that stuck out especially strongly to her…and it has also the exact moment that finally convinced her that Blitzø was completely serious about her care and well-being being his top priority.

‘…You dipshits…put a muzzle …on MY daughter…?’

There was blood, there was gunshots. Knife stabbings, skull crushing. None of them by her. She was restrained and couldn’t even move.

That was all Blitzø.

‘None of you fuckers are walking outta here, ya hear me?! You think I’m gonna let this shit SLIDE?! That I’m gonna let you fucking get away with MUZZLING MY DAUGHTER?!

At that point, even with their meeting not being too long beforehand, she had never seen him so savagely furious before. Up to that point he’s just been this kind of dumbass goof of a first-time adoptive father who was trying way too hard to impress her. Which he wasn’t managing with his somewhat suffocating and obnoxious coddling. But that night, it all went out the window. And now she knew just how rare it is for Blitzø to become so deeply incensed that he never quite comes back out of it until all the perpetrators were dead. Because it’s been five years and he’s never displayed such intense severity in his fury since.

All on her behalf. She never doubted his love for her again.

So, she allows him to spoil her. Just a little bit. It seems to genuinely bring him fulfillment to take care of and provide for her.

“Now, I’ve got some cool stuff that I’d like for my office. Ya know, when I actually get a FUCKING OFFICE!

“Work in progress?”

“On trust me sweetie, work is happening but progress is slow . Ugh! I didn’t think this would be so hard! I mean, I didn’t think it would be easy , but shit! Why is it so hard to just get a goddamn office?!” Blitzø groaned irritably, his tail whipping in agitation. Loona simply nodded along, until her ears flicked again and she lifted her head up. “I mean, there had to be a pretty good one out there somewhere right? Just-”

“Hold up.” Loona utters while extending a hand in front of Blitzø to stop his advance. Her ears twitched again. She heard voices, distant ones that were only getting more detailed as they increased.

“Can you guys just fuck off? I’m just going for a walk, I needed a change in scenery.” A young and deadpan sounding feminine voice called out.

“’Fraid we can’t do that, girlie. Ya see, you’re on a list. Well, it’s more of a target pool, to be more precise.”

“I’m sure you and the other bigwigs didn’t hear about this, what with you all up high in your nests and all, but it’s currently open season on nobility!”

“And guess what you are, little birdie?”


“A wise gal, eh?! You won’t be feeling so funny after we-”

There was a harsh crash. And what Loona sensed, was a pulse of power. Ears flicking, she ran towards the sound and the power she senses, almost not hearing Blitzø calling for her. When she slid in front of an opening of an alleyway, she could see one poor demon hurled overhead, before slamming into a wall.

“Surround her! She can’t get us all-” Was the cut off declaration as other demons were slammed through the wall closest to him. Another demon attempted to attack, but a blast of purple fire slammed into him and sent him crashing and burning across the ground.

“This bullshit is so unfair!” A pulse of telekinetic force blasted the offended demons away, slamming them all into the ground and back across the ground.

“You’re the assholes who tried to gang up on me. I don’t think you get to talk about fairness.”

At this point, with enough of the grunts cleared away, Loona could get a better look at who was being attacked. A lanky avian demon who appeared to be in her late teens, appearing with a black cardigan and wearing a good star patterned pink dress underneath. A beanie adorned her head and had the imagery of a crown decorated into it. Her tail feathers twitching with impatience, she was holding onto a strap of her purse whist a single finger was being pointed towards the other demons, glowing a demonic purple as she had hurled them around with telekinesis, as well as wisps of fire swirling around her. Her white and pink eyes glowed with majestic magic power.

There was no doubt about it; this was a Goetia demon.

Octavia caught sight of Loona standing nearby, and her glowing finger soon pointed towards her. “Are you with these losers, too?”

The interrogating question was sent, but the tone of Octavia’s voice told Loona she wasn’t all that invested in the answer. That being said, it didn’t seem like she’d attack her unless she was being attacked. Loona still stood defensively, if only by ingrained training. Both of them were on guard.

Neither of them really knew it. But the instant they locked eyes with one another, both of the young women’s paths became irreversibly intertwined.

And once more, Hell’s progression began to shift.


And with that, the first arc ends for real!

Next one shall be called: Wild Cards.

Definitions of Wild Card: a card having its value decided by the wishes of the players; someone or something whose behavior or effect is uncertain

Anyone positively connected to I.M.P and/or Overlord Husk end up becoming this, sooner or later. Hoping I can demonstrate this more. You can already sort of see it with Mayberry in this chapter.

So far, how do ya feel about I.M.P and Overlord Husk being the leading stars of this hellishly chaotic tale of risk and reward? Lemme know!

Thanks for reading, until next time!

Chapter 9: A Spinning Roulette Wheel Of Fate


Loona and Husk come into contact with Octavia Goetia and Angel Dust. The latter two confide in the former two.

Octavia walks away from her talk feeling somewhat better, but also coming to a realization. One which will certainly start a series of life changing events for herself and Loona.

Husk begins breaking his neutrality stance against the Vees, after he sees and hears for himself the sorry state and circumstances Angel Dust is truly in because of them.

These meetings have far-reaching consequences.


Here we are!

Two goths have a chat, and a friendship maybe begins! One of my favorites, even!

An Overlord and a porn star interact, and the latter is not used to being treated with decency.

CW: Valentino; doesn't personally appear in chapter but effects of his physical and financial abuse upon poor Angel Dust are noticeable.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Octavia thought carefully about her next course of action.

She knew she probably shouldn’t do so with an irritated disposition, because she really was just trying to stroll in a different scenery. But of course, some assholes decided that today was a great day to try and jump her, and she quickly disabused them of the implication that she was helpless.

Right now, she was surrounded by their broken and burned bodies, and was currently pointing a glowing finger towards the hellhound in front of her. She didn’t seem hostile towards her, but it wouldn’t cost her too much to stay cautious. Her feathers were somewhat ruffled, her glowing eyes narrowed, and she was ensuring that none of her adversaries were getting up around her.

As the silence eventually became too much, Loona raised her hands in a placating manner. “Hey, woah. Relax, birdy. I’m not here to pick a fight with you.”

Octavia’s eyes continued to glow softly, but she still didn’t initiate an attack. She and Loona stayed in their respective positions for a moment longer. She slowly and slightly lowered her hand. “How do I know that for certain?”

Lonna shook her head. “If I wanted to pick a fight with someone, I’d make it very obvious. I wouldn’t be asking them to chill out. Doesn’t that count for something?” She asked with a shrug in the end. Octavia gazed at her for a few more moments still, uncertain, until Loona sighed. “Look, I swear I’m not here to hurt you. I don’t half-ass at threats. I make it very clear when I wanna beat the shit outta somebody.”

Octavia threw up another glowing hand as Loona began to dash towards her. But as Loona throws out her own hand, the clawed fist flew past Octavia and smashed right into a demon behind her, sending him bouncing across the alleyway until he crashed in a blast of fire. Octavia blinked and looked towards Loona, who blew strands of her hair away as she was shaking her hand, the fist she threw.

“You got a bit too focused on me. Asshole nearly got the drop on you.” Loona informed while pushing her hand through her hair. “Ya believe me now?”

The glow around Octavia slowly died down, and she sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. “…Yeah, I guess. Sorry. I’m a bit on edge right now because of these assholes trying to jump me every now and then.” She shook her head with a grunt, pulling her beanie over her head. “I’m so fucking tired of their shit…”

“Tired, eh? So this is a common occurrence?”

“Too common.”

The conversation was suddenly stopped by a rather loud and ominous growl that echoes throughout the alleyway. Octavia briefly wondered what could have made such a beastly noise, until she turned to Loona, who suddenly looked very embarrassed and red-faced while holding her paws over her stomach. Octavia raised an eyebrow.

“Huh. Somebody’s hungry.”

“Fucking…why are you so loud ?” Loona uttered to her middle as if it betrayed her, doing her a massive disservice. She grumbled and hid her face with a sigh, her tail irritably whipping and her ears drooped. What a way to have herself be introduced to a Goetia demon.

Octavia didn’t seem to take it too seriously, adjusting her bag when she was sure that the demons around her wouldn’t be attacking again. “Do you, uh…do you wanna get something to eat? I’m feeling a bit bad now, about just assuming that you meant me harm.”

Loona shook her head and her hand. “No, no, we don’t gotta do that shit. An asshole needed to be punched, so I punched them. It’s no big deal.”

Octavia held a card between her fingers. “I’ll pay.”

Loona stared quietly at the card. Then back at Octavia. Soon after, her tail began wagging. Octavia smirked at this silent victory; she could sure use one after what just went down.

It didn’t take too long for them to find a nearby diner, away from most prying eyes and listening ears.

Sitting a few ways away, Octavia blinked, astonished as Loona absolutely destroys whatever food is placed in front of her. Munches, chomps, and slurps of all kinds, and during it all she seemed much more at ease. It wasn’t any issue on her part as this much wouldn’t even so much as poke at her allowance, but she was still surprised by how much Loona was putting away without slowing down at all. She briefly wondered if this was a Hellhound thing, since most of them tend to be from/congregate in the Gluttony Ring. Cases can be different, though, so she didn’t make any big assumptions.

Loona eventually does slow down a bit, mostly because they haven’t done much talking since her food arrived. She wiped her muzzle slightly while turning to Octavia, licking her chops. “Heh. Kinda got carried away there.”

“I can tell…” Octavia lightly tugged her bag over her shoulder. “We should start things over a bit: I’m Octavia.”

“Loona.” She shook her head, wiping her cheek. “So anyway, what were those assholes all about? They seemed pretty prepared to hurt you.”

“That’s not anything new. There’s always jerks like that skulking around somewhere, waiting to start something.” Octavia sighed while going through her phone, her white and pink eyes softly glowing. “It makes simply going outside a massive fucking chore.”

Loona’s ears twitched every once in a while, picking up on the sounds around her, and taking note on the chance of more attacks that might be after either of them. They appeared to be safe for the moment, but Loona kept her senses sharp just in case. “And yet, you go outside anyway?”

Octavia lightly rubbed her shoulder, looking anywhere but at Loona for a moment. “...I can’t let them scare me into never leaving my home. I can’t give them that kind of power. They’ll pick up on that and assume that I’m weak. And if they think I’m weak, they’ll press the advantage further, until I’m pretty much a wreck.” She looked up for a moment while adjusting her beanie. “Going outside and about my business shows that I don’t give two fucks about how much they want to hurt or kill me, its not going to stop me from going wherever I want.”

Loona hummed at this. She sips some of the drinks she got alongside her food-‘this is some damn good lemonade’-before she sets it down with a soft sigh. “So, it’s that kinda deal, huh? Can’t give them the impression that they’re getting to you, otherwise they’ll fucking pick at it and double down, like vultures.”

Octavia lightly stirred her straw in her own lemonade, eyes softly reflecting off of the glass. “Goetia can’t be seen as weak. Most of Hell already hates our guts, because most of Goetia are pompous assholes who like flaunting their power and status over those beneath them.” She sighed while palming her face. “My mom and uncle included…”

“Not your pops?”

“Dad is…well...” Octavia lightly shook her head, not really knowing how to put it. “I don’t wanna say shit like ‘it’s complicated’ and leave it at that, because that can sometimes feel like a copout non-answer. But I wouldn’t be able to give you a full rundown on what in hell his deal is because I simply don’t know everything he’s going through. He tries to hide it so that I can go about my day without having to worry about him…but I pay enough attention to what he doesn’t say to put a few things together on my own. Such as…” Octavia trailed off for a moment, beak open as she tried finding the words. Loona could feel her thoughts shifting with her eyes occasionally gazing in different directions, wondering if she should be even getting into what she’s currently thinking. Until at last, she closed her beak and turned away with a sigh. “…No. Sorry, I shouldn’t really be unburdening all of this on you; we just met.”

“Hey, don’t worry about me. You sound like you needed a good venting session.” Loona shrugged as she turned towards while drinking some more, her tail calmly swaying behind her while they enjoyed a brief moment of quiet. “You seem more grounded than most Goetia I’ve heard about, so there’s that at least.”

Octavia scoffed, leaning forward with a hand on her head. “It can get so fucking suffocating back home. So every now and then I kind of just come down to get away from it all.” She rubbed her palm against her cheek with a groan. “It’s already going to be a mess when I gotta go back, because I’ll be with Mom for the weekend.”

Loona raised a brow. “Your parents don’t live together?”

“Not anymore. They’ve been officially divorced since I was seven, and I mostly live with Dad.” Loona’s curiosity almost made her ask how that came to be, but she immediately decided against it. That was quickly getting into the kind of personal territory that she knew full well she wasn’t equipped to properly engage with, so she dropped the train of thought before it could go any further. Octavia seemed to appreciate the restraint, as she relaxed a bit more after letting another silent moment pass. “…What about you?”



“Oh, that. I’ve got Dad. Been with him since I was seventeen.”

Octavia tilted her head. That’s how old she currently was. “You’re adopted?”

“Yup. Not gonna lie, during our beginning time together, I was being really shitty about that.” Loona held up her glass, swirling the remaining liquid around as her eyes reflected several images of her past self. “Going on about emphasizing that I’m an ‘ adopted daughter’ and ‘daughter only on paper’ every time he proudly declared me such. Sure, that isn’t technically wrong…but in hindsight it makes me sound like an ungrateful bitch.” Her eyes lowered softly as her ears folded against her head. “…probably because every year before he came along…nobody wanted me. He saw some of those disgustingly cute hell puppies in the other kennels…but he picked me , someone who was about to be aged out the fucking door to fend for myself. I was doubtful about what the fuck made him so different from all the others who passed me over. I didn’t take him seriously at first because of that, so I didn’t give or show him any respect.”

Octavia softly blinked as Loona took a moment to breathe, as well as sipping more of her drink. “So…what changed?”

“…He saved me.” Loona softly sighed. “After months of giving him shit and not treating him with respect, I wouldn’t have blamed him if he had just abandoned me when I got hound-napped the single time I didn’t have his constant attention. But no; he came in guns blazing, putting himself in grave danger in the process, and rescued me, without a single flinch of hesitation. That’s when I knew he was being completely serious about me…and how I woke up and realized I was being unfair towards him. He’s at his most self-sacrificing when it comes to me, and at first, I was spitting on all that effort thinking it was fake. Just a ploy to get me to cooperate easier with him. I know better than that, now.” Loona sipped the last of her drink and set the glass to the side. “I want to ensure that I was worth all of that devotion. That entire thing gave me a bit of perspective on where we stood…I wanted to do and be better for him.”

Octavia lowered her eyes softly at Loona’s expression while she was saying this, sensing and seeing a look of both regret and resolve within them. The sincerity. It was powerful. She’s never seen that kind of inner strength within a hellhound’s eyes before.

She wished she had just a fraction of it.

“You’re definitely not like most hellhounds I see at home.”

“Pfft. I set my own standards. And I’m becoming more and more capable of living by and sticking to them.” Loona hummed while holding out her hand, as a shimmering blue flame sparked to life. “…And if I just so happen to end up being example other hellhounds follow, to show them that that’s an option for them…well, so much the better. But right now, the lives I’m most focused on supporting are my own, Dad’s…and I.M.P’s.”

Octavia watched the flame Loona conjured. It was…pretty. Beautiful. It was the shade of blue that matched the image of Earth’s blue moon, under certain conditions. Octavia slowly offered her own hand, and a gentle purple flame ignited above her hand, next to Loona’s. Loona looked towards Octavia for a moment, and both of them smiled at one another. Their flames gently went out, as they have a stretch and prepared to leave the diner.

“…I.M.P. I think I’ve heard of that name. And now that I’m thinking about it, it was all over Sinstagram.” Octavia recalled as she and Loona began walking together, the latter with her hands in her pockets. “I don’t think I put it together earlier because it was such a crazy thing to happen that I almost didn’t believe it. But it definitely happened.”

“Yeah. Can confirm, because I was there. Stomping the shit outta Killjoy was a blast.”

“I thought I recognized you. I just didn’t think you were actually the same hellhound. A hellhound thoroughly humiliating a Sinner with Killjoy’s standing is unheard of.”

“Well, demons are definitely going to hear about it now.”

Octavia thought of something else, something a bit deeper, as she clutched the strap of her bag. “Your Dad. He’s an imp, isn’t he? His name wouldn’t happen to be ‘Blitzo’, wouldn’t it?”

Loona scratched the back of her head with a grunt, her ear twitching. “That’s technically true, yeah. But he prefers that the O be silent, so some just call him Blitz/Blitzø. He has his own personal reasons for that, and even maintains it on documents he ends up signing. Why do you ask?”

A flash of realization twinkled across Octavia’s eyes, as if she just pieced something together. But she didn’t voice the thoughts accompanying it, simply shaking her head. “Just curious. Something just crossed my mind for a moment and made me want to know. Don’t worry about it.”

“Hm.” Loona didn’t quite fully believe her, but she didn’t seem to mean any harm in her words, so she left it be. “Anyway, I best get back. Dad’s been left alone for too long, and he might-”

There was a distant explosion in the background.

“I swear that was like that when I got here!”

“Fuck you, Blitz! You never should’ve dragged your sorry ass back here!”

“Hey! First off, my ass is amazing, take that back! Secondly, I’ll drag it wherever the fuck I want!”

Loona groaned and pinched the bridge of her snout. “And there it is. I’ll go get him before he does even more stupid shit. But first.” Loona pulled out her phone and looked to Octavia. “Gimme your number.”

Octavia was briefly stunned by the suddenness and bluntness of the request. “W-Wha? What for?”

Duh, so we can stay in contact, of course. Don’t tell me Goetia don’t keep contacts?”

“N-No, I’m just surprised, is all.” Octavia shook her head as she pulls out her phone, with her and Loona exchanging numbers. “Usually when someone comes across a Goetia, they tend to say some shit about their status or money or all that. Then they want nothing to do with them anymore if it doesn’t involve killing them.”

“Yeah well, I’m not like most demons. Like I told ya, I set my own standards. I don’t give a shit about the standards of those I give zero fucks about. And that applies to pretty much anyone and everyone I don’t already know.”

Octavia tilted her head. “But...you just met me.”

“Yeah, and now I know ya a little. You’re among the people I kind of give a fuck about, now. If you want, we can keep building upon that.”

“Even though I’m-”

“Hey.” Loona raised two fingers and gently poked Octavia’s forehead, making her wince and step back, more out of surprise than pain. “Differences in hierarchy and rank don’t mean shit to me. Not inherently. You’re strong; I can tell that we both are. That means we both have what it takes to make our own decisions and set our own standards. I’ve already decided my rules of living, and I plan on sticking by them. You should take some time to decide some of yours, if you haven’t already.” Loona soon took her leave, smiling as she raised a hand on farewell. “See ya.”

Octavia blinked as she tugged on her bag for a moment, watching Loona leave with confidence, her tail majestically swaying. She was…so much different than most hellhounds she’s come across. There was something about her that she couldn’t quite place at the moment. And…she thought Octavia was strong.

Octavia didn’t really consider herself that, but then again, she’s rarely had anyone else’s genuine perspectives on herself aside from her family. So maybe Loona could see something in her that they couldn’t, or even she herself couldn’t, because she’s looking at things from a different perspective. And for the first time in a while, Octavia began wondering where her own principles lie. Her rules of living. Loona seems to have her reasons to fight, her own sense of purpose, and power to support that purpose. Octavia doesn’t feel like she firmly has any of those things yet.

But maybe she can find them. Or create them.

Adjusting her beanie and rubbing the spot on her forehead, she smiled.

She’s really cool.

In any case, she began making her way back home. With some new information, whatnot. Loona said her foster father’s name was Blitzo, with him preferring the ‘O’ be silent. All the same, if he’s the same one she’s thinking of…

She needed to talk to her father.

Angel’s eyes slowly fluttered open as he tried to think about what happened last night.

Big, skull rattling mistake.

Because the second he began thinking, it was like a truck ramming right into his skull at full speed. Which honestly might sound less painful than whatever the fuck this intense hangover was.

He really needs to stop waking up like this. He’ll probably wake up like this again.

...Or maybe not, because he didn’t recognize where he was in the slightest.

“...Woah woah, wait a minute. Where in hell am I?”

He didn’t recognize this room; it wasn’t his own. And it didn’t look like the usual spare rooms he tends to frequent when he doesn’t feel like heading home for the night. No, this room appeared to be far better organized and put together than his own could ever be, what with neatly aligned bookshelves, a work desk near the windows so one could see Hell’s landscape as well as the sky pentagram. And as he looked to the far back, he swore that he could see a whole bar, fully stocked.

Was he in somebody’s room? Who’s room? And…did they…

He felt himself up for a moment, and realized he still had all of his clothes on. Okay, that was definitely one of the stranger things about this whole deal, but it also wasn’t enough to confirm that he wasn’t in danger again. He really didn’t want to have to shoot his way out of a joint again, this room looks nicely set up enough that he might feel bad about wrecking it.

Pondering this is when the door opened, nearly startling him.

“Oh! You’re awake! Howdy!” Millie beamed while stepping in and waving. “You’ve been out of it for quite a while. You feelin’ any better, darlin’?”

“Uh…I guess.” So far nothing too outrageous. First person to speak to him seemed to be a female imp. She was small and pretty and had some kind of accent to her tone that made her sound really adorable. Not to mention wow , he’s seen his fair share of imps and not one of them had her muscle definition. “Mind tellin’ me where I am?”

“Oh, you’re just in Overlord Husk’s room, nothin’ too big.” Millie casually dropped as if that wasn’t incredibly vital information for Angel to take in regarding his current situation. “He brought you in all passed out and such, and you weren’t healing as quickly as ya should have. And…” Millie blinks as she scratches her head with a sheepish smile. “Ah, he’s the one who brought ya in, he can explain things better than little ol’ me could. I’ll go get him; be right back!”

Could ya maybe not?

Angel nearly manages to get out, but the imp was already gone by the time the words began to formulate. He sighs as he palms his face, a multitude of thoughts running through his head. Namely, most of them were of panic.

Okay what do I do about this? I’m in the Gambling Overlord’s domain for some reason. Think, Angel. What happened last… Angel paused for a moment as various images flashed through his mind. None of them were particularly pleasant. Not new , but definitely unpleasant. And standing out from all of them was the same face that kept pushing through his mental barriers, ensuring that he can’t escape it even in dreamland.


Yeah, no.

Angel banished the returning memories and kept them way locked behind the barrier. There was no way he was going to be able to unpack all of that without breaking down crying, and he didn’t want that to happen while he’s in another Overlord’s domain. That by itself would be grounds for Valentino to punish him for wandering into another Overlord’s territory without his say-so.

Kay. So far this train of thought ain’t helpin’ my anxiety at all, I’m just realizin’. If anything, I’m making it worse. What do I know now, and what do I do now?

He supposed there was one option, and that was to do his best to appease the Gambling Overload however he could. Probably see what he could get out of it that would be of use to Valentino. Ending up in another Overlord’s turf is one thing. Coming back empty handed would make everything worse. So, he needed to get something out of this, anything, if he’s going to reduce the backlash for when he gets back.

There will be backlash for this, he can’t avoid that. Valentino was not the most patient guy in Hell. Angel would just have to hope that doing this would persuade his boss to go easy on him.

The door opens again, and he’s less startled this time. A pair of golden eyes glazed towards him.

“Get your precious beauty sleep?” Husk hummed with a brief flap of his wings. “You’re lucky I was in the area when I came across ya. You were unconscious and in a less guarded part of town.” He walks further inside with his hands in his pockets. “I would have figured that the Angel Dust would have been a bit more careful than that.”

Angel blinked as the Overlord casually greeted him. He personally brought him here. In his room. Placed him on his bed. And on top of all that, his clothes were still on . Thus, meaning he was not fucked last night, even with the former details that would lead up for that exact scenario.

…Well, that’s a new one for me.

Still, he recovered his bearings-as much as he could with a slightly skill splitting headache-and slowly sits up, allowing a strap on his dress to slide just slightly, revealing his bare shoulder. He holds his arm briefly, fluttering his eyes.

“Well, hello there, Overlord Husker.” He slides seamlessly into the role, always ready. Having been used to appease other small time Overlords, he knew that being proactive in this would at least allow him to make recompense with Valentino, enough to have an easy time. Hopefully. “You managed to find me all slumped somewhere, hm? And you took me here, right into your den. Oh, whatever shall I do now…” He slightly kicked his legs over the bed, a sultry smile across his face. “I wonder how I’ll be expected to repay your gracious hospitality…?”

“Your friend’s been calling, by the way.” Husk cuts right through the atmosphere Angel was trying to build up, which left the spider demon confused by the sudden turn. He blinked, as Husk held up his phone. “She’s been blasting it for about an hour-ah, and she’s calling again right now.”

Angel snaps wide awake, almost immediately. “Cherri? Ah, fuck!” Angel hopped out of bed and swiped his phone from Husk, immediately answering after the second ring. “…Cherri?”

“About TIME you picked up, bitch! Were you fucking knocked out or something?! Shit, are you even okay right now?!”

Angel winced slightly, pulling the phone away from the very angry sounding voice on the phone. “H-Hey, relax-”

“Ohoho no! FUCK no, you do NOT get to say that shit to me, Angie! You fucking ghosted me to get wasted by yourself, when I didn’t know where you were! I couldn’t go find you because these dipshits kept fucking up my turf and I was pinned down! Spent the whole night worrying about your dumbass!”

Angel sighed as he paced the floor, his lower hands running against each other. “Cherri, I’m sorry, alright? I fucked up. I wasn’t…” Angel turned to Husk, who was simply minding his business while catching up on some paperwork at his desk. He didn’t seem to be paying attention, but Angel knew that those ears of his were picking things up anyway. “…Look, I got a situation to deal with, here. I promise to call ya back right when I’m done.”

There was a pause.

“…Ya didn’t answer my question. Are. You. Okay?”

Angel sighed. “…I’m okay. At least right now. How I deal with this will probably decide whether or not I stay okay, tho.”

“It’ll also decide who’s the fucker I’m gonna blow up if they touched so much as a damn hair on your head.”

Husk chuckled at that one. Angel ignored him and nodded. “Appreciated, Cher. Call ya back.”

“You’d fuckin’ better.”

Angel hangs up and pockets his phone, then groaned as he palms his face with both hands. “Damn it. That just completely killed the mood…”

“Ya got a good friend there. It’s probably for the best.” Husk shrugged. Angel swiveled around to glare at him.

“And how the fuck can that be, huh?” Briefly forgetting he was mouthing off at an Overlord , Angel blinked and retreated a bit. “I-I mean…”

Husk smiled. “What I just saw seemed far more genuine than the act you were trying to put up earlier. How about we maintain that and start from there?”

…Well, shit. That’s definitely not how Angel expected any of this to go. All of the scripts he mentally prepared himself with were completely useless now. He scratched the back of his head with his upper right hand, and massaged his lower hands anxiously. “Uh…yeah, okay. I guess?”

“Good. Ya don’t have to be so jumpy, by the way. I’m not gonna bite ya.”

Angel folded his arms, eyebrow raised. “What if I’m into that?”

“Are you into it right now?

“…Probably not.” Angel admitted sheepishly.

“Thought so. Think you can handle moving into a more casual conversation now? Or do ya need another minute for your thoughts to catch up?”

Oh, oh now Angel knows he’s dealing with a fellow smartass. And being called slow? Suddenly Angel found more of his courage, his upper arms folded and his lower arms on his hips. He leaned down to stare face to face with Husk, who casually looks back up at him, hands in his pockets.

“…Ya know, for all the presence I’ve heard about ya, you’re a lot shorter in person.” Angel lays out. First move.

“Ain’t that short. Maybe you’re just stupidly tall.” Husk shrugs. Counter.

“What are these wings doing on a cat, huh? You some kind of fuckin’ chimera or something?” Second attack.

“Ya got a case of pinkeye and black eye all in one damn socket. Must be annoyin’.” Reversed.

“Hmph. Well, how about the whiskey on yer breath, eh? How heavy a drinker is ya?” Hit-back.

“Eh, I drink plenty. Apparently, I can handle it better than you, by not ending up slumped on the streets.” Double reversal.

Okay, wow . He passes out one time while heavily inebriated and suddenly this asshole wants to pick at that repeatedly. What kind of shit was that?! Angel scoffed at his jabs regardless, pointing at him.

“Alright mister, I dunno what yer deal is, but this definitely ain’t no way to treat a guest! Especially one that you brought in here yourself! It ain’t like I asked to be brought up all the way here, so maybe you can cut me some slack for me not bein’ completely up to date on whateva the fuck is goin’ on!”

Husk hummed, and Angel smirked as the demon raised his arms. “Ya know what? Conceded. I’m not being a very humble host right now. I’ll go ahead and make up for it.”

Husk then takes a brief bow, wings spreading outwards for a moment then closing. He then takes Angel by the hand he was pointing with, pulls it forward, and gently kisses the back of it. The feeling of his lips briefly brushing the top of his hand stuns Angel long enough for Husk to softly open his eyes and look back up to him.

“Welcome to the Royal Roulette, Angel Dust. I’m your host, Overlord Husker. Gambling Demon, Lucky Emperor, ya know, fancy titles like that, which I’m more than capable of living up to. But that isn’t a good reason to forget common courtesy." Husker greeted himself properly, with a charming smile across his face, the air around him suddenly becoming strong yet gentle. An overall gallant aura surrounded him like it was always there. "So, thanks for remindin’ me of that.”

...Ho. Ly. Shit.

Of all the reactions Angel could have had to this. From Husker's incredibly sexy voice that was smooth and deep and gravelly all at once, to the strong yet gentle hold of his hands-gold heart-shaped paw pads that is so cute what the fuck-and the confidently casual greeting different from his own, his reaction was rather obvious. He felt his cheeks warm up considerably as he finds himself in a very rare state of being completely at a loss for words, nearly weak at the knees. He could listen to him speak like that all day and night.

“...I...I...um... huh?” Critical hit!

Angel has no idea what game they’re playing, but he somehow feels that he lost badly. Only it didn’t come with a penalty, but a kiss to the hand. No, he knew what game he was playing now, it was bingo. And so far, nothing that’s happened so far was on his card.

“Yeah, you were all passed the fuck out. Seems like you had a rough night.” Husk turned to another part of the room, scuffling through his things, before he pulled something out. He flew back over to Angel Dust, taking the time to adjust his dress straps back over his shoulders, before smoothly placing a robe around him. “Here, ya must be freezin’. Warm up a little.”

“Oh, uh, okay?” Even as he was tugging the offered robe around himself, covering up some more, Angel was honestly just thrown for a loop. He couldn’t even bring himself together enough to improvise. This was just so far outside how he actually expected this to go. He slaps his hands over his cheeks and shakes his head. “Alright, time the fuck out!”


“Why’d you go through all that to get a rise outta me, only to put on the gentleman shit? Fucking mixed messaging much?!”

“But ya aint that nervous anymore, are ya?”

“I...” Angel blinked. “Hold on, ya mean you purposefully pissed me off, just so that I could just ditch the ‘act’ and speak to ya normally?”


“...You’re a dick.

Husk laughed at that, with that deep rumbling voice of his, and Angel briefly found himself liking the sound of it too, and how pleasantly it made him shiver, but he soon patted his face again and shook his head.

Get it together, Angel. For fuck’s sake he’s still an Overlord. Who knows what he’s actually up to right now.

But at the very least, he could confirm that Husk wouldn’t harm him. Physically, at least. He felt no danger anymore. “So, you could see right through my acting. Fuck, I thought I could be convincing enough…”

“I’m a gambler, seein’ through bullshit and bluffs is a special skill of mine. And you were definitely trying to bullshit me then.” Husk utters while stepping behind his personal bar. “I dunno what you’re expecting from me, but ya can relax. Wanna chat?”

Angel raised a brow as he slowly took a seat, arms against the table. “About what?”

“Anything, really.”

“…I’m not gonna have to bend over on this table afterwards, am I?”

“Nah, nothing like that. We eat and drink and play games on tables. We don’t fuck on 'em. We’re classy up in here.”

“Okay, I feel like that was as a boast to your casino and another jab at me.”

“Your words, not mine.”

Cheeky bastard! That’s MY schtick! You shitty schtick stealer! Angel mentally grumbled, eyes twitching. At the moment he wondered if there were layers to Husk intentionally pissing him off, because after that little jab, he begins venting.

Nah, not venting. This is far more hot-blooded. He begins bitching.

Husk listens as Angel absolutely runs his mouth about the particularly shitty day he’s had before. Emphasized multiple vulgar gestures with his hands, he detailed how he had to get up extra early in order to work at Val’s stuffy studio, where he was kept there pretty much all day with little room for rest-his thighs ache -several of his clients thought it’d be funny to get rougher with him and ended up beating the hell out of him-‘ Maravilloso, amorcito! Keep rolling!’ Valentino encouraged, the greedy fuck- and when they were done, they ended up eating HIS lunch that he packed for himself that day. So, he was beaten to hell, his crying afterwards ruined his makeup, he was pissed the fuck off, and also fucking hungry by the time he was given the mercy of leaving.

‘Soooo, tomorrow same time?’ Travis cheekily asks when Angel was passing by. His eyes twitch, and the other glowing six opened sharply.

Angel cracked a little at that moment. Just a little.

Travis lying on the ground in agony after Angel kicks him square in the dick with whatever strength he had left before stomping away-Val’s cackling laughter at that let him know he thought it was hilarious-was Angel’s sole moment of catharsis the entire day up to that point.

Oh, but that brief happiness was just that, brief. The shitty day doesn’t stop there. Because of fucking course, it wouldn’t.

Husk allowed Angel a smoke or two, because he was really getting into it.

“And fuckin’ damn it, I was kicked outta my apartment! My rent wasn’t due for another two weeks! ” Angel gripes as he took a deep drag, sighing as smoke swirled around him. “And it’s been hard for me to pay for as is because for all the damn money I make that shithead moth, I barely get to see a fucking cent of it for myself on a good day! Those assholes wouldn’t let me back into my place! Not even to get my shit outta there! Or my son!”

Husk raised an eyebrow. “Son?”

“My Hellpig! My baby! Fat Nuggets! Don’t you laugh . I see you laughin’, dick.” Angel angrily pointed as Husk nearly snorted behind his hand at the name. “Fat Nuggets is an absolutely cute name for a hellpig. Don’t laugh at my baby’s name, asshole.”

Husk cleared his throat and raised his hands in surrender. “Alright alright, I won’t laugh at your son’s name.”

“Fuckin’ better not.” Angel pouted, before he sighed and continued. “I was like ‘okay fine, keep my stuff for all I care, but let Fat Nuggets out, at least?’ and those dickheads laughed at my fuckin’ face before showin’ me the door, all while my son was squealing up a panic! And they laughed at that too!

Husk narrowed his eyes at that. “That’s some petty shit.”

“I KNOW! ” Angel angrily threw up his hands. “And from there I was in like, on a heavy crashout. I snagged drinks all for myself, ghosted my friend, maybe I shot a guy a few times when I made it clear I’m not in the mood today- no means fucking NO -and then I drunk myself into a fucking mess. Because to cap off my completely fucking shit of a day, I’m fucking homeless, with Fat Nuggets trapped in the apartment! And the one place I know I’ll be welcomed back to rent-free is Vee Tower . ” Angel laughed, but Husk could tell if was more of an angry/sad laugh given his current state. “Tch…I wouldn’t even be surprised if Val paid off those assholes to kick me outta my own apartment. He never really liked whenever I tried livin’ anywhere but the studio. He technically can’t prevent me from movin’…but he can fucking keep me homeless just by repeatedly paying off the right guys to keep kicking me out repeatedly. Until I come back to him, having to 'make up' for walking out of his graciously offered living space, completely outta options…every damn time.

Husk hummed. “That’s when you…kinda collapsed, huh?”

“Yeah. I was fucked, and not in the way that would be fun. I was completely outta energy at that point, so my body and mind kinda just…gave up. I just couldn’t be bothered anymore...” Angel dug his cigarette into an ash tray, running his hands through his hair.

Husk hummed. “Some guys were about to have their way with you when I saw ya all passed out. I made sure they fucked off.”

Angel groaned, not even sounding surprised, rubbing the center of his forehead. “Of fucking course. Because having that shit happen to me again woulda been a neat little finishing shit bow on my absolutely fucked up day, wouldn’t it?” All of this wasn't even the worst things that's ever happened to him under Val's thrall, but the sheer increasing consistencyof it all was draining to the soul he no longer owned. He's dejectedly accepted the fact that there was no way out for him, not under his own power.

Husk actively chose to ignore, or more accurately set to the side, the implication that such a thing happened to Angel before, and nobody was around to stop it. Or worse, nobody cared to. Because he knew at that moment, his poker face slipped. Something under his expression, especially his eyes, became thunderous.

That’s when Angel noticed the first time Husk’s self-control briefly slips during their chat; a furious flash of gold from his eyes, crackling like lightning. It lasted a fraction of a second, before vanishing just as quickly, but he noticed. Nevertheless, he sighs again while shaking his head.

“I can’t get my stuff, I can’t get to my son, I fucking ghosted Cherri and I particularly feel like shit about that. She’s the only person on my side throughout this bullshit, she did nothing to be treated like that.”

“She seems like a good friend. Sounds like she’s used to you crashing like that.”

“Bein’ used to it doesn’t mean she should have to put up with it every time it happens. She deserves better than that. She deserves better than having to deal with me bein’ a…well, a damn mess .” His four limbs gestured to himself, before he groaned. “What the fuck am I gonna do now…”

Husk went over his options, his hands clasped across the table, his wings softly ruffling, and his tail swaying in thought. What to do indeed, with Valentino’s most valuable soul? Apparently not valuable enough for him to properly take care of him. Which means he isn’t all that valuable to him is he? Oh, but he’ll never see it like that. So long as he’s in a state to make him money, Valentino doesn’t care what status Angel is in. Even with Angel carrying a majority of his separate empire on his back, Valentino doesn’t respect him at all, never values him as much as he should.

Which leads to him wasting a resource.

And wasting resources is one of the things that can get under Husk’s skin. Fixable incompetence like that pisses him off, because it means someone actively doesn’t want to change their behavior even when it would be beneficial and easy for them to do so. If this is how Valentino treats his main star, how the fuck could Husk ever trust him as an ally? And the damn moth genuinely wonders why Husk absolutely refuses to work with him. Vox was a cocky TV showboater and Velvette was an influencer brat (consulting Loona’s experience with social media left Husk in a slightly better position to navigate the youngest Vee), both things he can put up with. But he hated Valentino the most out of the Vees.

There was only one Sinner, just ONE , that Husk hated even more,and he hasn’t so much as heard Alastor’s signature radio static for a while.

That vehement hatred for Val is probably why he decided his next course of action.

“Moxxie, Millie. I need ya for a moment.” Husk called out, and the two imps scurried into the room at the ready. And at first glance Angel thought Moxxie was really cute looking with how awkwardly polite he looked. Husk pointed to Angel. “Our guest here has been unjustly evicted from his apartment. I think you both know a thing or two about that.”

“Oh, crumbs. I’m so sorry that happened to you, Mr. Dust.” Moxxie gestured with clasped hands, and Angel resisted the urge to snort. Mr. Dust. And did he say crumbs as if it were a cute little stand in for a swear? He’s adorable.

“Do ya care about your stuff, or do you just want them to get the pig?” Husk asked, and Angel blinked as he tried to see whether or not he was bluffing.

He was not.

“…Just the pig. All my other shit is ultimately replaceable. Gonna be a bitch to do so but I’ll get over it. Not Fat Nuggets. I only get one of him.”

“Alright. Do me a favor you two and get Fat Nuggets outta that apartment and back here safely. I’ll be sure to pay ya for the job to ensure Blitzø will be fine with me borrowin’ ya.” Husk tapped his hands over his dice cane. “Anyone gets in your way; you have my explicit support and approval to defend yourselves however you see fit.” As in, beat the shit out of or kill anyone and everyone who tries to be an issue.

“Can do, Husk!” Millie saluted, her tail whipping excitedly. “Looks like we’re on piggy retrieval duty, Mox!”

Moxxie lightly pressed his hands together. “Going to rescue a pig locked in an apartment, with the landlords unwilling to cooperate. Seems simple enough!” It probably won’t be given his luck, but surely Moxxie is allowed to hope, right? Right?

As the imp duo went on their merry way, Husk turned back to Angel. “You should probably get yourself cleaned up in the showers or baths. Both are ready and available. You kinda reek right now.”

“Well, damn.Aren’t you the charmer?”

“Would ya rather I lied to ya?”

Okay, fair, but he couldn’t have dialed that back just a little bit? Geez.

“…You’re not gonna tell Val I was here, will ya?” Angel suddenly sounded extremely panicked as some of the implications of his being here caught up, and his previous plans absolutely forgotten. “Fuck, fuck, that’s just catchin’ up to me. He’ll be so pissed about all this, dammit damnit…! ” He nearly tripped over himself grabbing onto Husk’s arm. His teary eyes looked into his golden ones with sincere desperation. “Please don’t tell him I was here! Or at least wait until Fat Nuggets is safe and outta his reach! Please!

Husk gently removed Angel’s hands from his arm, before taking one of them and kissing the back of them again. “The only way he’s ever gonna know is if you tell him yourself. What goes on in my casinos ain’t his fucking business to know. I’ve got no obligation to tell his stupid ass you’re here if he can’t even be bothered taking better care of you.” Husk reached out and brushed away a tear on Angel’s cheek. “Calm down; you’re shivering like crazy and it isn’t from the cold. Clean yourself up. After that, have a bite to eat. Kitchen staff can make something of your choosing. Take a moment to collect yourself so you can think about what to do next with a clearer head. Can ya do that for me?”

The smoothness of Husk’s deep voice ran through Angel, and he felt his panic slowly decrease as Husk held his hand patiently, maintaining eye contact. He didn’t answer until his breathing slowed to a less painful pace. “…Y-Yeah. Yeah, okay.” Angel sniffed as he wiped the rest of his tears away, grumbling about further ruining whatever makeup was still there, before he stood up fully and smoothed down his dress. “…Ugh, even I’m beginnin’ to notice the rank smell…”

“That’s why I’m tellin’ ya to clean yourself. Unless you wanna keep smellin’ like trash.”

“Jackass.” Angel flipped him off but nonetheless went to bathe. A nice long, warm soak sounded miraculous right now.

Husk took a breath and sighed. Well, what was he to do now? Angel was currently under his care, where Val can’t find him. And if Angel chose to rent an apartment in this area, Valentino-pissed he would absolutely be, but Husk wouldn’t really give a shit-can’t pay off the landlords to kick him out, because Husk was the richest Overlord by far through running his casinos, and thus pays said landlords far more than Val could be half-assed to. What can he say? He rewards genuine competence.

Why did Husk care, though?

Letting your most profitable soul be treated like ass was the height of in competence, which was easily fixable-better yet, preventable - if Valentino gave enough of a damn. But of course, the Vees don’t care about anyone but themselves, so they don’t even think twice about casual cruelty towards Angel. And something like that might have been the last straw for Husk.

Husk isn’t new to cruelty. He wouldn’t be Overlord if he’s never been cruel. But he’s always done it with a purpose in mind, a point to be made, or a goal to be reached. Being cruel just for kicks isn’t productive, so he never has and never will be interested in that. There’s nothing to gain from leaving Angel suffer like this with all that he’s forced to do for Valentino, except to keep him trapped and fucking laugh at him.

You’re in Hell. What did you expect?

Yeah, that’s one excuse to brush this shit off, and not think about it further. Husk hears that a lot. True, Hell as a realm is not a place that actively encourages good virtues, it moreso encourages the denizens' vices, even though the choice to indulge in them is ultimately theirs in the end. And at one point, he even shrugged and accepted it as well. He's been an exceptionally greedy demon himself ever since he's fallen into Hell. Helps with gambling and casino running.

But then he watched with his own eyes as Blitzø and Loona, two Hellborn at the bottom of Hell’s hierarchy, taking care of and protecting each other as if they were each other’s entire world, for five years. Millie was an absolute sweetheart when she’s off the clock, and sometimes even when she's on it. Moxxie might have the most well-adjusted moral compass of all four of them, and definitely the most restraint. The Princess of Hell was possibly the kindest demon of them all despite all odds and has every honest intention of becoming a benevolent ruler, and unlike Lucifer, wanted to connect with her people more so that she can better understand how to be a good ruler for them. Dammit, Overlord Mayberry recently sent him an impossibly adorable picture of her tearfully reuniting with her angel students. That’s possibly the happiest she’s ever been so far in her afterlife.

Faced with all this, Husk firmly decided that the ‘It's/we’re in/from Hell’ go-to excuse isn’t gonna fucking fly anymore.

Somebody needed to remind the Vees that senseless cruelty has its own set of consequences. And if there’s one thing that helping form I.M.P has taught him, it’s that fucking over those who have it coming to them is both gratifying and profitable.

With this, Husk begins to scheme...


Loona, Octavia, and Husk are among my favorite characters in the Hellaverse, so a chapter mostly to these three has been neat to get down.

Blitz and Loona's influence on Husk, and vice versa, continues to affect how they're making critical decisions, such as Husk's right now. Octavia puts two and two together after talking with Loona, and this conversation is definitely the start of a snowball effect on I.M.P's side of things.

Moxxie and Millie go to rescue Fat Nuggets! I'm absolutely sure no complications will occur during such a mission!

Huskerdust's starting line begins! Hopefully the wait was worth it.

Next couple of chapters maybe: Loona meeting Octavia and giving her advice (as well as confirming to Octavia her connection to Blitzo), and Husk hiding away Angel (thus interfering with Valentino, and the Vees by proxy), begins to have escalating domino/ripple effects.

Until next time!

Chapter 10: The Powerful and the Powerless


Several gears begin to turn that massively shape the immediate future, and it's far too late to turn them back.


Stolas enters the fray. Or there's setup for him to enter the fray. Octavia provides him some hope.

Fat Nuggets retrieval mission proceeds.

Angel Dust has mixed feelings about Overlord Husker and I.M.P.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

These visits were always an awkward endeavor for Stolas.

He sets them up occasionally, mostly out of courtesy than any actual desire. It was difficult to place down sometimes, but he felt as if it was something he had to do, if only because he did not have the heart to stick to the alternative. Not that it was not doable, but that it had consequences on more than just himself, so he had to play along, at least for rare occasions. This was one of the things he had to do to keep things stable.

That is why he was currently sitting across a table from Andrealphus, his brother-in-law. He would say former brother-in-law, but something about it felt too harsh for him to commit to. Both stared stoically at each other, blood red eyes meeting icy blue ones, while sitting idly within the latter’s icy estate. Most demons would have a bit of a tough time adjusting to this sheer cold. At best it is only slightly chilly to Stolas, and Andrealphus hardly feels it at all.

The silent stare down continued for a moment, before Andrealphus sighed. “Stolas, my sister is not going to suddenly barge through the door. I already told you she is out for the evening.”

“Forgive me if I remain cautious on that. Stella has a habit of bursting in on the scene.” Stolas sips more of the tea in front of him, having the teapot set down to the side for him to occasionally pour himself, rather than having one of the imp servants do so for him.

Such a subtle thing, and yet it can say a lot amongst the aristocracy. Only a few could really pinpoint where something like this happened, but many were stumped. But it did not really matter to them…at least, for a little while.

“My beloved sister can be a bit…hm, intense, of course, but mostly when she needs to be. Is it really her fault that it happens to be often?” Andrealphus hummed while conjuring ice cubes for his own tea, dropping them inside and stirring. “Stolas, do you have any idea if Via will be able to come over this time?”

“Who is to say? That stays completely up to her discretion, not my own.” Stolas stirred his own tea, his eyes slightly lowering while thinking of his only daughter. “You ask me this a lot, Andrealphus. And yet still, you do not understand that it is not up to me. Or are you speaking on behalf of Stella?”

Andrealphus waved a hand, ice glittering around him. “Stolas, I know you are more reasonable than that. I want to see my niece more often. It has been such a long time since I have been able to spend dedicated time with her as an uncle.”

“I am sure that you wish to see her. But if Octavia decides she wishes to stay home with me again for this weekend, that stays up to her. I can ask her about it, but if you expect me to sway her choice, I must again ask for you to rid yourself of that notion. Octavia speaks for herself on this matter, not me.”

Andrealphus sighed at this but dropped that branch of the matter. At least for now. Not for the first time, he sometimes wishes that his darling sister would not be so stubbornly iron willed. She is the one making most of this difficult for all of them, as the only one that Octavia has a genuine issue with that cannot be reconciled so easily. It hurts, but Stolas really has no obligation to convince Octavia to visit more. Stella and Andrealphus were both family to Octavia, but Stella has made it harder to endear themselves to her because she simply cannot bring herself to relinquish her grudge with Stolas.

Ever since their divorce caused a fierce ripple across the Goetia family, Stella prioritized her enmity against Stolas for dealing such a blow to their standings over being a mother to Octavia. Something Octavia understandably has a problem with. Stolas might have started things that lead up to it, but Stella increased the intensity of their divergence so much that Andrealphus could not put out the flames in time before they became a wildfire.

A once strained marriage quickly became utterly unsalvageable.

He has been doing damage control ever since, yet still sided with his sister. While Octavia was conflicted but chose to side with her father. Which pains them both because they have the least problems with one another, but Stella’s stubbornness hinders them from nurturing their connection. Andrealphus does believe that the divorce itself was the proper call in hindsight, regardless of the impacts for their reputations.

“Am I at least allowed to know if her magic training is going well?” Andrealphus decided to shift the subject a bit.

Stolas seemed glad for it, as his shoulders loosened. “Very well. Octavia proves to be a steady and remarkable learner. When properly motivated, of course. As well as having a bit of inspiration.” Stolas smiles warmly. “Yes, in terms of magic, Octavia has taken to it quite well.”

“I would hope so. She needs every resource she can get to protect herself against the more...ugh, barbaric denizens of Hell. Because they are beginning to grow bolder and more audacious. It is high time we both accept that you cannot shelter her from danger forever.”

Stolas went quiet for a moment at that, staring idly at his half drunken tea. “…That is not my intention.”

“You may not intend to, but your paternal instincts will occasionally drive you to it. You are a father; you cannot help yourself. But you are going to have to. Hell continues to alter, whether we are prepared for it or not. We must continue to adapt to the circumstances, or else we will be seen as weak.” Andrealphus’ voice grows colder and more serious as he finishes the rest of his tea, setting his cup down as an imp carries the cup and pot away. “Complacency is the biggest enemy to the Goetia right now, Stolas. Surely you must be aware of that.”

“Of course, I am.” Though surely there is another reason that Andrealphus is even bringing it up. Both finished their tea as they began taking a walk outside cross the icy estate, with Andrealphus’s Aura being enough to form a platform of ice for the both of them as he’s walking. Andrealphus sighed calmly, a breath of icy mist leaving him, his blue eyes softly glowing. “I’m not exactly the biggest fan of exercising my powers and strengths pointlessly.”

“It’s not pointless, Stolas. It’s to remind the lower castes of our place, and to remind them of theirs . Be it the vastness of our wealth, our wellspring of magical power, upholding our rank. We exercise these things to remind the rabble that we’re at our place on the hierarchy for a reason . Meritocratic elements seeping into the mix makes this even more important.” Andrealphus stopped in place, as a glistening snow globe that would slowly display various parts of Hell through it. “In this day and age, wealth and social class, success and influence are upheld by proven abilities and talents, manifesting as merits. That’s the current climate Hell is currently mixed into. The Goetia are in a state where we must continue to prove just why our status is placed where it is. Our superiority over the lower castes isn’t lost because of these changes, it was sustained, earned . They must be reminded over and over, that they cannot knock us from our rightful place so easily.”

Stolas lowered his eyes while gazing through the snow globe. Few demons were more aware of the shifting hierarchy up close than the Goetia. The Sins are busy supporting their respective Rings overall with all of these shifts, leaving the Goetia to take care of things on a ground level. It wasn’t something they could just ignore. “…It just seems so…haphazard. This has been happening for a while now, and yet still the only certainty within it all is that things are changing. We only have a vague direction as to where…”

The snow globe glistened as it dispersed into icy crystals, with Andrealphus closing his hand. “Stolas. I know you and I don’t exactly have compatible perspectives but believe me that I’m saying all this to help you. If you cannot uphold yourself to your place as Goetia, the consequences could rapidly become more severe. And they could affect Via.” Stolas winced at this, while Andrealphus placed a hand in his shoulder. “At the end of the day we both care about her. Your status helps protect her, Stolas. Your image protects her. No matter what you choose to do, do it with the power and class that is expected from Goetia. Follow through. Because those with wavering wills are weak…and end up being culled. Do not let your passivity stunt Via’s future.”

Their walk eventually returned them to the estate, and Stolas let out a drawn-out sigh as Andrealphus’ words began to settle. Because try as he might to brush them off, his brother-in-law was correct. Now more than ever, the Goetia can’t be seen as weak. They aren’t very well liked in many of the rings and are especially hated by those lowest on the hierarchy. So much that they are willing to bypass and ignore the natural order of things just for a chance to kill them. These attempts have been growing, and if he doesn’t do anything to quell them, they’ll grow behind his ability to handle. The notion of having to fight to keep his position unsettles Stolas immensely.

But if Octavia risks becoming a casualty because of it, he has no choice.

“…I will…think about what we’ve discussed, Andrealphus.” Stolas quietly decided.

“That is all I ask.” The icy avian nodded. “Now then, you’d best get going. You might still have some time to leave quietly before my sister comes ho-”



“-oooooh shit .” Andrealphus sighed while pinching the bridge of his beak.

Stella glared down Stolas, who was staring back at her patiently with his hands clasped. Feathers white as snow, pink and white eyes inherited by Octavia, a flowing white gown that somewhat gently hugged her figure, including the impressive swell of her chest. The woman before him wore high class like a glove. She was a beautiful specimen, no doubt.

The outside is where the beauty ends.

“What right do you think you have, waltzing up in here as if you’re welcome, Stolas?” Stella marched up to her ex-husband and poked his chest harshly with a nailed finger. “You know what, I don’t care. More importantly, what lies have you whispered in my daughter’s ears about me today?”

“Sister, please.” Andrealphus attempted to placate, even though he knew it’d do no good.

Stolas for his part, calmly yet firmly gripped her wrist mid-poke and pulled it away from him, being careful not to harm her. “Octavia is doing fine, thank you for asking. I told her no lies, Stella.”

“Bullshit. Every second she spends with you is a poison on her mind. You expect me to believe that when she hasn’t come to see me?

“That is her own choice to make, I have no direct influence on that. And you not believing me doesn’t make it not the truth.” Stolas politely reflected. “I see that my welcome here is expired for the day. Thank you for the tea, Andrealphus. I’ll be taking my leave.” He knew what Stella was here for. She wanted to fight. She had ready decided upon her conclusions and was highly unlikely to ever break them. In the beginning throes of their divorce, he was just angry enough to indulge her desire to conflict with him.

But that badly distressed little Octavia at the time, and it still distresses her now. Taking that into account, these days Stolas found that his best choice was to simply walk away.

Stella narrowed her eyes sharply. “You wretched weakling of a man. Running away again? Where's your fucking spine?

“Fighting with you here yields no benefit, so there isn’t any point.” Stolas rebukes easily. “There is nothing to be gained from arguing with you today, so I won’t.”

“The Goetia name continues to suffer from your pathetic indecisiveness .” Stella narrowed her eyes further, and Stolas resisted the urge to match them. She may be speaking the truth on the matter, but she’s hardly a beacon of support whenever it came to his duties. Now she’s acting like he’s always screwed up. Which he almost bought into, until he remembers that she’s mostly infuriated by the effects on herself. “And I’m left to pick up the pieces you left behind for once being married to such a failure. All the while you drag our daughter into disgrace with you.”

Stolas stayed silent, refusing to look back at Stella as she insulted him. Andrealphus sighed still, rubbing circles on his forehead. Stella was already here; she was going to get the words out one way or another. It was hard for him to deny her. Stolas didn’t even try, if only because Stella would not heed him if he did.

“...No matter what happens to me, I will protect Octavia’s future.” Stolas finally decided on. There were many thoughts going through his mind, but he settled on voicing the one echoing most strongly, the one closest to his heart. He opened a portal back to his home and stepped through it. “Have a nice rest of your day, Stella.”

“Just get the fuck out.” Stella spat as she turned and folded her arms, with Stolas sighing sadly as the portal closed with him on the other side. “I cannot believe you let that fool back in here, Andrealphus!”

“Stella, dear sister, you must be reasonable. For all of Stolas’ errors, he is Goetia, and Octavia’s father. And Octavia needs him in her life.”


There’s no hope in fully calming down Stella after outbursts like that, so Andrealphus decided for the slow and steady pace of putting out the fire. He slid an arm around Stella while guiding her to their table. “Would you like to hear about how pitifully the imps over on the Greed Ring are tripping over each other?”

“I’m not interested in the rabble’s dick measuring contests, Andrealphus!”

“How about the amusingly stupid ways they end up dying because of them?”


Stolas sighed as he was currently alone in his mansion. He moved along; hands clasped while closing his eyes. It always hurts, when Stella demeans him like this. About calling him the worst failure amongst the Goetia. She always takes it too far with her harshness of it, her petty vindictiveness of it because of how it affects her in particular...but at the end of it all, she’s right .

Neither she nor Stolas have helped the situation on that day, but he was the one who worsened things first with his grave mistakes. And now the Goetia are scrambling to uphold their standings and keep their positions and powers. Something that Stolas has been...slow to do.

He just wants to be there for his daughter, but she was going to get caught up in all this too, inevitably. Even now he could feel Hell shifting, closing in on him, and forcing him to choose before he can compose himself. And there were few people he could turn to for help.

Andrealphus stays civil and tried to be accommodating, but he’ll side with his sister no matter what. Vassago is even busier than ever despite his best efforts. Of course, Stella herself absolutely refuses to give Stolas any leeway if she can help it. Which overall leaves Stolas feeling trapped and alone, with few allies and a growing list of enemies. All of it had him doubting many things about himself and his capabilities. But one topped them all:

Can I protect Octavia all by myself…?


Stolas blinked, turning around to see Octavia just coming through the main doors of the mansion. Stolas’ heart lightened at her arrival, a bit of the difficulty of the earlier encounters reduced.

“Via! Welcome home, my precious owlet!” Stolas greeted cheerily with wide arms, moving over to lightly hold her cheeks and kiss her forehead, which had her chuckling. “How was your stroll, dear? Hopefully nothing strenuous?”

Octavia shook her head. “Nothing too bad. Couple of assholes tried to get the drop on me, but they couldn’t even be bothered to not be so obvious about it. They went down easily.”

“Ah, so more demons tried to attack you. Oh, how I do worry about you, sweetie. By the way, might they still happen to be there?” Stolas tilted his head slightly, his eyes and tone slowly taking on a sinister edge. “Just wondering. I would just like to, hm… speak with them about their motivations to attack my daughter…surely, they must understand the consequences of doing so…

How many attempts on Octavia’s life have there been? One being too many is the obvious answer from his perspective as a father, but it became very concerning to Stolas when she turned fourteen and simply stopped responding to them with understandable fear and concern. These days she responds mostly with bored indifference.

Her only response at the time, after felling twenty demons that came for her head, never reaching her and being crushed due to her sheer demonic telekinetic power, was to boredly ask her father what was for lunch today.

She had become accustomed to being hated, being wanted dead , simply for being Goetia.

She realized she was going to have to fight often in order to protect her own life if she ever wanted to venture outside her home. She refuses to be caged inside for her own safety, and Stolas didn’t want that for her either. She’s adjusting quite well to it all, much more quickly than he did at her age.

She shouldn’t have had to.

It was a painful reminder to Stolas, that even the powerful could be victims of persecution due to envy and fear, which leads to isolation. He sometimes wondered if he could truly give Octavia a happy life all on his own. He’s long since given up on giving her a normal one. Too many variables ended up destroying that hope, divorce included.

“Dad, chill. I’m fine .” Octavia rolled her eyes, which brought Stolas back from his spiraling thoughts. “You seem a bit rattled, though. Was Mom being shitty towards you again?”

Stolas sighed. “You know how, er, passionate your mother can be, Via. She and Andrealphus want to see you.”

“That’s nice. But I don’t wanna see Mom right now.” Octavia bluntly declares while walking past Stolas, who sighed. That was the end of that, he wouldn’t press further today. “Oh, Dad. I wanted to ask you something.” She turned to meet her father’s curious expression. “You used to know somebody named Blitzo, right?”

Stolas froze for a moment. A slow blink of his eyes, a tilt of his head. Uncertainty and shock graces his features as he went for an honest response. “I have…why do you ask?”

“Because uh, I ran into his adopted daughter during my walk. We ate together and talked together. And we even traded numbers so we could talk more.” Octavia lightly curled a strand of hair around her finger. “I guess that makes us friends? I never had one before, so I don’t really know what to do here…”

Okay, first off, the fact that Octavia made a friend all by herself made Stolas giddy with glee for her. But secondly, the fact that said friend was Blitzo’s daughter was fascinating. He hasn’t heard that name in years, but his heart remembers it fondly. One of the few cherished memories he’s ever had in his life, was given to him by someone whom those of his status would consider a mere peasant. He’d thought he'd never see him again, but those memories were one of the things that kept him going. And now their daughters were friends?

Stolas wonders if the stars were aligning.

“Do you…wanna go see him, Dad?” Octavia asked, as if she knew what he was thinking.

Yes, he wanted to say. A thousand times, yes . He’d love nothing more than to see how Blitzo was doing after all these years. How has life been treating him? He has a daughter of his own, now? What was he up to these days? Stolas wanted to know it all. It’s been the first time in years that he’s ever been truly enthusiastic about meeting somebody.


“Perhaps another day.” Stolas decided, to Octavia’s surprise. Stolas smiled towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sure he’s busy at the moment. Let’s give it some time. For now, tell me more about your day while I make you dinner.” Octavia blinked at this, but she smiled and nodded with a soft ‘okay’, as they moved through the mansion.

“I got better at the tracking part of fireball throwing. Those assholes didn’t know what hit them.” She hummed with a chirp.

Stolas chuckled as he lovingly nuzzles the top of Octavia’s head. “That’s my Starfire!”

It’s been so long since he’s seen Blitzo. As excited as he was at the prospect of a reunion, Stolas can wait a bit longer. His daughter comes first.

He’s sure Blitzo feels the same about his own.

Four hours pass as Moxxie and Millie made their way through Pentagram City, going to the address where Angel Dust’s old apartment was said to be. It was farther than they expected, but they managed to make it there in record time.

“Alrighty, now we just gotta find the little piggy!” Millie beamed as she was heading on ahead, only for Moxxie to leap and pull her back by the shoulders.

“Hood on, Millie. Something’s off.” Moxxie pointed forward, and indeed, several shark demons could be seen patrolling the area, more than one would expect given the circumstances. And quite a few of them were very close to Angel Dust’s apartment. “…Oh crumbs . Those are not regular loan sharks. That’s mafia.”

“Mafia?! Shit. ” Millie hissed as they hid behind a bench nearby, peaking through the openings. “What the fuck are they doing here? There ain’t no way they’d be hangin’ around here willy nilly…did Angel do something to piss them off?”

“That’s likely. Right now, we have to think of a way t-” Both of them jumped as they heard the sound of glass breaking and doors shattering, and they turned to see that the sharks were breaking into the apartment. “Ooookay, so we have absolutely no time to plan. Wonderful.”

“Guess we’re improvising!” Millie exclaimed as she hopped over the bench, with Moxxie hurriedly following.

One of the sharks grunted at the incessant squealing going on. “Grah, where the fuck is that spider whore? Informant said that this is one of the places he’d be, yet not a single sighting of him!”

“Are we sure this is a good idea? Angel Dust is Valentino’s favorite plaything. Aren’t we risking pissing him off?”

“Fuck that bug-eyed dipshit. There’s a standing to be upheld; he shoulda kept a better leash on his whores if he doesn’t wanna risk them getting taken away. And what the fuck is that squealing?!”

“Hey, I found a pig! Kinda weird.” One of the sharks exclaimed while picking up Fat Nuggets, who was panicking and squirming in his grasp. “Can I eat it?”

“Whatever gets the thing to shut the fuck up.”

“Alright!” The sharks' fangs glinted as his jaws parted to bite into the pig, which had Fat Nuggets squealing louder in sheer fear.

The shark suddenly found his teeth and jaw shattered by a swift kick from Millie.

It sent him crashing into the wall, making him lose his grip on Fat Nuggets. Millie skid across the floor and caught the pig in her arms, sighing with relief. “Gotcha, little critter. Whew! That was a close one.”

“What the-imps?! What kind of-” The others weren’t given time to question it, as several shots from Moxxie silenced them when he rolled into the room. Several shots from his pistol through their chests and then their throats, and they went down quickly before they could fire back.

“This is getting out of hand very quickly.” Moxxie muttered, he could already hear more sharks beginning to gather outside after hearing and seeing the commotion. “Millie, we’re going to have to fight our way back to the casino, unfortunately.”

“That ain't a problem, Mox! Hold Fat Nuggets and follow my lead!” Millie hands Moxxie the surprised and curious pig, as she begins to stroll outside, cracking her neck in preparation. “Gonna clear us a path really quick, so get ready.”

The sharks were gathering around the entrance, prepared to shoot the place up with their tommy guns. Though they were decidedly unprepared when a sofa bursts out of the window and slams one of them in the face, sending them crashing down into the streets below. They were distracted just long enough for Millie to leap into the fray and stab one of them in the eyes with the knives attached to her hips.

“Go, Mox!”

Moxxie leapt out as well, holding Fat Nuggets in his arms, with his tail holding his pistol and firing multiple shots into the sharks standing in his way. The maneuver shocked the hell out of them.

“How are you shooting with only your tail?!”

“Always prepare for your hands to be occupied.” Moxxie relays cooly, shooting two more of them through the head, while his wife has her arms tightly around another shark’s neck before harshly breaking it. She lands right next to him as they surveyed their surroundings. “There’s bound to be more, soon. We can’t stand our ground and fight them all off. Mission comes first.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think they’re gonna see it that way.” Millie pointed as some of them were still coming in new cars, coming out of the woodwork and preparing to open fire. Millie thought quickly, seeing a car next to them. “Well, this might do for a neat little distraction.” She steps around the car, raises her leg, and kicks it, hard .

The sharks were flabbergasted as the car launched towards them with the force of a catapult, slamming into them and causing the nearby vehicles to explode from the impact. The resulting explosive flames made things worse, with the fuel within the cars leaking and causing even more fire to erupt and burn them.

Moxxie blinked as Millie surveyed the destruction in her wake, turning to her husband with a wink as she lowered her muscular and powerful leg. “I’ve been meanin’ to try that one for a while. They shouldn’t a gathered themselves up in a neat bunch like that.”

“... Fuck , I love you.” Moxxie uttered with a soft and enamored sigh.

Millie giggled sweetly as she moves over to Moxxie and gives his cheek a peck. “We’d better skedaddle while the goin’s good. Would love to stay and fuck them up some more but you’re right, hon. Mission comes first.” She patted Fat Nuggets head. “C’mon little fella, let’s get ya back to your daddy!”

The two imps scurry away, leaving a spot of devastation in their wake from the brief yet brutal battle. The sharks that haven’t been shot or torched yet groaned as they tried to pull themselves away from the wreckage, grimacing from their wounds.

“This shit is...not good.” One of them groaned while holding a bloodied spot on their chest. Though a few of them were still reeling from the fact that a mere imp did all of this to them. There were plenty of strong demons across Hell and its rings, but they could hardly fathom one with Millie’s monstrous physical strength. “That dame is insane . Never seen an imp so fucking lethal...and the spindly one with her was too good of a shot without using his hands...”

When the fuck did the fucking imps get so potentially deadly?

A nice warm bath did Angel Dust wonders.

He stretched out slightly, sighing as he allowed himself some time to gather his thoughts more clearly. Though even with this, he was having a bit of a rough time doing so given the current state of things, all of them piling on top of each other, one after the other. In order for him to situate his currently all over the place mind, he’ll be starting from the beginning.

First off, Fat Nuggets was trapped in his apartment. Definitely not good. Fuck all of his other shit that he doesn't need, not even the drugs. Drugs were nice and well and dandy and all but fuck trading all that shit for Fat Nuggets. The longer he was away from his beloved pig the longer he has to worry, and that worry will escalate to sheer paranoia if he allows it to fester.

Second, Cherri Bomb. He called her up as promised as soon as he somewhat pulled himself together, and he relayed the current situation to her with even more details. When she heard that he somehow managed to end up in the domain of another Overlord, Cherri could be heard swearing up a storm and wondering how Angel manages to get himself into these messes, not even the fun kind. And he wished that he could tell her. Because honestly?

He doesn’t fucking know.

He shrugs it off for the moment, plush in pink bath robes that the casino attendants have provided him, which was incredibly polite and nice of them. He tugged on the robes with a sigh, warm and snug. Over to the side, he saw that Husker was nearby, texting on his phone. Angel shoved down a brief laugh. One would think that coming out of the baths all nice and fresh would be something to get a nice good look at, but Husker is barely turning his way.

Angel sneaked a smirk. He’s had a long day, and by the end of it he’ll probably have to go back to Val sooner or later either way to possibly do the whole damn thing over again. He’s going to allow himself a boost of serotine to get him through, by playing with a kitty.

Husk hears him coming, but didn’t pay him any mind. He was sending messages to his staff, checking in on them and making sure things were running smoothly, because he was going to be much busier for a while. A bit of a check to remind himself that the casino can run itself while he focuses on something else, helps him be at ease.

He blinks as he feels something soft gently place itself atop its head. It was...fluffy. He sighed.

“Angel...whaddya doin’?”

“Nothiiiiing.” Angel innocently chirps, having opened just enough of his robe for his plush chest fluff to push through, which he placed right atop Husk’s head. “Got no idea what you’re talking about, Overlord Kitty.”

Husk snorted. “That bath musta really did you wonders. One good soak to wash the stress away, and suddenly you’re feeling confident enough to do this.”

“What can I say? The stress was gettin’ to me, and I needed to refresh myself. I’m still in the middle of that, actually.” Angel says as his lower hands soon slid around Husk’s shoulders. “Playing with kitties tends to help with stress and increase dopamine levels. Didja know that shit? Feels pretty good!”

Husker groaned as his wings fluttered and his tail twitched. “Listen, I’m a bit busy right now. Can ya back up a little bit?”

“...Lemme stay like this. Just for a minute. Please?”

Husk found himself off-guard by Angel’s sincerity in his voice. He didn’t sound sad or desperate anymore like before, but it’s eventually circled back into just being flat out tired . He couldn’t bring himself to stay upset anymore because he’s simply spent on the energy to support that mood. He’s too tired to even put out much energy into his acting. Lucifer knows that Husk has been on that level of ‘done with everything’ far more than once in his afterlife. That’s probably why he ends up giving in.

Husk lightly pinched the bridge of his nose, before lying back. “...Fine.”

Allowing the weight to rest on his head, Husk feels Angel beginning to breathe easier. “So, uh, how’s this whole Boss thing working out with you here? You the shitty kind of boss that makes a whole lotta show outta his workers?”

“I ain’t ever done shit like that. Because for one, that’s stupid and unproductive to harass the employees that help keep everything running. Especially if it’s for petty shit or just for a laugh. This is why me and the Vees ain’t ever getting along. Or at the very least, it’s a strong reason for me personally that goes behind me simply hating their fucking guts.”

“Oooh. So, you’re a nice boss outta necessity, not because ya wanna be.”

“It’s about half and half. Being a shitty boss ain’t gonna get me far, so of course I don’t play that game. Being a fair boss means better productivity among my staff because they’re gonna want to do better for themselves. And doing better for themselves means they’ll work better for me.” Husk shrugs. “It’s a bit of an interconnected deal. That kinda shit.”


“You don’t care, do ya?”

“C’mon, kitty! I’m following along! Sheesh, have a bit more faith in me than that!” Angel pouted with puffed cheeks. Husk rolled his eyes and shifted slightly.

“Alright enough of that, minute’s up.”

“Awww, already? I was just starting to get cozy.”

“Too bad. Get off.”

“...Right now? You sure? I mean, I could if ya want. But I just took a bath so that’s gonna-”

“You know damn well that isn’t what I meant.” Husk groaned as he palmed his face with his paws. He could hear Angel chuckling, before he felt the softness on his head leave him. “You sure like to press your luck, huh?”

Angel smirks as he folds both of his arms, his robes still somewhat open; plush and voluptuous chest fluff on the verge of spilling out. One could definitely see how many thought he was impressively busty with so much fluff. “And you don’t? You yourself embrace the whole Lucky Emperor deal. Maybe if ya push hard enough, ya might hit the jackpot .”

“I don’t think you’re talkin’ about money…” Husk grunted as he turned to face Angel, who was currently still in slight undress due to only being in a robe. Grumbling, he moved over to him and closed up his robes without looking at him, turning away and clearing his throat. “Staff already cleaned up your dress, freshened it and whatnot.”

Angel snickered at the way he covered him up while doing his damnedest to avoid staring. What a gentleman.

Though he also sighed at the thought of him freshening his dress. That was probably a good call; if the smell of the casino followed him when he inevitably had to return to Valentino, that could net him into serious trouble. It was exceptional that Husk thought ahead to dodge that issue.

Before either of them could speak up again, the doors slid open, and the sound of squealing filled the air. Angel snapped his head towards the sound.

“Pig retrieval: Success!” Millie held up Fat Nuggets with a cheer, while Moxxie was wheezing slight with one hand on his knee, and his other having a weakly raised thumbs up. Given how scuffed up they look, Husk could tell they’ve been in a fight. Angel’s eyes sparkled.

“NUGGS!” Angel rushed over and scooped the pig up, his squeals of joy reinvigorating him as he hugged and nuzzled his cheek. “Mio bambino! (My Baby!) Oh, thank fuck you’re okay!” Angel kisses Fat Nuggets on his cheeks and snout many a time, while the pig occasionally returns the favor via licking his nose. “I’m so sorry, Nuggy! Daddy didn’t wanna leave you behind, I swear! I wasn’t in a position to get ya back myself. Oh, thank fucking goodness…”

Millie waved cheerily. “Just in the nick of time, too! A bunch of those mob sharks were scouting and breaking into your apartment.”

Moxxie stretched his collar with a breath. “One of them tried to eat him.”

“…They fuckin’ what. ” Angel slowly turned towards them, his other six eyes opening and glowing. “Please, oh please tell me you killed the shithead that tried that. It’s okay if you just knocked him out, though. Because I’ll have a reason go over there myself and fucking gut him.

Millie nodded. “Knee to the skull. Shattered his jaw and his teeth! He’s pretty dead.”

Good. ” Angel sighed as he massaged his forehead with his top hands while holding Fat Nuggets with his lower ones. “Fucking Christ, it doesn’t matter if it’s back on Earth or in Hell, the mob are a bunch of fuckheads no matter where ya find em’. Can’t seem to get the fuck away from them.”

Moxxie rubbed his shoulder, slightly looking away. “I know how that feels…”

Angel blinked. “Woah, back up. You were in a mob too?”

“Not willingly . I was…well, born in it. Wasn’t exactly in a position to leave until I was an adult. It’s how I grew up honing my talent for marksmanship.” Moxxie lowered his head as Millie gently rubbed his shoulder. “I don’t have a single good memory of those times…”

Well, fuck. Angel already found the little guy to be adorable, but now he’s also relatable. And despite that, he was still able to face down numerous mob sharks and come out victorious with Angel’s beloved Cat Nuggets safe and sound.

He doesn’t seem all that energetic, and the confidence part could definitely use some work. But courage and determination? Angel believes that Moxxie fully lives up to those meanings of the inspiration for his name.

“Moxxie, you’ve definitely got moxie .” Angel grinned, and Moxxie looked up at him in surprise. “You and I oughta have a heart to heart sometime. Think we can both share some takes based on personal experience, that being in the mob fuckin’ sucks .”

Moxxie rubbed the back of his necks with a smile. “I guess that would be something to look forward to. Because oh boy, unpacking this with someone havinga similar experience might be helpful.”

“Oh, you and me both.”

Moxxie lightly rubs his forehead. “Right. Now if you excuse me, I’m gonna lie down for a bit. That was a bit hectic….”

With Moxxie going on his own for now, Angel plops down on one of the cushions nearby, with his pig in his hands, while Husker and Millie waited for him to speak. They both had a decent guess on his current feelings at the moment. Angel lightly rubbed circles on his forehead while turning to Husk.

“I, uh…shit, gotta collect myself. Do you mind if I…leave Fat Nuggets with you? I’m gonna have to go back to work at some point, and I don’t want anyone knowing where Fat Nuggets is. My apartment’s fucked so that’s definitely out. Can’t leave him at some of my old hideouts either.” He shook his head while scratching the hellpig’s back to relax him. “You’re someone where Val wouldn’t think I’d leave Fat Nuggets with, and you’re strong enough to protect him…I’m not.”

“Do ya think you could be?” Millie tilted her head, and Angel grumbled.

“Wish I could. But what good would it do?” He sighed while tripping his arms. “I dunno what to do anymore. Tch, I’m a fucking spider demon and yet somehow, I’m the one who got stuck in a web? How baddo you gotta fuck up to let that be a thing that happens?” Angel’s upper hands can through his fur slightly as he shook his head. “I’m never gonna be able to cut myself loose from him…”

Millie tilted her head, her tail whipping for a moment. Then she slowly stands. “Not like that, you’re not.” Angel looked up to face her, seeing her hands on her hips. “I might not know Valentino personally like you do, but I know enough about how assholes like him do these things. They kick ya while you’re down, and once they see that you’re gonna choose to stay there without a fight, they’ll think they can get away with it forever.”

Angel Dust stared blankly. It’s not as easy as she makes it sound. Though knowingly she never said it was going to be easy, either. But it’s been so long, and he’s so tired. Nothing has worked up to now, so what would even be the point in trying?

“…Listen, Fluff.” Husk utters after lighting a cigar, and Angel briefly blinks in surprise at the nickname. “Val got inside your head, dug his claws deep. And because of that, your heart, soul, and body followed. You internalized that you couldn’t do anything about your situation, and because of that, you stopped trying. Really trying.”

Angel narrowed his eyes a bit at this. He really didn’t have the energy to get worked up over this, but there was still a burst of it left. So, he just turned about face and ran his hand through his fur again. “Just gonna lay all that on my lap, eh?! Just sayin’ all that and thinkin’ it’ll be that easy? You’re talkin’ as if ya fuckin’ know me that well!”

Husk paused for a moment, then looked straight forward with his eyes halfway closed. “...Sorry. You’re right. I don’t really know you at all. But I’d like an opportunity to get to do so.” Husk clasped his hands as more smoke blew from his lips. “That is, if it’s something you’re comfortable with. Of course, that’s easier said than done; an Overlord has you stuck, so why would you trust another one such as me?”

Angel flinched slightly, groaning and shaking his head. “Wait, fuck. That’s not what I...”

Husk nodded lowly. “I’m not gonna stop ya from leavin, Angel. That’s your choice. I’ll keep my word and keep Fat Nuggets safe. Val ain’t ever gonna find him. But you don’t gotta stay here if you don’t feel like you should.”

Angel looked into Husk’s eyes, seeing the slight bit of understanding within them. And perhaps slight bitterness. Perhaps his time as an Overlord has been exhausting on him. It was a bit surprising that he was able to hold onto it for as long as he did. Even though Angel has been in Hell for quite a bit longer than Husker. It feels like they’ve both been through it; except Husker seems to have found much more of his inner balance than Angel has.

Which leaves Angel feeling... frustrated.

And envious .

“...I can’t.” Angel sighed dejectedly, a wave of defeat crashing over him as he held his head in his hands. “There’s just...I mean...I don’t...fuck!” Angel shook his head again. “Look, thanks for the help and all...but I gotta go back. I can’t stay here. So long as Fat Nuggets is safe, I can deal...but I can’t stay.”

I ain’t safe.

I don’t deserve to feel safe.

What have I done to earn the luxury of fuckin’ safety?

Millie lightly placed a hand on his lap, before taking his hand into one of hers, and Angel turned towards her with a bit of a distant look, while hers was warm. “Angel…it’s okay if you’re not strong enough right now. You just gotta trust yourself that it won’t stay that way. And so long as the choice to not want to stay that way is yours, then you’ll find that strength eventually.”

Angel looked at Millie, and was wondering, while looking into her eyes, what the fuck is going on with the universe that a creature literally born from Hell could hold so much compassion within them, more than most humans he’s known in his life. It was such a startling thing to come to terms with, that demons had hearts, too. Hellborn demons through him for a loop with how they weren’t all hellbent on chaos and destruction for the sake of it. Well, Millie seemed to relish that too, but that was overall more of a means to an end. And that end was protecting her loved ones. Which extended from just Moxxie, to I.M.P as a whole.

Fuck, just hearing all that spiel from the Princess of Hell herself on the news, and then having multiple instances of her proving that she absolutely means what she says. She seems far too sweet for what her title means, and yet...

Honestly, Hell has been such a back and forth of Angel’s expectations of it being both met and actively defied. He couldn’t keep up with it all. He’s begun to wonder if he should even try.

“...Why ya even tryin’ to be nice to me like this? It ain’t like we’re friends.” Angel slowly says, still unsure of how to go about this.

Millie’s tail whipped slightly, and she smiles. “Well, do you wanna be friends? I can go ahead and be your friend!”

Angel raised a brow. “Just like that?”


There didn’t seem to be much to it on its own, but to be fair, Millie went on to save Fat Nuggets alongside Moxxie, so obviously he thought she was alright in his books. But to be friends? It wasn’t like he wasn’t fine with just Cherri Bomb; they’ve been able to get by and through a lot together. And Fat Nuggets has been a very good comfort to have when he just wants something to snuggle after a particularly harsh day. He didn’t think he needed more friends.

...But Millie asked him what he wanted . And suddenly, he found himself surprised by just how little people before and after he fell into Hell asked him that, aside from those closest to his heart. He didn't have many of those.

There was a lot of things Angel wanted but convinced himself he could never have, so for most parts of his afterlife he kind of accepted that what he wanted didn’t matter. But being asked several times now what he wanted to do or what he wanted to have, from different perspectives and people, made him begin to wonder.

Angel grumbled and rubbed his head once more. He’s been doing a lot of thinking lately, and it’s been exhausting.

“...Ya know what? Why not.” Angel shrugs. “You and your hubby seem alright. I guess we can be pals.”

“Alrighty! Ya here that, Mox?!”


“He’s still mighty tired, Imma go tend to him.” Millie gently looked to Angel with a twinkle in her eyes. “Ya just remember what I said, alright?”

Angel snorted. “Appreciate you for tryin’ to help. But it ain’t like it’s gonna change anythin’. I’m still...well. Powerless.”

Millie’s tail whipped again. “If there’s one thing that’s been changin’ in this era of Hell, it’s that even those without power can still become powerful.” Millie lightly held his hand again and gave it a gentle pat. “So long as you’re still breathin’, it’ll always be possible for you to reach for it. And you gotta want to reach for it. Don’t stop reachin’, Angel. Hell’s in a new age. There’s so much that you can do. Someone like that isn’t strong enough to keep ya down. No way.” Millie released him, then skipped along to rejoin her husband.

Angel watched her with a bit of a distant gaze, several thoughts swirling about in his head. Then, he takes a look towards Husk, who put out his cigar. “Hey, ya buyin’ any of that?”

Husk turned to Angel with a hum. “Course I do.”

“How? Why?”

“Because I’ve seen it for myself. And lived it.” Husk’ answered, and Angel could suddenly see the tiredness in his eyes. And yet, all the same, he also saw resolution . “There ain’t a single soul in this place that would just let themselves get walked over by the Vees. We’re better than that. You’re better than that. Once you truly internalize this, Val won’t have power over you anymore.”

Before Angel could ask him to elaborate further, there was a sudden burst through the door.

“Hoooollly FUCK! I got everything on my list and then some! Fucking finally!” Blitz groaned as he moved forward, carrying a few of his acquired items inside. One of which was a horse bobblehead that was definitely going to be necessary for his desk when he eventually gets a damn office. Loona followed behind not too soon afterwards, casually carrying most of her things while browsing on her phone. “Mox, what are you just lying there for?!”

“Had...a run-in...with the shark mob...sir...” Moxxie wheezed, with Millie setting his head on her lap and soothingly running her hands through his hair.

Blitz narrowed his eyes and facepalmed. “Oh, them . Dammit they literally can’t help but sink their teeth into other people’s business!”

“Boooo.” Loona emphasized with a thumbs down.

“Come on, Loona! That joke was funny!”

“In the sense of how shitty it was, maybe.”

Angel figured it was time he took his leave. Fat Nuggets was safe-though obviously distressed that his Daddy is leaving without him-and in an overall sense that matters most. He could go back with little to worry about and little to hesitate about. Though as he spared Husk a side-glance, he couldn’t help but falter at how the Overlord looked regretful at having to let Angel leave. Even though he couldn’t force him to stay, his leaving was his own choice. Though, there also appeared to be a going in his eye, as if he’s planning something.

Either way, it was for the best. He didn’t want to drag the Royal Roulette into further conflict with the Vees. This was his problem, anyhow. Valentino was his problem. Nobody would be compelled to swoop in and save him from his own terrible choices. He’s long since given up on that.

But the moment he passed by the hellhound, who seemed to be in the middle of texting a friend- ‘sup, octavia? wanna chat?’ -his eyes widened briefly, just briefly, as something clicked in his head. Especially with the added confirmation of her name being Loona .

She can’t really be the same one...no, she had to be!

He first heard about her, just out of earshot.

Vox was bitching about some barking hellhound coming out of nowhere and wrecking all of his shit in one of the sectors he owned. When he saw how pissed off Vox got because of that, Angel couldn’t help but laugh. Vox getting inconvenienced in any way tended to be something he enjoyed greatly, it helped him feel at least a little bit better after his shittier days with Val.

He didn’t think it would last for long. Angel’s been stuck with Val enough to know that recklessly picking a fight with the Vees was usually punished and quelled, so he didn’t pay much mind to her at first.

Then she came up the next week after that. The next month after that. And again, and again.

By then Angel actually began paying attention to her, her and her movements, her defiance. He found himself watching her fight, and at some point, he even began cheering her on from the silence of his own quarters.

The plucky hellhound was only eighteen at the time. Maybe turning nineteen.

That isn’t to say she won every fight. Every now and then she has a bad day, and the Vees forces end up overwhelming her or catching her off guard. Angel would be tense, seeing her bloodied and bruised, back against the wall. He was either watching on the monitor or on his phone, surprised at how he was pleading for the hellhound to escape, and the deep sense of relief he felt on her behalf whenever she finds a way to do so.

Val and Vel were satisfied with simply running her off seemingly with her tail tucked between her legs, but Vox was quickly irritated by the hellhound. Because one thing made her different than the others they’ve quashed over the years. It doesn’t matter how much or how many times they beat her into the ground, because she gets away, licks her wounds, recovers…

And she keeps coming back.

That’s the very worst part for Vox.

Most would have given up before this point if they’re fortunate enough to survive, but Loona was undeterred. Up against the malevolent force of the Vees, who were now more powerful than ever, she’s mostly outnumbered and outgunned. She’s a mere hellhound up against Overlords, the disparity of their ranks on Hell’s hierarchy makes the idea of her openly opposing the Vees laughable.

And yet every time, without fail, she firmly chose defiance. The seemingly powerless continued to stand up to the powerful, spit in their faces, and get away with it.

She unleashes hell on their sectors and leaves destroyed Voxtech in her wake. Which results in very frustrating days for Vox and great amusement for Angel. In any case, she was determined to completely disabuse the Vees of the idea that this changing era was theirs to lead and shape to their whims. Angel watched her over the years, her resilience against the odds, and something about it all gave him the strength of will to put up with whatever bullshit Val was gonna put him through that day.

He cracks sometimes, like recently, but he got back up. Just like she did.

And now the last time he saw her, she had grown up into a healthy and confident hellhound, and she seems to have hit a new level of audacity.

“You are NOT in control.”

The camera feed was destroyed after that, with Vox moaning about replacing shit again. But Angel saw it for himself, and hearing those words uttered defiantly towards the Vees, the Overlords who crush and oppress those under their power the most. He didn’t know how to describe it at the time.

But it felt like a spark was ignited within him.

Angel wanted to turn around and talk to the young woman. She probably has absolutely no idea that him watching her reckless and spirited defiance against the Vees over the course of the last five years has made that amount of time somewhat more bearable for him to get through than most others that he blurred by. Because at her young age she’s continually doing what he wishes he could one day do. But seeing her with her father and their friends, with Husker situating everyone, made Angel change his mind and keep walking. Maybe later. Hopefully there is a later. Yet still…

“A guy like me havin’ that kinda grit. Pfft, yeah right. What could I possibly do at this point…”

His soul was sold away by his own choice-it was a terrible fucking choice in hindsight but he still made it willingly -so it already accepted it. His heart has been shattered over and over despite his best efforts, so that couldn’t help him either. His body almost can’t even be considered his anymore, having well gave to being used by others how they see fit within a way from him. By many accounts, he’s completely powerless before this situation.

Yet his mind. His mind…

‘I might not know Valentino personally like you do, but I know enough about how assholes like him do these things. They kick ya while you’re down, and once they see that you’re gonna choose to stay there without a fight, they’ll think they can get away with it forever.’

‘You internalized that you couldn’t do anything about your situation, and because of that, you stopped trying.’

‘It’s okay if you’re not strong enough right now. You just gotta trust yourself that it won’t stay that way. And so long as the choice to not want to stay that way is yours, then you’ll find that strength eventually.’

‘There ain’t a single soul in this place that would just let themselves get walked over by the Vees. We’re better than that. You’re better than that. Once you truly internalize this, Val won’t have power over you anymore.’

As big a mess as his mind was, it’s still his. He’ll have no choice but to start from there and defeat the voice constantly telling him ‘I can’t do this’. And occasionally, ‘ You can’t do this’ in Valentino’s voice. Beforehand he’s triedand tried and tried , and was punished for it repeatedly, until he eventually convinced himself to stop trying to avoid the worst of the pain he received. Which in turn made his chances of escape go from minisculeto zero , thus giving Valentino the ultimate victory over him.


That…that ain’t acceptable. No way.

I can’t just be okay with that…!

There ain’t no fuckin’ way I can just accept that!

Of course, Angel currently couldn’t voice these thoughts. It was easier said than done, after all. With so many obstacles and opponents before him, many that have defeated him over and over across his afterlife, it wasn’t something that he could just get up and do. His strength of mind isn’t yet potent enough to reach the rest of him, to push him to move.

Key word beingyet.

“You are NOT in control.”

But the foundations have been firmly set. The idea has been planted deeply. And after withering for so long... something steadily, finally began to grow again. And Angel finally, subconsciously knew what that spark was. One that was thought to have been completely smothered out by Valentino.

A spark of sheer, dogged determination .

No matter what, I’m gettin’ my damn soul back.

It would soon burst into a raging wildfire .

[Five months until Charlotte Morningstar’s coronation.]

[Three weeks until the next full moon.]

Within those three weeks, the growing feud between Overlord Husker/I.M.P and the Vees explodes past the boiling point.


Time to progress the timeline of this story, methinks.

I know the usual go around for Overlord Husk AU's is the whole gambling over Angel's soul. But since the Valentino of this story is not quite THAT stupid to challenge the Gambling Demon at his own game with his most valuable soul, freeing Angel from him isn't going to be that easy. So, in the meantime, Angel must first rebuild his belief in the worth of his own autonomy/agency, and the desire to take it back. Husk and I.M.P has already reignited the spark in him WANTING his agency back, and now it's time to stoke the embers into a blazing inferno. The Vees can't put it out, not this time.

Also in the meantime, Husk and I.M.P(ESPECIALLY Loona) are probably gonna keep interfering with the Vees for non-Angel reasons. Mostly because they hate their guts enough to actively rebuke them and push back against them constantly. As that's going on, Stolas now has confirmation that Blitzo is around, thanks to Loona connecting with his daughter Octavia. Stolas currently has his own problems, and fears for his ability to safeguard Octavia's future due to them. But hearing that Blitzo is persevering, might give him the courage he needs to face an uncertain future with greater fortitude. But first, he has to see him again. Who knows where THAT might lead?!

With all this in mind, I'd say that our critical characters for this arc are currently Octavia and Angel. As several of the larger events to come are due to them, by action or by presence.

Anyway, that's it for now! Might need to edit this a bit, but I think I'm fine with it for now.

Til next time!

Chapter 11: Submission or Defiance?


Angel Dust Focused Chapter.

After years of submissively accepting his circumstances, he decides it's time to be proactive in changing his situation.



This was gonna be much longer, but it kinda got outta hand, so I decided to cut down a bit and leave things as they currently are, which is still quite a hefty amount. I think it's reached the point it needed to be.

Let's check it out!

CW: Valentino Being Valentino(abuse of emotional and physical kind, nonconsensual acts of touching and...well, it's not shown, trying to be careful), panic attack.

Angel has a bad time. Good thing he has Cherri Bomb.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Angel was currently pacing in place.

Back and forth, looking firmly focused on something. As much as he could anyway, as he had a cigarette in one of his hands that he occasionally drew a drag out of. A puff of smoke joined the already somewhat smoggy air within the room. His eyes were somewhat red, but didn’t detract from the fact that his mind was locked onto something, and for the moment refuses to let it go. He eventually gazed out the window, looking and having his lower arms resting on the windowsill and his hand holding up his head.

“Cher, I gotta get my soul back.”

“Eh?” Cherri Bomb was in the back, looking confused as she was lying back on a mattress, her own cigarettes in hand. Her singular eye darted across the room to look at Angel, who was deeply pondering his next courses of action. “Where’s this shit comin’ from, Angie? I mean, don’t get it twisted I like what I’m hearin’! But what’s up?”

“Ya know that plucky little hellhound that we sometimes tuned in to listen or watch fuck up Vox’s shit?” Angel utters while running a hand through his hair. “I saw her the other day, Cher. Walked right the fuck past her. Didn’t get to go talk to her, tho.”

Cherri blinked. “You crossed paths with the damn Mad Hound?! The one who keeps breaking Vox’s shit and kissing him off for the past five years? How’d that even happen?!”

“It was just for a moment! But it was her, Cherri. I’m sure of it. Never thought I’d see her in the Royal Roulette of all places.” Angel looked outwards, where he could see the golden casino in the distance. “Wonder if Whiskers was the one lookin’ after her all this time?”

“Wouldn’t be surprising. She had to have been recovering somewhere this whole time. She didn’t always walk away from those fights without getting a little fucked up.” Cherri blew more smoke from her lips while gazing over to Angel again. “What’s this shit leadin’ ya down, Angie? You’ve got a thinking process for this?”

Angel turned his head, seeing Vee Tower in the distance. His eyes narrowed as he blew some smoke himself. “…I gotta cut myself loose from Val. It’s been far too long. I’m done with his shit at this point, and I’m also done with the Vees.” He sighed as he pushed his cigarette into the nearby ash tray. “Fuckin’ problem with that is that I can’t do it on my own terms if I don’t own my soul.”

“You thought about how to change that?”

“I’ve been trying to. But so far, I’ve got nothing.” Angel likely brushed back his hair with a hand, deeply sighing. “Damn it. How many times have I come to a point like this, yet don’t ever commit because I don’t have an answer? I’m fuckin’ frustrated.” He’s persistently pushing the thought, though the deeper patches of his mind were beginning to bring up his this would even matter in the grand scheme of things. There was no way he was going to be able free himself , his carelessness might have well and truly screwed him out of that possibility.

He had to be honest with himself, he was far too easy to manipulate back then. He was down on his luck. Hell was relatively new to him back then, and he wasn’t quite aware of just how truly vulnerable he was when he was forced to fend for himself. That kind of pressure had been too much for him to handle in an environment like this, so when someone offered to do away with those worries in exchange for working for them, Angel was all too happy to sign his soul away, never quite realizing just how binding and afterlife changing the contract would be.

Unfortunately, that someone was Val .

He couldn’t help it, he was enticed, entranced. The promise of actually having a safe place to be, some range of protection. Not to mention the promise of wealth, fame, power. And sex. And drugs. So much drugs . Anything to help numb the sheer existential terror of ending up in a world like this, which was irrefutable proof that he did not live a good life despite all of his best efforts.

It was fun at first. And to be honest in a degree he still loves the attention. The sense of power he has when he fully commits to the role he has, the influence he tends to have on others when he’s fully in character as the porn star he’s risen to be. Having so many fans cheering his name, buying his merch, the likes. It to a degree feels like he’s actually made something of an impact on Hell, regardless of how. It makes him feel like he has some sort of purpose aside from suffering endlessly. Oh, suffer he still does, but at least he was able to content himself with the fact that he might have had it coming and that there was something to distract him from it all.

But that’s all it’s ever been, hasn’t it? Distractions. He’s never been able to actually solve any of his problems, and after he’s signed away his soul, he lacks the inherent power to even try. Even with the visual lack of how trapped he is with the pink and smoky chains around his neck, he can still feel Valentino’s esoteric hold on his soul, robbing him of the feeling that it was ever his own.

It was fine, he was used to telling himself. It was all fine. He probably did something in life to deserve this. It fucking sucks , but fine . He’s had plenty of good things happen during this gig that the bad days become easier to put up with, no matter how plentiful the bad days were. He had his best friend Cherri Bomb, he had his beloved pig Fat Nuggets, he had the drugs that let him take a break from reality for a while. It was fine. He was fine . Everything was fucking shitty otherwise, but he puts up with it and accepts it because he has no one and nothing to blame for his position but his own foolish choices.

Even with Val.

For as much as Angel hated him at this point, he wouldn’t have ended up in his clutches in the first place if he had been smarter, wiser. Anything that would better help him see past the moth’s superficial charms and pay better attention to the many warning signs and alarm bells that he was bad news. Cherri was one of those alarm bells; after everything was said and done, she never made a big show out of the fact that she was right. She only offered support and understanding, and because of that he feels like such a bad friend for not listening to her before it was too late.

Angel chose to be content that this was the best that he could do. He already played with the cards he was dealt, and he played them poorly . That was that. There was no reason to try for something different, to reach for a true escape, when he’s failed so disastrously at trying to live his afterlife.

…At least, that’s been his thought process, until recently.

When he reluctantly returned to Vee Tower that night, Angel’s following time there wasn’t all that good, but surprisingly it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Not a single person associated with the Vees knew that he was at the Royal Roulette Casino, so he dodged a very deadly bullet there.

Of course, just because he dodged a bullet piercing him, doesn’t mean it didn’t still graze him.

Valentino was in the area, sitting on the couch, rather listlessly going through his earnings for the day. Angel hoped he would be able to at least sneak by him if he was quiet enough and pretend that he was always there...if only things were that easy.

“Angel! Amorcito! You made it home safely! I’m glad!” Valentino greeted cheerily, but Angel could already hear the edge in his voice that spoke of several levels of displeasure.

Fuck. Well, he tried. And even if he succeeded, he was within Vox’s reach now. One look at the cameras and he’d snitch.


He took a breath and braced himself, as he turned about face with a mask of obedience plastered on. He sauntered towards Val with practiced ease, watching in anticipation as the moth stands up and moves towards him in turn.

A slap across the face resounded off the walls of the room. Yeah, Angel expected at least that much, so bracing for it was easy. He stumbled just slightly but found enough in himself to keep to his feet. Val’s backhand was rather casual, but the stinging it left behind was harsh and fierce.

“The fuck took you so long, slut? What, you think you can just pal around town as long as you want when you’re on the clock? You’re four fucking hours late!” Val narrowed his eyes behind his shades as he pulled Angel harshly by the shoulder. Angel resisted the urge to wince. “Well, speak up! Let’s hear the excuses.”

It damn well won’t do him any good, but Angel was feeling just spiteful enough about what almost happened to Fat Nuggets to throw the perpetrators under the bus. “Sorry, Val. A bunch of those shark mafia tried to kidnap me, but I taught em’ all a lesson and-” His eyes widened as he felt something in his dress. He lightly rummaged into his chest fluff and found...a plentiful stack of gathered bills. He blinked, wondering how the fuck all of that got there. He briefly thought back to Husker's attendants handling his dress while he bathed; was it back then? But either way, he smoothly transitioned it into his act. “-got a buncha cash off of ‘em for the troubles.”

“Oh? Did you now?” Val tilted his head while snatching the money, feeling how heavy the stack was for a moment. He then groaned. “Ugh, those fucking aquatic bastards need to learn to back the fuck OFF! They weren’t even planning on paying, were they?”

Spite driving his believable lies, Angel shook his head. “No, they were trying to cop for free. Gave ‘em plenty of chances but they thought this shit comes for free.”

“Fuck, those cocky dipshits think they can just pull the wool over me? They’ve got another thing coming!” Val took a breath, sighing, as he turned around and smiled. “I’m sorry, baby. I overreacted a little. You know how I tend to get when you’re out for too long. Things like this might start happening more, and we can’t have the riff-raff knowing that I’ll let that shit slide. You understand, don’t you?”

Angel nodded slowly, obediently. “Yes, Valentino.”

“Good, Amorcito! Excellent!” Val closes the distance between them, smiling as he gently patted and cupped Angel’s cheek. “Because you managed to bring back such a great haul, I’ll allow you to get away with being late...this time.” He then sharply squeezed hard enough to bruise, and Angel hissed as the moth’s smile was wiped away in an instant. “Be that as it may, you’ll still be making up your lost hours tomorrow. Don’t let this become a habit.”

Angel swallowed, ignoring the urge to cry out under the strain. “Y-Yes, Valentino...”

Val’s smile returns, as if it never left. “See? I can be quite compromising, can’t I? I think I’m getting better at this! Come sit with me, Amorcito. I’ll need a bit of a recharge.”

Angel didn’t let his discomfort show on his face, simply pushing up his hair as he stepped somewhat wobbly with Val, until they were both sitting down. Val roughly dragged Angel onto his lap and held him by the hip. Just then, Vox flashed from one of the screens in a bolt of lightning. He sees Angel and immediately, he’s frowning.

“Oh good, the whore’s back. You were gone for so long I was actually feeling hopeful Val finally threw you away for real.”

Vox has no idea just how much Angel himself would have preferred that.

“Don’t be like that, Voxxy. We can all get along, can’t we?” Val hums, several of his hands having their way with Angel’s body, with one of them having somewhat rough gropes of his opulent chest fluff. He doesn’t say anything, his eyes somewhat looking elsewhere in order to focus on something else. “Oh, it’s good you’re here. About my proposal for Husker-”

“Val, we’ve been through this. That bastard’s too stubborn to budge on that. He’s made it clear that he hates our guts.”

“Hate? ME? What have I ever done to earn anybody’s hate?!” Val blinked while having an offended hand on his chest. “Fucking impossible. I’m the most lovable of us three! Everybody loves me!”

Vox raises a brow. “Mhm, anyways the point is Husker’s not interested. And besides, he’s far too dangerous to consider a dependable ally.”

“Hey, isn’t that all the more reason to try and get him on our side? I mean, wouldn’t he be even more dangerous if he was to officially and fully commit to being our enemy?”

Vox narrows his eyes at this. “While that is true, I think the ship for that has sailed a long time ago. Our business practices don’t mix. And ever since his fateful clash with… Al a s t o r , he’s decidedly changed his tune on how he views us. And it is not at all positive.” Vox nearly glitches at saying Alastor’s name but manages to compose himself. “Who knows what mine we’ll step on that will make him fully consider us an enemy to fight.”

Val scoffed. “I doubt we could ever do anything that’ll really provoke that old gatito. It’s a bit annoying but he’s pretty much shrugged off everything else that tried to cause him trouble. What could we possibly do that’ll make him finally decided that fighting us is worth the trouble?” Angel recalls the thunderous glare that crossed Husker’s face when Angel relayed to him the cruelty that he’s used to dealing with. He makes no effort to unpack what that might mean, simply clutching the hem of his dress. “In any case, it's just something to consider, Voxxy. I have a good feeling that I’ll manage better with a few more tries.”

Vox sighs, and nonchalantly raised his arms to concede. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“I’ll keep it in mind. Say, where’s Velvette? Still closed up in her little space?”

“In the event that shit hits the fan, she’s gathering contacts. To both soften the blow, and to strike back at a moment's notice. Doesn’t want to be bothered.” Vox adjusted his bowtie and walked off. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to send a team to do maintenance on one of my watch towers. A mangy mutt was knocking them down.”

Valentino snickered. “Oh, that spirited perro del infierno(hellhound) really gets under your skin, hm?”

“She’s a minor nuisance at worst, completely negligible at best. She’s just a hellhound; she can’t manage any long-lasting damage. But still, she’s fucking irritating. Why’s she always wrecking MY shit?!”

“Probably because she knows how much you’re proud of your precious little toys, so she has the most fun breaking them.” Val chuckles. “She really has it out for you, Voxxy. Maybe because you’re such a showboater. She seems to be the type that gets a kick out of undermining those who are all talk and no action.” Val chuckles and points offhandedly to Vox. “That definitely fits your description, doesn’t it?!”

“Hahaha, fuck you.”

Vox eventually left the room, which is one of the few times Angel nearly pleaded for him to come back, being left alone with Valentino was too distressing right now. He felt Val turn his way, and he tried to pretend he didn’t notice. Futile of course, as he’s held by the chin, his head being turned to face the moth before him.

“Now then, Amorcito. We have some…catching up to do, don’t we? There’s some time you’ll have to make up to me too… right?

Angel wasn’t given the time or opportunity to even answer. He wasn’t given a choice. Val pressed forward and pressed his lips into his, which had Angel helplessly whine at the forcefulness of it. His lips were forced open, and he felt the intense sourness of Val’s Venom stinging his tongue and running down his throat. His body began going lax as Val groped his chest fluff more aggressively, and his other hands gripped tightly onto Angel’s hips, enough to bruise notably.

Almost instinctively, his mind began to drift away, already knowing what will happen. Anywhere but here. Far Nuggets was safe and away from here, that’s what matters most. Its what he tells himself as his mind drifts further, sinking deeper into dissociation, where he can’t hear or feel anything. Detaching from reality.

Drifting into the void…




Angel didn’t realize he had spaced out. Nor that his breathing had picked up to such a rapid pace that Cherri was fretting over him. Or that his tears were running down his matted face during the whole ordeal. Trembling. His chest hurts, clutching onto it with his eyes widening. Pink smoke begins to deep into the room, taking the shape of the moth that haunted him; the shackles form around his neck, and various hands place themselves all over Angel’s body as the eyes of the silhouette glowed red.

‘Amorcito…now and forever…you’re mine.

Angel’s breathing picks up drastically, quickly feeling lightheaded.

From Cherri’s perspective, nothing was happening, except Angel beginning to further curl into himself and hyperventilate. Her eye lowered at this, fully familiar with this scenario, as she sits up.

“…Angel. Angel, look at me.” Cherri says quietly, softly. Angel was still breathing fast, but he managed to turn his head towards her, barely. “Breathe, Angie. In and out. You’re safe. This is gonna pass. Till then, I’m right here, kay? I’m here. Take your time and breathe.” Cherri softly encourages, a rare expression of sheer softness across her features. “Do ya need anythin’?”

“...Hand.” Angel breathed in a gasp, holding out his lower hand, and Cherri gently takes it, allowing them to interlock. Slow and patient isn’t exactly Cherri’s style, but moments like these make it a necessity. Fat Nuggets would be a godsend to have here to help him calm down, but he’s been left with Husker for his own safety. Cherri alone will have to do. “...Cherri...C-Cherri...don’t... don’t leave...”

“I ain’t goin’ anwhere, Angie. I’m stayin’ right here.” Cherri reassures. “Breathe with me, Angie. Breathe.”

Breathing. In and out, in and out. Angel takes a breath and breathes out with Cherri, whom he was able to keep eye contact with to have something to focus on. The pink smoke in his vision began fading away, the feeling of invasive hands all over his body vanished, and the clamps around his neck similarly vanished. The room soon ceased spinning, and while Angel’s head still hurts, he feels he can now focus on the present now that he’s been sufficiently grounded. He kept holding Cherri’s hand while she slowly guided him through it all, just as she’s learned to do any time this happens. Someone of her nature didn’t do calm, but she learned how to, in order to be a stabilizing element for moments like these.

He didn’t deserve her.

What did he do to deserve her?

Why does he hinder her so by falling apart so easily, forcing her to pick up the pieces?

Anyone else would have and had cut the cord with him by this point because he was such a fucking disaster not worth sticking around for, leaving him at Val’s mercy, all alone.

Not Cherri Bomb.

After he managed to finally reconnect with reality, Angel took another look at Cherri. And then, he choked out a shoulder shaking sob, his thoughts finding their way to one spot in particular.

I’m so fuckin’ weak ...

Cherri didn’t say anything, she simply slid her arms around him and pulled his head to rest against her chest. Angel’s arms gently wrapped around her, and he began to quietly cry his eyes out. Cherri closed her own eye and ran her hand through his hair, softly caressing his head while he wept in her bosom. They filled the room they were in, echoing just softly, but Cherri remained patient and understanding. Two things she usually wasn’t, but for moments like this regarding Angel, could when she needed to be.

It was a good four minutes before Angel was finally able to really pull himself together. Angel gently pulls back, sniffing as he wiped his face a bit. He looked to see Cherri checking on him, waiting. “...I’m...I’m good now. Honest.” Angel managed after another sniff. “...O-Oh. Sorry. I uh...got my makeup all over your tits...”

“Eh, no big deal.” Cherri shrugged. “You got your waterworks session outta the way?”

“Mhm.” Angel looked outside towards Pentagram City, a sense of melancholy draping over him. “...Cher. I changed my mind. I don’t have any plans to take back my soul...at least not right now.” Angel closed his eyes. “I...I don’t think I’ve earned it yet.”

Until he could trust himself enough to not do the same foolish thing again and sell his soul to some other asshole who preyed on his weaknesses and desires, Angel couldn’t work on getting it back. He needed to rebuild his trust in himself, first. As he was now, he was too weak in many areas to trust himself with his own soul, sorely lacking in inner strength. Acknowledging that was rough and painful for him to swallow, but he needed to be honest with himself if he was going to make any constructive and long-lasting progress.

If it wasn’t Valentino, it could have been any asshole who managed to sway him with the right words, gifts, and false flatteries. Valentino simply got to him first.

Cherri absolutely disagreed with him not deserving his soul back, considering that complete bullshit. But knowing it wasn’t what he wanted or needed to hear right now-emphasis on now , she’s definitely saying that shit one day or another-she avoided voicing it aloud, simply offering a supporting nod at Angel’s current judgement. “Okay, Angie. If that’s your call. We’ll put a pin on that shit for now.” Cherri tilted her head. “Until then, what are ya gonna do?”

Angel opened his eyes as something began igniting within them, his glare focused on Vee Tower. “...At some point, I thought that if I broke myself hard enough, Val would completely lose interest in me bein’ his favorite toy, and he’d finally cut me loose...but now I know better. That obsessive piece of shit ain’t ever gonna let me go, not by choice.” He clenched his hands tightly. “...Well, fuckin’ fine . I’m his fuckin’ prisoner for eternity...but I’m done lyin’ down and bein’ forced to like it.”

“Okay. Wondering where this is goin’.” Cherri grinned widely, leaning forward.

Angel’s other six eyes opened. If he was unable to take his own soul back, then he was going to have to do something else in order to cement his desire to regain control over his life. And right now, the best way he can do that?

Make Valentino’s life significantly harder.

For so long, he’s been frightened of Valentino, and over the years became more easily cowed as to reduce the inevitable pain that comes his way. But because of those built-up years, he’s learned what makes Val tick. What pleases him and what pisses him off. What he really considers important to him.

So, Angel will take that gathered experience over the years, do away with his feelings of helplessness, and begin attacking the Vees from the inside. He’s Val’s prisoner, but he’s through making it easy for him.

He thinks back to that brief image he saw while leaving the Royal Roulette, when he saw Loona gathering with the others, including Overlord Husk. Despite how brief he was able to see it, something panged in his heart at that moment, a feeling of desire. That feeling of togetherness and peace in a place like Hell. Could he really have gotten something like that, if he was wiser with his choices?

All of the fame and recognition he currently had, his addictions, chasing the ever evasive next high...he didn’t consider any of it enough anymore. What they had looked comfortable, fulfilling, and nice...and he decided he wanted something like that too. After so long of fearing and hating Valentino in equal measure yet choosing submission time after time without a fight...the spark in him turned to embers, and the embers began to burn into a proper fire.

Seeing a glimpse of what he probably could have built for himself if he still owned his soul, and after yet another night of Val having his way with him without a single consideration of what he wanted, was the last straw. The balance was well and firmly broken.

Angel’s hate for Valentino now far eclipsed his fear of him.

“Cherri. It’s been a while since we fucked shit up together.” Angel finally voiced to Cherri, who began grinning like a madwoman after hearing the newfound strength in his tone. He raised his fist, a grin across his features that promised trouble; a vibe she was always able to sync with him through. “You in?”

“Ohohoho, I’ve missed that look!” Cherri excitedly raised her fist, bumping it into Angel’s. “Fuck yeah I’m in, bitch!”

Already in sync, they began making their move.

It was supposed to be a simple meeting.

Several crime bosses were coming together in order to discuss the proper integration and cooperation of their respective territories, and how to weed out anyone or anything that tries to put up a resistance towards that end. In many other instances, it would have been a relatively low-key and grounded venue for them to make a firm decision on how to progress.

The beginning explosion destroyed that notion instantly.

“What the fuck is going on?! AGH!” One of the grunts exclaimed in a panic, only for a runaway explosion to torch him and blast him through the walls. Gunfire pierced through the walls as well, downing many a demon and leaving them full of bloodied holes.

One of them tried to find the source of all the chaos, aiming their guns at the direction of the explosions. But a smaller gathering of glowing bombs surrounded them, and they shrieked as they detonated at once, engulfing them in a blazing inferno. Some of the others that barely managed to avoid the blast stumbled through the smoke, wondering where the hidden enemy is.

They nearly called out, but something grabbed them by the face. Something pushed through the smoke, their face appearing before them with a vicious grin.

Cherri Bomb.

“Oh, you look so fucking dumb right now.”

They didn’t have much time to resist before an explosion goes off point blank, sending them crashing through the walls with their upper body torn and in flames. Cherri grins as her hands calmed down their glow for the time being, her magic pulsing through her. She pushes up her hair as she looks at the destruction, reveling in it. Vox’s cameras have already been destroyed ahead of time, as this was an area Loona had struck earlier. He wouldn’t be able to see the culprits of this chaos.


“Aight, Angie. The floor’s yours.”

With the crime bosses scrambling to pick themselves up and figure out what the fuck just happened, a cheerful yet sharp voice pierced through the confusion, and they looked up towards the source of it to see the culprit behind their predicament. They could see the four hands waving at them already.

“Heyyyy booyyyys!” Angel cheerily beamed with a yet vicious grin across his face, his golden tooth glinting. They spotted him up too and their panic immediately turned to rage. “D’aawww, you don’t look happy to see me. I mean, unless those ain’t guns in your pockets.” He cooes. His form fitting red dress hugged him nicely, black boots that shimmered along the edges, a choker with a ring around the center, and a dark red jacket that fitted his arms. Of course, he was just open enough for his chest fluff to be nice and prominent. He was dressed for trouble, well prepared for bloodshed.

They shook off the shocks of the explosions and aimed towards Angel Dust. “What the fuck are you doing here, whore?! You think you can just fuck around with us?!”

“Baby, I ain’t fuckin’ around with ya. I’d be farrr less clothed if that were the case.” Angel winked as he sits down over the edges kicking his feet while resting his chin in his hands. “No, what I’m here to do is deliver you all a message from my dear, sweet, Valentino!” It took everything Angel had not to wretch at considering Valentino dear and sweet to him. Nevertheless, he was able to fake it quite easily, because once upon a time he did sincerely think of in that manner.

Obviously that didn’t work out for him, but these chumps don’t need to know that. Thank Lucifer for his acting skills allowing him to mimic those once genuine feelings close enough to be convincing.

“Val’s got big plans. The Vees are gonna expand, and they don’t give a shit if they gotta roll over you all in order to do so. You don’t have a lotta time left before they wipe you out.” Angel grinned as the grunts began snarling at his instigating. “If I were you, I’d take a hike, you lameasses don’t stand a chance against the Vees anyway so don’t even try. Especially my darling Valentino. He’s gonna make every single one of you, his bitches.

One of them pulled out their knife while pointing it towards Angel. “You think we’re gonna be closed by the words of some filthy cheap slut?!”

Angel pretend gasped, having a hand on his slightly exposed chest fluff. “Ooh, ouch. The burn! Ya know, if I got paid every time I got called a slut, I’d never have to worry about rent again!” Angel chuckled, wiping away a tear. “Ho boy! The number of times I got called a whore or a slut. Imagine gettin’ paid to be called these things, like, shit. I’d probably never have to work again!” He held out his fingers with a laugh. “Think about that for a sec as you consider we’ve got eternity down here. That’s pretty fuckin’ crazy, ain’t it?!”

Enraged shouts soon filled the room at their attackers not taking them seriously, and Angel laughed as they nearly began opening fire. Though they were stopped, due to being blasted back by her another explosion from Cherri Bomb, smacking them against the wall. They grunted after collapsing to the ground and grimaced. They could barely open their eyes to see her conjuring more glowing bombs above her palm, seeing them rotate and levitate over it.

“If you all don’t like that, then you’d better get your asses in gear and fight back. Val’ isn’t gonna show you any mercy, so you shouldn’t hold back on fighting him with everything you have. At the very least you can show you’ve got a fucking spine on ya!” Cherri exclaimed as Angel pulled out three pairs of Tommy Guns, grinning all the while. “So if you don’t wanna get fucked over, you better tell everyone you know this: Valentino is coming for your asses! Fight back if you don’t wanna get crushed!”

“Fuck these two!” They all exclaimed, proceeding to open fire.

It was pointless, for the opening explosion from Cherri’s magic blasts them back and wrecks their weapons in one cell swoop. Angels proceeding hail of bullets from his tommy guns further incapacitated the Sinners, with him laughing madly all he while with Cherri. It was a complete destructive takeover that had them sent running by the time it was over.

Angel and Cherry Bomb stepped away from the wreckage, with maniacal grins on both of their faces. “You think this is gonna be enough to start a chain, Angie?”

“Fuck yeah. You don’t just attack another guy’s turf and expect him to sit on his ass.” Angel grinned. “Not to mention, with the threat of a takeover over their heads, they have no choice but to respond with resistance. Their heads are too big to just roll over for the Vees.”

The best part about all this is that Angel technically isn’t lying. Sure, the exact details are mixed about for his own purposes, but the plans for the Vees to expand are very real. If there’s one thing that being around Vee Tower granted Angel much of, it was information. Information that he probably wasn’t supposed to know but does anyway because Val and Vox both sometimes have a bad habit of running their mouths too much. They talked carelessly around Angel. He was just a whore, after all. There isn’t much that one of Val’s best whores can do with these things even if he heard them.

Oh, if they only knew. If there’s one thing that being around the Vees allowed Angel to pick up on, it’s how to manipulate people and events.

He’s already turned Val’s attention on the shark mafia for supposedly messing with what’s his, so the sharks further attacking his turf will make his anger towards them feel further validated. Which starts a chain of events that weaken Val’s portion of the Vee territory. Then the chain expands, expands, expands, and expands until something gives, and his control, even for the tiniest frame of time, vanishes.

And that might be where Angel finds his opening.

That might be when Angel has the chance to finally snatch his soul back. Maybe by then he’ll feel like he’s earned it back. Once he’s rebuilt his trust in himself to not senselessly give it away again. If Angel was going to regain control over his life the way things are now, he was going to have to gamble with it and put it on the line.

This was all risky, absolutely. There are so many ways this could go horribly wrong. How this might inevitably end up with Val discovering his involvement and possibly punishing him. And it would undoubtedly be painful. That does scare Angel, quite a lot.

But that fear is no longer potent enough to stop him. Shake him, maybe. Delay him, most definitely. But not stop him.

Because he knows what he wants, and he’s not going to stop until he gets it. No matter how much pain he’s gotta go through first. Val’s well and truly accustomed him to pain; it’s no longer the threat he thinks it is.

“C’mon, Cher. Time to make some noise.” Angel declared resolutely. With one arm around each other’s shoulder, he and Cherri Bomb laughed manically as they departed the base, with Cherri Bomb throwing one last bomb behind her to thoroughly destroy it and crash it down on the gang’s still inside. They’re arm in arm as they leave it all behind, heading forwards to do so again and again. And he’ll do so as many times as it takes, until he gets his soul back.

Angel’s well aware that this might all end up for naught. That even with all of his wits, skills, and determination, he might not be rewarded with his soul by the end of it all. Maybe he’ll be back where he started, perhaps worse off with Valentino than before. That’s the risk he faces if he commits to this path.

It doesn’t matter.

Waiting for Val to get sick or bored of him enough to release him is pointless, because that’s never going to happen. It’s been many years of submission in order to keep himself from taking risks that’ll get him hurt more than he already does. But this silent submissiveness to his circumstances means that nothing is going to change for him. If nothing changes for him either way, then maybe he’s better off going for the option that will hurt his enemy as well as himself.

So he chose defiance.


Usually in Overlord Husk AU's, Angel is pretty subdued in his situation and doesn't really have the motivation or desire to try and change it. Understandable, because he probably already tried. Which eventually leads to one thing after another, that which is Val losing his soul to Husk. He doesn't really have to do anything to reach that point.

However HERE, while he's still in no position at the moment to take his soul back (especially not with his crippled self-esteem in thinking he doesn't deserve to have it back yet) five years of watching and hearing Loona repeatedly stand up defiantly to the Vees, has managed to rebuild his foundation for his OWN defiance, enough to take another crack at causing the Vees trouble. Which leads to him making a mess of their operations from the inside.

Angel can't save himself right now, but he's gonna make it a massive pain in the ass to be in the Vee's possession. He's actively putting up a fight against being under Valentino's thrall. Because unless he does, he won't ever feel like he really deserves to have his soul back, if for so long he had stopped fighting for it. He's actively doing something about his circumstances, which should count for something.

Hopefully I'm making sense.

This chapter might need some cleaning up here or there later, but I think it's fine for now.

Until next time!

Chapter 12: Do You Think I'm A Fucking Joke?


Katie Killjoy runs her mouth, and shit hits the fan.

And yet, it's not as nearly as hopeless as she might have wanted it to be.


A LOTTA stuff happens in this one, folks.

I won't stall, I'll just let you read it.

Brace yourselves.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It’s been a while since Katie Killjoy had truly, truly formed a personal hatred for something or someone.

Everyone is usually so beneath notice in her eyes that she can barely had always reveled in controversy. She lived for it, thrived on it, the way a carnivorous plant thrived in a sunlit bog. To her, it wasn’t enough to merely report the news. She had to make it, mold it, shape it into a weapon. And as far as weapons went, few were as sharp and effective as public hatred.

Her most recent obsession was Blitzø—an imp who dared to challenge the status quo, a member of the lower class who had the audacity to rise above his station. Worse, he had formed a ragtag group of assassins under his company IMP (Immediate Murder Professionals), acting as though he could actually matter in the hierarchy of Hell. And then there was Loona, his hellhound—snarling, antisocial, yet undeniably protective of her family.

Katie sneered as she looked over the draft of her latest news segment, red pen in hand. There was a gleam in her eye—an expression of malice reserved for her most personal vendettas. She had always hated Blitzø and his dysfunctional group of freaks, but lately, her feelings had grown into something darker. Being utterly humiliated by them in live television for all of Hell to see? That’s not just a damaging look for her image, but a foreboding of what’s to come should they continue on this audacious path of theirs.

This wasn’t just about Blitzø’s obnoxious behavior anymore. It wasn’t about the crass, loud-mouthed imp and his ragtag team of misfits. It was about them daring to believe they could carve a place for themselves in a society that was never meant for them. I.M.P. wasn’t just a group of assassins—it was a symbol of everything Katie despised. Blitzø was an imp, Loona was a hellhound, and they thought they could break out of the chains of their lowly positions. That affront could not stand.

Those fucking inferior creatures think they’re better than me?! ME?!

That insufferable imp and his mangy mutt better not be thinking that publicly humiliating her was something she was going to let slide. Fuck no. They’ve just messed with the wrong newswoman, and now? Now she’s feeling the fiery inferno of a well field grudge.

And she has the perfect tool to act on it with.

Sitting behind her pristine news desk, she adjusted her hair and smiled.

“Good evening, Hell,” Katie began, her eyes gleaming with malice. “Tonight’s top story: the disturbing rise of imps and hellhounds trying to claw their way into positions they don’t belong.”

She let the words hang in the air for a moment, her smile widening as she watched the venom seep into the minds of her viewers.

“Take Blitzø, the imp running a business above his station. Immediate Murder Professionals? More like an immediate disgrace to all of Hell. Imps—our lowest class—thinking they can climb the ranks and behave like the rest of us. What kind of message does that send to the hardworking denizens who follow their place in the infernal order?”

There was another dramatic pause, as Tom adjusted his collar, breathing uneasily in his gas mask. “Uh, Katie, I’m not sure if this is-”

“Shut the fuck up Tom! You cheap backstabbing man whore! Don’t think I forgot about you and your spineless ass selling out! I’ll deal with you later .”

“…I should have never accepted the money…”

Katie turned back on the camera, smiling. “And let’s not forget Blitzø’s little pet ,” Katie sneered, her expression twisting with pure contempt. “Loona. A hellhound—a species bred for servitude—allowed to run free, with no master to guide her, wreaking havoc with her unchecked temper. Just imagine what happens when more hellhounds start thinking they can act like her. What happens when we can’t control them?”

Oh yeah, she’s got a grudge. Tom uneasily thought.

Katie’s voice dropped into a darker tone, the crescendo of her propaganda reaching a fever pitch. “This isn’t just about two degenerates trying to play by their own rules. It’s about a disease spreading through our society. Imps and hellhounds acting like they’re equals to us. The question is, are we going to sit by and watch them tear down the hierarchy that keeps Hell functioning?”

The screen behind her displayed photos of Blitzø and Loona, taken from the roughest angles, highlighting Blitzø’s manic expressions and Loona’s temperamental glares. The words “Ambition or Arrogance?” flashed in bold letters below their faces.

Katie’s smile widened as she leaned forward, her fingers resting delicately on her chin. “Now, I’m all for creatures of Hell being ambitious, but let’s be real. There’s a place for creatures like imps and hellhounds, and it’s certainly not at the top. Do we really want these lowly creatures walking around with businesses, thinking they’re better than the rest of us?”

Her voice turned sharp, biting through the screen like a snake striking. “Blitzø and his ‘daughter’ Loona are a symptom of a growing problem in Hell—a complete lack of respect for the natural hierarchy. Hellhounds and imps exist to serve, not to thrive. And yet here they are, trying to pull themselves up by the bootstraps, thinking they deserve more. It’s revolting.”

Katie’s tirade grew more pointed as she continued.

“But it gets worse . Apparently, they’ve managed to weasel their way into the good graces of an Overlord. And not just any Overlord— Husk .” She practically spat the name, her distaste apparent as the screen behind her shifted to a grainy image of Husk lounging in his casino. “An Overlord who used to be one of the most feared and respected, now reduced to nurturing the likes of these scum.” Katie’s lips curled into a sneer, her disdain for both Blitzø and Husk apparent. “Husk was once a symbol of power, but now? Now he’s playing house with a hellhound and an imp. It’s almost sad, really. A once-great Overlord reduced to babysitting and coddling creatures who should be groveling at his feet.”

The screen shifted once again, showing footage of Husk with Blitzø and Loona, again clearly edited to make them look as disheveled and unfit as possible.

“What kind of message is this sending to the rest of Hell? That imps and hellhounds deserve special treatment? That Overlords should waste their power nurturing these weaklings? It’s a dangerous precedent, and one that I, for one, refuse to stand for.”

Katie’s voice rose, her intensity driving home the message. “If this is the future of Hell, then we are all in trouble. Imps and hellhounds need to know their place—beneath the rest of us. And anyone who supports their rise, who dares to associate with them, is a traitor to the very foundations of Hell’s hierarchy.”

As she finished, the screen displayed bold, damning words: “Keep Hell’s Order—Imps and Hellhounds Belong Below” with Blitzø, Loona, and Husk all pictured beneath the slogan.

“Goodnight, Hell,” she said with a smirk. “Remember who you are. And remember who they are.”

The camera cuts.

The days that followed were not pretty.

An imp, small and slender, stepped into a bustling marketplace, hoping to land a simple job at a vendor’s stall. His sharp eyes darted nervously as he approached, the air thick with tension.

“Oi, you!” The vendor, a towering demon with sharp horns and a sneer, spat at the imp’s feet. “Think you’re better than us now, eh? Trying to steal jobs from decent demons?” The imp, voice shaking, raised his hands in a placating gesture.

“I… I just want to work—”

The vendor cut him off with a shove that sent the imp sprawling onto the filthy cobblestones. A crowd gathered, and laughter echoed through the marketplace.

"Little imp thinks he’s important!” a bystander jeered. Another demon kicked him as he struggled to stand. “Should’ve stayed in the slums where you belong, runt!”

The imp’s small form curled up as boots rained down on him, blows landing with sickening thuds. “Too weak to even fight back,” one of the demons taunted, spitting on him before walking away, leaving the imp battered and humiliated in the street.

Elsewhere, hellhounds faced even worse. Known for their ferocity, they were now seen as too dangerous, too wild, and muzzled like beasts. In one of Hell’s sprawling, shadowy districts, a hellhound family huddled together in a cramped alleyway, desperate and afraid. The father, a large, muscular hellhound with matted fur, peered around the corner, watching as a group of demons approached, chains and muzzles in hand.

“We have to go,” he whispered urgently to his mate, a slender, grey-furred hellhound, and their daughter, a pup with wide, terrified eyes.

“They’re coming for us again,” his mate whimpered, fear overtaking her usual strength. The little pup whimpered softly, already muzzled by her parents to keep her from making noise.

“They won’t take you,” the father growled, determination flaring in his eyes. “I won’t let them.”

The demons, laughing as they neared, spotted the family. “Look at what we got here—feral mutts on the loose!” one of the demons sneered, snapping the chain in his hand.

Before his mate could react, the father growled low and dangerous, launching himself at the nearest demon. His powerful jaws clamped down on the demon’s neck, tearing into flesh with savage ferocity. Blood spurted out in dark rivulets as the demon let out a garbled scream, collapsing to the ground. The other demons yelled in shock, pulling weapons and chains.

“Run!” the father roared, his muzzle dripping with blood. “Go, NOW!”

His mate, eyes filled with tears, grabbed their daughter and bolted, her heart pounding as her legs carried her away as fast as she could. She heard the sounds of a struggle behind her, the snarls and grunts of her mate fighting against overwhelming odds.

And then—BANG.

A gunshot rang out through the alley, sharp and final.

The mother didn’t dare look back, clutching her daughter tightly as she ran deeper into the twisting streets of Hell. She fought back the sob threatening to break her, knowing her mate had given his life to buy them time. The pup buried her face in her mother’s fur, too young to fully understand but sensing the fear and loss in the air.

In the midst of this chaos, three imps huddled together, staring in horror as their home was consumed by hellfire. They weren’t warriors, they weren’t powerful—but they were cunning, and they were determined to survive.

“We can’t stay here!” hissed the oldest of the trio, his sharp eyes scanning the street. “They’re coming for us!”

Behind him, a younger imp with a thin, wiry frame, trembled as the sky turned a violent red above them. “Where will we go? There’s nowhere safe anymore!” she whispered, her voice cracking with fear.

Beside her, the smallest imp of the group, clenched his fists. His horns were chipped, and a bruise darkened the side of his face from a recent beating. “We’ll go anywhere that’s not here,” he growled. “We’ll find a way out.

The roar of approaching demons filled the air as a mob surged down the street. They were armed with whips and chains, their eyes gleaming with cruelty. The leader, a hulking brute of a demon, grinned as he spotted the imps.

“There they are!” he snarled. “Let’s show these little runts what happens when they forget their place.”

The eldest imp the second’s arm, pulling her behind a crumbling wall just as the first wave of fire hit where they had been standing. “Move! Now!”

The trio darted through the alleyways, their small size an advantage as they weaved through the narrow gaps between buildings. The mob followed, but the imps knew the streets better—they lived in the shadows, and in those shadows, they could outsmart even the most vicious demons.

The youngest led them down a side path, through an old, rusted gate that swung open with a screech. “Here, quick!” he barked, waving them through before slamming it shut. The demons piled against the gate, struggling to tear it open as the imps slipped into the tunnels beneath the city.

As they disappeared deeper into the labyrinth, the pursuing demons found themselves lost, the imps’ laughter echoing faintly in the distance. They had escaped—for now.

In a darker part of the city, where law held no sway, a dimly lit warehouse housed far more sinister dealings. Inside, a young hellhound, freshly turned of age, was shoved into a corner, her body trembling beneath the weight of the chains that muzzled her and bound her wrists. Her fur was ragged, and her eyes were filled with terror as a crime lord, a demon known as Drax, loomed over her.

He grinned, his clawed hand trailing down her thigh with deliberate slowness. “You’re lucky, mutt,” he whispered, his breath hot and foul against her ear. “Most of your kind don’t live long enough to see adulthood these days. But me? I like to play with my pets before I put them down.”

The hellhound whimpered softly, unable to fight back, the muzzle holding her cries. She flinched as his hand moved to grope her chest, his claws digging into her flesh.

“You should be grateful, you know,” he murmured, his grin widening. “You belong to me now. You’ll be obedient, or I’ll remind you just how easily I can—”

Suddenly, a low, feral growl rumbled from across the room.

“Get. Away. From her.”

Drax turned, his eyes narrowing as another hellhound stepped into the light—this one larger, her muscles rippling beneath her chains. Her eyes glowed with rage, the muzzle on her face straining as she bared her fangs.

“Ah, so the other mutt is awake,” Drax said with a smirk, but his confidence faltered as the chained hellhound snarled, her fury boiling over. She pulled against the chains, the metal groaning as it bent under her strength.

“You touch her again, and I’ll rip your throat out,” she growled, her voice shaking with rage.

Drax sneered. “You can’t do anything, you filthy—”

With a deafening roar, the hellhound snapped her chains, the steel breaking apart like brittle glass under the force of her strength. In an instant, she was on him, her claws slashing across his chest as he screamed in shock. His blood sprayed across the room as her powerful jaws clamped down on his neck.

Drax’s struggles were brief, and soon, the only sound was the gurgle of his breath as the hellhound ripped out his throat, ending his life in a shower of crimson.

Panting heavily, the hellhound turned to her friend, her muzzle now free, her face spattered with blood. She moved slowly, gently wiping the tears from the younger hellhound’s eyes.

“It’s over,” she whispered, her voice soft but firm. “We’re leaving. Together.”

Her friend nodded weakly, her body still shaking, but she took the outstretched hand. With a final glance at the broken, lifeless body of Drax, they fled the warehouse, the flames of vengeance burning in their hearts.

Katie Killjoy sat in her lavish office at the “666 News” station, the dim, hellish light casting sharp shadows across her sharp, angular face. Her fingers tapped rhythmically on her desk as she reviewed the footage from the last few days. Riots, chaos, blood in the streets. Imps beaten to the brink of death. Hellhounds muzzled, chained, and worse. The smoldering remains of once-thriving imp and hellhound neighborhoods flashed on the screen in front of her, but Katie’s cold blue eyes showed no hint of remorse. These past few days have felt so empowering, to see the results of her work.

Across from her, Tom Trench, her co-anchor, watched the screen with growing unease. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, the weight of the destruction gnawing at him. The images of burning homes and broken bodies flickered in the reflection of his gas mask’s lenses.

“Uh, Katie…” Tom’s voice wavered as he broke the silence. “This… this is getting pretty out of hand, don’t you think? I mean, Hell’s always been violent, but this? It’s an all-out war on imps and hellhounds. We’re seeing families torn apart, places completely wiped off the map…”

“And? The fuck is your point, Tom?” she asked, her tone completely indifferent. She didn’t even bother to look at him. Her eyes stayed glued to the scenes of violence she had unleashed. “It’s about time they were reminded of their proper fucking place. Imps, hellhounds… they’ve been getting far too comfortable lately. Thinking they can rise above their station. That’s what happens when you let vermin think they deserve anything more than scraps.”

“W-Well, uh…”

“Blitzø and that mutt Loona humiliated me, those wretched little shits. And it’s that fucking furball Husk’s fault for encouraging them, pitying them!” she uttered, her voice quiet but brimming with venom. “They thought they could make a fool out of me. An imp and a hellhound daring to rise above their station, daring to think they were more than the scum they are. Well…” She turned back to Tom, her smile still in place, though now it seemed almost predatory. “They’re paying for it. Every imp that’s beaten, every hellhound that’s put down? That’s their price for crossing me.”

Tom swallowed, seeing the sheer intensity in her eyes. “Isn’t…this a bit overboard for that…?”

“I say it’s extremely fucking on board, Tom.” Katie scoffed, waving him off. “They thought they could thrive. That they could be happy in a world where I decide who succeeds and who suffers. That insufferable imp and that rabid bitch won’t thrive. Not here. Not ever . I’ll deny them happiness, I’ll deny them everything they think they can have.

Katie meant every word, and then some. She was Hell’s voice, and in Hell, she decided who mattered and who didn’t. Imps, hellhounds—they were nothing more than pests in her eyes.

And Blitzø and Loona? They were the worst of the lot.

“They’ll know their place,” she murmured softly, almost to herself. “All of them will.”

A voice suddenly cut through her air. “Hey! Ya done through your hissy fit for today?”

In the shadowy corners of the “666 News” studio, Velvette lounged casually in a plush chair, tapping away on her phone with a kind of detached amusement. Her long nails clicked rhythmically as she scrolled, one leg crossed over the other, her focus only briefly broken by the commotion in the studio. With her free hand, she pointed lazily toward Katie Killjoy, her voice dripping with mock impatience.

“Don’t forget, sweetheart,” Velvette drawled, her eyes never leaving her screen. “You’ve got a deal to keep. Don’t think I’m letting you slide after everything I’ve done for you.”

Katie, in the midst of preparing for the next live broadcast, threw a dismissive glance over her shoulder. She rolled her eyes at Velvette’s reminder, irritation bubbling just under the surface. But her lips curled into that ever-familiar, camera-ready smile.

“Yeah, yeah. I haven’t forgotten,” Katie said, her voice laced with sarcasm. She turned her back on Velvette, straightening her blazer as the stage lights flared to life.

The red "On Air" sign blinked above the set, and Katie’s smile widened, shifting seamlessly into the polished, saccharine persona she donned for the masses.

“Good evening, Hell,” she purred into the camera. “Tonight, we bring you something special. But first, a quick word about the rising stars of Pentagram City—The Vees! A group you do not want to miss!”

(Several Days ago)

Katie Killjoy sat back in her office, the flickering glow of Hell’s eternal fire casting long shadows across the room. She drummed her manicured nails on the desk, eyes narrowed as she considered the woman across from her. Velvette, one of the youngest Overlords—and one of the Vees—sat with a smile that was all sugar on the surface but promised something far more sinister underneath.

Katie had worked with scum before, but this… this was a whole new level. Still, power was power, and she wasn’t about to back down from an opportunity just because of a little risk.

“So,” Velvette drawled, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back, “what’s in it for me and my boys? I don’t do favors for free, sweetheart.”

Katie smirked, leaning forward slightly. “Exposure. Bigger media control. You want the Vees to be the face of Hell’s changing era, right? Valentino’s got his clubs, Vox runs the tech scene, but you three? You could own the narrative. I can expand your influence even further with my broadcasts. In exchange, you use your social media prowess to convince my audience to sell their souls—to me .”

Velvette’s eyebrows lifted in amusement. “You want souls? So you can what, ascend to Overlord status? Think you’re big and bad enough bitch for that?”

Katie’s smile turned predatory. “More than big enough. The news is the truth, Velvette. I am the fucking truth. I make the future, and that future belongs to whoever controls the story. And if the Vees help me, I’ll make sure you own that future.”

Velvette’s grin widened. “Not bad, Killjoy. Not bad at all.” She twirled a strand of her bubblegum-pink hair, her eyes never leaving Katie’s. “But what’s with the imp and hellhound thing? What’s that about?”

Katie’s face twitched for a split second, the briefest flicker of irritation crossing her sharp features. “Let’s just say I’ve got some personal issues to settle with that walking joke Blitzø and his mutt of a daughter, Loona. They’ve humiliated me— on air and I intend to make sure the world knows their place. You help me with this, and I’ll make sure no imp or hellhound in Hell rises above the dirt they come from.”

Velvette’s smirk was practically a sneer now. “Ahhh, there it is. The real motivation. You’re pissed ‘cause those two made you look like a fucking fool on live TV.” She let out a soft, mocking laugh. “Don’t try to bullshit me, Killjoy. I know petty revenge when I see it. And honey, it’s fuckin’ funny.”

Katie’s eyes flashed with anger, but she didn’t deny it. “It doesn’t matter. The end goal is the same: power for me, influence for you. The imps and hellhounds are just collateral in a bigger plan.”

Velvette gave a shrug, her grin never wavering. “Fine by me. You take care of the imps, the hounds, and anyone else you got beef with. Meanwhile, you make sure the Vees’ influence spreads. I’ll do my part with the social media shit, but you better live up to your end.”

Katie extended her hand, her smile returning as her confidence solidified. “Deal.”

Velvette grinned wider, taking Katie’s hand. The moment they shook, their respective infernal energies swirled around one another, the air crackling with power. Velvette’s pink-and-black aura mixed with Katie’s burning red, creating a brief spark of Hellish magic between them.

“Don’t fuck this up, Killjoy,” Velvette said with a sharp grin.

Katie smirked. “I don’t plan on failing, Velvette. But you better keep your end of the deal. I don’t take kindly to bullshit.”

Velvette stood, adjusting her outfit and giving Katie one last amused glance. “Oh, don’t worry, sugar. I’ll keep my word. You just make sure you keep that news station of yours running smoothly. We’ve got a lot of souls to collect.”

As Velvette slithered out of the room, Katie leaned back in her chair, fingers steepled. She could still feel the lingering heat from their handshake, a promise of power and influence, and the chance to finally take down those who dared make a fool out of her.

The news? The news was truth. And Katie Killjoy was the truth. Soon enough, all of Hell would know it.

And Blitzø and Loona? They were gonna pay.

Back in the studio, the broadcast continued, but Katie’s thoughts were elsewhere. She could feel it—the power coursing through her veins, growing stronger with every soul that fell victim to her twisted broadcasts. The hatred she had spread across Pentagram City had taken root, and now, as Velvette’s magic flowed through her, she could feel her rise to Overlord was inevitable.

Her eyes flickered, glowing with an ominous light as the deal she had struck with Velvette came to fruition. Behind the camera, Velvette gave a satisfied, knowing smile.

Katie’s smile widened as the broadcast continued, her voice dripping with charm as she promoted the Vees once more.

Inside, though, she was already imagining the moment when Blitzø and Loona—and every imp and hellhound in Hell—would grovel beneath her. They had humiliated her once. She would make sure they never rose again.

Velvette stepped out of the 666 News Studio, her pigtails hair bouncing as she strutted down the sidewalk, her phone already in hand. She smirked as her screen lit up, revealing the Vees trending across Hell’s version of social media. Thousands of posts, demons shouting their support, suggesting alliances, and backing the most Infamous trio in Hell: Vox, Valentino, and herself.

Katie Killjoy had done her job and done it well.

Velvette’s grin widened as she video-called Vox and Valentino, the screen splitting between her two partners in crime. Vox, always tech-savvy and glitching slightly as he spoke, was looking at some of their rising numbers. Valentino, on the other hand, was lounging somewhere, a cigar hanging out of his mouth as he rambled on about Angel Dust’s most recent mood swing.

“I’m tellin’ ya, Vell, the little spider’s been all over the place lately. One minute he’s fine, the next he’s makin’ a damn scene about somethin’. Ain’t got time for his fucking tantrums,” Valentino groaned, exhaling a cloud of smoke that fuzzed the camera.

“Val, you always say that, yet you always make time for ‘em,” Velvette said, barely hiding her smirk as she casually scrolled through her phone, eyes flicking up at the oncoming wave of new supporters. “Anyway, have you checked the numbers lately? We’re trending. Big time.”

Vox’s digital face flickered with satisfaction. “I saw. Our influence is growing faster than we expected. Hell’s shifting its gaze toward us.”

Before Velvette could respond, she noticed something from the corner of her eye. A group of demons, slowly encroaching on her from all sides, their faces twisted with malicious intent.

“Oh,” Velvette said, raising an eyebrow and smirking as she lowered her phone a bit. “Hold that thought, boys.”

Valentino stopped mid-rant, confused. “What?”

Vox blinked on the other side of the screen. “Vel, what’s happening? You alright?”

Velvette smiled wider, looking at the group of demons sizing her up. “Looks like some idiots think I’m easy pickings. You know… ‘cause I’m the youngest Overlord in Hell.” She sighed, shaking her head. “Amateurs.”

One of the demons stepped forward, snarling. “You think you can just waltz around here, playing with power that doesn’t belong to you? We’re taking you down. No hard feelings.”

Velvette tilted her head, her grin never wavering. “No hard feelings? Oh honey, there are gonna be some hard feelings.”

The air around her shimmered with digital static, flickers of black and pink energy gathering around her as her magic began to swirl. She didn’t even bother to stop scrolling through her phone, casually checking status updates and notifications as her other hand began to glow with energy.

One of the demons lunged forward, claws extended. Velvette didn’t even look up. With a simple flick of her wrist, a pink and black wave of digital force slammed into him, sending him flying back into a brick wall. The others froze for a moment, staring in shock.

“Oh?” Velvette glanced up from her phone, her eyes gleaming with amusement. “What, you thought I was weak shit just ‘cause I’m younger than the others? Mm. That’s cute.”

Another demon charged at her, but Velvette was already moving. In a blur, she twisted around him, her hand glowing with digital symbols that hovered in the air like data points. With one graceful movement, she snapped her fingers, and the symbols crashed into the demon like falling meteors, exploding on impact and leaving him smoldering in a heap.

The others hesitated, but their hesitation didn’t last long as they all rushed her at once. Velvette smiled.

“Alright, time for a crash course in correcting dumbassery,” she muttered.

With only one hand, Velvette danced around them effortlessly. She barely even looked up from her phone as she dodged punches, blocked kicks, and sent out bursts of pink-and-black magic that shattered bones and crumpled bodies. Every swipe of her hand summoned more digital symbols—hashtags, likes, and other social media icons—that rained down on her attackers with brutal force.

One demon tried to sneak up behind her, but she quickly slammed her heel into his face, sending him sprawling to the ground. “Mm, yeah, no. I don’t think so.”

Within forty seconds, it was over. The demons lay battered and broken on the ground, groaning in pain. Velvette, still scrolling through her phone with her free hand, smirked as she casually kicked one of them across the face, sending him skidding across the pavement.

“Ugh. Don’t waste my time, losers,” she muttered, snapping her fingers once more. Multiple glowing social media symbols formed above the battered demons, hovering for just a moment before crashing down in a digital explosion, leaving them even more broken than before.

“Alright, I’m back,” Velvette said cheerfully, lifting her phone again as if nothing had happened.

Valentino was still mid-rant, not even fazed by the brief interruption. “So like I was sayin’, Vel, Angel’s been a real fucking bitch lately—”

Vox, on the other hand, groaned. “Can you please get back here before he drives me insane? Val’s not letting this go.”

Velvette chuckled, taking one last look at the defeated demons before turning her back on them, her pink-and-black magic fading. “Yeah, yeah, I’m on my way. And hey,” she added with a grin, “looks like we’ve got a few new souls coming our way.”

She smiled down at her phone, watching as more and more demons pledged their loyalty to the Vees online. The future of Hell was looking very bright for the three of them.

In another part of Hell, a gang of demons cornering a group of young hellhound pups. Their snarls were cruel and their intentions clear as they shoved and taunted the frightened pups, enjoying the way their sharp claws and teeth made the kids tremble.

One of the demons cracked his knuckles and grinned wickedly. “Looks like we’re gonna have ourselves some fun today, huh?”

Without warning, there was a blur of motion. One moment the demon was laughing, the next, he was lifted off the ground, choking on his own breath as a massive, clawed hand gripped his throat. The demon’s eyes bulged as he gasped for air, his feet kicking helplessly in the air.

The source of the attack came into focus—a hulking hellhound towering over the rest of the gang. His right eye blazed with an unnatural intensity, its red sclera and white iris glowing in the dim light. His left eye, blind and covered by a deep, red scar, added to the terrifying image he presented. The air around him crackled with dark energy as black flames licked at the ground around his feet, and a swirling wind of shadows coiled around his body like a living creature.

With a growl that vibrated through the air, the Hellhound hurled the demon he’d grabbed into a nearby wall. The impact sent a shockwave through the alley, bricks crumbling from the force as the demon crumpled into a heap, groaning in pain. The rest of the gang barely had time to react before he was upon them.

The alley became a storm of black flames and violent gusts of wind. Demons were sent flying, their screams drowned out by the roar of the Hellhound’s magic. His strikes were precise and brutal, claws tearing through the air, enhanced by the dark energy swirling around him. Black flames engulfed one demon who dared charge him, reducing him to a smoldering heap, while another was swept away by a burst of wind that sent him crashing through a nearby storefront.

The pups huddled together, wide-eyed as they watched the demons who had been terrorizing them moments ago get taken down like ragdolls. His fury was terrifying, but it wasn’t directed at them. In fact, after the last of the demons had been dispatched—either knocked out or reduced to whimpering piles of ash—the Hellhound turned to the pups with a calm, gentle expression.

“Get home safe, alright?” His voice, though deep, carried a softness that reassured them. The pups, still shaken but grateful, nodded and scampered off, their tails tucked between their legs as they disappeared into the safety of the shadows.

He watched them leave, making sure they were out of sight before turning his attention elsewhere. His gaze fell upon a nearby TV screen, where the familiar and grating voice of Katie Killjoy filled the air. She was in the middle of one of her rants, her face twisted in fury as she pointed at a photo of Blitzø and Loona.

“Another example of how low our society has sunk!” Katie screeched. “These filthy imps and disgusting hellhounds think they can go around doing whatever they want, disrespecting demons of higher status! I, for one, won’t stand for it!”

His muzzle curled in disgust as he listened to her spew her hatred. But his gaze lingered on the screen as the image shifted to a still frame of Loona.

Loona. That Loona? The one who’d stood up to Killjoy and the Vees and showed no fear.

A vibration in his pocket pulled him out of his thoughts. His phone buzzed, and the caller ID read Bee.

His hardened expression softened immediately, and he answered with a warm grin. “Hey, babe.”

From the other end, ‘Bee’s playful voice responded, full of affection. “Vortex, honey! Where are you? I miss my big bad hellhound.”

Vortex chuckled, his tail wagging unconsciously as he spoke. “Yeah, sorry, Bee. Gonna be a little longer getting home with all the bullshit goin’ on. But don’t worry, I’ll be done with this job really soon, then I’ll be back in Gluttony.”

“Good,” Bee teased. “I want you home so we can unwind. Be careful out there, Tex. Miss you.”

“I miss you too. Love you, babe.” Vortex said, his voice softening even more.

There was a pause, and then, “Love you too, big guy. Hurry up.”

Vortex smiled as he hung up, slipping the phone back into his pocket. As he pulled his hoodie over his head, hiding his distinctive features, his thoughts returned to Loona and the clip on the TV. Katie could say whatever she wanted, but it was pretty damn clear why she had it out for Loona. Anyone who could put Killjoy in her place like that—on live TV, no less—was someone who got under her skin. And in a place like Hell, getting under someone’s skin was practically a badge of honor.

His lips twitched into a smirk as he started walking, his hulking frame blending into the shadows. “Loona, huh?” he murmured to himself. “Anyone who can stand up to Killjoy can’t be that bad.”

As he made his way through the dimly lit streets, his mind drifted back to his fellow hellhound. Loona had that rough exterior, but she was clearly someone who stood her ground when it mattered.

“Yeah,” Vortex thought with a small smile. “She seems pretty cool.”

The neon lights of the Royal Roulette Casino bathed the streets in a vivid, shifting glow, the vibrant signs reflecting off the sleek marble walls of the casino’s grand entrance. Inside, the I.M.P team had gathered in one of Husk’s private lounges, where the constant hum of slot machines and chatter of demons played in the background.

Moxxie was pacing nervously, while Millie sat on the edge of her seat, fists clenched and itching for action. Blitzø and Loona, on the other hand, were bristling with anger, every word from Katie Killjoy’s latest tirade replaying in their heads.

“That bitch! ” Blitzø snarled, slamming his fist into the table. “She’s turning Hell against us, saying we’re the problem? Acting like Imps and Hellhounds are just supposed to stay in their place? Fuck that.”

Loona, her eyes blazing with fury, muttered, “And using us as scapegoats… Katie’s making it personal.”

Moxxie glanced anxiously toward the door, clearly unsettled by the tension outside. “We’re in over our heads here. It’s not just a bunch of loudmouths, Blitzø. There’s a whole gang out there ready to storm the place.”

Millie cracked her knuckles, her grin wide and fierce. “Let ‘em come. I’ve been dying to knock some heads together all day.”

But before anyone could make a move, Husk entered the room, his golden eyes flashing with calm authority. He adjusted his tie and tapped his cane—a slick black rod topped with a gold-plated dice—against the floor, the sound echoing through the room like a gavel.

“Stay inside,” Husk said, his voice gruff but unyielding. “This is my fight.”

Blitzø blinked, confused. “The hell you mean ‘your fight’? They’re here for all of us!”

Husk’s sharp gaze cut through Blitzø’s protest. “My authority as an Overlord is being challenged. They’re testing me—seeing if I’m weak for ‘allied with imps and hellhounds.’ If I don’t put them in their place, we’ll be dealing with this bullshit every day.” Although they’ll probably be dealing with it regardless because Killjoy can’t shut her damn mouth. But Husk will have to make an appearance first and show why they can’t just do what they want and expect him to take it.

Moxxie wrung his hands nervously. “B-but Husk-“

Husk raised a hand, silencing Moxxie with a slow shake of his head. His golden eyes flared, and sparks of demonic gold energy flickered around him, crackling with an intense heat. The air in the room grew heavy with power.

“I’ll handle it,” he growled, as his fingers twitched with anticipation. “Stay. Inside.”

Millie leaned forward; eyes wide with admiration. “Damn, Husk. You’re really gonna take ‘em all on?”

He gave her a curt nod, a small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

Blitzø, Loona, and the others stood back as Husk made his way toward the casino’s entrance. As he pushed open the doors, the raucous sound of the gang outside filled the air. Demons of all shapes and sizes filled the street, armed with blades, clubs, and makeshift weapons, all of them sneering and jeering at the casino’s gleaming entrance. At the sight of Husk, a low murmur spread through the crowd.

“There he is—the weakling Overlord,” one demon snarled. “Thinkin’ he’s too good for his own kind, allying with Imps .”

“Yeah, what kind of Overlord lets a Hellhound call the shots?”

Husk stepped forward, adjusting his suit jacket with an air of nonchalance. His dice cane twirled between his fingers with practiced ease. He stopped in the center of the casino’s wide steps, his golden eyes locking onto the demon at the front of the mob, a hulking brute with jagged horns and a spiked club.

“So. Lemme get this straight,” Husk began, sounding almost bored. “Killjoy runs her bitch mouth on her platform because she can’t shut the fuck up, and you lap up her every word and gather around her like the mindless sheep that you are. You think that gives you the right to come up to my territory and disrespect me right to my face?”

“That’s exactly right!”

Husk’s voice was low and deadly calm. “ Do you think I’m a fucking joke?

The brute spat on the ground. “You’re a disgrace to Hell. Siding with those who should be beneath you.”

Husk’s fingers curled around the handle of his cane, and the faintest hint of a smile crossed his lips. “Who I side with ain’t any of your damn business. But since you think you’re big and bad enough to try and fuck with mine , I’m gonna have to remind ya of where you stand compared to me.”

The brute bared his teeth, raising his club. “We’ll see about that.”

Husk’s grin widened; his fangs bared. His tail swayed as if a cat found something fun to tear apart with its claws. “Kay then. Let’s play.

In an instant, the air around Husk ignited with golden flames. His eyes flared as he slammed his cane into the ground. The force sent a shockwave through the street, causing cracks to spiderweb out beneath the feet of the demons. Golden energy surged upward from the ground, coiling around Husk like molten chains as his magic took shape.

From thin air, dice the size of boulders materialized, spinning rapidly as they hovered above the ground. With a flick of his wrist, Husk sent the dice crashing into the front ranks of the demon mob, the impact sending demons flying in all directions like ragdolls. The dice exploded in bursts of golden light, scattering bodies and leaving scorch marks across the ground.

The gang’s bravado wavered, but their numbers were still strong. Several demons rushed forward, brandishing their weapons. Husk smirked as a deck of glowing cards appeared in his hand, each card pulsating with arcane power.

He tossed the cards into the air, and they spread out like a deadly fan. With a snap of his fingers, they shot forward, slicing through the air with pinpoint precision. The cards cut through the weapons of the attacking demons, disarming them effortlessly before turning on their wielders. Screams filled the air as the cards ricocheted between the demons, their sharp edges leaving trails of golden light as they incapacitated anyone who got too close.

He twirled his cane, and with a flick, another deck of magical cards appeared in his hand, each card glowing with the same golden energy. He hurled them like throwing stars, each one slicing through the air with precision. Demons fell left and right as the cards tore through their ranks, exploding on impact with bursts of fiery light.

One demon managed to slip through the barrage, rushing Husk with a jagged knife. But before he could strike, a massive slot machine materialized between them. The demon stumbled back in confusion as the machine’s reels began to spin wildly, the symbols flashing in rapid succession. The machine let out a triumphant ding as three skulls aligned.

Husk grinned. “Bad luck.”

A surge of black-and-gold fire erupted from the machine, engulfing the demon in a torrent of flames. His screams were short-lived as the fire consumed him, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.

A group of demons armed with chains and axes surged forward, thinking they could overwhelm him with brute force. Husk chuckled, raising his cane and slamming it into the ground. The entire street rumbled as a massive, glowing roulette wheel materialized beneath the attackers, spinning wildly. With a snap of his fingers, the wheel shot out golden bolts of energy, blasting the demons into the sky.

The remaining demons hesitated, unsure whether to continue their assault or flee. Husk stood tall amidst the chaos, his cane resting lightly on his shoulder as he surveyed the scene. His suit was still immaculate, not a hair out of place. He could see the fear in their eyes now—the realization that they had vastly underestimated him.

But Husk wasn’t done yet. His cane glowed with golden energy as he tapped it against the ground once more. The dice, cards, roulette wheels, and slot machines all shimmered and multiplied, filling the street with an army of magical constructs. The demons scattered, running in every direction as the golden swarm descended upon them.

One by one, the gang members were either knocked out, set ablaze, or otherwise incapacitated by Husk’s relentless assault. Those who could still run fled, disappearing into the alleys and side streets of Hell, leaving their fallen comrades behind.

Husk watched them retreat, his eyes cold and calculating. “Buncha dumbshits.” When the last of them had disappeared, he let out a long, tired sigh. The golden energy around him flickered and faded as he adjusted his tie once more. “This isn’t over.” Husk muttered to himself; his voice tinged with frustration. Katie Killjoy’s words had set off a powder keg, and now it was only a matter of time before more demons came knocking. Her crusade against imps and hellhounds was having a ripple effect, turning Hell’s natural order upside down. And Husk, by siding with I.M.P., had put a target on his back.

He turned and made his way back into the casino, his cane tapping against the floor as the sounds of Hell slowly returned to normal. Blitzø, Loona, Moxxie, and Millie were waiting for him inside, eyes wide with a mix of awe and relief.

“Well, damn,” Blitzø said, whistling low. “I knew you had it in you, but that was something else.”

Millie grinned, practically vibrating with excitement. “That was badass! You wiped the floor with them!”

Moxxie, though still anxious, managed a nod of approval. “I’ll admit, that was… impressive.”

Loona, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, gave Husk a small smirk. “Guess they won’t be coming back anytime soon.”

Husk grunted, rubbing the back of his neck. “Maybe not, but this won’t be the last we see of them. Katie’s stirring up trouble, and we’re gonna have to deal with this crap more often. Best get used to it.”

“Our luck ain’t good enough for that, but we’ll give it a shot.” Blitzø shrugged.

The chaotic hum of the casino had finally settled, leaving the air thick with a calm after the storm. I.M.P. lounged around, taking a much-needed breather after everything that had transpired. Blitzø leaned against the bar, lost in thought as he swirled a drink in his hand, Loona lazily tapping on her phone nearby.

Suddenly, a faint shimmer filled the room, and a portal opened up in the middle of the floor. Everyone turned their heads, expecting trouble, but instead, a familiar figure stepped through—Octavia, her attention glued to her phone. She looked up briefly, her gaze meeting Loona’s, and her face softened into a small, genuine smile. “Hey.”

Loona blinked, a little caught off guard, but she felt a faint, pleased warmth stir inside her. A smile tugged at her lips in response. Octavia’s quiet presence was… nice, and Loona found herself a little surprised that she was happy to see her. “…Hey. Surprise visit much?”

“Guess you could say that.”

Before Blitzø could ask what the hell was going on, another figure stepped through the portal. This time, it was Stolas. Regal and poised, his hands clasped neatly in front of him. His eyes immediately found Blitzø’s, and for a moment, the world seemed to quiet even further.

Blitzø froze, his drink forgotten in his hand as he locked eyes with Stolas. A memory, long buried and dusty, surfaced between them like a wave crashing onto shore.

Blitzo and Stolas sat beneath a grand, ancient tree in the palace gardens, the soft rustle of leaves filling the air. The young owl prince stared at Blitzo with wide, confused eyes.

“Your… your father told you to steal from me and my father?” Stolas asked, blinking in disbelief. They sat so peacefully together, a prince and a peasant, worlds apart yet bound in a strange, quiet friendship.

Blitzo, his scuffed boots kicking at the dirt, couldn’t meet Stolas’s gaze. His face was flushed with shame, but there was defiance in his voice. “Yeah. He did.”

Stolas’s feathers puffed up slightly as he tilted his head. “And yet… you left everything where it was? Why?”

Blitzo fidgeted, rubbing the back of his neck. “…Because… Mama told me that friends don’t steal from other friends.”

Stolas blinked, his young heart warming at the word ‘friend’. He smiled, his face brightening with a hopefulness that was impossible to ignore.

That warmth managed to stay and persist in his heart, even when they wouldn’t see each other again for years.

As the memory faded back into the past, Blitzø blinked, his eyes shimmering with a mixture of surprise and emotion. Stolas stood before him, smiling that same warm, hopeful smile—one that had somehow survived all the years and complications that have impacted their individual lives.

And now once more, their paths were connected.

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Stolas said softly, his voice holding a deep fondness. “Blitzy.”

Blitzø’s breath hitched for a moment. That nickname. It had been so long since he’d heard it. He hadn’t forgotten it, but it had slipped into the corners of his mind, a relic of a time he hadn’t thought about in years. And now, hearing it again… it brought up a confusing swirl of feelings.

Blitzø let out a long, dramatic sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to keep his cool. “…Damn it. How can you even still remember that nickname? That shit’s embarrassing.” His voice was gruff, but there was no malice in it—only the playful exasperation that had once been a constant between them. Blitzy. It had never sat quite right with him back then, but Stolas would chirp it happily, a cheerful ‘Blitzy!’ whenever he was really excited to see him, and Blitzø never had the heart to correct him. They were just kids, after all.

Stolas let out a soft, owlish laugh, his feathers ruffling slightly. “True. My apologies.” He tilted his head, smiling fondly. “The ‘O’ in your name is silent these days, isn’t it? So, Blitz?”

Blitzø met his eyes, a small, quiet smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Yeah. Blitz.”

Stolas’s gaze softened even further, and for a moment, the years between them seemed to melt away. “Then… long time no see, Blitz.”

Blitzø’s heart gave a small, unexpected flutter at the way Stolas said his name. It was gentle, warm—like they were just two kids again, sitting under that tree with nothing but the afternoon vibe and the soft sound of the wind in the leaves.

He let out another sigh, but this time it was far softer, almost resigned. “Yeah. Long time no see, Stolas.”

The two of them stood there in silence for a moment, old friends reunited after years of being apart. It wasn’t perfect for either of their individual lives since then, and there was a lot between them that needed to be said, but for now, the silence was enough.

Meanwhile, Loona and Octavia had been watching the interaction from the sidelines, their quiet observation undisturbed. Loona, still leaning against the wall, glanced over at Octavia, who had returned to scrolling on her phone but hadn’t lost her gentle smile.

Loona hesitated for a moment before awkwardly clearing her throat. “Uh…So… what’re you doing here?”

Octavia looked up, her smile never fading. “Dad had some things to talk about with Blitz. I thought I’d come along.”

Loona raised an eyebrow, though her usual snark was softened by curiosity. “You didn’t have to.”

Octavia shrugged. “I wanted to.”

A small, awkward silence followed, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. In fact, it felt almost… natural. Loona found herself relaxing slightly, her posture easing as she glanced at Octavia’s calm demeanor.

“Well… it’s cool you’re here,” Loona muttered, her voice quieter than usual.

Octavia smiled softly at that, a small blush creeping onto her cheeks. “Thanks.”

Blitzø, catching the end of their conversation, smirked slightly before turning back to Stolas, his gaze softening. “So… what brings you here? Decided to crash my party?”

Stolas chuckled, shaking his head. “Not quite. But I did want to see how you were doing.”

Blitzø raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. “What, you checking up on me now? You my babysitter?”

“Hardly,” Stolas replied, his tone light and teasing. “Just… an old friend wanting to see how you’re holding up.”

Blitzø’s smirk faltered for just a second, but then he sighed, rubbing his neck again. “Well… it’s been a hell of a ride, I’ll tell you that much.”

The two of them shared a quiet, knowing look—one that spoke of all the memories they hadn’t yet unpacked, all the words that still needed to be said. But for now, this moment was enough. They were here, together, after everything, and that was a start.

As Loona and Octavia exchanged quiet smiles in the background, and the casino fell into a rare moment of peace, it felt like the end of one chapter and the start of something new—both for the old friends, and for the new ones.

With the chaotic storm that was Hell’s rapidly changing climate in the background, and all sorts of chaotic messes coming to their doorsteps…this one simple, surprise visit made it seem like they could stand up to it all and weather the storm. Endure it all, come out on the other side with their hopes and happiness intact.

Maybe, just maybe, with some effort and resilience…things would be okay.


A lot of things went down. Killjoy just went the 'fuck everybody' route and now Hell's gonna have to deal with it.

The Vees are making their moves.

Imps and Hellhounds all over are paying for both.

But with Husk pushing back, and Stolas and Octavia part of the fray, things aren't going to go their way as smoothly as they might believe.

Only time will tell where this leads.

Chapter 13: No Storm Lasts Forever


Things are tough. Rough. There's so much happening and for some there's little they can actually do about it.

But despite it all, everyone refuses to fold so easily.

They'll weather this storm and come out better than ever,


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hell wasn’t just a place; it was an idea, a cycle. A cycle of suffering, of survival, of power. And at its core, Hell was chaotic, ruled by strength and fear. But in that chaos, Charlie Morningstar wanted to create something new—a beacon of hope. A future where even the lowest among Hell’s hierarchy could rise. Where they could thrive, not just survive.

Yet, in the midst of the storm swirling around her now, that dream felt so distant.

Katie Killjoy’s venomous campaign had gripped Hell by its throat, rallying demons against the imps and hellhounds, turning them into scapegoats for everything wrong in their underworld. The sight of her broadcasts, the way her hatred spread like wildfire, was enough to make Charlie’s blood boil. And as her anger grew, so did her power.

Her horns had started to grow, her tail lashed back and forth, and her eyes burned with raw infernal energy. The very air crackled around her, as if Hell itself was responding to her fury. Charlie stood poised on the edge of an eruption, ready to unleash the full force of her power and bring this madness to an end. She was already marching towards the door, even, every thundering step cratering the ground beneath her.

Then someone gripped her arm. She snapped her head towards them.

“Charlie. Don’t.

Vaggie, her consort, her ever-loyal confidant, her right hand, was the one thing standing between Charlie and the devastation she was about to unleash.

“I’m going to stop her,” Charlie growled through clenched teeth, already turning towards the door again. “I can’t just stand by and let this happen. I won’t.”

Vaggie didn’t move, didn’t budge. Vaggie, ever the voice of reason, stood beside her, unwavering in the face of Charlie’s overwhelming power.

“You’ve gone on a lot about believing in the strength of your people, Charlie,” Vaggie’s voice cut through the storm in her mind. “If you step in now, if you solve this for them, you’ll betray that belief.”

Charlie’s heart pounded in her chest. The temptation to strike out was almost unbearable. She could end this with a snap of her fingers. She should end it. These were her people, being torn apart by lies and hatred. She couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. The weight of her power tugged at her, urging her forward.

But Vaggie was unmoved by that power. She stood firm, holding Charlie’s arm in a steady grip. It wasn’t a challenge to Charlie’s strength. Vaggie wasn’t trying to overpower her. No, this was something else entirely—this was trust. Trust in Charlie, trust in her people.

“Don’t do it, Charlie. Not like this.” Vaggie’s tone was firm, but there was warmth in her voice. “If you swoop in and fix everything for them, they’ll never learn to fix it themselves. They’ll always look to you, expect you to do it all. And one day, you won’t be able to, Charlie. No one can carry all of Hell on their back forever. Lucifer couldn’t do it, and he’s had had far more time, experience, and power than you to try.”

Charlie flinched. “But…I…”

Vaggie’s words hit hard. Charlie had always believed in the strength of her people, but right now, it felt like that belief was being tested more than ever. How could she trust them to fix this when the hatred was spreading so fast? When innocent imps and hellhounds were being hurt, blamed, hunted?

Vaggie gently pulled her aside, having them both sit on the couch. They quietly held hands.

“I could end this,” Charlie murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. She wasn’t angry anymore. She was just… tired. Exhausted from the weight of her future crown, the pressure of the future she so desperately wanted to build. “It would be so easy .”

Vaggie’s hand came to rest on Charlie’s cheek, her touch gentle but grounding. “I know. But that’s exactly why you can’t .”

Charlie’s breath hitched as she looked into Vaggie’s eyes, searching for answers, for comfort, for something to ease the ache in her heart. But Vaggie didn’t offer easy answers. She never had. That’s what made her the perfect person to stand at Charlie’s side.

Vaggie wasn’t her bodyguard. Charlie didn’t need one of those. Not when she had the kind of power that could reshape Hell itself if she wished. No, Vaggie was something far more important. She was Charlie’s compass, her guide when the storm threatened to consume her.

Vaggie was the one who would tell Charlie what she needed to hear, even when she didn’t want to hear it. Especially when she didn’t want to hear it.

And right now, what Charlie needed to hear was that this wasn’t her fight to solve. It wasn’t her place to step in and fix everything, no matter how much she wanted to.

She gently looked towards the images. Of Blitzø and Loona. The scapegoats for this entire hateful chaos Killjoy was causing. Vaggie seemed to pick up on her thoughts, and pressed on.

“They have to be the ones to stop Killjoy. To decide what happens to her. Imprison her, kill her. Whatever it may be.” Vaggie continued, her voice softening. “She’s ultimately not a problem that’s worth your full undivided attention. You can’t make this decision for them. This chaos? All the shit she’s spewing and stirring outside?” Vaggie gestured to the window. “It will all pass. It’s going to cause pain, it will leave scars, it will leave terrible memories, yes. I’m not asking you to ignore all that, nor will I lie to you about it. But it will pass.

Charlie bit her lip, her resolve wavering as Vaggie’s words sank in. She knew Vaggie was right. Deep down, she knew it. But that didn’t make it any easier. It didn’t stop the burning desire to protect her people from tearing her apart inside.

If she stepped in now, if she solved this problem for them, she would only be proving Katie Killjoy right—that the imps and hellhounds were weak, that they couldn’t stand up for themselves. And that… that was something Charlie couldn’t allow.

Her head lowered, and soon began resting against Vaggie’s lap, the warmth and closeness grounding her. The weight of responsibility, however, still clung to her heart.

She wasn’t Queen yet, and already it felt like so much.

Her fingers trembled slightly as she fidgeted with the hem of her dress. The power she held, the vast potential she inherited from her father, was something she could feel humming beneath her skin every moment of the day. It was always there, simmering, waiting to be unleashed. She could end this conflict so easily. Snap her fingers, raise her hand, and the chaos would be over. The hatred, the violence—it could all be snuffed out in a moment. But that’s exactly why she couldn’t . Why she shouldn’t .

She closed her eyes and sighed deeply, feeling the familiar knot of anxiety tighten in her chest. Why couldn’t it be simpler? It would be so easy to fix everything with a single act of her will. It would be a trivial matter for her.

But that’s ultimately the core of the problem with her interfering now.

The weight of her powers, powers she had been born into as the princess of Hell, pressed heavily on her chest. She knew, more than anyone, that she had the ability to change things. With just a wave of her hand, she could make so much of the suffering disappear. She could solve the endless cycle of torment, punishment, and cruelty that plagued the citizens of Hell. It would be so easy.

But easy didn’t always mean right.

What’s trivial for her, is difficult, hellish even, for everyone else. In the process of sincerely trying to help in the way she’s thinking, she’d be unintentionally making light of all the struggles her people go through every day. Struggles she’s never had to deal with, struggles she’ll never have to deal with, due to her immense power and position as Princess of Hell. Because if they suffered through all of that, and then it’s washed away so easily…then what was the point of it all? Why didn’t it happen sooner?

Nobody wants their pain, their struggles, their hardships, to be trivialized. And that , to Charlie’s sorrow, is the kind of issue that her vast power can’t snap away. Because regardless of her sincere compassion, she’d be the root cause.

Charlie swallowed hard, her throat tight with emotion. “But what if they hate me for it? What if they look at me and think I abandoned them when they needed me most?”

Vaggie didn’t hesitate. “They might. Some of them probably will. But Charlie, listen to me,” she said, her voice calm and steady. “You’re going to be hated no matter what you do. There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t agree with your choices. Even if you loved every single demon in Hell with all your heart—and I know you do—not all of them are going to love you back.”

Charlie’s heart ached at those words. It was something she had always struggled with, the desire to be loved by her people, to be accepted. She didn’t crave adoration or power for its own sake—she just wanted to bring a little more light into Hell. But she knew, deep down, that Vaggie was right. Not everyone would see her the way she wanted them to.

“It’s one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to live with,” Vaggie continued, her voice softening. “You’ll be doing everything out of love, but some will only see betrayal. That’s what crushed your father, Charlie. He couldn’t handle that burden—the weight of knowing that no matter how hard he tried, there would always be people who resented him for it.”

Charlie nodded, her heart heavy. Her father. Lucifer had started with good intentions, trying to shape Hell into something better, but over time, that pressure—the constant demands and expectations—had worn him down. He had closed himself off, distanced himself from his people, and in doing so, he had lost the connection that had once made him a great ruler.

Charlie had always feared following in those footsteps, afraid that one day the love she had for Hell’s people would become too much to bear. And now she was faced with a crisis that could very easily push her down that slippery slope if she gave into her instinct. She can’t afford to do that.

She didn’t think that refusing to give in would feel so agonizing.

“Damn it… Fuck ! ” Charlie swore, gripping the side of her head in tearful frustration. “ Fuck!

Vaggie ran a soothing hand through Charlie’s golden hair. She must have sensed it, the deepening realization of the burden Charlie will eventually be expected to carry. Because she spoke again, her voice even softer now, like she was speaking directly to Charlie’s heart.

“Trust your people, Charlie. Trust that they’ll get through this. You’re strong enough to weather this storm, and so are they.”

A tear slipped down Charlie’s cheek as she stared at Vaggie, her heart heavy but her resolve slowly starting to rebuild itself. She had to trust her people. She had to believe that they could come out of this stronger.

Vaggie’s words, once again, brought her back to center. Brought her back to the leader she was destined to be.

“Repeat after me,” Vaggie said softly, her voice steady and calming. “No storm lasts forever.”

Charlie hesitated, her voice caught in her throat, but then, as Vaggie’s hands remained warm around hers, she found the strength to speak.

“…No storm…lasts forever,” she whispered, her voice trembling but growing stronger with each word.

Charlie exhaled, her shoulders sagging as the weight lifted ever so slightly from her heart. Vaggie was right. She didn’t need to fix this for her people. She just needed to trust them.

“I trust them,” Charlie said softly, more to herself than to Vaggie. “I trust them to get through this.”

Vaggie nodded, her eyes filled with pride. “And they will. Because they’ll know you believe in them. You have to empower them to fight their battles, Charlie. You can’t fight their battles for them. There’s a real difference between them.”

Charlie leaned forward, resting her forehead against Vaggie’s, a small, tired smile playing at her lips. “Vaggie. Thank you…for stopping me. I have faith in my people…and I won’t walk back on that faith.”

Vaggie gently squeezes Charlie’s hand, her eye filled with warmth. “Atta girl.”

Charlie was still exhausted. The road ahead was still long and fraught with challenges. But for the first time in a while, she felt a glimmer of hope.

No storm lasts forever.

Blitzø never imagined he’d find himself in Overlord Husk’s Royal Roulette Casino, least of all catching up with Stolas. The place screamed luxury, with its gold-accented columns, velvet upholstery, and the sound of constant clinking coins, all under the warm glow of crystal chandeliers. The crowd of sinners and demons bustling about made it all feel alive, like a constant hum that made the grand room pulse with energy.

After getting through such an emotional start, they managed to sit themselves down in a VIP section, and were now catching up.

“Seriously thought you’d forgotten me with all the royal drama and stuff, but here you are.”

Stolas chuckled softly. “Royal drama indeed. But it seems we’ve both been busy, haven’t we?”

Blitzø snorted. “Busy’s one way to put it. I’m running I.M.P now. Kinda like a family business, except we kill people for cash. Hell, I even adopted a kid. You?”

“Ah, yes,” Stolas said, his voice dipping into something gentler, almost fond. “I have a daughter myself, you know. Octavia. She’s… quite the young lady now.”

Blitzø grinned, leaning against the pillar, crossing his arms. “No shit. You got a kid? Looks like we’ve both stepped into the ‘dads’ club. So, who’s the lucky lady? You never struck me as the ‘settling down’ type.”

Stolas’ feathers ruffled, and he glanced away, clearly uncomfortable. “Well… that’s not exactly something worth celebrating anymore.”

Blitzø raised an eyebrow. “Uh-oh. That sounds like an awkward divorce if I ever heard one.”

Stolas gave a soft, resigned sigh. “Yes, Stella and I… well, we’ve been separated since Octavia was seven.”

“Seven? Damn,” Blitzø said, rocking back on his heels. “So, what happened? Got bored of her or somethin’?”

Stolas shook his head, looking almost embarrassed. “It’s… not that simple, Blitzø. We were mismatched from the start, I suppose. It was more a political arrangement than anything else.”

Blitzø scoffed. “Arranged marriage? No wonder things went to hell. But, come on, she’s gotta have something goin’ for her, right? What, is she butt-ugly or some—”

Stolas chuckled, despite himself. “Oh, no, no, she’s… well, here.”

He fished a small photo from his pocket and handed it over to Blitzø. It showed Stella in a lavish gown, her hair swept back, face sharp, aristocratic, and—Blitzø had to admit—gorgeous. She looked like royalty, the kind you saw on magazine covers.

Blitzø blinked at the picture and then grinned. “Hold on, this is the ex-wife you divorced? What, are you crazy? She’s hot!”

Stolas raised a hand, almost warning. “Blitzø, you don’t know what she’s—”

But Blitzø was already in full swing. “I mean, I get it, you’re the prince and all, but that’s a 10 outta 10 right there! You two didn’t work it out? Did you—”

Stolas sighed, cutting Blitzø off by tapping a button on his phone. The screen blinked, and the sound of a high-pitched screech blasted out.


The screech continued, vicious, filled with venom and spite, going on and on about how Stolas was a failure, a disgrace, an embarrassment to her and the entire royal family. Blitzø’s smirk faded with every word. By the time the recording stopped, he was staring at Stolas, wide-eyed.

“Uh… okay. Yeah. I get it now.” The very idea that Stolas had to put up with that for so long is nightmarish.

Stolas pressed his phone’s screen to end the playback, sliding it into his pocket. “Stella’s temper is… legendary. As I said, we were never well-suited.”

Blitzø rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a low whistle. “Damn, and I thought my relationships were bad. That’s rough.”

Stolas waved it off, though there was an undeniable heaviness in his eyes. “We managed to tolerate one another for Octavia’s sake, but it... couldn’t last. Not after—” He stopped himself, eyes flickering with something Blitzø couldn’t quite read. “Let’s just say the divorce was inevitable.”

Blitzø narrowed his gaze. “Inevitable, huh? But… somethin’ must’ve happened to finally make it official.”

Stolas looked down at his hands, suddenly very interested in the rings on his fingers. “Yes, well. There was… an incident. One I’m not particularly proud of discussing.”

Blitzø, for once, felt the weight of the conversation settle in his chest. Normally, he’d push and prod until he got the whole story, but there was something in Stolas’ expression—a vulnerability—that made him hold back. He wasn’t gonna press where it clearly hurt.

“Hey,” Blitzø said, offering a rare moment of sincerity. “If you don’t wanna talk about it, I get it. Shit happens.”

Stolas gave him a small, grateful smile. “Thank you, Blitz.”

They stood in silence for a moment, the sounds of the casino whirling around them. It was a strange feeling—both of them having grown up in vastly different worlds, yet now standing on common ground. Both of them fathers, both of them with complicated pasts and uncertain futures.

Blitzø broke the silence, glancing back up at Stolas with a smirk that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Well, at least we got our kids. Guess we didn’t screw up everything .”

Stolas’ face softened again, the mention of Octavia clearly brightening his mood. “Yes. Despite everything, I wouldn’t trade her for the world.”

Blitzø nodded, chuckling. “Same with Loona. Lotta trouble but damn if I ain’t proud of her.”

The two shared a quiet laugh, a strange understanding passing between them—two dads, both trying to keep their daughters safe in a world that wasn’t kind.

Meanwhile, Loona sat beside Octavia in a dimly lit corner of the Royal Roulette Casino, her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed in annoyance. The casino’s usual bustling atmosphere did nothing to drown out the bitterness swirling in her chest, spurred by the latest rumors spreading like wildfire across Hell. She clenched her fists, thinking of the way Killjoy had been ramping up her fearmongering campaign against imps and hellhounds, and how *she* and Blitzø had become the face of it all.

“They’re painting us like we’re monsters or something,” Loona muttered, barely able to keep her voice low. “Blaming everything on I.M.P. just because we made Killjoy look like the bitch that she really is.”

Octavia, sitting beside her with her usual quiet grace, nodded solemnly. “She’s scared,” she said softly, her tone measured. “You humiliated her, and now she’s lashing out.”

Loona growled under her breath. “I don’t care what she thinks of me. But she’s using our faces as a weapon to stir up this bullshit, and that’s fucking aggravating.”

“It’s definitely unfair what she’s doing. And pathetic.”

The tension between them lingered for a moment, the weight of Killjoy’s propaganda pressing on them both. Blitzø and Loona had become easy targets, their faces plastered on posters and splattered across the infernal networks, made out to be public enemies. Loona felt that constant, seething anger bubbling beneath her skin, the same anger that always came when someone hurt the people she cared about.

Before Loona could spiral deeper into her anger, Octavia gently shifted the conversation, as she always seemed to know how to do. “You know, I’ve been learning more about astrology lately,” she said, her voice casual as if discussing a favorite hobby. “Studying the Moon’s phases, its cycles. It’s fascinating how it influences energy… especially in Hell.”

Loona, still tense, cast a glance her way. “Astrology, huh?”

Octavia nodded. “There’s something about it… the way the Moon pulls on magic, especially during its full phases. It feels like it’s alive, almost. I don’t know how to describe it, but I can sense it. And—” She hesitated for a moment, as if gauging how much to say. “I think you have a connection to it too.”

Loona blinked, caught off guard. “Me? The Moon?”

Octavia nodded, her gaze steady. “It makes sense, doesn’t it? Your magic is already connected to darkness and flames, but there’s something more. I can feel it when you’re around. It’s like… the Moon is calling to you.”

Loona stared at her for a moment, her mind racing. She thought back to her first mission, regarding Martha. When night fell, it was her first time seeing the Moon from the Earth’s surface, its cool, distant glow casting a pale light over the night sky. She remembered its shade of blue, shimmering and ethereal, almost like the flames she conjured.

Her magic was potent. She already wielded darkness and blue flames. But having a connection to the Moon? She had never considered it.

“What if…” Loona murmured to herself, her thoughts drifting back to that moment on Earth. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply, and let herself sink into a state of deep concentration. She thought of the Moon—its cool, steady presence, its pull on the tides, its silent watch over the world.

She raised her hand, focusing on the sensation, drawing from the memory of its glow. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tapped into that connection, letting it flow through her like a current of energy. Currents.

Like water. She drew upon the Moon's effects on the Earth, it's gravitational influence on the water and tides. Like diving into the deep ocean, she allowed herself to sink into concentration. Letting the feeling of water rush over her, surround her. Wash away all of her anger and frustrations at that moment.


Something shifted.

A small orb of shimmering water began to form in her palm, swirling and pulsing gently. The sight of it took her breath away. Water magic.

Octavia gasped softly beside her, watching in awe as the sphere of water glistened in the dim light of the casino. “I knew it,” she whispered. “You are connected to it.”

Loona stared at the orb in her hand, her mind reeling. This was something new—something powerful. It felt… right. Like she had unlocked a part of herself she didn’t even know existed.

Before she could say anything, Stolas approached from behind them, his eyes wide with awe and pride. “Loona, that’s incredible,” he murmured, clearly impressed. “Your magical intuition and reserves… it matches Octavia’s.”

Loona glanced at him, her brow furrowing. “Wait, you’re saying my magic capacity… is on her level? Like, how much fuel I’ve got?”

Stolas nodded, his expression serious. “Yes. A hellhound with magic reserves as powerful as a Goetia is unheard of, and your intuition for magic is similarly impressive.”

Blitzø, who had been watching from a distance, approached slowly, his face unreadable. Loona saw the flicker of fear In his eyes—the same fear she’d seen when they were always on the move during her first days of adoption. The same fear that had made him work with Overlord Husk to ensure she could fight off anyone who might try to abuse her potential.

But now, seeing her magic grow even further, Blitzø looked… scared. Scared for her.

He didn’t say anything, but Loona could feel the weight of his worry. He knew, just as she did, that this made her an even bigger target. People would come for her. Just like they had come for him.

But Loona wasn’t intimidated. If anything, this new power made her feel more prepared than ever. She clenched her fist, the water orb dissolving into the air as her magic faded.

“It’s just one more tool in my arsenal,” she said, her voice steady, determined.

Blitzø nodded slowly, but she could see the turmoil in his eyes. He didn’t want to lose her. Not to this.

And Loona… she wouldn’t let anyone take her down. Not now. Not ever.

(Four Days Ago)

Angel Dust strolled through one of Valentino’s warehouses with a casual air, blowing a kiss to a group of workers as he passed by. Valentino had been relying on a big shipment of illegal demon-enhanced substances, and today was the day it was supposed to arrive. Only it wouldn’t—thanks to a few whispered suggestions from Angel to the right people.

“So, fellas, I heard there’s a big shipment coming in today. Hope you’ve got security beefed up. You know how things can go missing around here…”

The warehouse manager, a beefy demon named Rick, frowned.

“What’re you talkin’ about, Dust? Everything’s under control.”

Angel grinned, tapping his chin innocently.

“Oh, totally. I mean, I just overheard some of the Greed Ring crime lords talkin’ about ‘taking advantage of weak spots.’ But I’m sure it’s nothin’.”

The manager’s face blanched as Angel walked off, still smiling. Sure enough, a few hours later, the shipment vanished—intercepted by a rival gang Angel had subtly pushed in the right direction.

When Valentino found out, he was furious.

“How the FUCK did they know about the shipment?! Someone’s leakin’ info!”

Angel Dust, lounging on a couch, pretended to be confused.

“Damn, Val. Tough break, huh? Maybe you should look into your staff. Could be an inside job.”

Valentino seethed, unaware that it had been Angel all along, planting seeds of chaos where it hurt the most.

The second day, Angel decided to stir the pot a little more. Valentino’s alliances with other crime lords were tenuous at best, but Angel knew just the right buttons to push to send them into a frenzy. All it took was a few whispered rumors, and the cracks began to show.

“You know, I heard Don Belladon over in the Lust district’s been talkin’ shit about Valentino. He said he’s been skimming off the top and not sharing the wealth.”

The thug’s eyes widened.

“You serious? Don wouldn’t dare, right?”

Angel shrugged, nonchalantly adjusting his feather boa.

”I dunno, that’s just what I heard . Between you and me, I wouldn’t be surprised if Val started makin’ some enemies with the way he’s been treatin’ folks.”

Within hours, the rumor spread like wildfire. Valentino’s two biggest allies, Don Belladon and Juno, started clashing over territory disputes, each blaming the other for undermining Valentino’s empire. By the time Valentino caught wind of the escalating conflict, half of his network was in chaos.

“What the HELL is goin’ on out there?! I need these fuckers on my side, not at each other’s throats!”

“Geez, boss, sounds like a mess. Y’know, you should really keep a tighter leash on your pals. Looks like they’re runnin’ wild.”

Angel grinned as Valentino growled in frustration. Another day, another crack in the empire.

Valentino had been planning a grand opening for his new club, an event meant to solidify his dominance over the Lust Ring. It was set to be the event of the century —but Angel had other plans. Through subtle manipulation, he convinced a few of Valentino’s more reckless underlings to throw an unauthorized party in the same location the night before the grand opening.

“Look, I’m not sayin’ y’all should crash the new place tonight. But hey, nobody’s stoppin’ you, right? Val’s not gonna be there, so why not test the waters? Make sure it’s ready for the big night.”

The next morning, Valentino’s pristine club was trashed beyond recognition. Broken furniture, demon ash, and stains on the velvet everywhere. The grand opening was a complete disaster, with no time to repair the damage.

“WHO THE FUCK LET THIS HAPPEN?! My club’s ruined!”

Angel, applying mascara in front of the mirror, raised an eyebrow innocently.

“Wow, boss, sounds like someone really screwed the pooch. Maybe your underlings just got a little too excited, huh?”

Valentino was livid, and as he frantically tried to manage the fallout, Angel simply smirked, knowing it was all part of the plan.

On the fourth day, Angel took things a step further. Valentino had a major supplier for his illicit goods—a demon named Drax who controlled most of the Lust Ring’s underground trade. Angel decided to quietly get in touch with one of Drax’s rivals, suggesting that Drax had been planning to double-cross him.

"So, I heard Drax’s been talkin’ to Val about getting’ a little *exclusive* with his deals. Not sure how much truth there is, but if I were you, I’d be watchin’ my back.”*

The rival didn’t take the news well. By the end of the day, Drax’s entire operation was shut down, and his warehouses were seized by competitors who had been tipped off. Valentino’s primary source of revenue was effectively cut off, and his empire began to bleed out.

“Why does everything keep falling apart?! Where the hell is my product?!”

Angel leaned back in his chair, filing his nails with a smirk.

“Tough luck, Val. Maybe you should stop trusting these lowlifes so much.”

In four short days, Angel Dust had quietly and systematically undermined Valentino’s empire, making it look like bad luck or the incompetence of his underlings. And as Valentino grew more desperate, Angel knew it was only a matter of time before he made the fatal mistake —risking Angel’s soul in a last-ditch effort to regain control. Val still thought he was the one in control, still believed Angel was his dumb little plaything.

Angel had been patient. He had endured Val’s abuse—the slaps, the cruel words, the unwanted touches. He had learned to wear his fear like armor, letting it hide the sharpness of his mind, the cunning behind his eyes. Val had never once suspected that the whore who cowered in fear of him was also the one who was slowly, quietly dismantling his empire.

And yet…

And yet…

He can’t help but also feel tired . Because he managed to get this far, to get Valentino to a low point, which is what he wanted. He has him vulnerable. And he’ll fuck up because if that.

So why does Angel still feel like he hasn’t gotten anywhere?

You can’t kick it down. That’s why.

The tired, exhausted voice in his head vocalized why this doesn’t feel nearly as fulfilling as he thought it would be. At least not for long. Which is so confusing. He did all he could, with all his knowledge, all his guile, all his power and resolve.

…So why?

Why did it not feel like it was enough?

Ain’t no point to it if you can’t finish the job with your own hands.

That there, felt like the crux of his sense of doubt.

He got Valentino to the breaking point, but he has nothing within his power to actually push him over it. And they feels…

Like a defeat.

Cherri bombed the hell out of most of Vox’s cameras within the exiting vicinity of the Vees territories. Good.

There was somewhere he wanted to go.

(Present Day)

The wind howled softly over the Royal Roulette Casino, its neon lights casting vibrant shadows across Pentagram City below. Perched on the edge of the roof sat Angel Dust. His normally confident demeanor was replaced by a quieter, more vulnerable version of himself. His pink dress flowed gently in the breeze, and he hugged his knees, gazing out over the flickering lights of the city. For the past four days, Angel had been subtly undermining Valentino, inching closer to reclaiming his freedom, but now he felt like he had hit a wall.

He wasn’t defeated, not yet. The fire in his voice when he spoke told Husk that much. But he was tired.

Husk, the Overlord of the casino, hovered nearby, his black feathers and fur rippling in the wind. His golden eyes locked onto Angel, recognizing the exhaustion beneath the surface. Husk had been keeping an eye on Angel’s progress against Valentino, quietly admiring the spider demon’s resilience. Despite the impossible odds, Angel had been fighting for his freedom—something Husk could respect.


“Hey.” Angel quietly replies. “Seems kinda busy in there, huh?”

“My business associate is currently having a reunion with a childhood friend, who just so happens to be one of the Goetia, a goddamn Prince of Hell. So I’m givin’ them their space right now.” Husk is still trying to process that Blitzø is intimately acquainted with a Goetia, and they reunited through their daughters meeting first.

Angel blinked. “Goetia Prince? No shit? What kinda business associate do ya got, Husky?”

“One who’s connected with more influential demons than I thought. He’s also a magnet for a lotta weird shit, that’s what. And it probably wouldn’t a happened if his daughter didn’t speak with Stolas’ daughter first. That brought her to get him here. So both of them are magnets for trouble.”

“Heh. Sounds like I missed a lot.”

“Yup.” There was a pause. “…Loona’s down there, ya know. You’re a big fan of her, right? Do you wanna go see her?”

“…Not right now.” Angel looked back out towards the city. “Not when I’m like this .”


“…You taught her, didn’t ya? Everythin’ she knows?”

“Not everything. I taught her the basics on how to get a handle on her magic, along with some lessons on emotional resilience. Her stubborn streak? Her attitude? That’s all her and Blitzø. I didn’t fight her battles for her; I just made sure that she could fight her own battles.”

Angel’s been watching Loona from afar for five years. He can safely say that Husk succeeded with flying colors. “So that means…”

“Yup. She’s a brat of her own choice. A resilient, iron willed, scrappy brat. Just like you. I simply made sure she could use that scrappy brattiness of hers productively.’

“…Huh.” Angel hummed softly, looking outwards again. A bit of warmth managed to swell in his eyes at that.

Without another word, Husk landed beside Angel on the edge of the building. The smaller cat demon sat beside him, not intruding on Angel’s space but close enough to offer his presence. Husk’s wings folded around him like a blanket, a gentle touch of warmth in the cold night. His tail wrapped loosely around Angel’s leg, a subtle gesture of support.

As the wind continued to blow across the rooftop, Angel Dust felt a lump rise in his throat. The walls he’d built to protect himself started to crumble. His breaths grew shaky, and before he could stop it, the tears spilled over.

He leaned into Husk’s shoulder, burying his face into the soft fur. A few quiet sobs escaped him, and the exhaustion he had been holding back for days came crashing over him like a tidal wave. He clung to Husk’s jacket, his body trembling.

“I’m sorry,” Angel choked out between sobs, his voice muffled. “God, I’m so sorry… I don’t mean to be like this.”

Husk didn’t flinch or pull away. He just sat there, letting Angel cry into him, his wing curling tighter around the spider demon like a protective shield. Husk’s hand rested gently on Angel’s back, his claws occasionally running through the fabric of Angel’s dress, not in a rush to soothe but rather to let Angel have the time he needed.

“There’s nothin’ to apologize for, Angel,” Husk said softly, his voice steady. “You’re allowed to feel like this. You’ve been through a hell of a lot. It’s okay.”

Angel clutched him tighter, the weight of his emotions spilling out after being bottled up for so long. Husk wasn’t bothered by the tears, by the vulnerability Angel was showing. He just stayed there, allowing Angel this moment. Husk didn’t rush him, didn’t try to tell him to stop crying or to be strong. Instead, he just offered his quiet presence, his warmth, his silent reassurance.

Minutes passed, and the sobs eventually quieted. Angel’s grip loosened slightly, and he began to take deep breaths, calming himself down. His face was still pressed into Husk’s shoulder, but the tears had slowed.

When Angel finally pulled back a little, his eyes were red and swollen, his cheeks damp. He wiped at his face, trying to regain some of his usual composure. “I’m… a mess,” Angel muttered, sniffling as he looked away, feeling embarrassed.

Husk just shrugged, his golden eyes soft but amused. “Nah. You’re just human… well, close enough.” He chuckled softly, brushing a stray tear from Angel’s cheek. “We all have those days, fluff. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with it.”

Angel managed a small, shaky laugh, his heart a little lighter. He leaned back against Husk’s wing, the warmth and comfort still there. “Thanks,” he whispered.

Husk nodded, his wing still securely around Angel. “Take your time, Angel. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

For the first time in a long while, Angel let himself believe that. A gust of wind blew by, and he shivered.

“It’s cold,” Angel uttered quietly, pulling the feathers of Husk’s wing closer.

“You know, Fluff, if you wanted a little more warmth, you coulda just asked,” Husk replied, his voice low but teasing. He didn’t need to push, though—he knew Angel needed the space to think. He just sat there, staring out over the city alongside Angel, letting the silence stretch between them. When he did speak, his tone was gentle, almost fatherly.

“You’ve done all you can, Angel. Everything you could’ve done in that damn cage Valentino put you in… you did it.” His eyes flickered with something deeper, something proud. “These last four days? You weakened him. You’ve got him right where he’s about to make the biggest mistake of his life.”

Angel didn’t lift his gaze. “Yeah? So what? I didn’t finish it. I can’t. What’s the point if I can’t even…?”

“You made that happen,” Husk interrupted firmly. “Not me, not anyone else— you . Valentino’s in the hole ‘cause of you. Don’t act like that’s nothing.” His voice softened, and he laid a hand on Angel’s, squeezing gently. “You’ve been playing a game that was rigged from the start. The guy owns your damn soul, Angel. You were never meant to win this on your own.”

Angel exhaled shakily, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand. “I just… I thought I could do it, Husk. Thought maybe, this time, I could get him to screw up bad enough that I could take my soul back. And I got so close… I’m so damn close, and it’s still not enough.”

“Doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it.” Husk’s golden eyes softened. “You’ve done more than anyone else would’ve in your shoes. You’re not a failure, Angel. You’re just up against a bastard who’s been holding all the cards. And you know what? You did enough. Now it’s my turn.”

Angel’s head turned slightly, his eyes meeting Husk’s. “Your turn?” he asked, hesitance clear in his voice.

“Yeah. You’ve worn him down. Valentino wants me as an ally, and that’s our opening. You gave me the chance to make my move, to help. But—” Husk’s grip tightened just a bit. “This only happens if you want it. I ain’t gonna step in unless you’re absolutely sure.”

Angel blinked, confused. “Husk, what’re you talkin’ about? You’re an Overlord. You could end him.”

“I could,” Husk nodded, “but that’s not the point. I’m not here to take this from you. This fight? This choice? It’s yours. I’m asking because I know how much you value that freedom. Valentino tried to crush it, but he didn’t, did he? You’ve been fighting to get your life back, your soul back. I’m not gonna take that away from you, Angel.”

Angel felt something shift inside him. It wasn’t the usual fear, nor was it the guilt he carried. It was something warmer, something he hadn’t felt in a long time: control.

Husk spoke again, his voice low but steady. “Is this what you want? Are you ready to bet your freedom on me? ’Cause if I step in, I’m not stopping till I break Valentino’s hold over you for good . But I need to know if you’re with me, completely.”

Angel stared at him, his heart racing. The weight of the decision pressed down on him. He could feel the gravity of the moment, but Husk waited. There was no rush, no pressure, just quiet patience.

Angel nodded slowly, his voice trembling. “Yeah. I… I need your help, Husk. I trust you.”

Husk’s golden eyes shimmered with that familiar, calculating gleam as he pulled back slightly, just enough to look Angel in the eye. The wind carried the sound of the city below them—a distant hum of chaos. But here, on the rooftop, it was calm. Calm enough for Husk to let Angel into his plan.

“I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, Fluff,” Husk began, his voice steady but serious. “Val’s had his claws in you for far too long. And yeah, you’ve weakened him. Got him right where we need him. I wanna make sure he can never touch you again.”

Angel stiffened a little, sensing the gravity of what Husk was about to say. The hand around his tightened ever so slightly, a gesture of reassurance before the words came.

“I’m talkin’ about terminating the contract,” Husk continued. “Wiping it clean. No more bouncing your soul back and forth between these demons who think they own you. We break that contract, Val can’t ever trap you again. He won’t have any legal claim over you, nobody will. And there’s no way for him to ever pull you back in.”

Angel blinked, feeling his heart speed up in his chest. His soul… free? Permanently?

But Husk wasn’t done. “Thing is, Val’s not gonna play me in a game I already own. He knows better than to challenge the Gambling Demon at something like poker. He’s a fuckin’ dumbass, but he isn’t so hopeles sly shit for brained as to bet everything on a table he can’t control. That would be too easy.”

Angel leaned in slightly, his gaze locking with Husk’s, trying to read where he was going with this.

“So I’ve got to do something riskier,” Husk said, his tone darkening. “A game where we both stand an equal chance. Where Val has something to gain. And that means…” Husk’s voice lowered, “I’ll have to put myself on the line, too. All of me.”

Angel’s breath hitched, and Husk heard it instantly. The hand around his tightened in response, offering both comfort and connection. “Husk, no,” Angel murmured. “You can’t—”

Husk shook his head, silencing Angel’s protest. “I knew you’d say that, but listen to me. You got him to this point, Angel. You made him desperate enough to risk the one thing he’d never let go of. He’d rather die than lose your soul. That’s how badly you’ve cornered him.” Husk gently squeezed his hand. “Remember that. You did that. That is the result of your efforts. Your fighting.”

Angel’s lips parted, but no words came out. His mind was reeling. Husk was willing to risk everything —himself, his status, his empire—to make sure Valentino could never own him again. It wasn’t just about playing the game. It was about breaking the chains for good.

Husk could sense Angel’s hesitation. He could feel the weight of that decision pressing down on the Spider Demon’s shoulders. He wanted to tell him that it would be fine, that everything would work out, but he wasn’t about to lie. This was risky. If he lost, there would be consequences—ones that Angel would have to live with.

But this was Angel’s choice to make, and Husk would respect that.

“You’ve already laid the groundwork,” Husk said quietly. “You’ve done more damage to Valentino than you even realize. That opening we’ve got? That’s all you. I’m just the one who’s gonna deal the final blow. But—” He looked deep into Angel’s eyes, his voice softening. “I need to know if you’re sure. ‘Cause this is it, Angel. There’s no going back once we start this.”

Angel swallowed hard, his mind swirling with fear and uncertainty. He didn’t want Husk to put himself at risk like this. He didn’t want to see Husk lose because of him. But then, deep down, Angel knew this was the only way. Valentino wouldn’t let him go otherwise. His soul would always be a bargaining chip, a shiny toy for Val to toss around and control. And Husk—Husk was offering him the one thing he had fought for his whole life: freedom.

For a long moment, Angel just sat there, looking down at his hands. His breath was shaky, his heart heavy with the decision he had to make.

“Are you sure?” Husk asked again, his voice quiet, but firm. “You can still back out. I’ll understand if you say no; this has been a battle you’ve fought for years, and now you’ve hit a crossroads. I’m not going to judge you or think less of you for saying no to my help. Don’t feel forced to say yes, and don’t feel guilty for saying no. I have to hear it first, Fluff. I need you to fully consent to this, with a clear head. Then, and only then , will I step in. How we proceed from here is for you to decide.”

Angel didn’t answer right away. His thoughts were a mess, but Husk’s calm, unwavering presence beside him helped. This wasn’t someone swooping in to save him. This wasn’t someone telling him what he should do. This was Husk asking him—really asking him—if he wanted this.

Finally, Angel inhaled deeply, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t want you to get hurt, Husk…”

Husk’s tail curled a little tighter around Angel’s leg, a gentle reminder that he wasn’t going anywhere. “I know,” Husk said softly. “But I’ve been waiting for a chance to humble that bastard for a long time. I wouldn’t be doin’ this if I didn’t think we could win. And I wouldn’t be askin’ if I didn’t believe in you.”

Angel bit his lip, emotions swirling in his chest. Husk had never treated him like he was broken. He’d never looked at him with pity or tried to fix him. He respected Angel’s choices, his autonomy, his strength. And now, in this moment, he was giving Angel the one thing Valentino had always denied him: the power to choose his own fate.

“One more time, Fluff. And I’ll reassure you one more time: You don’t have to feel ashamed for saying yes, and you shouldn’t feel guilty if you say no. No matter what, I will hear your choice. And it will be respected. Now…” Husk kept eye contact with Angel, his golden eyes shimmering. “Do you want my help?”

Husk has no idea, no idea at all…or maybe be does, just how much his repeated emphasizing of ‘want’ instead of ‘need’, means the world to Angel at that moment.

Angel met Husk’s calm gaze, his eyes shining with determination, even as his breath trembled. He made his choice clearly and firmly, even as he was tearing up again. The tears didn’t bother Husk at all, he didn’t look at him differently. He was just present. Patient. Prepared for either a yes or a no. Angel fully believed in that moment, if he clearly told Husk no, he would respect it. He would disagree of course, which was his right. But this wasn’t about him; this was ultimately about what Angel wanted to do.

Angel thought about all the times he tried to say no to Valentino, and the moth pretended he didn’t have his own voice. Husk fully wanted to hear Angel voice his choice, so he could clearly and fully honor it. Valentino never honored Angel, never treated him as if he was worthy of it. This has been Angel's reality for years.

This is the second time he’s met Husk. Husk is offering his help. But he looks right in the cat demon’s eyes, and he could fully believe that he would respect and honor him refusing, even when they both know it would lead to more suffering.

It was the final push he needed.

“Yeah… Yeah, I’m sure. I want your help……Please.” His voice was small, soft by the end. Barely a whisper. But Husk nodded, signifying that he heard it.

And that means everything.

Husk’s eyes softened, a small, proud smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. He reached out, waiting for a moment. When it was clear Angel will allow the contact, he gently wiped away Angels tears with one hand, squeezed Angel’s hand one last time with the other, before lifting it to his lips, sealing the promise with a gentle kiss to the back of his hand, with that gallant atmosphere sweeping over him again.

Angel realized it was different before. When they first met, Husk did wipe his tears before when he had an emotional breakdown, and also kissed his hand, which was comforting and flattering. Angel was slightly grounded by his presence.

Here he’s much slower to do either. He acknowledged that Angel is in a significantly more vulnerable state than before and despite accepting his help, might not respond well to unwanted touch too soon, no matter how well meaning.

So he kept eye contact with him and waited for Angel to silently give permission, as he’s out of energy for a verbal one at the moment. Angel softly smiled.For an Overlord, Husk was a true gentleman. The grumpiest gentleman he’s ever met.

“Alright then, Fluff. The bet’s been made.” Husk said, his voice low but steady. “You’ve endured this storm by yourself for the longest time. But no storm lasts forever. Now that you asked for it, I’m gonna help you get through the rest. We’ll do this. Together.”

Angel smiles tearfully, but it wasn’t broken. It was resolved. “Ah, damn. I’m cryin’ again. Val hates it when I cry.’

“Val ain’t here, Fluff. I am.” Husk softly hums. Angel smiles.

“…If we’re gonna do this…I’ll have to go back to him. I’ll have to endure this for a little longer. Just to set things in place. Just to make sure that you can do your thing.”

“Yeah. I understand. But it’s because of you doing YOUR thing Fluff, that it’ll be for the last time. You’ve drastically weakened his hold over you, Fluff. He’s desperate enough to be prepared to lose you, and that’s the corner YOU drove him into. All I’m doing is helping you make sure that he does…because you asked.”

Angel smiles again. Letting go was hard. Really hard. He smoothed out his dress as Husk flew him down to the ground. They held hands for a little while. He felt safe with Husk. Truly safe. Grumpy drunk of an Overlord was the safest he's ever felt around, aside from Cherri Bomb.

But in order for him to do his part, he had to actively walk away. Not out of defeat, like last time. This time, with purpose. A means to an end.

So that's what he did. If he was going to do this, he had to head out back to the battlefield.

And he had to do it willingly.

The look of understanding on Husk’s face as Angel walked away from him was palpable, and he was certain he wouldn’t forget it anytime soon.

The sharp crack of Valentino’s hand echoed through the lavish penthouse, sending Angel Dust sprawling into the wall. His cheek stung, burning hot from the impact, but Angel didn’t flinch. Not anymore. He had learned long ago how to brace for it, how to expect it.

Pain had become a language between them, and Angel was fluent in it. The whimper that escaped his lips wasn’t entirely fake—some of the fear was very real—but he played it up just enough to sell the moment, to make himself smaller.

Val liked it when he was scared. Val thrived on it.

Valentino’s breathing was ragged, his chest heaving under his suit, frustration rolling off him in waves. Angel could see it in the way his pupils twitched, the tight grip on his ever-present cigar, the twitch of his wings. The moth demon’s ego was bruised—massively bruised—and Angel knew why.

Four days. It had been four days since Val’s once-untouchable empire had begun to fray at the edges. Vox and Velvette had become increasingly demanding, their patience wearing thin as Val continued to fall behind. The cracks in his power were growing larger, and the underworld was beginning to smell blood in the water. Subordinates, once loyal and fearful, were now slipping away from Val’s grip, pushing back in ways that had caught him completely off guard.

He had no Idea that Angel was the one behind it all.

He’d spent the past several days working behind the scenes, dropping just the right words to just the right ears. Crime lords whispered among themselves, questioning Valentino’s strength, testing his authority. A few subtle comments, a little batting of his lashes, and suddenly, loyalties weren’t so loyal anymore.

The Vees have gotten a massive boost of popularity lately, ever since Killjoy’s broadcasts in their favor. They been steadily gaining more power and influence. But Angel Dust wasn’t about to let them keep that lead without suffering for it.

Val would never trace it back to Angel. Why would he? In Val’s eyes, Angel was nothing more than his pretty little toy, too dumb to do anything but keep his legs open and his mouth shut.

“Do you know what the fuck is happening out there, Angel?” Valentino snarled, stalking toward him. “I’m bleeding money. Respect. I built this goddamn empire, and these little pissants think they can turn on me?”

Angel, still slumped against the wall, adjusted his hair with trembling fingers, playing his part perfectly. He let his lip quiver, his eyes wide and fearful, just like Val liked. He knew exactly how to make Val think he was still the dumb little puppet who didn’t have a thought in his head beyond sex and attention.

“Y-Yeah, Val,” Angel murmured, his voice just soft enough to trigger Val’s predatory instincts. “I get it. You’re under a lot of stress.”

Val grabbed him by the collar and yanked him forward, pinning Angel to the wall. His breath reeked of cigar smoke and whiskey, hot against Angel’s skin. “Stress? You don’t even know the fuckin’ half of it. Vox and Velvette are circling like vultures, and my boys can’t hold the line. I built this empire from the ground up, Angel. Me. And I’ll be damned if I let them take it from me.”

Angel shuddered under Val’s grip, letting himself wince, playing up the pain and fear. But inside, he was calm—calculating. Val was spiraling, desperate to regain control. That desperation was the crack Angel had been waiting for. He just had to push him, gently.

“You built it, Val,” Angel whispered, his voice trembling in just the right way. “You can build it back stronger… if you show them you’re willing to make the hard choices.”

Val’s eyes narrowed, his grip tightening. “Hard choices?”

Angel nodded, swallowing hard for effect. “Nobody’s gonna take you seriously if they think you’re holding back. If you want them to trust you, to follow you again, you’ve gotta show them you’re willing to risk something. Something important.”

Val’s frown deepened. His mind was working, slowly turning over the words. Angel kept his eyes wide, kept his body soft and submissive. He needed Val to think this was his idea. If he didn’t, the whole thing would fall apart.

“I’ve given these pricks everything,” Val growled, his voice low. “Everything.”

Angel bit his lip, selling the moment. “And now you gotta show them you’re willing to give up even more… if it means proving you’re still on top. Even if it means risking something that hurts .”

Val’s eyes flashed, and Angel knew he was close. He could see the gears turning behind that monstrous grin, the realization that Angel—Val’s favorite toy, his prized possession—was the perfect tool for regaining control. He just had to make Val believe that risking Angel was his plan all along.

Amorcito ,” Val growled, his hand roughly cupping Angel’s face, his sharp nails digging into Angel’s skin. “I’ve provided you so much. Given you everything. I made you. You are what you are because of me.”

Angel’s heart raced, the pain in his cheek sharp under Val’s touch, but he kept his gaze low, submissive. This was the moment. The tipping point.

Val’s grip tightened as he leaned in, his breath hot against Angel’s skin. “Which is why you’re gonna help me fix this. You’re gonna pull your fuckin’ weight. Do you understand me, whore?”

Angel’s breath hitched in his throat, and he let out a soft, submissive whimper. “Y-Yes, Valentino.”

Valentino’s satisfaction was palpable. He released Angel with a rough shove, collapsing back onto the couch with a grunt. “Good. You’re gonna make this right, Angel.”

Angel kept his face down, moving toward Val’s lap as instructed, sitting there as if nothing was wrong. He could feel Val’s hands wandering, one around his waist, another groping his chest, squeezing his hips. The familiar feeling of discomfort settled over him, a reminder of everything he had lost. Once, he had reveled in Val’s attention, in the way his body was appreciated. But now? Now he knew the truth. He was nothing more than an ornament. A tool. A toy.

But tonight, that was exactly what he needed Val to think.

Val grumbled an apology for the slap—insincere, a hollow gesture he’d repeated a hundred times. Angel played along, nuzzling into Val’s chest, tracing small circles with his fingers. “It’s okay, Val. I know you didn’t mean it.”

Inside, though, Angel was miles away. This was the moment he had been working toward. The one Val didn’t even realize was happening. Val was willing to risk Angel now, to throw him into the fire to prove his power, to show the other crime lords he still had something valuable. The very idea would have been unthinkable to Val just days ago—Angel was his prized possession, his most precious asset. But now, with his empire teetering, Val was desperate enough to take the gamble.

Angel let out a soft giggle, leaning further into Val’s touch. Another coy smile, another flutter of his lashes. “You’re gonna make everything right, Val. They’ll all see how strong you are.”

Valentino’s confidence swelled, his ego fed just enough to make him think he was in control. Angel played his part perfectly, drawing him deeper into the trap. Val’s arms around him felt like chains, but Angel endured. This was the last piece of the puzzle, the final push.

Val was going to risk Angel’s soul—his most prized possession—in a gamble for power.

For the first time in years, Angel Dust allowed himself a moment of quiet satisfaction. He’d won a major battle.

“Yeah. Yeah they will.” Valentino grins. He then sits up, too quickly, leaving Angel to fall on the ground with a yelp. “Get yourself cleaned up. We’ve got big days ahead of us. I’m gonna make the move I’ve always wanted. Don’t be late.”

“Y-Yes…Valentino…” Angel whispered. Val left the room and slammed the door behind him. Angel sniffed, the weight of having to put up with this a bit more was almost overwhelming. It threatened to crush him.

But then that fire within him blazed again, and he allowed himself a moment to steady.

He sniffed, wiping his face. He stood back up on his feet and patted down his dress. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes while slicking his hair back, then exhaled. He opened his eyes and looked at his reflection. Bruised. Bloodied. Battered.

But not broken.

Showtime .”


Heavy stuff. Probably gonna need a LOTTA editing later but I think you'll get the gist of it.

Everyone is heading towards battle!

Chapter 14: The Wild Card Alliance


Husk makes am incredibly risky gamble for Angel Dust's sake.

In order to adapt to the current climate of Hell that Killjoy has worsened, Blitzø commits to a decision that forever changes the trajectory of his life.

Which begins the birth of something Hell will never be able to predict.


This chappie is a BIG one. I mean, really big.

As in, it's a massive deciding factor for how many events later on might play out.

I'll let ya read for yourselves.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The neon lights of the Wild Cat Casino cast a vibrant glow, dancing off the golden accents and glass surfaces of the grand entrance. Angel Dust, dressed in a silky pink gown with a white web pattern, and a matching sash that hugged his waist, walked silently behind Valentino. His steps were light but purposeful, his eyes narrowed with a steely calm. The casino buzzed with excitement, laughter, and the clinking of chips, but to Angel, it was nothing but noise.

Valentino strutted ahead, a twisted grin on his lips. His shades glinted under the flashing lights as he led the way to their destination. They were heading to a meeting; one Angel had anticipated for weeks. The dim corridors and elaborate décor blurred past them as they reached the heart of the Wild Cat Casino, one of Overlord Husk’s prized establishments.

Husk asked them to meet here, instead of his main casino, the Royal Roulette. It was a bit more into neutral territory regarding placement but had Husk’s support.

Angel’s heart raced, but he kept his cool, his expression giving nothing away. He wasn’t here to cause a scene, not yet. He glanced at the slots, the tables, and the patrons as they passed, his mind racing through the plan. Just a few more steps.

Valentino stopped. They had arrived.

Husk appeared at the opposite end of the floor, slipping through the shadows with an eerie grace. His large wings folded behind him; his sharp eyes gleaming under the low light. His face was unreadable, a mask of indifference, yet there was a subtle tension between him and Valentino that only the observant could notice. As Husk approached, his gaze shifted—just for a moment—locking eyes with Angel Dust.

A split second was all it took.

The air between them crackled with unspoken understanding, a silent signal passed in the brief exchange. Angel’s pulse quickened, but outwardly he remained composed, his long lashes lowering slightly as if nothing had happened.

Valentino, blissfully unaware, chuckled as he greeted Husk. “Ah, Husk, my man! Been too long, hasn’t it?” he boomed, his voice smooth but laced with arrogance. He extended a hand, fully expecting Husk to play along.

Husk glanced down at Valentino’s outstretched hand, a brief flicker of disdain crossing his features before his poker face returned. He shook Valentino’s hand, his own movements slow and deliberate, as if measuring every gesture.

“Valentino,” Husk said in a low, gravelly voice. “Always a pleasure.”

Angel Dust lingered behind, his mind ticking through the plan. The game had begun, and now it was time to see how well he could play his part.

Valentino swaggered over to the table Husk had gestured to, his coat swaying with each step, as if he owned the place. As he sank into the leather chair with an air of entitlement, Husk’s wings shifted subtly, fanning out just enough to obscure his hands. Hidden from view, Husk made a deliberate show of washing them with a damp cloth, a silent but scathing commentary on shaking Valentino’s hand.

Angel Dust caught the gesture and couldn’t help but snicker under his breath. Savage , he thought with a smirk.

Valentino’s sharp gaze flicked to Angel, his eyes narrowing. Instinctively, Angel dropped his eyes to his lap, his fingers clutching at the soft fabric of his dress. His posture became submissive in an instant, his face blank, innocent. Valentino, none the wiser, dismissed the moment with a raised brow and turned his attention back to Husk.

Once satisfied, Husk folded his wings back neatly, settling into his chair opposite Valentino. His expression still carried that guarded neutrality, but his eyes hinted at a sharpness that could cut through any façade Valentino brought to the table.

“Let’s cut to the chase, Val,” Husk said, his voice low but firm. His wings twitched slightly as he spoke, as if emphasizing his impatience. "Ya really wanna do this whole…” He gave a lazy wave of his hand, signaling how little he cared for the theatrics. “…alliance thing?”

Valentino leaned back, spreading his arms across the back of his chair as if he were lounging rather than discussing business. His lips curled into a greasy smile. “Come on, Husk. You know as well as I do that in this game, power’s about alliances. A little partnership between you and me—now that’s a win-win. You’ve got your territory, your casinos, and I’ve got mine. We pool our resources, no one stands a chance.”

Husk didn’t respond right away, his expression unmoved. He glanced briefly at Angel Dust, still playing the submissive act in the corner, before returning his gaze to Valentino.

“Yeah, I heard the pitch,” Husk said dryly. “But that ain’t what I’m askin’. I’m askin’ if you really want this. ‘Cause I ain’t here to play games.”

He leaned forward slightly, his tone darkening. “You want an alliance? Fine. But it ain’t gonna be on your terms.”

Valentino’s smile faltered for a moment, his sunglasses slipping down just enough to reveal his narrowed eyes. “What do you mean, Husk?” he asked, his voice carrying a subtle edge of confusion, maybe even a touch of hurt—but it was faint, almost imperceptible. Valentino wasn’t the type to wear his emotions on his sleeve, especially in front of someone like Husk.

But Husk wasn’t fooled. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, his wings twitching slightly behind him as he studied Valentino with a calm intensity. “I mean, Val, you’re sinkin’ fast,” Husk said, his voice low but sharp, each word carefully chosen to cut through Valentino’s bravado. “You’re losin’ grip on your territories, and you think shacking up with someone strong’s going to save you from goin’ under.”

Val’s expression hardened, his grin slowly dissolving as Husk’s words hit home. “That so?” Val replied, his voice slick but tense, the smoothness masking his irritation. “Seems like you think you got me all figured out.”

Husk gave a slow, deliberate nod, his eyes never leaving Valentino’s. “Yeah, I do. And I ain’t interested in being your crutch. Not when you’re not even willing to risk anything yourself.”

The silence that followed was heavy, thick with the tension between them. Valentino leaned forward slightly, his fingers drumming lightly on the table, but he didn’t say anything just yet. He wasn’t used to being read so easily, and Husk’s calm refusal to play by his rules had thrown him off balance.

Meanwhile, a member of Husk’s staff approached Angel Dust, offering him a cigarette. Angel accepted it gladly, the staff member lighting it for him as he took a long drag, his eyes briefly flickering to Husk. In that brief second, they locked eyes—just for a heartbeat, too quick for Valentino to notice.

Husk’s wings shifted almost imperceptibly, a subtle sign that the connection between him and Angel was still intact. So far, so good.

Valentino, unaware of the silent exchange between Husk and Angel, finally leaned back, his smile returning, though now it was more strained. “Well, Husk,” Val drawled, “if you’re so sure of your position, then why not take the risk yourself? You’ve got the power, right? What’s a little gamble for a guy like you?”

But Husk wasn’t biting. He stared back at Valentino, unflinching. “A gamble’s only worth takin’ if there’s somethin’ to win, Val. And right now, I’m not seein’ anything worth my time.”

Valentino’s grin widened as he draped his arm around Angel Dust, pulling him close like a prized possession on display. Angel’s lower arms clenched the hem of his dress, knuckles white, but he kept his cool, not flinching under the weight of Valentino's arm. He knew the game they were playing.

“Angel’s soul,” Valentino said smoothly, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. “It’s on the table. That tempting enough for you, Husk?”

Husk didn’t flinch. His expression remained flat, deadpan, as he locked eyes with Valentino. “Tempting,” he replied, his voice cold and uninterested. Angel, playing his part perfectly, took another drag from his cigarette and blew out the smoke lazily, turning his head to the side as if the entire exchange was beneath his concern.

Husk’s golden eyes flicked briefly to Angel before returning to Valentino. There was something calculated, almost predatory, in the way Husk observed them. “And interesting,” Husk continued, his tone sharp and biting, “because if ya ask me, Val, I think you’ve made a big mistake.”

Valentino’s grin faltered, just for a second. “What mistake?” he asked, trying to keep the arrogance in his voice, but Husk’s words had unsettled him.

Husk leaned forward slightly, his golden eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint. “I’m sayin’,” he began, his voice low and steady, “that you wouldn’t be riskin’ him if you had any other option. Which tells me one thing—you’re desperate. You’re puttin’ him on the line because you’ve got nothin’ else left. That tells me you’re not takin’ this seriously. Not like I am.”

Valentino’s hand tightened slightly on Angel’s shoulder, though he kept his grin in place. “You think I’m not serious?” he asked, his voice quieter now, more controlled.

Husk clasped his hands in front of him, his wings spreading out ever so slightly, casting a long shadow across the table. “I see right through ya, Val,” Husk said, his voice dripping with disdain. “You think offerin’ me Angel’s soul is enough to sweeten the deal. But I ain’t interested in merely borrowin’ him. I’ve got somethin’ else in mind.”

Valentino raised an eyebrow, curious but cautious. “And what exactly would that be?” he asked, his voice more guarded now.

The Wild Cat Casino buzzed with an electric hum, the tension thick in the air as Husk leaned forward, planting the tip of his dice-topped cane into the ground with a soft clack. His wings folded behind him, shadows creeping over his sharp features as his eyes locked with Valentino’s. “Let’s say we play a game?” Husk’s voice, smooth and gravelly, echoed through the tense space.

Valentino’s eyes narrowed, his usual smug grin twisting into something darker. He squeezed Angel Dust’s shoulders harder, eliciting a sharp, pained breath from the spider demon. Angel barely held back a wince, staying still under Valentino’s tightening grip. But Husk didn’t miss the gesture—his wings twitched in irritation, though his face remained impassive.

“I hope you don’t think I’m stupid enough to try you at a game of poker,” Valentino sneered, his grip still firm on Angel. “I’m not gonna play at a table where I know I’m losing from the start.”

“Course not, Val,” Husk replied, his tone casual but laced with the slightest edge. “You’re too smart for that.” He tapped his cane lightly on the floor again. “Which is why I’m offering a wager.” He pointed the cane at Valentino, his golden eyes flashing. “If you win, my empire gets absorbed into the Vees. All my assets, all my resources—everything. It’s all yours.”

Val’s expression shifted, intrigue slowly overriding suspicion. His grin returned, a sickening twist on his face. “Big risk you’re taking there, Husky. And if you win?”

Husk’s grin matched his, but there was a darker glint in his eyes now. “If I win,” he started, drawing out each word, “you don’t just hand Angel’s soul over to me. Nah. His contract with you? It’s gonna be terminated . Completely .” He raised his cane and pointed it squarely at Angel Dust. “If I win, Angel goes free.”

Angel’s heart skipped a beat, his eyes sparking with hope. But he held firm, blowing out another lazy puff of smoke as if the stakes didn’t just spike to unimaginable heights. Stick to the plan, he reminded himself.

Valentino froze. His grip on Angel slackened, and for a moment, the confident façade cracked. “W-What the fuck?” Val stammered, his voice sharp and strained. “Terminated? Why the specifics?”

Husk’s grin widened, flashing teeth. “I think you’ve been usin’ your biggest star as a crutch for too long. I wanna see how well your industry holds up without him.”

The tension snapped. Valentino slammed both fists on the table, the impact reverberating through the room with a heavy thud. Pink smoke billowed from his mouth, curling in the air like the scent of roses turned toxic. “You’re overstepping your bounds, gatito ,” he growled, his voice dripping venom.

But Husk didn’t flinch. He stood tall, his wings stretching wide as his cane tapped once more against the floor. His golden eyes gleamed, cutting through the thick haze of pink smoke. “Nah,” Husk replied, his grin never faltering, “I actually don’t think I’m pushin’ ‘em hard enough.”

Angel, heart racing, blew out a plume of smoke, trying to hide the small flicker of hope in his eyes.

Valentino’s fists slammed down on the table again, the sound reverberating through the room with a loud bang. His pink smoke coiled around his furious expression, curling upward like an aura of menace. “Why do you even care so much?!” he spat, his voice thick with venom. “He’s nothing! A whore!”

Husk remained unfazed, leaning back in his chair with a bored expression. He casually tapped his cane against the floor again, the clack echoing softly as if it were the only thing in the world that held his interest. “Val, my guy,” Husk drawled, his voice calm, mocking even. “Angel makes most of your money. So, is he worthless or valuable? Pick a lane.”

Valentino’s eyes narrowed behind his shades, the insult cutting deep, but his pride wouldn’t let him show it. “You didn’t answer my question,” he snapped.

Husk shrugged, utterly indifferent. “It ain’t important enough to answer.”

Another bang as Valentino’s fists hit the table once more, harder this time. His body practically trembled with frustration, the control he always prided himself on slipping away as Husk effortlessly undermined him. “Damn it, Husker!” he roared, his voice echoing across the casino floor. “I want us to be equals!”

Husk’s golden eyes flickered with something cold and sharp, but his expression didn’t change. He tilted his head slightly, watching Valentino with a calculated gaze, his voice low and steady as he responded. “I respect an equal who’s willing to put it all on the line, Val,” Husk said, his tone cutting through Valentino’s anger like a blade. “And if you ain’t prepared to lose Angel, then ya shouldn’t have strolled up in here.”

The weight of Husk's words hung in the air, heavy and final. Valentino stood frozen, his fists still clenched on the table, but the anger in his eyes flickered with something else—uncertainty. He wasn’t used to being the one backed into a corner.

Angel Dust, sitting quietly beside Valentino, took a long drag from his cigarette, the smoke trailing up lazily as if he weren’t caught in the middle of this high-stakes battle. His heart raced, but he played his role perfectly, hiding any hint of emotion behind a mask of indifference.

Valentino’s sneer twisted further, his voice low and seething. “I don’t have to take this bullshit from you…” He started to rise, but Husk’s grin turned predatory, wickedly dark, the kind of smile that made Angel shiver—not from fear, but from an unsettling rush of attraction.

“Ya know what, Val?” Husk said, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. “You’re right. As a fellow Overlord, you do deserve more respect… if ya acted like one.”

“What?!” Valentino’s voice cracked with outrage, his shades slipping down his nose slightly as he stared, stunned.

Husk merely shrugged, his casual demeanor a direct taunt. “I’m just sayin’. If keepin’ hold of Angel’s soul means more to ya than a chance at rebuilding your reputation, then go ahead. Walk outta here right now.” He gestured lazily to the door, as if daring Valentino to leave. “But given how much time and resources ya poured into settin’ this shit up…” Husk’s grin grew more sinister. “Vox and Velvette won’t be too happy if ya come back empty-handed, now, will they?”

Valentino’s teeth ground together audibly, his fist tightening around nothing but air. The anger in his chest burned, but so did the sting of truth in Husk’s words. His own desperation was slipping into the open like a slow poison.

Husk’s golden eyes gleamed, and he leaned forward slightly, his voice dropping to a lethal calm. “Val, Val, Val… ya forgot a very important lesson in nature.” He paused for dramatic effect, his wings stretching slightly behind him like the shadow of a looming threat. “Spiders are much more patient than moths. And significantly more resilient. Because of that, the last thing a moth ought to do when caught in a spider’s web… is struggle.”

“What does that even mean?! ” Valentino shouted, throwing his hands up in exasperation. His voice cracked again, betraying his growing frustration. Angel Dust, still sitting next to him, took a long, deliberate drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke out in a lazy swirl. A knowing twinkle sparked in his eye, and for a brief moment, his gaze connected with Husk’s in silent understanding.

Angel was the spider in this situation, and Valentino—the struggling moth—had no idea. Valentino’s desperation, his frantic attempts to keep control, were only tightening the web around him. Angel didn’t have to say a word. He just had to watch, wait, and let his days of effort trap Valentino in the only direction left to go.

Husk leaned back, utterly in control. “It means you can’t bullshit your way outta riskin’ something, Val. Gambling always involves risk. You thought ya could get what ya want without puttin’ anything on the line, but I’m disabusing you of that notion right now.” His grin returned, wider, more feral. “I ain’t about to be walked over. You wanna be my equal? Then I’m gonna take ya to task like one.”

Valentino seethed, his eyes darting between Husk and Angel, trying to find a way out, but the walls were closing in fast. He clicked his tongue in irritation. “Tch.”

Husk’s voice cut through the tense air like a blade. “So, what’s it gonna be, Val? All in? Or fold?”

The silence that followed was deafening, every eye in the room waiting for Valentino’s next move.

Valentino grunted as he sat back down, folding his arms tightly across his chest. His eyes were hard, but the weight of Husk’s pressure had finally sunk in. “…What’s the wager?”

Husk grinned like a cat with a trapped mouse, settling back into his seat. “Atta boy,” he chuckled. “See, it’s really quite simple. I’ve got a business associate who runs an assassination firm—I.M.P. They specialize in killing targets, mostly up on Earth, for the right price.”

Valentino’s eyes narrowed, his voice sharp with suspicion. “They’ve got access to Earth? How the fuck do they manage that?”

“That ain’t important,” Husk waved the question off with a flick of his hand. “What matters is that they can. And their services suit me.”

Val’s irritation was palpable as he leaned forward. “Is this goin’ anywhere, or what? What’s this shit leading to?”

“Ah ah, Val.” Husk wagged a finger in mock scolding, eyes gleaming with amusement. “Remember what I said about struggling—makes it worse.” He leaned back with a grin. “It’s simple. I.M.P. completes a hundred hits by the end of the week. If they succeed, my conditions are fulfilled. If they fail…yours are.”

Valentino barked out a laugh, the sound harsh and mocking. “HAH! You’re crazy, Husker! There’s no way a gaggle of imps and their dog are gonna pull that off in a week! You’re practically handin’ your empire to me!”

Husk’s expression didn’t waver, his voice cold and firm. “ I don’t give my people jobs they can’t do. ” Husk’s confidence in his assassin was absolute. Blitzø was ruthless, chaotic, but efficient. That’s what made him dangerous—and that’s why Husk trusted him. “So, Val—do we have a deal?”

Val scoffed, folding his arms again. “I still don’t get the point of all this, Husker. Angel ain’t anything without me.”

Husk’s eyes sharpened, and his voice dropped, cutting right through Valentino’s thin defense. “If he’s so hopeless without ya, then why are you the one keeping him from walkin’ away?”

Val’s mouth opened, but no words came out. Husk pressed on, relentless.

“Oh, but we both know the truth. Your precious porn industry skyrocketed once you had a handle on Angel’s talents. Sure, it can survive without him, but it’ll never hit those highs again if he leaves. You can’t thrive without him, but he sure as Hell can thrive without you . And the only reason he can’t right now is because you rigged the game against him to ensure that even if he’s not always physically with you, he can’t survive without you.” Husk’s wings shifted, and his golden eyes bore into Valentino’s. “Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me I’m wrong.

Valentino clenched his fists under the table, his jaw tight as the words hit home harder than he wanted to admit. He needed Angel more than he’d ever say out loud. His empire might survive without him, but it would never be the same. Angel Dust, on the other hand… he had the potential to walk away and be just fine.

Husk watched Valentino struggle, eyes narrowing with satisfaction. “If Angel’s worthless, a whore, a slut, then it shouldn’t be hard for ya to risk losing him. Right, Val? Your industry’s gonna keep runnin’ itself really well if he’s allowed to walk away, right?You’ll be just fine without him… right?”

Angel, sitting quietly beside Valentino, took another long drag of his cigarette, blowing out a thick plume of smoke. His eyes gleamed with something knowing, something patient, as he silently waved off Husk’s words. They were all part of the act. Nothing he hadn’t heard before. Nothing that could hurt him now.

Husk knew the truth. Valentino treated Angel more like a favorite toy than a person, and Husk was about to teach him what happens when people don’t take care of their toys. Even from a purely pragmatic standpoint, Valentino’s treatment of Angel was bad business; employees ought to be happy and healthy so that they can keep performing at their best, which in terms brings better results. A nd if there was anything Husk hated more than undeserved ego on its own, it was wasted resources because of undeserved ego.

And the damn moth genuinely wondered why Husk wanted nothing to do with him. Now? Husk was done holding his tongue.

“I’m askin’ one more time, Val.” Husk’s voice was low, firm, with a predatory grin to match. “If hangin’ onto Angel’s soul really matters more to ya than fixin’ your rep...then walk away. Fold. I dare ya.”

Valentino couldn’t. Not after setting all this up. Not after spending days trying to get this meeting together. His pride, his reputation—both were on the line, and walking away would mean losing everything. There was no leaving this table without losing something. But that’s the nature of gambling.

With a heavy breath and a growl of frustration, Valentino thrust out his hand. “Fine. Deal.”

The two Overlords shook hands, demonic energy swirling around them, thick and heavy with the binding of a pact. Valentino’s pink aura crackled against Husk’s golden energy, the air buzzing with the weight of their agreement.

“Remember, Val.” Husk’s voice was low and menacing as their powers intertwined, sealing the deal. “This deal’s magic-bound. Neither of us can back out if the outcome doesn’t suit us.” His eyes gleamed with wicked delight. “I’m ready to follow through. So don’t be a spineless coward, aight?”

Valentino scowled but said nothing. Husk, on the other hand, leaned back with a grin that said it all.

The game was on.

Valentino stormed out of the room, his frustration boiling over. “ No puedo creer esta mierda (I can’t fucking believe this shit).” As soon as the door closed behind him, Angel let out a massive breath, one he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding. His shoulders sagged, the tension he’d been hiding for the entire meeting finally releasing.

“Santo cielo! (Holy fuck! )” Angel exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “That’s the most silent I’ve ever been in any act!”

Husk chuckled, already grabbing a cloth to clean the hand he had just shaken with Val. His smile was as sharp as ever, but there was a softness in his eyes reserved just for Angel. “You held out great, Fluff,” he said, casually wiping his palm as if it’d been sullied by the mere touch of Valentino.

Angel snickered, his body relaxing into a more familiar state of ease. “Savage,” he muttered under his breath, eyeing Husk with amusement. After a pause, Angel’s tone turned a bit more serious. “…So, ya sure your buddies are gonna be able to do this? I mean… you’re riskin’ a lot here."

Husk didn’t miss a beat, his calm confidence never wavering. “Like I said to moth boy, I don’t give my people…or in this case, my friends, jobs they can’t do. I’ve got this figured out, Fluff. You just sit back and let the rest sort itself out.” Husk smiles, his eyes shining gold. “We’ll take it from here. I.M.P is just crazy enough to carry the forward momentum ya set up for us. That’s right. You got us to this point. Remember that.”

Husk’s tone was soothing, but there was steel behind it—he knew exactly what he was doing. Angel didn’t realize it, but there was a certain power of Husk saying we’ll take it from here, rather than taking over. He reached out gently, watching Angel’s reaction, and when the spider demon nodded that it was okay, Husk took his hand and kissed the back of it, just as he’d done before. The gesture was sweet and gentle; an air of gallantry washed over him, filled with that air of quiet nobility that somehow fit Husk perfectly despite his rough exterior.

“Sorry ‘bout the name-calling earlier,” Husk added with a slight smile. “Had to play it up a bit.”

Angel let out a small laugh, his usual bravado tinged with relief, he placed a hand on his cheek, trying to play off his blush. “Oh, Whiskas, you know my line of work. I’ve heard way worse shit flung my way.” His eyes lowered for a moment, a flicker of vulnerability showing through. “Ah. I’d better go before Val blows a gasket again. For all his big talk, dude has the emotional stability of a fuckin’ baby. Maledetta falena(damn moth)” Angel lowers his eyes. “So, I guess I’mma leave the rest in your buddies’ hands, huh?”

Husk’s gaze softened as he nodded. “They’re good at what they do. And what they do ain’t very nice,” he admitted, a knowing glint in his golden eyes. “But it doesn’t need to be. You’ve done your part beautifully, Angel. Let us handle the rest from here.”

Angel smiled, a mix of vulnerability and strength shining through. Despite everything, there was a quiet resilience about him, a strength that Husk always admired. “I’m bettin’ on ya, Whiskas,” Angel said softly, his voice carrying more weight than usual. There was trust in that statement, a trust that meant more than Angel probably even realized.

“It’s a bet well placed, Fluff. Because you already managed to bet on yourself.” Husk grinned, that devilish, confident smirk that so far, never failed to put Angel at ease. “I’m the Gambling Demon for a reason. Lucky Emperor, too. Risk and reward always go hand-in-hand. And no matter how much this Overlord shit might weigh down on me, whether luck is on my side or not…I never go into a wager expectin’ to lose.” His eyes glowed softly, a golden promise that said more than words could.

Angel gave a small nod, his shoulders relaxing even further. For the first time in a long while, he wasn’t carrying everything on his own. He had someone to bet on—and this time, it wasn’t just himself.

And with Husk, the stakes were high, but the odds were always in his favor.

Blitzø sat unusually still, eyes narrowed, hands clasped tightly in front of him. His tail swayed lazily behind him, betraying his simmering thoughts. His legs were spread just enough to suggest a relaxed posture, but his tense grip and furrowed brow screamed otherwise. He wasn’t relaxed at all.

Loona, lounging nearby, tapped away at her phone. Octavia was beside her, absorbed in a heavy tome, likely some ancient Goetia text. Loona pauses, glancing at her father. Blitzø didn’t do quiet. It was unsettling. She’d noticed how still he was for the last half hour—Blitzø was never still.

His eyes trained on one of the casino’s TV screens. Katie Killjoy’s venomous propaganda droned in the background, the words echoing too loudly for comfort.

Loona rolled her eyes at the TV. “Of course.” she muttered.

Katie Killjoy had recently been crowned an Overlord, and her anti-imp, anti-hellhound vitriol had become even more potent. With her new status, her words carried weight—dangerous weight. And ever since I.M.P humiliated her on live TV, Killjoy had made them the face of her crusade, singling out Blitzø and Loona.

Blitzø’s glare didn’t falter. Stolas, watching the TV from a nearby seat, exchanged a concerned glance with Overlord Husk. Both knew what was going through Blitzø’s mind—what he might be planning.

Across the room, Moxxie and Millie held hands, their tails intertwined as they, too, stared at their boss. What could they do now, in this situation?

Blitzø’s mind raced. They were at the edge of something big, something he never intended to confront. He started I.M.P to prove that imps and hellhounds could carve out their place in Hell, to rise above their stations. But now, with their very existence under threat, all of that ambition seemed far away.

Because of her. Because of Killjoy , Blitzø thought bitterly. This mess was retaliation for calling her out, for embarrassing her, for daring to stand up against her manipulations of Millie and Moxxie.

And yet, through it all, his gaze drifted to Loona and Octavia, sitting together peacefully. Loona, who once was so distant and angry, now bonding with Octavia in ways Blitzø couldn’t fully understand. And Loona— his Loona—was stronger than she’d ever been, thanks to the training Overlord Husk had given her. She was no longer the angry, lost girl he’d adopted. She was powerful, with abilities far beyond most hellhounds. Now, with Octavia helping her unlock water magic, she was becoming an anomaly even among the elite.

She’s safe because we accepted help. For five years, ever since she was seventeen, she’s been able to hone her powers at her own pace…she was safe from those who might take advantage, Blitzø realized. Because I trusted Husk.

He looked around the casino. Husk’s influence was everywhere. I.M.P had already aligned themselves with some of Hell’s most powerful figures. What was the point of hesitating now? They couldn’t stay idle. They had to act.

But, damn it, I wanted my own office! In a different building! Cool sign of independence and shit! Fucking damn it. I don’t regret putting that bitch in her place, but she’s taken this way out of proportion, even by my standards!

He had spent so long trying to get one. Yet, with the storm brewing outside, Killjoy’s escalating fear-mongering, and the uncertain future for imps and hellhounds, he knew this wasn’t just about him anymore. This had grown into something larger than his ambition, and he had to keep up. The Royal Roulette Casino was a safe haven, so long as Husk was here. They were protected. Blitzø wasn’t about to take that for granted.

He wasn't that stupid; the sheer lingering damage of Killjoy’s campaign would last a long time beyond her. This wasn’t going to go away anytime soon. And if Blitzø doubles down on wanting his own office, outside of Husk’s protection, his team, and his daughter, would always be at a significantly higher risk of danger in the long run.

More than he can afford. More than he can allow . More than he can bear . With Husk, Moxxie and Millie were safe. With Husk, Loona would continue to be safe.

Seriously , Blitzø thought. FUCK that petty bitch!

Blitzø knows petty, he’s been petty. Happily, and enthusiastically so. But this was too far. Not once in his entire life, has he responded to humiliation like this. Katie Killjoy has an even more fragile ego than him. But her ability to retaliate far exceeds his own, and now everyone is at risk of the blowback.

The dream of having his own office in a different building went up in flames, turning to ashes scattered into the wind. There would be no rebuilding this part of his overall ambition, but he didn’t look back. He can’t look back. The brief flash of him, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona before his eyes fully encapsulates why. Teasing Moxxie, wrecking shit with Millie, doting on Loona.

He's spent so long on this, trying to get his own space for his business and team, and now the situation and potential long term consequences of it have escalated to the point where he wouldn’t be able to sustain that by himself. Hell’s climate and landscape was already changing far too rapidly for it to be easy, and Killjoy made it even worse by shifting it into outright impossibility without significant risk that he can’t mitigate by himself.

The opportunity was gone.

I.M.P will only be able to thrive within the Royal Roulette. With Overlord Husk.

Blitzø sighed. Once again, shit’s goin’ wrong. I thought I was in the clear for a bit, and right on time, I’m getting kicked in the dick. Apparently, things being easy for me is STILL too much to ask!

Blitzø remembers that the safe haven he’s come to appreciate was a fucking casino, that belonged to a Gambling Overlord, and he wanted to flip the bird at Killjoy for forcing him into this position.

He’s not angry at Husk though. Husk is the reason his daughter was healthy and strong. He’s a stable steadying force. Husk was someone he trusted, regardless of the chaos around him. He could never repay his debt to him, even if business wise, they were associates…oh who was he kidding. Over these past five years, with the Overlord taking in him and Loona when the latter was in dire straits, he values Husk far too much to leave it at that.

Regardless of his own resentment, he’s resolute in his decision. Because in the face of all this bullshit, he has no choice but to fold.

One more time, he looks towards Moxxie and Millie, who were seeking each other for comfort. And then really, really looks towards Loona, at how she’s made her first friend on her own with Octavia.

Right then and there, his resolve crystalized. This was more than him.

Well Blitz, you’re well accustomed to getting your dick kicked at this point. No reason for it to stop ya now.

Blitzø takes a deep breath, standing up with his fists clenched, eyes closed. He raised his hands and clapped loudly.

Loona’s ears picked up as she and Octavia turned to him. Moxxie and Millie did as well. Stolas and Husk, overseeing everyone, also turned towards their direction.

Stolas tilted his head, wondering what it might be that his dear friend has decided upon. He could sense that his friend has come to a decision. Husk in particular, was looking towards Blitzø with a golden twinkle in his eye, as if he had an ideas as to what he decided upon.

Blitzøonce thought that with enough pluck, quick wit, craziness, and a hint of luck, he might have had a chance at an opportunity of true independence. Though the risks attached to that has begun to far outweigh the rewards. There was too much danger in that choice now, with Hell’s current climate. At this moment, he’s actively placing the well-being of his loved ones over his own personal desires. And he intends to commit to that.

Blitzø lets out an exhale, and kept his hands raised as they separated. Weighing all his options, opening his eyes, his response was profound.

“Fuck it.”

Loona could tell her father was in a bad state right now. And he was going to process it the only way he knows how.

“I fucking hate this, ya know.” Blitzø utters bitterly. “This shit sucks ass . All because Bitchjoy couldn’t take a humbling and began mouthing off on TV. And now, everything is a fucking mess. Story of my life.”

Loona’s eyes lowered at this, her ears flicking.

Blitzø rolled his shoulder. “But it’s here, so I’m gonna deal with it. Regardless of the sheer disappointment at what I’m giving up to commit to this, I ain’t given into desperation. No. I’m not letting her win there.”

Millie lightly leans forward, holding Moxxie’s hand. “You okay, Blitz?”

Blitzø groaned as he slid his hands over his face and head. “Complete honesty Mills; no. I’m not okay. Pfft, the LAST thing I am right now is okay .” He began to pace back and forth, his tail whipping rapidly. “I’m pissed, I’m sad, I’m fed the fuck up, and I’m tired.” He stopped in place, sighing again. “…But not desperate.”

Moxxie, attentive and cautious, squeezed Millie’s hand while looking towards Blitzø. “What does that mean, sir?”

“It means that despite the utter BULLSHIT that’s surrounding us right now…I thought this out. And no matter what future bullshit that is absolutely certain to come…I’ve made my decision.”

Loona raised her head. “We don’t get sad. We get even.”


Moxxie tugged on his tie. “How do we do that, sir? This isn’t exactly something we can shoot or slice our way out of.”

“Not directly, at least.” Husk steps into the circle for a moment, along with Stolas. He sits in a nearby cushion, his dice cane tapping the ground. “That comes later, when we have the space for it. Killjoy thrives on the media sphere. She may be an Overlord, but the true way to fight her at this moment is by taking away the power of her fearmongering.”

Millie raised her hand. “Well, how do we go and do that?”

“By dismantling her bullshit at the source.” Loona brings up, her phone showing several of the newcasts that Killjoy has released in her days of campaigning. “The main source of this shit storm is her belief that imps and hellhounds should stay at the bottom and let those higher in the hierarchy abuse them without consequences. All because we beat the shit outta her for trying to use you and Moxxie to kill me and Dad.”

“Ahhh, riiight…fuckin’ bitch.” Millie pouted. “…But, it’s how we met you two! So, it ain’t all that bad!”

Moxxie rubbed his chin. “Still, how do we do that? How do we dismantle her narrative?”

“By providing proof that it’s outdated as fuck.” Octavia began to chime in, looking up from her tome after closing it. Stolas nods towards her. “I usually don’t pay attention to all the political bullshit that goes on in my family house, but I do know one thing for certain that the Goetia are becoming aware of; merits are becoming just as valuable as status across Hell. And that status is sustained by merits. They DON’T have to be individual.” Octavia closes her eyes. “There’s a reason why the whole ‘strength’ part of it is pointless. The Sins are outright more powerful than most beings in Hell can dream of, Goetia included. Right out the gate, strength through innate power alone can’t be your only merit.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means,” Stolas began to step in. “That the best way to dismantle that Sinner’s narrative, is by proving that class differences do not-and should not -stop demons from uplifting one another to help achieve each other’s endeavors. Her belief is that imps and Hellhounds should not rise above their stations. What we aim to destroy is that they HAVE to do it alone.”

Moxxie nodded, the gears beginning to turn. “That could work. But how?”

“I spent five years helping this pup train her magic.” Husk points his dice cane at Loona, and she scoffed at being referred to as a ‘pup’. “And it was at Blitzø’s request, in exchange for working under me. Now we’re equals in the business sphere, because I acknowledged the merits he built up in this time.”

Loona held up her hand, and a shimmering ball of water manifested over it. “Octavia helped me realize my connection to the Moon. And through my own intuition, now I awakened water magic. I wouldn’t have been able to figure that shit out on my own.”

Blitzø clapped. “That means we gotta give our merits a jumpstart!”

“So, we have to produce results.” Moxxie nodded, whilst Millie played with a bit of his hair, humming. “And within our context, we are an assassination company. Meaning we have to provide merit as one.”

“NOW you’re getting it, Mox.”

Moxxie turned to Husk. “And Overlord Husk provided us an opportunity…”

Husk nods. “100 assassinations in a week. That means contracts on humans on Earth.”

“Whooowe!” Millie whistled with a smile, wiping her brow. “That’s a mighty tall order! What’s the catch?”

“It’s also a strategic dismantling of the Vees power, while we’re at it.” Husk hums, his eyes twinkling. “Our deal was magically bound. If you pull this off, Valentino has to terminate Angel Dust contract. This will set his soul free.”

Millie’s eyes darkened. “And if we don’t…”

Husk shrugged. “My assets and Empire will be absorbed into the Vees.”

Moxxie’s eyes lowered at this. “Husk…this is really risky for you.”

“No risk, no reward.”

Loona looked towards Husk unblinkingly. “…Did you know that a scenario like this could possibly happen? Is that another reason why you uplifted Dad to be an equal associate rather than a subordinate? Because otherwise…”

“It means your company doesn’t go down with me.”

Blitzø rubbed his neck. It wasn’t easy to hear the first time, and it definitely wasn’t the second time. “Fuck, Husk…”

“But I ain’t worried about ya. Since you’ve reunited with your childhood friend, who happens to be a damn Goetia Prince, you’ve got another form of protection within Hell, in case this doesn’t work out. And on top of that, Loona’s friends with Octavia. All the more reason for him to be in your corner." Husk closed his eyes. “I didn’t make this bet lightly. There’s always that chance where shit just doesn’t work out. But I made sure you were accounted for.”


Husk sighs. “I know that sometimes, people might disparage ya for relying on safety nets…fuck ‘em.” He waved his hand dismissively. “In this day and age, it ain’t about proving whether you can make it without a safety net or not. While I acknowledge the desire to prove oneself and needing to take risks…we gotta have something there to keep us stable. A lot of people respect the bold and ballsier ones. I do too. But I respect the wiser and smarter ones more. You should not feel ashamed for prioritizing your own protection against proving yourself. Sometimes, you gotta fold.”

“But Overlord Husk, you’re leaving yourself massively vulnerable with this wager!” Moxxie emphasized. Husk nods.

“It was bold, yeah. But it wasn’t reckless. I prioritized Angel’s potential freedom. And if I don’t win…I prioritized your protection. That’s the nature of gambling. Something is always at risk of being lost. I simply made sure that no matter what happens, you suffered the least.”

“But why…”

“I take care of my friends.”

There was a bit of uncertainty across the room, with Blitzø and Moxxie especially feeling the weight of their future endeavor in full. However, Millie and Loona approached it differently.

“Hey now. Ain’t no reason to overthink it!” Millie pumped her fist. “It’s simple what we gotta do!”

“Husk takes the brunt of the fall if we fail. So, we won’t fail.” Loona’s declaration was aloof, but resolute. “The bet’s already been made. We don’t have the luxury of hesitating now, so the only way forward is to get the job done. That’s it, that’s all.”

Blitzø sighed, taking a breath and focusing. “Way too true, Loony.”

“Anyway! 100 targets! 1 week!’ Millie chirped, stretching her arms slightly. “That’ll definitely make an impact, I’d say! Sure, let’s do it!”

“Hold on, honey.” Moxxie briefly patted Millie’s hand. “That is certainly a tall order. I’m not against giving it a try. But how do we do it?”

Stolas once again steps forward. “I do believe I can be of assistance.”

“Your Highness?”

Stolas waved his hand, conjuring a tome and flipping it open. “You mostly coordinate your kills on Earth, correct? Well, in recent years, many a human have been gaining superhuman abilities through demonic powers, or something similar.”

“Like that bitch, Martha.” Loona scoffed, remembering how pathetic the woman was in the end. Moxxie’s eyes, however, darkened. The memory of the woman sacrificing her family just to empower herself to fight them, still lingered in his mind.

Stolas nods, continuing. “These humans like to cause quite a disturbance in the living world. And because these abilities have been gained through demonic influence, they’re within my jurisdiction to deal with as I see fit. This will help my standing as a Goetia, so we both receive helpfrom this.” Stolas smiled at Blitzø. “I can provide you the targets locations. Particularly, these humans gather and use in groups. If you take care of them that way, with enough maneuvering, you’ll easily be able to meet your quota in days.”

Loona briefly closed the water ball over her hand, smirking. “Sounds like a good opportunity to give these powers a true test drive.”

Blitzø hesitated slightly. “Hold on. Are you sure about this, Stolas?” It’s not about the fact that he’s accepting help from a higher authority. That went out the window when Husk was training Loona.

Stolas smiled gently, closing his tome. “You need not worry, Blitzø. My role here is not to be dominant; it’s to facilitate. The narrative we seek to disprove is that they are one in the same.”

“Every one of us benefits from this, so we’re approaching it as equals.” Husk says, tapping his dice cane. “Dealing with those super powered humans through demonic influence is within Stolas’jurisdiction. His best way to achieve that is going to an assassination firm (I.M.P) that has legal access to Earth through the Asmodean Crystal I gave ya. And the fact that their base of operations is within my casino, that increases all our standings in one go. Especially when you succeed.”

Octavia nods. “This isn’t us overstepping our boundaries. It’s to provide the help needed so that all of us can be elevated from this. That’s how we destroy Katie’s campaign. It has to be done first , so that everyone can heal easier even after she’s dealt with directly, otherwise the long-term damage will persist even more. Collective empowerment across classes is the ultimate spit to the face to her fearmongering.”

Blitzø turned towards Octavia for a moment. “…Okay, just wanna recheck something. You’re 17, right?”


Blitzø looked at her, his eyes narrowing slightly in confusion. “…And I adopted Loony when she was 17. How are you both so much smarter than I was at that age? I could barely keep my life together.”

Octavia shrugged, her expression calm. “Why were you so dumb at that age?”

“Okay, ow . Loony, back me up here!”

Loona glanced up from her phone, raising an eyebrow. “I dunno, Dad, sometimes you are kinda a dumbass.”

Blitzø gawked at her, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. “L-Loony, why?!”

Husk snorted, unable to contain his amusement. “Are you really going to let your own daughter talk to you like that?” He gestured to Stolas, grinning. “Ya see, this is why I had to be around. Without me being the strict one, she’dwalk all over him. He folds all the time when she’s involved. Fuckin’ whipped.”

“Ohoho! I see!” Stolas laughed, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth. “Don’t worry, Blitz. I sympathize; sometimes I have difficulties telling my daughter no, as well.”

“Stolas, that doesn’t help me.” Blitzø grumbled.

Octavia shrugged. “At least you’re able to stand your ground against Mum these days.

Stolas sweatdropped, rubbing the back of his neck. “Erm, let’s not being your mother into this, sweetie…”

Loona scoffed, rolling her eyes at Husk with a smirk. “Pfft, you ain’t that influential, old man.”

Husk shot her a grin. “Pup, you were never gonna walk over me like you do your pops. Unlike him, I’m fully prepared to remind you that you’re still the kid between us.” He turned back to Blitzø, his smirk widening. “Tho sometimes I wonder which one of you is actually the child…”

Blitzø threw his arms up in exasperation. “What the FUCK , Husk?!”

Husk leaned back, crossing his arms. “Remind me, how many phones have you broken over the last five years? ’Cause I can tell ya, Loona’s count is still zero.”

“Oh my. Not a single one?” Stolas blinked. “How responsible of her!”

“And irresponsible of Blitzø.”

Octavia scoffed. “He’s supposed to be the leader of an assassination company, yet he can’t take care of his phones?”

Loona chuckled. “When Dad isn’t locked in, he’s a bit of a klutz.”

Blitzø curled up on the ground,pouting and tearing up dramatically, as he drew circles on the ground with a finger, his tail curling around himself. “Why am I getting roasted all of a sudden…?”

Moxxie and Millie exchanged glances before patting Blitzø’s shoulders reassuringly. “It’s pretty brutal, sir,” Moxxie nodded.

“But you’re takin’ it like a champ!” Millie added with a supportive smile.

Blitzø turned towards Moxxie and Millie, tearing up. “Mox, Mils…y-you’re in my corner…?!”

Moxxie smiled awkwardly. “Somebody has to be.”

“Might as well be us! Imps oughta stand together!” Millie beamed.

Blitzø whimpered as he held both their hands, rivers of tears running down his face. “I love you guys, so much…!”

“We love ya too, Blitz!”

“Millie, my love, he’s being overdramatic for attention. Don’t encourage him.” Moxxie sighed while facepalming.

Loona, on her phone, sighs. Blitzø blinks as he feels her tail gently curling around him, it’s fluffy warmth being felt immediately. “I swear, you’re such a damn baby.” Loona utters without looking away.

Blitzø’s eyes began sparkling. “Loony IS in my corner!”

Octavia looks to Loona with an amused smile. “You sure indulging him is the right call here?”

“Only because he’ll drag this out otherwise.”

Blitzø’s eyes continued twinkling. “I’ll take it!”

Through the laughter and banter, Stolas sat back, his gaze settling fondly on Blitzø and Octavia. He felt warmth and hope seeing them interact—Blitzø was bonding with Octavia, too, and that filled Stolas’s heart with quiet joy.

Loona clears her throat while folding her arms. “Imps, a Hellhound, an Overlord, and two Goetia. They won’t be able to ignore that kind of gathering.” She raised her head. “Also, Overlord Mayberry texted me. With her perspective as our first client, she’s our foundational proof of I.M.P’s legitimacy. So that makes two Overlords, with one of them finding value in our service by being our first client.”

Millie pumped her fist. “And with this 100 kill mission, as an assassin group, we’re sendin’ a message that nobody can ignore! Workin’ together across the classes will make this happen!”

“There are some things that the lower class can’t do on their own. And there are some things the upper class aren’t allowed to do on their own. Because of this, collaboration across classes is not only mutually beneficial, but essential for survival and success. That means we gotta bet on each other and pool our resources so we can win big across the board.” Husk grinned, his fang glinted gold. “That’ll be the core purpose of The Wild Card Alliance.”

“Oh, name drop! I like it! Fitting.” Blitzø nodded energetically.

Moxxie nods, folding his arms in thought as his tail sways. "So, if we review all that we've gathered. Our current objectives that this 100 kill mission will accomplish, is solidifying I.M.P's legitimacy, increasing Prince Stolas' standing, and winning the wager for Angel Dust's freedom. Accomplishing this means Killjoy’s campaign about Imps and Hellhounds being inherently lesser holds no water.”

Millie beamed, arms raised. "And with everyone poolin' their resources, completin' this will knock out all three of those in one go!”

Octavia closes her tome. “Which will destroy Killjoy fearmongering completely and mitigate her influence.”

Stolas nods, clasping his hands. "This will devalue that Sinner's words, therefore taking away her most damaging power."

Blitzø rubbed his hands together, eyes shimmering with glee. "And once that's said and done, like the assassins that I.M.P. are..."

Loona flashed her claws, her eyes gleaming with malice under her hair. " We kill her. "

Once Blitzø composed himself, having a clear view of what he had to do next, he first turned towards Stolas. His childhood friend. Briefly, he imagined them both as children again, sitting under the tree with not much worry about their lives or futures. It was peaceful.

So much has changed. There’s so much they have to protect, now. And they have a better chance thriving with each other, than doing it alone. When they manage to handle this entire mess, they'll be able to continue pursuing their respective passions again. Killjoy was standing in the way of their interests, so she had to be dealt with, both in influence and in body.

“… Stolas. You’re our facilitator on all this, right? You’re helping our job be possible to do, not taking over.” Blitz asked slowly, his tail still.

Stolas nodded to him; his hands clasped. “That is correct. Unless it's a clear and direct existential threat to myself, Goetia involvement in Overlord and Sinner matters is to be kept to a minimum. Octavia knows this as well, which is why a good deal of my teachings to her is to help her protect herself against possible dangers she faces when she's on her own; I've long recognized that I cannot shield her at all times. This reinforces my main role here; being a facilitator to your efforts in resolving this."

"Dad is exercising his ability to delegate responsibilities, here." Octavia says while pulling her tome open again. "He's trusting you because he knows you can handle this, and he's empowering you to further ensure that you can. Influencing outcomes across multiple levels of Hell's hierarchy without direct intervention will reflect better on him on his competence." She turned a page. "It'll help all of us in the long run."

Millie raised an eyebrow, her hands on her hips. "Sweetie, you sure know a lot about all this Goetian politcal stuff despite not carin' about it."

"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't know."

"Oh! Well shit, fair enough!"

Blitz sighs. "Okay, cool. Still, I’d feel pretty shitty if I didn’t get this outta the way first.” Blitzø sighed. “Stolas, I need…no.” he shook his head, then raised his hand. “I want your help. Please, let’s work together. For both of our benefits, and for the benefit of our daughter's futures."

Stolas’ smile was akin to warmth from the sun, as he gingerly held Blitzø’s hand. “I'd be happy to, Blitzø.”

Loona and Octavia watched on, with Loona’s tail calmly sweeping behind her, and Octavia's tail feathers twitching. “Welp. No going back now. Some people across all classes are gonna hate us.”

Octavia shrugged. “So nothing's really changed, then.”

“Pfft, shit. You’re right.” Loona chuckled. They’re both on their phones, but they raised a fist to bump them against one another. The game has changed.

And they intend to win .

The heavy iron doors of the base rattled violently before they exploded inward, sending metal shards clanging across the stone floor. A gust of intense heat surged into the dark, smoky hall, setting the scattered flames aglow.

Overlord Mayberry stormed through the entrance, her eyes blazing with golden-red fire, the heat radiating from her making the air shimmer. In her wake, the walls groaned and cracked under the pressure of her power.

Inside, a group of smaller-time Overlords and their subordinates turned in shock, momentarily frozen as they witnessed the spectacle. At the far end of the room, imps and hellhounds—battered, chained, and bloodied—cowered in fear. They had been brutalized, mocked, and treated like animals, their cries for mercy drowned by the jeering laughter of the demons tormenting them. Their tormentors, standing around them with whips and chains, froze when they saw the Overlord’s arrival.

Mayberry cracked her knuckles, the sound echoing through the cavernous hall as her flames crackled with intensity. Her voice, cool but laced with fury, carried over the silence. “Time to teach you fuckers a lesson.”

Before the Overlords could react, Mayberry raised her hands, and the temperature of the room skyrocketed. The very ground beneath her feet glowed, molten cracks snaking across the floor toward the cages and chains holding the imps and hellhounds. Her magic seeped into the steel, heating it to a blinding orange, before shattering it with a fiery pulse. Chains melted, and the cages disintegrated into ash.

The freed imps and hellhounds staggered to their feet, blinking in disbelief as the molten shackles dripped harmlessly to the ground. Mayberry’s heat-based magic swirled around them, empowering them. Their bruises healed, their postures straightened, and their eyes glowed with newfound strength. Their fur and skin shimmered with the warmth of her power.

“Get up,” Mayberry growled, her voice low and commanding. “This is your fight too, to fight back.”

The imps and hellhounds, once trembling in fear, now stood taller, fists clenched and eyes burning with the same fire that radiated from Mayberry. As her heat flowed through them, it stoked the flames of their anger, fear, and frustration . It didn’t matter that their reasons were selfish—this was Hell, and survival meant embracing selfish desires. Mayberry knew that well.

One of the smaller Overlords, a tall demon with jagged horns and a whip wrapped around his wrist, snarled and stepped forward. His voice was a sneer as he shouted, “An Overlord siding with them? You should be ashamed! You’re no better than these animals!”

Mayberry’s grin was cold and dangerous. In a flash, she surged forward, crossing the distance in a blink, her fist slamming into his face with the force of a freight train. The Overlord’s head snapped back, the sickening crunch of bone echoing as he flew across the room, crashing into a stone wall and slumping to the ground, unconscious.

I DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THAT! ” Mayberry roared, flames flaring up around her. “You think you’re better because of your rank? You think that gives you the right to abuse them? I’m here as a founding member of the Wild Card Alliance, and if you think I care about your fucking hierarchy, you’re even dumber than you look.”

The other Overlords stared in shock as Mayberry’s flames surged higher, casting shadows that flickered across the room like dancing demons. Their bravado faltered as the imps and hellhounds, now fully empowered by Mayberry’s magic, turned their newly blazing eyes toward them.

“This is your chance,” Mayberry said, addressing the imps and hellhounds. “I’m not here to dominate you. I’m here to give you the strength to fight back. You want to shut Killjoy’s mouth just as much as I do, don’t you? Well, here’s your chance. Take it.

Without hesitation, the imps and hellhounds surged forward, fists and claws swinging, driven by the rage and frustration they had been forced to suppress for so long. The subordinate demons that had once tormented them found themselves overwhelmed, outmatched by the very beings they had considered beneath them.

Mayberry turned her attention to the remaining Overlords, her eyes narrowing. One of them, a red-skinned demon with glowing eyes, sneered despite the growing fear in his expression. “You’re a fool. Overlords don’t stoop to this level. You’re ruining your status—”

“Shut the fuck up,” Mayberry spat, her hand glowing with intense heat. She launched herself forward, her fist igniting with molten fire, and delivered a crushing blow to the Overlord’s chest. The impact sent him hurtling across the room, his body slamming through several walls before disappearing from sight.

Another Overlord, attempting to sneak up on her from behind, found himself caught by the throat, Mayberry’s fiery grip searing his skin. She raised him effortlessly into the air, her voice dripping with disdain. “Your kind makes me fucking sick .” With a single squeeze, the Overlord’s eyes bulged before she flung him aside like a ragdoll, his body crashing into the far wall.

The room was in chaos now, but Mayberry remained calm, standing amidst the flames, watching as the imps and hellhounds fought for their freedom.

When the last of the Overlords and their minions lay defeated, Mayberry let the flames around her die down. She turned toward the surviving imps and hellhounds, who stood amidst the wreckage, breathing heavily but victorious.

She began to walk away, her back to the group. “I’m not here for subordinates. You’re free to do what you want. But if you want to work with me—” She paused and turned her head slightly, her eyes glowing. “I’ll welcome you. If you’re angry about how unfair all of this is, then get fucking mad . I’ll give you the power to act on it…and the guidance to teach you how to use it.”

The imps and hellhounds stood in stunned silence for a moment, unsure of what to do. Mayberry had empowered them, but the choice to fight beside her or go their own way was theirs.

Then, one by one, they began to follow her. Slowly at first, but soon they were walking alongside her, no longer in fear, but in solidarity. They had been battered by Hell’s unfairness for too long, and now they were ready to channel their anger into something real.

Mayberry slowed her pace slightly, letting them gather around her. The flames of their shared anger still smoldered, but now, it was a controlled burn. One that would fuel their next move.

As they left the wreckage of the base behind, Mayberry’s eyes gleamed with purpose. She had been a teacher in life, and even in Hell, she continued to be one. Only now, her lessons were different. She was teaching demons—those beaten down by Hell’s brutal hierarchy—to channel their fury into solutions.

And with every step, her role as an Overlord of Fury crystallized even more. This will benefit Princess Charlie as well, to repay her for allowing her to reunite with her students again.

Just as she once taught students in the living world, now she teaches demons in Hell how to use their fury to survive and, ultimately, to thrive .

She wasn’t here to dominate. She was here to teach .

I think I’m gonna like this alliance.

The Wild Card Alliance Philosophy:

“In Hell, it’s all a gamble—power, survival, loyalty. But when you bet on each other, when imps, hellhounds, Sinners, Overlords, Goetia, throw in their chips together, that’s when you really start to win. The Wild Card Alliance ain’t just about staying in the game, it’s about beating the odds. We thrive when we bet on collaboration across classes. Because here’s the truth: Alone, you’re just another player in Hell’s rigged system, but together, we make our own luck. Everyone brings something to the table, and when we pool it, we don’t just survive—we win big .”

-Overlord Husk

(Two Weeks Until the Next Full Moon)


Wild Card Alliance Founding Members:
Overlord Husk
Overlord Mayberry

A collaboration across the classes who intend to redefine success and survival, in order to fulfill their own desires, protect each other, enhance self-sustainability, and thrive happily through the power of empowerment and mutual benefits...and they'll fuck up whoever tries to tell them no.

(Might need edits. Later, tho!)

Next Chapter: The 100 Kill Mission: Part One!

Chapter 15: The 100 Kill Mission: Part One


The I.M.P gang embarks on their mission. But they don't intend to just complete it: They're gonna blow right past the quota AND get done with it quickly!

Stolas warns of humans wielding power they do not and cannot fully understand.

Loona and Octavia bond.

Blitzø flirts, Stolas is an embarrassed birb.

I.M.P does battle with more humans, and admits it all, Loona reaches a new breakthrough.


A new mission for I.M.P, under a quota and a time limit. Do they intend to drag this out and dramatically finish at the last second?!

Nah, screw that.

Not only will they beat the clock, they'll exceed the quota. Just to prove that they CAN.

And they're cool enough to do it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In the bustling halls of the Royal Roulette, I.M.P. gathered around a grand table littered with maps and charts, each marked with potential Earthly targets. The ambient hum of the casino buzzed around them—chatter, the clinking of glasses, dice rolling, and the occasional cheer from gamblers winning or losing big. The team was in the middle of planning their next big assignment: a 100-hit mission that needed to go off without a hitch. Moxxie, as usual, was all business, his eyes glued to the maps.

“I’d really prefer to avoid any last-second panic,” Moxxie muttered, tracing a finger along one map. “Too much stress. We need something… efficient.” His brow furrowed as he checked and rechecked the locations and time zones.

Blitzø, lounging back in his chair with his feet kicked up, smirked. “Oh, c’mon, Mox! Where’s the thrill if we don’t cut it close? Gotta keep the adrenaline pumping, keep things spicy!”

Millie leaned over and punched his arm lightly, grinning. “Blitzø, sugar, I think Moxxie’s got a point. We can still raise Hell without stressin’ ourselves out to death.”

Blitzø grumbled half-heartedly, though the grin never left his face. “Fine, fine. We’ll do it your way, Mister Efficiency .”

“I’m just saying, sir,” Moxxie insisted, “there’s too much on the line to be cutting it close. The faster we wrap this up, the better it looks for I.M.P. Efficiency proves our value.”

At the head of the table, Stolas raised a hand with a soft chuckle. “Allow me to assist with pinpointing the most efficient targets.” With a graceful wave of his hand, a shimmering portal opened to reveal Earth’s night sky. “…Oh! Blitzø, I forgot, you have an Asmodean crystal, don’t you?” he smiled sheepishly. “Old habits, you know.”

Blitzø sighed dramatically, but there was clear amusement behind his theatrics. “Yeah, yeah, Prince, flexing your magic again. Show-off.”

Stolas laughed lightly, raising his hands in defense. “No flexing here, I assure you. Just trying to make myself useful. By eliminating these demonically empowered humans, you’ll actually be mitigating Hell’s influence on Earth.”

Moxxie’s eyes lit up, a spark of understanding and purpose. “So… we have a specific mission? It’s not just arbitrary killing?”

Blitzø caught the look in Moxxie’s eye and chuckled. He could already tell this new sense of purpose was going to make Moxxie even more intense about getting it right. That was fine by him. Blitzø was always down for a bit of efficient mayhem, especially when it made Moxxie’s bloodthirsty side shine.

Stolas nodded, his tone shifting into something more serious. “Indeed. Some humans have discovered ways to tap into Hell’s energy, and while the existence of Hell is no longer a secret to them, they’ve started using that power with reckless abandon. They’ve overstepped their bounds.”

Millie crossed her arms, looking both confused and intrigued. “So, these humans think they can just mess with Hell’s energy like it’s nothin’?”

“Exactly,” Stolas confirmed, his expression darkening. “And that simply will not do. One of my duties as a Goetia is to ensure that humans who try to wield demonic power without understanding the consequences are… corrected. The power they’re tapping into wasn’t meant for them, and they’re using it irresponsibly. It risks drawing more attention to Hell than we’d like, and we cannot allow them to blur the boundaries for their own gain.”

Moxxie nodded sharply, eyes narrowing as he processed the gravity of the mission. “So, they’re wielding something they don’t fully understand and don’t deserve. They’re dangerous not just to themselves but to others.”

Stolas smiled, a bit more sinister now. “Exactly. There are some rare cases of humans who can use demonic energy without completely succumbing to its influence, but they are the exception, not the rule. Most of them embrace the power fully, casting aside any redeeming qualities they might’ve had; that requires a fully conscious decision, because this power tempts humans, it does not control them. They become selfish, destructive, and worse, they want to keep that power. They won’t give it up willingly.”

Millie grins with expectation. “So they ain’t forkin’ it over without a fight?’

“Precisely. Sooooo…they’ll have to die. Hoo-hoo!” Stolas hooted gleefully, clapping three times for emphasis. “Quite the opportunity for an assassin group to prove themselves, don’t you think?”

Millie pumped a fist in the air, grinning from ear to ear. “I like the way ya think, Prince! Work is now fun and purposeful! Hooray for killin’ with meaning!”

“Hooray!” Blitzø and Moxxie cheered in unison, raising their arms in the air with matching grins.

Blitzø chuckled darkly. “Alright, folks, you heard the prince. Time to cull some power-hungry idiots who can’t handle what they’ve got. We’re gonna show them what real power looks like!”

The team shared determined glances, ready to bring Hell to Earth—literally.

As the rest of I.M.P. busied themselves with the mission planning, Loona and Octavia stood a little ways off, keeping their distance from the chaotic scene. Octavia held a large, ancient-looking tome, flipping through its pages as her gaze occasionally flickered toward the shimmering portal and the stars beyond.

“So,” Octavia began softly, her voice thoughtful, “you ever think about how the celestial bodies influence magic? Like… the Sun, Moon, and Stars?”

Loona tilted her head, her usual disinterest replaced by a flicker of curiosity. “Not really. I know they’re, like, important for some stuff, but magic-wise?”

“Yeah.” Octavia nodded, her voice taking on a quiet, almost reverent tone. “They’re considered really special in the arcane realm. The energy they give off? It’s unique. Kind of like having an angelic weapon, but instead of a sword or something, you can draw that energy directly from the cosmos. Some of us call space the ‘Arcane Sky’ because of that.” Her eyes briefly twinkled with that same cosmic wonder, but it faded as quickly as it came. “Goetia have been studying this magic for centuries. It’s why we usually stay out of Sinner affairs unless we’re threatened. Magic like this? It can bypass a Sinner demon’s immortality—kill them permanently. That kind of power? It’s forbidden in Hell, unless we need to protect ourselves.”

Loona let out a low whistle. “Damn. That’s not something you hear every day.”

Octavia shrugged lightly, flipping another page. “Yeah. It’s a dangerous line. Arcane magic is neutral—like, it’s tied to both celestial and infernal realms. It’s mysterious. The Sun, Moon, Stars? Despite being ‘Heavenly Bodies,’ demons can still access their energy through arcane magic. Mostly it’s just Goetia who’ve mastered it, though. Grandpa Paimon taught my dad when he gave him the Grimoire, and Dad’s been teaching me ever since I was little.”

Loona frowned, narrowing her eyes slightly. “So… only Goetia can mess with that kind of magic?”

“Basically,” Octavia replied, her tone thoughtful. “But magic’s got rules, and rules can be bent. It’s unlikely for lower-ranked demons to even tap into it, but…” She glanced at Loona, a knowing smile tugging at her beak. “Just because something hasn’t been done yet doesn’t mean it’s impossible.”

Loona smirked, her sharp teeth showing. “Heh. So, you’re saying there’s a chance.”

“A small one,” Octavia agreed with a sly grin, her fingers tracing an illustration of a crescent moon. “But a chance, nonetheless.”

Loona’s tail swayed slightly, her interest piqued as she glanced at the stars twinkling beyond the portal. “Well, good thing I’m not one to follow the rules.” She held up her palm again, as an orb of water hovered and shimmered above it. “It’s probably not gonna be easy getting the hang of this. This sorta shit requires calm, right? I’m not exactly…” Loona shrugged, her other hand in a waving in a circle. “The calm type, ya know?” At the very least, she doubted her ability to maintain that for long.

“No, you’re the aggressively angry type. But that can still work in your favor.” Octavia offers with a soft smile. “There’s a time for anger to burn like fire, destroy like darkness, and flow like water. All three of your attributes so far. When it comes to water magic, channel that anger into concentration. Allow it to be tranquil, flexible and adaptable, and your focus and understanding on your water magic will improve by leaps and bounds.”

“You really think so?”

“You’re sharp and you have a strong intuition. Trust me, you’ll get it.” Octavia holds up a finger as a bolt of lightning, a wisp of purple fire, and a brief surge of telekinesis circled her. “You don’t always have to compromise your strengths. Simply redirect them and channel them into a different outlet. That way your possibilities expand, without compromising who you are.”

Loona hummed, as an ember of blue fire, a ball of shadow tinged in a shade of blue, and an orb of water orbited around her palm. “You’ve got a point. I’m not that worried about my overall limits. It’s like you said before, being like the Sins kind of leave you outranked no matter what in the sheer power. I simply want to be capable enough to sustain what’s important to me. In order to kick the shit outta those who threaten those things. Within my framework, that means becoming a renowned and powerful Assassin like the others in I.M.P. Hellhounds like me should be allowed to want and achieve that kind of success for themselves, yeah?”

Octavia smiles. “For some, that’s more than enough.”

Their conversation trailed off as they both turned toward the portal, watching the night sky over Earth. The stars twinkled faintly in the night sky, the crescent moon hanging low on the horizon, casting a soft, silvery glow over the landscape. Octavia’s gaze softened as she stared up at it, her voice taking on a dreamy, almost poetic quality.

“When I was little,” she murmured, “Dad used to say that the stars decorate the night sky so the Moon doesn’t feel lonely.”

Loona glanced over, intrigued by the unexpected sweetness in Octavia’s words. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah,” Octavia continued, her voice warm with memory. “He’d say, ‘The stars gather around the Moon so that all night, it can watch over the Earth in peace… because it knows it’s surrounded by friends.’ The Moon offers them light, and the stars offer companionship. They work together, so the night feels peaceful.”

Loona raised an eyebrow, but there was a softness to her expression. “You were a kid when he told you that. You’re 17 now. Still believe it?”

Octavia didn’t answer immediately. She understood the question, though. So much had changed. The pressure from her family, her parents’ messy divorce, learning to defend herself against the growing threats to their lives—it had all made her grow up faster than she’d wanted to. She’d become more jaded than she’d care to admit, even though the memories of watching the stars with her dad still brought her comfort. The stars, at least, hadn’t changed.

The stars and the moon. That was something she still had. Something that always felt constant, like her dad’s quiet presence beside her on nights like these. She had always loved how those moments made her feel safe.

Octavia slowly turned her gaze from the sky to meet Loona’s eyes, and a small, sincere smile tugged at her beak. “Yeah… I do.”

Loona felt something shift between them, a shared understanding that didn’t need words. The twinkling stars reflected in Octavia’s eyes, and in Loona’s, the crescent moon shone softly, casting its light over the two of them as they sat together, lost in the quiet peace of the night.

For a moment, they stood in silence, sharing a quiet understanding that went beyond words. It was subtle, but the connection between them was real—rooted not in status or power, but in something much more personal. A shared sense of belonging. A rare kind of companionship that felt… right.

Octavia was the first to break the silence, her voice soft but steady. “When you and your team finish the mission… do you think we could go stargazing? During the Full Moon?”

Loona blinked, caught a little off-guard. Her usual snark softened as she mulled over the offer. “You go stargazing with your dad, right? That’s like… one of the few times you can actually get away from all the bull, huh?”

Octavia nodded.

Loona tilted her head, gesturing toward herself. “And you wanna share that… with me?”


Loona hesitated, processing the weight of the invitation. She wasn’t used to being asked to join in something so personal. “…Oh.” She glanced up at the sky, realizing the Moon was still in its Crescent phase, two weeks from Full. A rare, genuine smile curled on her lips as she nodded. “You know what… yeah. That sounds… kinda nice.”

Their attention drifted back to the sky, a comforting silence settling between them again. Loona’s tail curled protectively around Octavia, a gesture that felt natural. Loona would have to leave soon for the mission, but in that moment, she wanted Octavia to have something to hold onto—something warm, something to remember while she was away. The mission was important, but Loona had no intention of being gone too long. They had to get it done fast, to prove I.M.P’s efficiency. Still, Octavia’s offer meant something. Something big.

Octavia noticed the soft curl of Loona’s tail and, after a moment of hesitation, reached out to run her fingers through the plush fur. A small, contented chirp escaped her, and she smiled, amused by the warmth.

“Heh. Your tail’s really fluffy. And warm,” Octavia remarked with a soft chuckle.

“Yeah, well,” Loona smirked, her usual edge softened by affection as she swiped her snout playfully, “don’t want ya getting’ cold.”

They shared a quiet laugh, the sky above them twinkling as if sharing in the moment.

Behind them, Blitzø and Stolas stood side by side, watching their daughters with expressions of warmth. There was a shared sense of pride between them—seeing Loona and Octavia not only find strength in themselves, but in each other. It was a rare sight, and it meant the world to both of them.

Blitzø gave Stolas a playful nudge with his elbow, grinning. “Ya know, a getaway like that doesn’t sound half bad for us, either. After we wrap up this mission, maybe we could catch up. Haven’t had a proper hangout since we were twerps. A little R&R wouldn’t hurt.”

Stolas chuckled softly, his eyes lingering on Blitzø for a moment longer than usual. “I’d like that.”

His gaze shifted back to Octavia, who looked more at peace than he had seen in a long time. It was rare these days for her to seem this content, and Stolas knew it was because she’d found something special in her friendship with Loona. It had surprised him how quickly they had bonded, how easily they understood each other in ways even he hadn’t expected.

But then again …, Stolas thought with a quiet smile as memories of his own childhood with Blitzø resurfaced. Some bonds don’t need much time to become strong.

The portal stabilized itself, and Millie looked through with a whistle. “Boy oh boy, goin’ back to Earth again! Those fuckers aren’t gonna know what hit em’!”

“Lemme just make sure I have everything…” Moxxie muttered while going through his supply bag.

Blitzø observed the scene for a moment, then turned to Stolas with his arms folded and a smirk creeping across his face. “Well, look at you, hotshot. Opening portals, cutting through all that political bullshit just to help us get past those borders. Really leaning into this whole Prince gig, huh?”

Stolas chuckled, waving a hand dismissively. “Oh, this is merely the least I could do as a member of our new alliance. And as a friend, contributing to your efforts.” He sighed, rubbing his forehead with two fingers. “Of course, the Goetia won’t accept my involvement in this union without a fight. I’ll need to prove my participation is, at the very least, productive.”

Blitzø snorted. “Heh. Makes you realize, like Husk said, even the rich and powerful have their own special brand of bullshit to deal with. Still, you’re holding up pretty damn well. You’ve got the whole powerful, sophisticated thing down, plus you’re pretty smart and skilled to boot. Honestly, even killing it in the dad department. I gotta say—your ex seriously took you for granted.” He leaned closer with a playful smirk, his tail swaying behind him. “You’re a damn catch, Stolas.”

Stolas blinked, his tail feathers ruffling as he turned his head, cheeks flushing. “Oh, stop that. I’m not doing anything that impressive…”

Blitzø grinned wider, his eyes narrowing with a mischievous glint. “Hey, I’m just a guy who calls it like he sees it. I’ll talk shit, sure, but I’ll give credit when it’s earned. And right now…” He reached out, gently taking Stolas’ hand, his voice dipping into something more sultry. “I’m feelin’ like giving you a lot of credit…”

Stolas’ eyes widened, his face turning a deep crimson as he let out a startled hoot. “B-Blitz, perhaps now isn’t the best time! Y-You have a mission to complete, don’t you?” he stammered, trying to maintain some semblance of composure.

Blitzø grinned, undeterred. “We’ve got a whole week for this job. What’s a few more minutes for a little R&R, huh?”

Before Blitzø could pull Stolas in any closer, Loona deadpanned from behind him, grabbing him roughly by the horn. “No. We’re not wasting time with your flirting. Save it for after the job.”

“Ow, okay, okay! Loony, have some mercy!” Blitzø yelped as Loona yanked him through the portal, his feet skidding against the ground. Moxxie sighed and followed, rolling his eyes, while Millie skipped inside, beaming. The portal closed behind them with a shimmer.

Stolas blinked at where the portal had been, then cleared his throat awkwardly and turned to Octavia with a somewhat forced smile. “Well then, they’re on their way! That was… quite the send-off, wouldn’t you say?”

Octavia raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. “Dad, have you ever thought about dating again?”

Stolas almost screeched in surprise, his feathers puffing up. “D-Dating? Via, whatever gave you that idea?!”

“Come on, you know why,” Octavia deadpanned. “You’ve been divorced for ten years. Maybe it’s time you gave it another shot. Who knows? You might actually enjoy it.” With that, she turned, flipping another page in her tome as she walked away.

Stolas stood there, his heart racing. He glanced down at his hand, the memory of Blitzø’s touch still lingering. “Hmm… perhaps,” he murmured to himself, suddenly wondering if Octavia was onto something.

As Husk watched the gang leave, he could only nod. You got this. He thought quietly, in particular to Blitzø and Loona. His empire, Angel Dust's freedom, their own future. A lot was riding on this, and he was betting on their success.

A full day had passed. I.M.P spent the entirety of it preparing as meticulously as they could. As Moxxie said, they weren’t going to allow any sort of last second scenarios.

No. In order to firmly prove their legitimacy, they intended to be done with this, long before the deadline eventually hits.

In a dimly lit room filled with the constant hum of machines, the sounds of whirring gears and hissing hydraulics created an unsettling mechanical symphony. Flickering fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, casting long, twisted shadows over rows of gaunt, pale figures strapped to metal slabs. These were the forgotten—the poor, the abandoned, the downtrodden. The air was thick with the smell of metal, sweat, and something far more sinister.

At the center of it all, two familiar figures moved with casual, sickening indifference.

Lyle Lipton, short and slick in his spotless overcoat, fiddled with the dials on a large control panel. His pencil-thin mustache twitched, and his spiral-shaped goggles reflected the soft, eerie glow of energy being siphoned from the bodies strapped to the slabs. He adjusted his gloves, making sure not a single speck of grime dared tarnish his pristine appearance.

“And voila! Another successful harvest!” Lyle chirped, his tone far too cheery for the horror unfolding around them. He smiled like he was discussing a new business venture instead of draining the life out of countless souls. This was their fourth batch this month.

Loopty Goopty, taller, bulkier, and no less terrifying, let out a deep, rumbling laugh. His handlebar mustache twitched with delight, and the horn-like tufts of hair atop his head swayed as he admired the bright blue liquid being funneled into glass containers neatly lined up on a nearby table.

“Ah, Lyle, it just never gets old, does it?” Loopty’s voice was deep and gleeful as he flicked a switch, sending one of the lifeless bodies wheeling away and replacing it with another poor soul—eyes fluttering, barely clinging to consciousness. “All this delicious energy, and it keeps coming. We’re practically doing them a favor!”

“Absolutely!” Lyle beamed, though the warmth in his grin was as false as his sense of humanity. He stood a little taller, taking a vial of the glowing blue liquid in his hand. “Youth, bottled and refined. Just a little sip of this, and we’ll be back in our prime for another… what? Twenty years? Thirty?”

Loopty rubbed his gloved hands together with a sinister grin, his goggles reflecting the same spiral pattern as Lyle’s. “Maybe more if we push it. Heck, these nobodies sure don’t need it. What’s life worth if you’re poor, powerless, or just pathetic , right?”

Lyle’s laughter rang out, high-pitched and manic as he leaned against the control panel. “Exactly! These idiots don’t even realize they have something worth taking! And us? We’re just… reallocating resources! It’s practically charity! Honestly, they should be thanking us.”

The two burst into laughter, their cackles mixing with the incessant hum of the machines. The sound of vials filling with blue energy punctuated their twisted joy, the containers lined up like prizes from a macabre game.

“Soon enough, we’ll have more than enough to live for centuries ,” Loopty declared, flexing his muscular arms, his youthful appearance the very proof of their horrific success. “We’ll be buying out more companies, taking over even more empires. Hell, we could even start charging the rich for a taste of this. You know they’ll pay whatever we ask to avoid ending up like these pathetic creatures.”

Lyle twirled one of the vials between his fingers, grinning wickedly. “Oh, Loopty, you evil genius. Once we corner the market on eternal youth, we’ll make them pay through the nose. Of course, after we’ve secured enough for ourselves. Can’t let those greedy fools have it all.”

Their laughter rang out again, echoing through the cold, metallic room. But amidst the laughter, a weak cough interrupted the sound—a body on one of the slabs stirred. A man, gaunt and ghostly, managed to pry his eyes open, staring up at the harsh fluorescent lights.

Lyle noticed the movement out of the corner of his eye and turned, his irritation immediately spiking. “Ugh, really? Why isn’t this one knocked out yet?”

Loopty sauntered over, his heavy boots clanging against the floor as he leaned down toward the barely conscious man. “Ah, sometimes they wake up mid-process,” he said, a twisted grin spreading across his face. “I think it’s funny. Look at him—barely hanging on. How’s it feel, pal? Having your life sucked right outta you?”

The man’s lips trembled, his voice a fragile whisper. “P-please… stop… you don’t have to do this…”

Lyle threw his head back and laughed, the high-pitched giggle bouncing off the walls. “Oh, but we do! Look at you. You’re nothing . Do you think anyone cares what happens to someone like you? Do you think we care?”

Loopty straightened, turning back to Lyle with an amused look. “You want me to finish him off, or let the machine do it?”

Lyle waved him off, already bored. “Let the machine handle it. We’ve got better things to focus on, like how we’re going to spend the next hundred years of eternal youth.”

The man’s eyes fluttered shut again as the machine continued its relentless work, siphoning the last of his energy. Lyle and Loopty, completely indifferent, had already moved on to grander schemes.

As the doors slid shut behind them, Loopty glanced back at the rows of bodies—both living and dead—still strapped to the slabs, still feeding the machines. “We really are something, aren’t we?”

Lyle grinned wickedly. “The best, Loopty. The very best.”


The building groaned as the first explosion ripped through the lower floors, sending plumes of smoke and debris shooting into the air like fireworks at a macabre parade. Glass shattered, office furniture tumbled, and panicked screams echoed through the sleek, modern corridors of Riverside Technologies. The rival company had no idea what was coming for them.

Amara, Loopty and Lyle’s personal enforcer, strolled through the chaos with the cold precision of a predator, her boots crunching over broken glass and smoldering drywall. She didn’t blink as employees scrambled for the exits, their panic fueling her like gasoline to a fire.

“So noisy,” she muttered, her lips twitching in mild annoyance.

A flick of her wrist, and BOOM —another explosion rocked the building from above. Chunks of ceiling collapsed, burying several unlucky souls beneath a mountain of debris. Amara didn’t even flinch.

“Get the harvesters into position,” she barked over her shoulder to her crew, the Dyno Pyre—black-clad mercenaries who moved like wraiths through the wreckage. “Drain every last one of them before this place turns to ash.”

The strike team got to work, moving with eerie efficiency. They planted sleek, black devices that hummed with a sinister energy, the kind that made your skin crawl just being near it. Workers coughed, bleeding and stumbling through the smoke, some in shock, others too scared to move. Didn’t matter. They’d all be corpses soon enough.

Amara reached the heart of the destruction, her icy gaze sweeping over the huddled masses of Riverside’s employees. These weren’t just victims—they were resources . And she was here to claim every last drop of their pathetic, mortal essence.

With a snap of her fingers, the first harvester powered up, and a sickly green light engulfed a cluster of trembling workers. Their screams filled the air as their bodies withered and shriveled, their very life force siphoned into the gleaming canisters. They hit the ground as empty, lifeless husks.

Amara’s eyes flickered with brief satisfaction, though her expression remained as cold as ever. This was just another day at the office—another step in honing her powers. The lives she snuffed out? Meaningless, except for what they could offer her.

“Pathetic,” she muttered as the next harvester roared to life, mechanical tendrils snapping out and latching onto a new set of victims. “Let’s wrap this up.”

Security finally made their appearance, guns drawn as they charged through the smoke. Amara smiled—a wicked, devilish grin—her fingers twitching in anticipation.

“Oh, you boys are adorable,” she purred, raising her hand. The ground beneath them erupted, sending bodies flying like ragdolls. Glass rained down, fire sparked, and the whole floor trembled as she stepped forward, flames flickering around her hands.

“You’re gonna have to try harder than that!” Amara cackled, launching another explosion that sent the remaining guards crashing into walls like broken dolls.

“Clear the area!” one of the security team managed to shout, his voice ragged with fear. “Evacu—”

He never finished. A quick snap of her fingers, and his body was obliterated in a burst of flame and energy, leaving nothing but ash and debris.

“Hmm. That one was a bit sloppy,” Amara mused, inspecting the spot where the man once stood. “Need to work on my precision.” Her tone was detached, like she was critiquing a bad cup of coffee, not the lives she was obliterating. One guard tried to sneak up behind her, but with a flick of her wrist, he was launched through a wall. She snickered. “Ha! Look at him fly!”

The Dyno Pyre mowed down anyone who dared move, their blades flashing in the smoke-filled air, cutting through the terrified survivors like paper. The building was falling apart by the minute, but they operated like clockwork—no mercy, no hesitation.

Another explosion ripped through the office, and half the building began to collapse in on itself. Amara watched with mild interest as the walls buckled and fell, sending more debris crashing down.

Her earpiece crackled to life, and Lyle’s gratingly cheerful voice cut through the chaos. “Amara, darling! How’s the harvest? We’re positively giddy to see the results!”

Amara didn’t bother with small talk. “It’s done. Your little competitors are fertilizer now, and the harvesters are full.” She glanced at the glowing canisters of stolen life force, her expression flat.

“Ah, magnificent! You’re as efficient as ever!” Lyle chirped, his excitement almost infectious—if she cared.

“Just have my payment ready,” Amara replied, rolling her eyes. “You know I’m not interested in your games.”

“Of course, of course, dear!” Lyle’s voice sing-songed through the line. “As long as we get what we want, you’ll get exactly what you’re owed.”

Amara smirked, surveying the carnage around her with a bored glance. “Good. Because next time, I want a real challenge.”

She cut the line, flexing her fingers as raw power surged through her. The building was a crumbling disaster, the workers reduced to shriveled corpses, and the strike force was already retreating with their spoils.

With one last look at the chaos she’d created, Amara snapped her fingers, sending one final explosion up through the remaining structure.

“Now, that’s how you leave an impression,” she muttered, stepping over the rubble as the building collapsed in on itself behind her.

She strode through the wreckage, her gaze cold, already craving her next challenge. But first…

Amara sat lazily in the corner of a dingy little diner, her boots propped up on the sticky table like she owned the place. A half-eaten slice of chocolate cake sat in front of her, and for just a fleeting moment, the notorious enforcer of Loopty and Lyle allowed herself a break from turning people into fireworks. Humming softly, she took another bite, the rich, velvety texture melting in her mouth.

Every so often, a gal just needed a little sugar fix to get through the day.

The waitstaff buzzed nervously around her, casting glances at her scorched leather jacket, the faint smell of smoke that lingered in the air, and the way her gloved fingers crackled with subtle, barely-contained energy. They didn’t know who she was—probably—but they knew she was trouble. But damn, she was humming. It really was a good cake.

“Uh, another refill, ma’am?” the waitress stammered, holding the coffee pot with trembling hands, desperately trying not to spill.

Amara glanced up, her icy blue eyes locking onto the poor woman, who froze like a deer in headlights. Amara shrugged, sliding her mug forward. “Sure, why not?”

The waitress nearly tripped over herself getting away, and Amara smirked. “Hey, careful there! Hate for you to crack your head open before you get my coffee.”

She dug her fork back into the cake, savoring another bite while her eyes lazily scanned the room. Families chattered over greasy plates of diner food, a couple nervously navigated their first date, people scrolled through their phones, completely oblivious to the walking powder keg sitting just a few feet away. The ticking time bomb that could go off at any second—literally.

She sighed contentedly, wiping her mouth with a napkin before tossing it onto the plate. “Alright,” she muttered to herself, stretching with a languid ease. “Back to the grind.” She slapped a few crumpled bills on the table. “Keep the change,” she said aloud, though no one seemed brave enough to approach. She stood up, walking casually toward the door when someone rudely bumped into her, hard enough to knock her slightly off balance.

“Watch it, bitch,” the guy grumbled, storming past her like he owned the place. He looked like the kind of guy whose day went from bad to worse, taking it out on the world.

Amara’s eyes flicked over to him for a second, narrowing with a spark of irritation. But then she shrugged, a slow, cheerful smile creeping across her face. “My bad.”

She pushed open the door, stepping out onto the sidewalk, pausing for a brief moment. The cold, crisp air filled her lungs as her smile widened. Without even bothering to look back, she raised her hand, her fingers sparking with crackling energy, and snapped.


The diner exploded behind her in a magnificent blaze of fire, shattered glass, and twisted metal, the entire building collapsing in on itself with a thunderous roar. The screams inside were instantly silenced, buried beneath rubble and flames. The man who’d bumped into her? Not a sound.

Amara didn’t even flinch, walking away as if the explosion were nothing more than a distant firework show. The flames reflected in her cold blue eyes as she casually brushed a bit of dust off her jacket. This one felt different—more finesse, more control, and a bigger bang. She was getting better at this.

She chuckled to herself, her hands slipping into her pockets. “Great cake, even sweeter coffee,” she muttered. Then, with a smirk, she added, “Pity about the patrons, though. They really oughta learn how to unwind after a long day.”

As she disappeared into the night, the glowing inferno behind her lit up the skyline, but Amara didn’t bother to look back.

The town simmered with an eerie, tense quiet. People shuffled about, heads down, trying to pretend like things were normal—like the strange and chaotic times Earth was currently going through weren’t gnawing at their nerves. But normal? Yeah, that ship had sailed a long time ago. The supernatural wasn’t hiding in the shadows anymore. Hell was getting real loud these days, and everyone knew it.

Especially when Amara’s goons had the town on lockdown.

Her mercenaries patrolled the streets like vultures, keeping anyone from leaving. The message was clear: try to slip away early, and things wouldn’t end well for you.

One unlucky woman tried anyway. The crack of a rifle butt hitting her skull echoed down the street.

“You deaf or just stupid?” the merc growled, towering over her, a cruel smirk on her face as she aimed her rifle, the barrel crackling with demonic energy. “You’re not going anywhere. Got that? Or do we need to make an example out of you?”

“N-No! Please! I wasn’t trying to leave, I swear!” the woman whimpered, trembling as she stared down the glowing barrel.

Before the merc could make her next move, a gunshot rang out.

The woman flinched, expecting the worst—only to feel the warm spray of blood land on her dress. Slowly, she looked up, her eyes wide in shock. The mercenary was slumped on the ground beside her, a bullet hole clean through her head.

"...Am I... saved?"

The other mercenaries barely had time to react.

“Hey! What the hell—"


Three more shots, and three more bodies hit the pavement before they could finish the thought.

Up on a nearby rooftop, Moxxie exhaled slowly, lowering his sniper rifle. He watched as the woman scrambled away, safe for now. But he knew it wouldn’t be long before Amara’s crew caught wind of him. Demonic energy signatures had been all over the place, and he’d already taken down four. This was just the beginning.

He glanced around, scanning the rooftops for his next move. “Alright, time to get to work…” With a deep breath, Moxxie readied himself. “Here we go…”

And with that, he moved, slipping into the shadows, ready for the next shot.

Bullets flew the second Moxxie made his move, just like he figured they would. But honestly? Didn’t matter. He was a hell of a better shot than these idiots.

Ducking behind cover, Moxxie avoided the barrage from the nearby Dyna Pyre mercenaries, his mind working in overdrive. Quick and clean, that’s how he liked it. He popped out for a few seconds, steadying his aim before pulling the trigger. BANG. A bullet tore through one merc’s neck. BANG. Another dropped with a hole in his heart. BANG. Clean headshot.

Six of them down in under a minute.

Usually, Moxxie would’ve preferred a more subtle approach—y’know, finesse. But they were on a timer, and he didn’t have time to play around. This was a get-in, get-out, leave-no-survivors kind of mission. No dragging things out, no unnecessary risks.

This was too important to screw up. So, he kept moving, kept firing, each shot precise and lethal.

No room for mistakes. Not today.

Across the city, Millie was having the time of her life.

Humans fighting each other? A perfect distraction. One of the Dyna Pyre goons had just blown a group of cops to smithereens with a fiery blast of demonic power, sending the rest of the police scrambling, trying to get civilians out of the way. Poor guys never stood a chance. But hey, at least they were keeping the innocent folks busy, which made Millie’s job a whole lot easier.

Perched on a rooftop, Millie scanned the chaos below with a wicked grin. She wasn’t like Moxxie—no hesitation here. But, out of respect for her husband’s “careful” approach, she’d held back long enough to let the noncombatants clear out.

But now? All bets were off.

“Let’s see here,” she muttered to herself, cocking a hip and pointing with a finger. “Who am I gonna mess up first?” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Eenie, meenie, minie…” Her eyes lit up as she spotted her target. “Oh yeah, you’ll do just fine.” She launched herself off the rooftop without a second thought.

Millie landed like a lightning strike, right on top of an unsuspecting merc who was too busy firing at the cops to notice her. She hopped onto his shoulders, her tail wrapping around his neck as she drove her knife straight through his skull with a satisfying shunk! The body dropped instantly, and Millie barely had time to pull her knife free before she spotted her next victim.

“Gotcha!” she chirped, flinging the knife straight into another merc’s skull. The body hadn’t even hit the ground before she dashed past, her tail yanking the knife back into her hand. She grinned, eyes gleaming as she leaped at another Dyna Pyre member, driving her blade into his chest with a sickening crack.

Now they were starting to notice her.

“What the hell is that?!” one of the mercs shouted, his eyes wide.

Millie winked, flicking some blood off her blade. “Just a little ol’ Hell demon, sugar. Thanks for noticin’.”

That’s when the bullets started flying. Millie deflected a few, dodged the rest, her movements a graceful blur as she danced through the chaos. These guys were decent with demonic energy, sure—but not good enough. She weaved between shots, spun, and launched herself forward, punching one of the mercs square in the chest. His armor caved with a crunch, and he was sent flying, crashing through a truck like it was made of cardboard.

“Oops, did I do that?” she teased, whipping out her axe and leaping into the air. Her grin widened, eyes gleaming with savage delight as she brought the axe down in one powerful slash. The sheer force of the swing sent a shockwave through the air, slicing through a whole line of mercenaries in one go.

She whistled, watching as the bodies fell apart like dominoes.

“They’re playin’ with a power they don’t understand,” Millie said to herself, tapping her forehead. “But this is what real demonic strength looks like.” She grinned, twirling her axe as she skipped off to find her next batch of victims. “Golly, they just ain’t cut out for this.”

Blitzø wasn’t exactly having the time of his life, but it wasn’t a cakewalk either.

“Damn it, they’re all over the place,” Blitzø grunted, ducking behind cover as bullets whizzed by. “These guys are serious. Well, so am I.”

He snuck around, weaving through the chaos, his tail flicking a knife that hit one of the mercs right through the neck. Quick as a flash, his flintlock pistol was out, and BANG—another one down, shot straight through the chest. The trick was to keep them scattered, take ‘em down before they had a chance to regroup or tap into their demonic energy powers. Blitzø knew the game. Hit hard, hit fast.

He rolled to the next cover, pulling out his shotgun and blasting a guy in the chest. Without even pausing, he swung around and fired again, this time right through the head of the merc behind him.

Before he could celebrate, a mercenary managed to land a shot. The projectile hit nearby, exploding with a fiery burst that sent Blitzø flying into a wall.

“Ugh…” Blitzø groaned, rubbing his head. “They’re getting way too good at infusing that energy into their ammo…” He blinked and looked up, his vision still a little blurry. And there it was.

The merc had him dead to rights, standing over him with a gun aimed straight at his head.

Blitzø’s mind raced through a dozen different scenarios on how to handle this. Naturally, he picked the best one.

“Soooooo…” Blitzø cooed, suddenly lying on his side, propping his head up with one hand as he twirled his finger on the ground in front of him. He gave the merc a flirty smile, batting his eyelashes, his tail flicking suggestively. “That gun’s cocked and ready. Guess that means you’re happy to see me, huh? Think I’m cute enough for ya to unload right into me?”

The merc blinked, utterly baffled by Blitzø’s sudden come-on, lowering the gun ever so slightly in confusion. And that was all the opening needed.

A shadow loomed behind the merc, and before he could react, Loona pounced with a vicious growl, her claws digging into his sides. She opened her jaws wide and—


Blitzø winced as Loona’s jaws snapped shut, crushing the guy’s head like a watermelon. Blood, bone, and brain matter splattered everywhere, and Loona casually tossed the headless body aside like it was a piece of trash. She spat out a chunk of viscera, glaring down at Blitzø, hands on her hips.

Blitzø flashed a cheeky grin. “Good save, sweetie.”

Loona wasn’t amused. “What the fuck was that?” she snapped, jerking her thumb at the headless corpse while keeping her other hand on her hip.

Blitzø pursed his lips, shrugging. “I was in the middle of a process?”

Loona groaned, pinching the bridge of her snout. “What. Did I tell you. About flirting on the job?” Blitzø opened his mouth to answer, but Loona cut him off, raising her hand. “During a job that doesn’t require that kind of distraction?”

Blitzø slumped, his tail drooping. “Not to do it…”

Loona shook her head, clearly fed up, but still muttering, “Idiot…” under her breath as she scanned the area for more targets. Blitzø couldn’t help but chuckle. She saved his ass—and honestly, he couldn’t be prouder. Loona pointed firmly to the ground. “Stay here. Don’t need your dumbass getting shot again. This won’t take long.”

“Kay!” Blitzø chirped, flashing a peace sign and settling in like he was about to watch a show.

Meanwhile, the mercenaries of Dyno Pyre were starting to realize something was seriously off. Their comms were going dead, and they could feel the tension rising. They powered up their demonic abilities, ready for a fight.

They were about to get one.

Loona landed on all fours, her fangs bared in a snarl, tail swaying like a predator ready to pounce. Her glowing red eyes locked onto the mercs, and they trained their guns on her, fear creeping into their voices.

“What are you?!” one of them yelled, eyes wide with panic.

“Out of your league,” Loona growled, before launching herself at them with terrifying speed.

The nearest merc didn’t even have time to scream before Loona’s jaws snapped shut around his head, crushing it like a soda can. Blood sprayed, and she was already onto the next two, slashing through their throats in one swift motion, leaving them gasping for air that wouldn’t come. Her body shimmered as shadow magic enveloped her, enhancing her speed, making her a blur of claws and fangs.

Gunfire erupted, but Loona dodged most of the shots with ease, and the few that came close were deflected by her claws with effortless precision. She sprinted forward and punched a merc so hard he was sent flying through a nearby building like a ragdoll. Without missing a beat, she flipped over another, landing with a vicious axe kick that cratered his skull into the ground.

One of the last mercs tried to raise his gun, only for Loona to slice it clean in half with a single swipe of her claw. Her other hand was already wrapped around his throat, her grip tightening as flames of hellish blue ignited in her eyes.

“You’re shit at using energy you don’t understand,” Loona sneered, rolling her eyes. “Honestly, how could anyone have seen that coming?”

With a casual flick of her wrist, she set the poor bastard ablaze in a burst of blue flames and tossed him into his comrades. The remaining mercs opened fire in desperation, but their bullets melted mid-air, vaporized by the intense heat of Loona’s flames.

Loona raised her claws to her face, shadows swirling around them as her red eyes glowed from between her fingers. “Eyesores.” With a slash, she sent a wave of darkness cutting through the air, cleaving through a line of ten mercenaries in one clean swipe.

Their stunned silence was her opening.

Loona dashed forward on all fours, ripping through the remaining mercenaries like a beast unleashed. She slashed their throats, tore out hearts, and even bit clean through a few unlucky souls. Her claws shredded through their armor like it was paper, and within moments, the battlefield was littered with the broken bodies of Dyno Pyre’s finest.

Blitzø popped up from his cover with an enthusiastic cheer. “Loony domination! The only sure truth!”

Loona flicked the gore off her claws with a bored expression, her eyes narrowing as she sniffed the air. She turned toward an estate in the distance, feeling the concentrated surge of demonic energy. “These guys were weak,” she muttered. “Which means the real threats are probably holed up in there.”

Just then, Moxxie and Millie caught up. Moxxie surveyed the carnage Loona had left in her wake, nodding with approval. Millie glanced between the devastation she’d caused and the mess Loona had made, giving a satisfied whistle.

“That’s over half our quota marked down already,” Moxxie said, checking his clipboard. “We’re making excellent progress.”

“And we know where we’re gonna get the rest!” Millie chimed in, hefting her axe with a grin. “Let’s move!”

The group pressed onward, leaving a trail of destruction behind them as they zeroed in on their next target, ready for the real challenge ahead.

They were well into their second night.

It wouldn’t be long before they reached the estate, appearing from a swirl of Loona’s shadows. And from the outwards looking in, it didn’t seem all that suspicious. It looked like the kind of estate people buy just to show off how much wealthier they were compared to everyone else. But Moxxie knows better this time around than to trust a sight like that upfront, not without further confirmation.

“I’m sensing a lot of demonic energy here. Ain’t no question about it.” Loona glared, with her ears twitching every now and then. “I don’t know what these fuckers have been doing here, but it’s nothing that’s going to help us.

“Right. I thinks we can skip the subtle approach. We killed some of their subordinates; they’re sure to already know we’re here.

The tension In the air was thick as I.M.P. approached the grand estate, Loona’s ears twitching as she sniffed the air. Something felt off, and the further they moved in, the more her instincts screamed at her. Suddenly, she caught a whiff of something acrid, a surge of demonic energy making the fur on her neck stand on end.

Her eyes widened as she heard the faint whistling sound of something fast approaching. “Take cover!” she roared, her voice sharp and commanding. She didn’t wait for a response as she dove to the side, just as a deafening explosion erupted where they had been standing moments before.

The blast tore through the courtyard, sending chunks of debris flying in every direction. The force of the explosion scattered the group, separating them amidst the chaos. Loona rolled to a stop, her body tense, scanning her surroundings as dust and debris clouded the air.

Blitzø and Moxxie weren’t so lucky. The explosion had caught them mid-dash, and the concussive force sent them sprawling. Blitzø groaned, clutching his side as he forced himself to his feet, a trail of blood leaking from a cut on his temple. Moxxie was on his knees, wincing as he pressed a hand to his shoulder, which had taken the brunt of the explosion.

Before they could fully recover, Loona’s ears twitched again. Another surge of demonic energy. She heard the explosion launched directly toward her. She held up her arms to block. This time, it hit its mark.

The blast threw Loona through the iron gates with a sickening crack, her body crashing into the ground as sparks of demonic energy flared around her. She gritted her teeth, pain searing through her body, but her eyes shot open, narrowing as she pushed herself to her feet. In front of her, emerging from the estate, was a woman with cold, calculating eyes, surrounded by an aura of raw, volatile power.

“Well, I didn’t think demons would be showing up at my client’s doorstep,” the woman, Amara, sneered, her voice smooth but dripping with eagerness. “But it’ll give me something new to hone my powers against.”

Loona growled, her fangs bared as she wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth. Her eyes locked onto the woman, and she could immediately sense it—this wasn’t just some mercenary. The sheer force and output of the demonic energy radiating off her rivaled that of an Overlord .

Cracking her neck, she stood up and spits the blood from her mouth. She’s the boss of these losers. Loona realized.

Amara’s power was immense, far beyond what any human should have been capable of wielding. Loona remembered Stolas’ warning about humans with this kind of power—those who took advantage of the blurred boundaries between Hell and Earth. She’s one of those humans , Loona thought, her muscles tensing. Walking around with that kinda power is gonna bring more idiots to try and manipulate Hell’s energy. What a fucking pain in the ass.

The battlefield around the estate was pure chaos—bullets whizzing, explosions rocking the ground, and the never-ending sound of Dyna Pyre’s soldiers prepping for another assault. Blitzø and Moxxie were pinned down behind a crumbling stone wall, barely catching their breath.

“Dammit, we’re sitting ducks out here!” Moxxie barked, his nerves shot as he reloaded his gun. More soldiers were advancing, their weapons crackling with demonic energy. The second they peeked out, another barrage of gunfire tore up the ground around them.

Blitzø, gritting his teeth, glanced toward the estate where Loona had been thrown earlier. “Shit! We’re split up!” He snarled, frustration etched into every syllable. “This day just keeps getting better!” He dared a quick glance over the wall, only to be met by another hailstorm of bullets. “Yep. Peachy.”

Then, as if things couldn’t get worse, a new sound pierced through the chaos—a screeching, mechanical whine followed by heavy, ominous footsteps. Blitzø and Moxxie turned in unison to see Lyle and Loopty strutting toward them, both glowing with that sickening, red demonic energy.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Moxxie muttered, fumbling with his reload. “Because that’s just what we needed today.”

Lyle approached, grinning like he’d just won the lottery, a pistol in one hand, a circular saw in the other, and a shotgun floating behind him, crackling with ominous red lightning. “Oh, this is perfect, Loopty!” he cackled. “Demons like you generate energy naturally. We could drain you two forever and never run out!”

Loopty, right behind him, chuckled like a villain in a B-movie, his mechanical tentacles extending from his back, glowing with that same red demonic power. “Yes, yes! Think of it—an endless supply of pain to suck from you! We’re going to build an empire with you two as our eternal batteries!”

Blitzø blinked, his face blank before a devilish grin broke across his face. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! You’re gonna suck me forever?!” He struck a dramatic pose, hand on his hip, wagging a finger. “And you’re gonna skip the dinner date? Rude.”

“SIR!” Moxxie hissed, barely able to keep his composure. “FOCUS!”

Blitzø sighed, rolling his eyes as he reloaded. “Yeah, yeah, back to the murder.”

Before they could regroup, Loopty’s tentacles shot forward with a sharp metallic screech, aiming straight for Blitzø. He just managed to roll out of the way, the tentacles slamming into the ground with a teeth-rattling crunch. Blitzø whipped around, firing off a few shots, but the bullets pinged harmlessly off the metallic limbs. “Oh, for the love of—!” He didn’t finish before a tentacle slammed into his ribs, sending him flying backward.

On the other side, Moxxie was gunning for Lyle. “You’re going down, you twisted piece of—!” But Lyle was faster. He flicked his wrist, sending the circular saw spinning straight toward Moxxie, who barely dove out of the way before the saw nearly took his head off. And as Moxxie hit the ground, a shotgun blast tore a crater in the ground where he had been a second ago. “Shit!” Moxxie groaned, clutching his side where the shotgun had grazed him. “Sir! We’re in way over our heads here!”

Blitzø grunted as Loopty’s tentacles wrapped around his leg, yanking him into the air like a ragdoll. “You’re gonna make a fine little battery,” Loopty declared, his grin widening. “I could drain you for years .”

“Yeah, yeah, cool idea, Poopty—”

LOOOOOPTY! ” the man screeched, furious.

“Whatever, anyway, here’s a rebuttal.” Blitzø raises his pistol and firing point-blank into Loopty’s smug face. The barrier protected him, but the blast still sent Loopty staggering back, his tentacles loosening just enough for Blitzø to drop back to the ground. Blitzø hit the dirt with a thud, only to have one of Loopty’s tentacles slam into his ribs again, knocking him into a wall. “Ugh… he rebutted my rebuttal…also, I think he hated me butchering his name.” So of course he thinks of doing it again, just to fuck with him.

Meanwhile, Lyle had Moxxie pinned, the saw spinning menacingly close as his shotgun hovered ominously behind him. “Give it up, imp. You’re out of your league.”

Moxxie, breathless but defiant, tightened his grip on his gun. “We don’t give up,” he snarled through gritted teeth. “Not now, not ever.”

Blitzø, battered but far from out, staggered back to his feet, a cocky grin spreading across his face. “Looks like we’re gonna have to do this the hard way, Mox.”

“As usual,” Moxxie grumbled, reloading his gun with a pained wince as they prepared for round two.

The battlefield was chaos. Loona’s shadows danced with blue flames, each strike crackling against Amara’s demonic explosions. The air shook with the force of their clashes, the ground beneath them scorched and scarred from the sheer intensity of their battle. Amidst the destruction, Amara’s men took shots whenever they thought Loona wasn’t looking, their bullets and blasts forcing her to divide her attention.

With a snarl, Loona cleaved through one of the mercenaries, her claws slicing effortlessly through armor and bone. But that small victory was short-lived as Amara, taking advantage of Loona’s distraction, hurled another explosion her way. The blast hit hard, knocking Loona back, flames licking at her fur. She landed hard, skidding across the ground and growling in pain. Her muzzle dripped with blood, and she wiped it off with the back of her paw, glaring at Amara with fiery rage.

Amara grinned wickedly, her eyes gleaming with cruel satisfaction. “Is this how true demons fight?” she taunted, her voice dripping with mockery as she closed in. Loona braced herself for another attack, her body tense, but before she could react, Millie came barreling in from the side, her ax raised and ready to strike.

“Back off!” Millie roared, swinging her weapon with deadly precision. Amara’s reflexes were quick, though. She dodged the blow just enough and countered with an explosive punch to Millie’s face, sending the imp flying backward with bone-rattling force.

“Shit!” Loona’s eyes widened, and without a second thought, she dashed forward, her body dissolving into a trail of shadows. She reached Millie just in time, catching her mid-air and retreating with her into the cover of a nearby wall. The two of them crouched behind the rubble, trying to catch their breath as Amara’s men regrouped in the distance.

Millie spat blood onto the ground, her fury evident in her clenched fists and the wild look in her eyes. “I heard what those shitheads were sayin’ about Blitz and Mox!” she growled, voice thick with anger. “They’re gonna drain ‘em of their energy!” Her eyes flared with a possessive glint. “Never mind that I’m the only one allowed to do that with my husband!” She snarled, gripping her ax tightly.

Loona’s mind was racing, her heart pounding in her chest. She had faced dangerous situations before, but this was different. Amara’s power was overwhelming—rivaling that of an Overlord . The mercenaries were relentless, and despite Loona’s strength, she couldn’t focus on Amara alone with her constant need to fend off these soldiers. Her frustration was beginning to boil over. If I can take Amara down, it’ll be a good stepping stone. It’ll prove that I have what it takes to take on Killjoy. But…

Her thoughts flickered to Blitzø. She had heard how Lyle and Loopty intended to exploit him, to drain him of his energy for their sick, greedy goals. The same kind of exploitation Blitzø had saved her from when he first adopted her. The memories clawed at her mind. She wasn’t going to lose him—not after everything he’d done for her.

But now they were pinned down, Amara’s raw power keeping them at bay. And Blitzø was still out there, fighting for his life against humans who wanted to use him the way others had tried to use her.

The weight of the situation pressed down on Loona. She wasn’t a stranger to losing fights. She’d been knocked down more times than she cared to count. But those losses only ever put her in danger. Now, Blitzø—her dad —was in danger too, and this harlot and her mercenaries were blocking her from reaching him.

Gunfire echoed in the distance, boots pounding against the wreckage like war drums. Amara’s goons were coming in fast, and they weren’t screwing around anymore. These assholes had figured out they were dealing with actual demons now, and they were rolling in with enough firepower to prove it.

Loona’s mind was a mess, spinning like crazy. Think, Loona! Fucking think! Her claws dug into the dirt as her tail flicked erratically. “Fix this shit, Loona! Don’t screw this up!” she snarled at herself, her frustration bubbling over. With a growl, she slammed her fist into the ground, leaving a nice crater behind. Not that it helped much.

Millie, still revved up from the fight, caught Loona in her spiral. For a second, she saw past all the snarling and growling, right to the rookie underneath. Loona was tough, no doubt the most powerful of the quartet, but she was also still the youngest. And that inexperience, that doubt? It was like an invisible weight, and Millie knew it all too well. But there was no way in hell she was letting Loona drown in that shit.

“Hey!” Millie’s voice sliced through the chaos like one of her knives, sharp and clean. She stomped over, giving Loona a solid nudge with her boot. “Look at me, Loo. Forget about those dickheads. Focus .”

Loona’s ears twitched as she blinked up at Millie, eyes wide. For once, her usual confidence had taken a nosedive, and she looked like she was hanging on by a thread.

“We’re gonna push through this, alright?” Millie’s voice was steady, but it carried that fire she was known for, burning hot even in the middle of all this madness. “Yeah, we’re up to our necks in it, but trust me—this ain’t the end. You and me? We’ll find a way.” Millie straightened, puffing out her chest, wearing that classic Millie grin. She leaned down and gave Loona a playful flick to the forehead. “You and me, girl? We’ve got something in common. You’re one tough-ass hellhound. And me? Well, I’m about as headstrong as they come. And believe me when I say this—there ain’t anything out there that can stop a woman who’s dead-set on kicking ass.”

Loona blinked again, a bit stunned, but Millie’s words hit like a punch to the gut—in a good way. Loona flicked her tail and rubbed her forehead where Millie had tapped her, a flicker of a smirk creeping in.

“…Yeah,” Loona muttered, her red eyes sharpening with newfound focus. Hell yeah. She wasn’t about to roll over and let these goons win.

There’s a time for anger to burn like fire, destroy like darkness, and flow like water. Octavia’s words whispered through her mind, grounding her in the moment. When it comes to water magic, channel that anger into concentration. Allow it to be tranquil, flexible, and adaptable…

Loona closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She imagined the moon, serene but powerful, its pull on the tides steady and unwavering. She let herself sink into that feeling, deeper and deeper into an ocean of concentration. Her anger simmering just below the surface—controlled, focused, dangerous.

Just like that, her innate understanding deepened.

Millie’s eyes widened wit wonder as shimmering orbs of water materialized around Loona, orbiting her like a protective barrier. Loona stood up, calm as hell but carrying the weight of a wrecking ball behind her cool expression. Without a word, she reached out and touched Millie’s axe, shadows wrapping around it like dark tendrils. The weapon crackled with energy, glowing with a sinister, almost deadly pulse.

“Oho! Millie like!” Millie’s grin stretched wide, twirling her axe as the shadows extended its reach. That blade was now sharper, nastier—ready to tear through anything in its way.

Loona stepped out from behind cover, her movements deliberate, calculated. Amara’s goons halted for a second, their confidence faltering. Something about Loona was different now—colder, but way more dangerous. Amara, standing a few yards away, noticed it too. Her eyes narrowed as she took in Loona’s calm demeanor. The hellhound was like the surface of a still lake—quiet, serene, but ready to unleash hell beneath the surface.

Loona’s voice was low, almost casual. “I needed some practice with my water magic,” she growled, her eyes never leaving Amara’s forces. “No better practice than some live targets.” She raised her hand, water swirling around her claws. “So do me a solid… and drop dead.

With a flick of her wrist, the orbs of water shot forward, slamming into Amara’s soldiers with a wet, bone-crunching force. The concussive blasts sent bodies flying, crashing into each other, collapsing under the pressure.

Loona didn’t stop. Her claws slashed through the air, sending sharp waves of water hurtling toward the remaining soldiers, slicing through them with clean, surgical precision. Their attempts to fire back were laughable—their bullets and demonic energy blasts bounced off the water barrier Loona had effortlessly summoned around herself.

Loona’s face was unreadable, but the fury boiling behind her eyes was unmistakable. Not the usual explosive rage she carried—but something deeper, more focused. She was adapting.

The mercs scrambled, trying to recover, their weapons flaring with demonic energy as they fired a barrage of blasts in Loona’s direction. Before they could even get close, Millie bolted out from the shadows, her axe a blur. The shadow-enhanced weapon sliced through the explosions like they were made of air, sending dark, slashing waves that tore through the earth and cut down the soldiers as if they were made of paper.

Millie blinked, momentarily surprised by the sheer force of her attacks. Then, a wild grin spread across her face. “Holy shit, this is awesome! ” she cackled, her voice filled with manic glee as she swung her axe again, carving deep trenches in the ground and cutting through more of Amara’s men.

Loona’s eyes narrowed, laser-focused on the battlefield. The hit count was racking up, and at this rate, they’d blow past their 100-hit quota without even breaking a sweat.

Time to overachieve.

Amara stood a few yards away, watching as her soldiers dropped like flies. She grunted, her lips curling into a wicked grin. “Well, don’t you look all calm and collected now,” she sneered, her voice dripping with smug amusement. “Didn’t think you’d cool off that quick. Thought you were mad as hell.”

Loona’s red eyes snapped onto her, glowing with deadly intent. “I am pissed,” she growled, her voice low and sharp, barely keeping her fury in check. More water swirled around her, orbiting like it was part of her, deadly and precise. Her claws flexed as she locked onto Amara. “I’m just channeling it.” Her voice went colder, darker, sending a chill through the air. “And I’ve decided I’m gonna calmly… slaughter every last one of you.”

Amara’s eyes gleamed with twisted excitement, her demonic power flaring as explosions of red fire crackled from her hands. “Heh. Big talk. Let’s see you back it up.”

Loona raised her arm, water shimmering over her claws, her expression ice-cold, dangerous as the deep sea. Her eyes burned red with pure murderous focus, and the calm in her voice only made it scarier. “Now… how about we tear through all of ‘em? Millie?”

Millie’s grin stretched ear to ear, her tail flicking with anticipation as she spun her shadow-powered axe like it was an extension of her own arm. Her eyes blazed with the thrill of the fight, blood already pumping with excitement. “Oh, fuck yeah.”


Loona and Octavia bonding is one of my favorite things. Like, one of my FAVORITE things to do in this. They're so goth and sweet.

And it also serves the purpose of building upon Stolitz, so it works out!

Hey, it's Lyle and Loopty!

Oh. They're uh...quite a bit meaner with all of their greed, aren't they? Even hired a mercenary to handle the ground stuff.

Doesn't matter, they're all targets. And I.M.P is not giving them the chance to drag this out.

After all, this was for their own sake, Husk's, and Angel Dust.

So there's no choice but to succeed!

Battle continues in Part Two!

Chapter 16: The 100 Kill Mission: Part Two


There are kills.



Ass slaps.


What will be everyone's next move?


So, yeah, once this got going, I couldn;t find a good place to stop that would make me happy...so we have an even longer chapter. Woo.

Lots of things happen in it though, so maybe it'll be worth it?

We'll see.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The battlefield rumbled beneath the intense clash of demonic powers, the air thick with tension and the roar of explosions. Amara grinned wildly, her eyes gleaming with excitement as fiery blasts crackled from her hands, each one aimed directly at Loona. Explosions erupted around them, lighting up the night in flashes of red, casting sharp shadows that flickered across the twisted landscape.

Loona’s eyes burned crimson as the battlefield raged around her, the chaos of demonic energy blasts and slashing water arcs swirling in a deadly dance. Amara stood a few yards away, her lips curled into a wicked grin as she unleashed another wave of explosions. Red-hot blasts tore through the air, the ground trembling beneath their fury.

But Loona wasn’t fazed. She remained in that deadly calm state, eyes narrowed, body braced, her control over the water swirling around her only intensifying. The explosions slammed into her, but each time, the water absorbed the impact, allowing her to slide back on her paws with a quiet persistence, regaining her stance almost immediately.

“Keep pushing, doggy!” Amara’s mocking voice echoed in the air, but Loona didn’t rise to the bait. She didn’t need to. The tension between them, that electric current of battle, said everything that needed to be said.

“You sure love to yap,” Loona growled under her breath. With a flick of her wrist, a deadly arc of water sliced through the air toward Amara. It crashed into one of the fiery explosions, creating a hiss of steam and mist as the two forces collided.

Amara’s grin widened, her hands crackling with demonic power. “Oh, I’m just getting started!” she shouted, launching herself into the air with an explosion of red fire. She dove toward Loona like a missile, her hands blazing as she sent a barrage of demonic energy blasts raining down.

Loona braced herself, her water barrier shimmering as it absorbed most of the hits, but a few broke through. One explosion slammed into her shoulder, the impact forcing her back, but she gritted her teeth, rolling with the blow as the water under her feet allowed her to glide smoothly along the ground. She landed on all fours, the dirt kicking up around her as she pushed back to her feet, blood trickling from her lip.

Amara’s eyes gleamed with excitement as she landed a few feet away. “I like that look in your eyes,” she teased, her voice dripping with smug amusement. “Not many can take a hit like that and still stay standing. Especially not a hellhound.”

Loona wiped the blood from her lip, her eyes cold and deadly. “Yeah, well, I’m not most hellhounds,” she snarled. Water surged around her, building up at her feet, her claws flexing in anticipation.

With a swift motion, she thrust her hand forward, sending a razor-sharp wave of water slicing through the air. Amara barely had time to dodge, the water grazing her arm as it tore through the mercenaries behind her, slicing them down like they were nothing.

Amara’s grin faltered for just a second, a flicker of surprise in her eyes. “Alright, alright, I’ll admit,” she said, her voice tinged with manic glee. “You’re fun. I haven’t had a fight like this in ages.”

Loona’s response was immediate, sharp and dangerous. “I’m glad you’re having fun. Because I’m going to tear you apart.”

Before Amara could respond, Loona charged, water swirling around her claws as she darted across the battlefield with lightning speed. Amara reacted just in time, sending a wave of demonic fire crashing toward Loona. The explosion rocked the ground, but Loona ducked low, sliding through the blast with her water, her body flowing like liquid as she dodged each incoming attack. She was relentless, her strikes swift and precise, forcing Amara to stay on the defensive.

Amara’s laughter rang out as she jumped back, firing more blasts. “You’re not bad, doggy, but you’re not gonna take me down that easy!” She twirled her fingers, and a massive explosion erupted from her hands, sending a shockwave across the battlefield.

Loona growled, her muscles tensing as the wave hit her, but she remained unfazed. Each explosion she endured only fueled her resolve, and the water around her surged with renewed force. She was tougher than Amara—more resilient. And she knew it.

Elsewhere on the battlefield…

Millie was tearing through the mercenaries with wild enthusiasm, her axe cutting through them like they were made of butter. She let out a gleeful cackle as she swung her weapon, sending shadow-enhanced slashes that tore through their ranks.

“Hah! Come on, boys! Don’t slow down now!” Millie shouted, her eyes alight with the thrill of battle. She spun, her axe cleaving through a group of soldiers, sending them flying in all directions. “I’m just getting warmed up!”

The mercenaries tried to regroup, their demonic weapons flaring with energy as they charged Millie, but it was no use. She was too fast, too ruthless. Her axe flashed in the moonlight as she danced between them, her movements fluid and deadly. Every time they thought they had her, she was already gone, leaving a trail of bodies In her wake.

A few brave mercs tried to break away from Millie and rush Loona, but Loona barely even glanced their way. With a flick of her wrist, a water blade shot out, cutting them down before they could get close.

“Thanks, Loona!” Millie called out, her voice cheerful even as she hacked through another wave of enemies. “These guys are weak as hell! You keep the boss busy, I’ll clean up the trash!”

Loona didn’t respond, her focus locked on Amara. Another wave of explosions rocked the battlefield, but Loona ducked under it, water swirling around her in a protective vortex. She darted forward again, her claws flexing as she closed the distance between them.

Amara fired another barrage of demonic blasts, but Loona dodged each one, her movements precise and fluid. As she got closer, Amara’s grin widened in anticipation. “Come on, then! Let’s see what you’ve got!”

Loona’s eyes narrowed, glowing with murderous intent. She was done playing. With a sharp twist, she dodged Amara’s point-blank attack, the explosion missing her by inches. For a split second, Amara’s eyes widened in shock—she hadn’t expected Loona to move that fast.

And that’s when Loona struck.

With a fierce snarl, she slashed her claws through the air, and razor-sharp slices of water followed, cutting through Amara with surgical precision. The force of the attack sent Amara staggering back, her demonic power faltering as she clutched her side, blood seeping through her fingers.

But Loona didn’t stop there. The water blades continued, slicing through the air with brutal efficiency, cutting not just through Amara while gutting her, but through the estate behind her as well. The once-grand building crumbled under the force of Loona’s attack, collapsing into a heap of rubble.

Amara fell to her knees, her breath ragged, her eyes wide with disbelief. “You… You actually—”

Loona stepped forward, her red eyes glowing beneath the crescent moon that now hung high above them. Water dripped from her claws, shimmering in the pale light as she looked down at Amara with a cold, deadly calm.

“I told you,” Loona said, her voice quiet but filled with dangerous finality. “I’m going to slaughter every last one of you.”

Amara grunted, a twisted smile curling on her lips even as blood trickled down her face. “Heh… not bad… doggy…” She utters, before she falls down on her side, lifeless.

With a final, dismissive glance, Loona turned away, her tail flicking as she left Amara lying dead in the rubble. Behind her, the crescent moon shone brightly, casting a haunting glow over the battlefield.

Millie appeared at Loona’s side, her axe resting on her shoulder, a satisfied grin on her face. “Well, that was a blast,” she said, wiping the sweat from her brow. “Didn’t even break a sweat.”


Lyle and Loopty pressed forward with relentless determination, their demonic energy crackling as they fired off more rounds of red-hot blasts. Blitzø and Moxxie ducked behind cover, the ground shaking with each hit. The humans were fueled by an unholy mix of greed and power, their very existence a twisted perversion of demonic magic.

Blitzø reloaded his gun, his eyes darting over to Moxxie. “We gotta hit them where it hurts, Mox. Keep that Poopty distracted while you come up with something smart.”

Moxxie rolled his eyes at Blitzø’s continual mispronunciation of Loopty’s name, but nodded. “I’ve got an idea, sir.”

Moxxie’s gaze snapped to the battlefield, eyeing the fallen mercs. He’d seen them using demonic weapons that were crackling with power—clearly designed for demonkind. A thought sparked in his mind: What if we used their own tools against them?

Without hesitation, he darted out from behind cover and made a beeline for one of the fallen mercs. His hands scrambled through the wreckage until he found it—a demonic rifle, pulsing with energy. He hefted it in his hands, feeling the power surge through him, immediately sensing how much more efficient it was in the grip of an actual demon.

“Perfect,” Moxxie muttered, his usual calm precision settling in. He took aim at Lyle, who was busy chuckling to himself as he strode toward Blitzø, his shotgun spinning menacingly beside him.

Blitzø, meanwhile, had Loopty in his sights. With a smug grin plastered on his face, Blitzø called out, “Hey, Poopty! Your face is still as punchable as ever!”

LOOOPTY! ” the human screeched, veins popping in his forehead as his tentacles flared with energy, ready to strike. Blitzø dodged a metal appendage as it swung toward him, narrowly missing his head, but he kept taunting.

“You sure about that, Poopty ? Sounds like you’re losing your edge!”

Loopty’s fury mounted, his attacks becoming more erratic, more vicious, and that was exactly what Blitzø wanted. The hellhound expertly dodged and ducked under every strike, all the while purposely mispronouncing his name to egg him on.

Meanwhile, Moxxie kept low, creeping closer to Lyle, his new demonic weapon humming with energy. He could feel the weapon’s power flow through him, the synergy between demon and demon-made technology far stronger than anything the humans could handle. He knew this was his best shot at getting through the impenetrable barriers Lyle and Loopty had.

Lyle, noticing Moxxie’s movements, sneered. “Why bother, demon?” he scoffed, his voice dripping with contempt. “Morality? Honor? You’re from Hell. None of that matters. All that matters is power, and we’ve got plenty.”

Loopty, still dodging Blitzø’s barrage of mispronounced insults, cackled in agreement. “With our riches and demonic designs, we’ll live forever! You can’t stop progress!”

Moxxie’s eyes narrowed with cold fury. They literally use the poor to fuel their power and wealth. It wasn’t just greed fueling these humans; it was exploitation. They had built their empire on the backs of the downtrodden, draining them of life to prolong their own twisted ambitions. It was a moral outrage that Moxxie couldn’t forgive. “It’s people like you that give humanity a bad name,” he growled, his grip tightening on the weapon.

Before either of the humans could react, a demonic grenade, plucked from one of the fallen mercs, flew through the air toward them—Blitzø’s handiwork. It detonated with a deafening BOOM , just in front of Lyle and Loopty, sending them both flying backward. Their barriers tanked the blast, but it was clear they were running on fumes. Sparks flew off their protective shields as they flickered, barely holding on.

Blitzø and Moxxie regrouped, standing over the fallen humans, their weapons ready. Lyle and Loopty, for the first time, looked horrified—vulnerable, even. Their once smug expressions melted away into fear as their barriers sputtered out, leaving them exposed.

“You’ve lived long enough,” Moxxie said, his voice cold and precise as he leveled his demonic rifle at Lyle’s head.

Blitzø grinned wickedly, cocking his flintlock gun and aiming it straight at Loopty. “Buy your way outta this , rich boy!” he exclaimed.

With synchronized shots, Moxxie’s bullet pierced through Lyle’s skull, and Blitzø’s flintlock blew open Loopty’s. The two humans collapsed to the ground, their bodies lifeless, blood pooling beneath them.

The battlefield went eerily quiet, the only sound left was the faint crackling of the energy still lingering in the air. Blitzø holstered his gun, glancing down at the mess with a satisfied smirk. “Well, that was fun. Guess immortality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, huh?”

Moxxie wiped the blood from his brow, reloading his weapon with a practiced flick. “Not if you spend it being a colossal piece of garbage.” He paused, glancing at the fallen duo. “They got what they deserved.”

Blitzø chuckled, placing a hand on Moxxie’s shoulder. “Damn straight. Now, let’s go find Loona. I bet she’s already done with her half of the mission.”

With one last look at the defeated bodies of Lyle and Loopty, Blitzø and Moxxie turned and made their way back toward the estate, the night’s chaos slowly dying down around them. They eventually reunited with Loona and Millie, who were similarly covered in blood. “Ladies! How ya been?”

“Coulda been worse!” Millie chirped.

“Coulda been better.” Loona drawled.

Blitzø, standing tall with his fists on his hips, beamed with satisfaction as he surveyed the bloody aftermath. “Well! I can definitely say that was a success!” His voice oozed pride, as if carnage was something to celebrate, which, in their case, it usually was.

“Another fine trip to Earth!” Millie chimed in cheerfully, raising a blood-soaked fist into the air like a victorious gladiator.

“A rather bloody one…” Moxxie added, trying to adjust his tie but only managing to smear more blood across his collar. He rubbed his wrist with a sigh, as if carnage had become as routine as an office meeting.

Loona, meanwhile, was flicking her wrist, sending waves of water over her hands to clean off the mess. “Wait until after we do an exact count,” she muttered, her usual deadpan voice cutting through the group’s cheerful banter.

Blitzø couldn’t help but swell with pride, watching her effortlessly use her water magic. “You’re really getting the hang of this shit, Loony. What about their boss?” he asked, grinning.

Loona smirked, eyes glinting with satisfaction. “Killed her ass.”

Blitzø’s chest puffed up even more as he reached out and scratched behind her ear. “That’s my girl.”

For a moment, Loona closed her eyes, her tail wagging slightly as her feet thumped the ground in a rhythmic little dance. It went on for a bit, the whole group watching as the stoic hellhound leaned into the affection.

“Okay, that’s enough.” Loona deadpanned, grabbing his wrist, though there was a faint smile on her lips. She wasn’t fooling anyone.

Meanwhile, Millie’s eyes had become sultry, practically smoldering as she eyed Moxxie. “My oh my , Moxxie. You sure know how to handle a gun like a dream…”

Moxxie, equally entranced, adjusted his tie with a flushed face, practically panting. “And you know how to make a massacre look so mesmerizing , Millie…”

Before anyone knew what was happening, the two were all over each other—kissing, biting, tongues tangled in the open air, moaning like they’d forgotten they were in a literal field of corpses. Their passion quickly escalated, and they tumbled to the ground, too hot to care about the carnage surrounding them.

Loona raised an eyebrow, her ear twitching in mild disbelief. “They’re, uh… not really gonna fuck in a field of corpses… are they?”

Blitzø, tongue in cheek and fully entertained, nodded as Millie’s panties flew through the air, followed by Moxxie’s tie. “Oh yeah, they’re fuckin’ alright.”

Loona made a face and immediately turned on her heel, pulling out her phone and plugging in her earbuds. “And that’s my cue to walk away.” She strolled off without looking back, scrolling through her phone, putting on music and turning up the volume. Anything to block all of that out.

Blitzø hummed thoughtfully, glancing between his horny employees and his phone, which tracked their hit quota. “I’ll just, ah… let you two have a few minutes. Lemme know when you’re done, then we can head home.”

He then checked the numbers on his phone. His grin spread even wider when he saw the results.

“Oh yeah,” he chuckled to himself, “we definitely met that quota.”

Now, it was time to proceed…

The Wild Cat Casino hummed with the low din of gamblers and chattering demons, the air thick with smoke and tension. Husk made his way across the floor with an air of casual authority, his black and gold suit gleaming under the dim casino lights. His dice cane tapped with each step, wings fluffing briefly, eyes gleaming as he moved through the room. He entered the main room, where his meeting awaited him, to see Valentino lounging at a table, with Angel Dust by his side.

Angel was draped in an elegant pink and white dress adorned with delicate spider web designs, his usual flair elevated with a fluffy scarf that contrasted sharply with Val’s dark, predatory presence. The moment Husk entered, their eyes met. Angel gave a subtle nod, a shared understanding passing between them. Husk returned the gesture before casually taking a seat, hands resting on top of his cane.

“Husk, you’re kinda calling it a bit early, don’t ya think?” Val sneered, taking a slow drag from his pipe, the smoke curling around his head like a snake. “We got a whole week left on this wager.”

Husk leaned back, a grin creeping across his face as he crossed one leg over the other. “Exactly. And it’s already over.”

Val’s brow furrowed, the casual cockiness draining slightly. “What the fuck do you mean, ‘over’?”

“I mean,” Husk said, eyes gleaming with a quiet, dangerous confidence, “I already won.”

Val blinked, momentarily stunned before narrowing his eyes in disbelief. “No way. There’s no fucking way that’s true.”

“Oho, it’s true, alright,” Husk chuckled, tapping the head of his cane. “See, Blitzø’s worker, Moxxie? Real tenacious little guy. He wasn’t gonna leave this bet half-finished. Made sure they went all the way. And when they got done, they really got done.”

With a flick of his wrist, Husk conjured a roulette wheel in midair, the numbers glowing as it spun. It landed on a number, glowing ominously: 400 .

Angel’s jaw dropped. “Holy… fuck …”

The terms were simple: I.M.P had to kill 100 targets. Their opposition? Lyle, Loopty, and Amara’s entire militia of demonic energy-wielding mercenaries. Given their sheer misuse of the energy, every single mercenary on that battlefield was a designated target by Stolas, working with the nature of his instructions. I.M.P didn’t just hit the quota—they blew right past it, slaughtering four times as many as required.

Loona had sent Husk a text the moment the job was done.

“We overachieved.😎”

Husk grinned, feeling the surge of power coursing through him. Two simple rules governed his partnership with I.M.P when it first truly began:

1) Every sinner killed by I.M.P on Earth, will have their souls descending and falling into his domain.

2) No sinner under Husk’s ownership could pursue retaliation against I.M.P, ensuring the safety of their alliance.

These conditions remain in place, even after the Wild Card Alliance was formed.

With 400 more souls now empowering him, Husk’s strength had surged beyond anything Valentino could have anticipated.

Val’s face twisted with rage and disbelief. “You… smug… bastard,” he spat through clenched teeth, his voice dripping with venom. He slammed his fist onto the table, rattling glasses and chips alike. “This was a fluke! A one-off! There’s no way you can pull this shit again. You got lucky!”

Husk didn’t even flinch. His grin widened, the light in his eyes taking on a sharper, more dangerous edge. “Well, fuck, Val. Good thing I only needed to do it once , huh? You know what they say—evil only has to win once. Guess I’m looking like the bad guy to you now, ain’t I?” He shrugged, his tone casual but laced with a subtle menace. “Besides, I ain’t just any gambling demon. I’m the Lucky Emperor. Luck flows with me or against me—it’s always on my terms. You, though? Heh. Val, my guy, you’re shit outta luck right now.”

Valentino seethed, his fists clenched tight, the air around him thick with tension as his mind raced, trying to find a way out of this. But the truth was, he was cornered, and Husk knew it.

Husk stood slowly, his wings stretching slightly as he looked Val dead in the eye. “Like I said, Blitzø’s team? Crazier than anyone else in Hell. And crazy works when you’re up against the odds. You bet everything, and now, Val, it’s time to pay up.” Husk’s grin widened, almost feral now. “Angel’s soul? Free. The contract? Terminated.”

Val’s eyes flicked to Angel, then back to Husk. His mouth twisted into a snarl, but he knew he had no choice. Husk had him dead to rights.

Angel, standing off to the side, could barely contain his disbelief. He had been waiting for this moment for what felt like an eternity. Husk had just pulled off what seemed impossible. They’d actually done it—freedom was right in front of him.

Husk, ever the gambler, glanced at Angel with a knowing look. This hadn’t been just about a bet. It was a calculated play, years in the making. Angel’s relentless efforts had gotten them this far, and Husk had made sure to provide the finishing move.

Valentino, eyes burning with rage, growled low, his pride wounded. But there was nothing more he could do. Husk had won, and he knew it.

Valentino’s eyes flared with unbridled rage, his fists clenched tight as his pride took the blow. He couldn’t deny it. Husk had not only won but won overwhelmingly. Their wager, sealed by a handshake and bound by ancient demonic magic, left no room for renegotiation or escape. No loopholes. No tricks. Even if Val desperately wanted to undo the deal, it was too late. Way too late.

Angel stood frozen for a moment, breath catching in his throat. His eyes widened as pink, smoky chains that had bound him for so long crumbled and dissipated into the air. It felt like the first true breath he’d taken in decades. His heart raced as he glanced down, watching as the cursed contract, the one with his signature and soul entwined, shimmered and dissolved into glittering fragments of nothingness.

Valentino could only seethe, staring in disbelief. “This… this isn’t happening… there’s no way!” His voice cracked, and for the first time in what felt like forever, there was panic there.

But Angel wasn’t waiting around to savor Val’s misery. He moved toward Husk, his eyes wide with shock, struggling to comprehend the impossible. “You… you did it. You actually…”

Husk gave him a soft grin, his tone low but reassuring. “No, Angel. You did it. You got us to the point where I could make the wager.”

Angel blinked, the disbelief giving way to a shaky smile. “And you don’t go into any wager… expecting to lose.”

Husk chuckled softly. “Exactly.”

For a moment, Husk’s gaze flicked back to Valentino, watching as the once-smug mobster teetered on the edge of a meltdown, his emotions simmering between the desire to explode in rage and the crushing weight of his colossal failure. The tension was suffocating, but Husk was already moving past it, one step ahead. His hand drifted toward Angel’s, his fingers brushing lightly against the other’s.

“Hey,” Husk murmured, leaning in close, his voice low and loaded with quiet intensity. His breath ghosted over Angel’s ear as he whispered something, a barely audible offer, but heavy with significance. “It’s your choice.”

Angel blinked, completely stunned. His choice. Husk has met with him only a few times, and had always asked him what he wanted before making any moves—something Valentino had never done in all the years he kept Angel in chains. But this moment? This decision? It wasn’t just about freedom anymore—it was about ensuring it. Securing it for the long haul. Protecting himself and the future he wanted to build from the ashes of his past.

There was a pause, just a beat, as Angel’s mind raced. Then, his smile grew, but this time it was different—stronger, more resolute. “Yeah… I’m sure.”

Husk nodded, a knowing gleam in his eyes, and the air around him began to pulse, crackling with raw power. The overwhelming energy from the 400 souls he had gained through I.M.P.’s massacre surged within him, the very air thick with it. It gathered and swelled, swirling around them like a storm before Husk slowly channeled it, focusing. The energy dwindled to half, then flowed from Husk’s hand and into Angel’s.

Angel gasped, his whole body suddenly ablaze with an indescribable force. His eyes widened and glowed with brilliant, vivid light, his pulse pounding with the rush of power filling him. His dress shimmered and fluttered dramatically, sparkling with magical threads that looked like ethereal spiderwebs weaving into the fabric, surrounding him in a majestic glow. For a brief moment, Angel’s senses were overwhelmed, his mind racing to catch up to the sheer magnitude of what he was experiencing.

Then, as suddenly as it began, the rush ebbed, and Angel caught his breath, blinking rapidly as he tried to process the strength that now thrummed in his veins. “Gah… woah,” he stammered, voice shaking with awe. “I didn’t think it’d feel like that …” He glanced down at his hand, eyes widening as he saw the golden ring faintly glowing on his finger. He looked up, noticing the matching ring on Husk’s hand. A bond had been forged between them—but not one of chains or imprisonment. It was a bond of power. Of respect. It was visual proof of the monumental thing Husk had done for him.

Angel’s breath hitched as the realization settled in. Husk hadn’t just given him power temporarily. This was permanent. His . Angel had been empowered. Elevated. His demonic aura, once a soft pink, now flared brightly, more vivid and potent than ever before. This wasn’t some borrowed strength—this was what it felt like to wield the power of an Overlord.

Husk, seeing the shift in Angel’s expression, gave a soft, almost amused smile. “Yeah, it’s a bit of a trip,” he said with a casual shrug, his wings flexing slightly behind him. “But it’s done. Welcome to the Wild Card Alliance, Overlord Angel.”

And to seal the moment, Husk lifted Angel’s hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss just above the golden ring. The gesture carried the same quiet power that Husk always did—no longer like a knight pledging loyalty but like an emperor solidifying an alliance. The atmosphere that surrounded them wasn’t just gallant—it was regal, commanding, and deeply respectful.

Angel flushed, his face going through several shades of pink as the full weight of what Husk had just done settled in. He wasn’t just free. He wasn’t just saved. Husk had made him his equal—an Overlord . Not a subordinate. Not a pawn. An equal.

His heart raced, but it wasn’t out of fear. For the first time in… hell, forever , Angel felt powerful. Empowered in a way Valentino had never allowed him to be. His smile widened, and the vibrant pink aura around him pulsed brighter, as if in sync with the newfound strength surging through his veins.

Husk leaned back slightly, watching Angel with that same cool demeanor, but there was a knowing look in his eyes. “Figured it was about time,” he said, voice casual as ever, but his smirk hinted at something deeper. “You’ve earned it.”

Angel looked down at the ring, then back at Husk, and a rush of emotion hit him. Husk hadn’t just given him power—he’d given him autonomy, respect, and equality. For the first time in what felt like forever, Angel Dust wasn’t just surviving—he was thriving.

Valentino, seething silently in the background, could do nothing but watch as the balance of power shifted entirely out of his control. And there was nothing he could do to take it back.

This was Angel’s moment.

In the back of Husk’s mind, Stolas’s voice echoed softly, that familiar hum laced with intrigue. “ Transferring your power willingly? ” Stolas had once mused, his bemusement evident. “ Well, now… I can’t say it’s impossible, but not many Overlords would ever consider it. If that’s the gamble you’re willing to make…

Husk had taken the gamble. And it had paid off.

Angel, still reeling from everything, stared at Husk with something close to awe. The usual bravado faded, replaced by a rare vulnerability as his voice wavered. “You… you really didn’t have to do this,” he said, quieter than Husk had ever heard him. It was a side of Angel he rarely showed to anyone.

Husk, ever composed, gave Angel’s hand a firm squeeze, flashing that confident, devil-may-care smirk. “Yeah, but I wanted to. We’ve come this far together, haven’t we?” His tone was cool, but there was a sincerity in his words, a rare moment of transparency from the gambling Overlord. He glanced over at Valentino, who was still fuming in his corner, his silence louder than any outburst. “And besides… it’s always good to have another card up my sleeve.”

Angel’s lips stretched into a wide grin, the weight of his newfound freedom and power finally settling in. “You’re full of surprises, you know that?” His voice had a warmth to it, the tough exterior slipping just enough to show a glimmer of gratitude.

Husk chuckled, shrugging nonchalantly. “Yeah. But this one? This one’s a win for both of us.”

Angel, chuckling through the emotion that still clung to his voice, wiped at his cheek with a quick, almost embarrassed swipe. “Man, Whiskas, you gotta quit makin’ a famous porn star like me blush over sentimental shit like this. You have any idea what that’s gonna make me look like?” He gave Husk a playful shove, that mischievous glint returning to his eyes.

Husk shrugged, unfazed. “Authentic?”

Angel burst into laughter, shaking his head as he processed Husk’s simple yet cutting reply. “Authentic, huh? Guess we’re rewriting my brand now too?” He winked, the fire in him reigniting, his vibrant aura pulsing stronger, brighter than ever before.

Valentino’s face twisted with rage, clawing at the air, eyes blazing. “Gah…you…! What the fuck have you done?!”

Husk barely glanced over, looking bored. “Oh, Val, the weight of your fuck-up finally hittin’ ya, huh?”

Angel locked eyes with Valentino, his usual playful spark replaced by something cold. Final. He walked toward Val slowly, movements calm but dangerous. Valentino’s eyes widened, realizing he’d lost control.

“Angel, baby… C’mon, this is a joke, right?” Val’s grin faltered. “You—an Overlord? Without me, you’d never—


The crack echoed. Valentino staggered, more stunned than hurt. But before he could react, pink spiderwebs snared his limbs, pinning him in place. His panic rose as he realized: this power was Angel’s

Husk leaned back, grinning. “Oho, would ya look at that. He’s a natural.”

Val thrashed, disbelief and panic overtaking him. “Angel! Get me the fuck—”


Angel’s hand hit again, webbing Val’s mouth shut in one fluid motion. His eyes were ice-cold as he glared down at his former captor.

“Shut the fuck up,” Angel said, voice steady and venomous. “ I’m doing the talking for once.”

Valentino’s eyes darted, wide and stunned, as Angel paced like a predator, savoring the moment. His upper arms crossed, lower arms glowing with power as the pink aura pulsed around him.

“Ya know, when I started with you…” Angel’s voice was casual, but there was an edge. “I thought we had somethin’. I was a mess—desperate for attention, a place to sleep, anything. And you gave me all that. Fame, gifts, sex. I loved it. Playing the star, getting fucked—it was all so fun.”Angel’s smile faded, his tone hardening. “Then you made everything I loved feel like a trap.”

Val tried to speak, muffled by the webs, but Angel ignored him, pacing with growing intensity.

“Someone who cared wouldn’t have done what you did. But I was too dumb to see it, making excuses while you treated me like a toy. When you were done with me, you tossed me aside.”Angel stopped, locking eyes with Valentino, his gaze burning with fury and clarity. He sighed, massaging his forehead. “Ya know, I can’t even say I ever loved you. Not like I love Cherri. She warned me about you. I shoulda listened. She’s my ride or die, crazy as she is, and I found something real with her in this shithole. She sticks by me whether I’m a wreck or a star, a slut or celibate, and that makes it bearable. I’ll keep her by my side no matter what.”His tone shifted, frustration building. “And Fat Nuggets? You gave me that little hellpig like it was a gift. One of the best things in my afterlife, but even he was just another leash you tried to put on me. But no. He’s innocent in all this, and I love him anyway. That’s real. I can appreciate love from friends, from family. I’m good with that.”

Angel’s eyes narrowed as his pacing picked up.

“But romance? You almost completely ruined that for me. Made me think I was just your plaything, someone you could pass around for others to fuck, and for you to fuck whenever you wanted. And I was a mess when we met, sure, but what you did was worse— you made me betray myself . I could’ve dealt with the rest, but not that. You tried to erase what made me, me. Made me want to erase it myself.”He stopped suddenly, eyes glowing with raw power. “You twisted everything. You had me thinking I couldn’t even fix myself. That’s why I hate you more than anything. You didn’t break me, though. You came damn close, but you didn’t. And you ain’t gonna get another chance to try.”

Angel leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a lethal whisper. The webs tightened around Val, cutting into his skin.

“Hurts, don’t it? That’s what you did to me. But here’s the thing—yeah, a part of me will always fear you. But I hate you a hell of a lot more. That hate? It’s deeper than anything I’ve felt since I hit Hell. It’s made every single emotion I’ve felt since falling into this hole feel like a distant dream.”

The webs tightened, blood seeping from Valentino’s skin. Angel didn’t blink.

“You don’t own me or my soul anymore. Your major advantage over me is gone, so we’re on even ground now, Val. So if you ever try to come for me again, I’ll make you fight for it. And you won’t win. I’m done letting you win.”

Angel stepped back, taking a breath, his eyes locked on Valentino as the webs tightened around him. Without a second thought, he slapped Val again, the hit casual but harder than before.

“Three things, Val,” Angel began, his voice cold. “One? We’re done. Officially. You may have scarred my heart, owned my soul, but I’m cutting you outta my head.” With a flick of his wrist, he snatched Val’s signature shades off his face and crushed them under his heel, the crunch echoing in the room. “Two? I quit. Used to like the job, but no more. Fuck that job, fuck Travis for being your professional bootlicker, and fuck you for taking something I like and turning it into another way to torment me. Fuck, feels fucking amazing to say that out loud.” Angel’s aura flared, pink and dangerous, his voice now a growl. “Three? I know you’re a petty bastard, so before you get any ‘bright ideas,’”—he mockingly waved jazz hands—“let’s lay down the law.” He leaned in, the webs tightening until Val whimpered through his webbed mouth. “Angel’s tone darkened, his eyes glowing with power. “You touch me? I’ll kill you. You touch Cherri? I’ll kill you. You touch Fat Nuggets?” He paused, letting it sink in. “I’ll tear everything you’ve built to the ground, then fucking kill you. You never respected me as a lover, a star, or even a damn person. But now? You’re gonna respect me as an enemy Overlord.” Angel leaned closer, voice dropping to a lethal whisper. “You come for me again, it better be to kill, ‘cause I’ll destroy you if you try to treat me like your toy. That time’s over. You mess with me again, I’ll fucking ruin you.

The following silence was deafening.

Then, with a sweet smile and a little wave, Angel finished. “Kay thanks, byyyyye!”

With a flick of his wrist, the webs flung Valentino like a ragdoll, sending him crashing through the wall with a deafening thud. The casino shook as Val’s body slammed outside, leaving a gaping hole in the wall.

Husk chuckled, barely glancing at the gaping hole in the wall. “Oof. Gonna have to get that fixed.” He leaned back, grinning wider than he had all night. “So, how ya feelin’?”

Angel dusted himself off, the glow around him fading, leaving behind a calm sense of relief. He smoothed down his dress, taking a long breath. “Ain’t gonna fix everything…” His smile slowly returned, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. “But damn, it’s one hell of a start.”

Husk nodded, grinning. “I’ll bet. I gotta say… you nailed it. You’re a natural at this Overlord thing. Kinda terrifying, actually.”

Angel giggled, waving a hand and holding his cheek. “D’aw, stop. Did I spook the big bad gambling kitty?”

“Terrified. Shaking in my paws.” Husk smirked, eyes gleaming with amusement.

Angel smirked, cocking a hip. “So, how ‘bout we blow this joint and head over to your main base? I think this time I’ll actually walk in with my head held high. Mind showin’ a gal around?”

Husk chuckled, taking a graceful bow. “It’d be my pleasure. You’re officially part of the Wild Card Alliance now. The Royal Roulette is where we all meet up.”

“Nice. Oh! One more thing.” Angel leaned in, whispering behind his hand. “Got room for one more?”

Husk shrugged, unfazed. “If they’re in, they’re in.”

“Perfect!” Angel grinned, pulling his phone out from his chest fluff—Husk looked away with a smirk—and dialed up Cherri. “Yo, Cherri! Got some big news. Yeah, I’m fine. Just an Overlord now, no biggie.” Angel snickered. “No, I’m not drunk! I’m being for real. Got a lot to tell ya, but bottom line? We did it. Val ain’t own my soul no more.”


Husk snorted, hearing Cherri’s victory screech even from where he stood. Angel had found himself a true ride-or-die.

As they were moving, his phone vibrated. He aised an eyebrow at seeing it was Carmine, and picked up. “Hey, Carmine. Been a bit, hasn’t it?”

“Husker, I would like to formally apologize. It seems that I’ve killed two of your owned souls.”

Shifting to Carmine’s perspective, she was professionally addressing Husker with a hand on her hip, her daughters Odette and Clara attempting to manage a mess around them. Before her, two Sinner Demons lie dead...at the feet of her currently bloodied, Angelic ballet shoes. Lyle and Loopty. “I found them trespassing in my territory, trying to steal my weapons. Then they pushed the issue by threatening my daughters, so I didn’t hesitate to kill them. That’s before I realized they were yours.”

“Hm, that so? There’s no need to apologize. You were only protectin’ your kids. They oughta know not to mess with a mother’s kids.”

“Quite. In any case, continue to watch over yourself, Husker. I have a feeling that things are only going to get harder for you from here on out, with the turbelence sweeping through Pentagram City.

She heard him chuckle on the other side. “That’ll make it all the more triumphant when we weather the storm and win.”

She huffed at his confidence, smiling. “Is that so? For your sake, I hope that’s not empty bravado.”

“My bravado’s never empty. That’s part of what makes me good at what I do.”

The Royal Roulette Casino was alive with energy, neon lights buzzing, roulette wheels spinning, and the constant clatter of chips and cards. The whole place screamed “Gambling Overlord,” with an almost gaudy but undeniably stylish flair. Husk held the door open for Angel and Cherri as they stepped inside. For Angel, it was his third time here, but for Cherri? First visit, and Angel finally felt like he belonged here. He could actually walk in with his head held high, no nerves, no uncertainty. Just… comfort.

“All shiny and shit in here. Ain’t enough gold color for ya, old man?” Cherri snickered, fist planted on her hip, taking in the neon-soaked, gold-drenched scene.

Husk just chuckled, his wings giving a lazy flap. “What can I say? I like gold. Sue me.”

Angel grinned, soaking it all in at a slower pace this time. Yeah, this was pretty damn nice.

But then—his breath caught in his throat.

“I’ve got it now! I definitely got it now!” Blitzø’s excited voice rang out across the casino, pulling Angel’s attention.

“Go, Blitz! Show ’em who’s boss!” Millie cheered, her Southern drawl filled with excitement.

“Sir, please… moderation. You’ve been at this since we got back,” Moxxie muttered, clearly exasperated, though not really trying to stop his boss.

Loona, sitting next to Octavia, chimed in, not even looking up from her phone. “I’ll stop him if he goes overboard.”

Blitzø, Millie, Moxxie, and Loona were gathered around a reserved table in the back, clearly having a private game with Stolas and Octavia. Angel and Cherri’s eyes locked on them immediately. Being members of the Wild Card Alliance didn’t seem to help Blitzø’s luck, though.

“Royal flush.” Stolas declared calmly, his voice almost whimsical as he laid down the cards, a pleased smile curling his beak. “That’s my tenth victory. My apologies, Blitz.”

Blitzø groaned dramatically, running his hands over his face. “MOTHERFUCKER! How the hell are you this good at this?!”

Millie patted his shoulder in sympathy, stifling a laugh. “Sorry, hon. Some people got it, and some… well…” She glanced at Moxxie.

Moxxie raised his hands defensively. “I tried to warn him.”

Loona didn’t look up from her phone. “Dad’s a slow learner.”

Octavia, lounging beside her, nodded in agreement without looking up from her own screen. “Super slow.”

The sight of two Goetia—Stolas and Octavia—just casually hanging out in Husk’s casino was already turning heads. More than a few patrons were openly staring at the unexpected sight of Hell’s royalty playing cards like it was no big deal. The fact that Stolas was practically wrecking Blitzø at the table only added to the buzz.

What nobody here could believe, though, was that this band of goofballs—especially I.M.P.—had wiped out 400 targets in just a few days, winning Husk the wager that freed Angel. A wager that had changed Angel’s life.

And then Angel’s eyes locked onto Loona, and his breath hitched again. There she was. The Hellhound that had given the Vees the finger for years, refusing to bow, standing defiant. That relentless, spunky Hellhound.

His hero.

Cherri grinned and nudged Angel with her elbow. “It’s ya girl, Angie. She’s right there! Talk to her!”

Angel fanned himself, feeling his heart race. “I’m getting’ there, dammit! Gimme a second to brace myself!”

Cherri rolled her eye, smirking as she crossed her arms, watching him flustered. “Take all the time ya need, champ.”

Angel inhaled deeply, his gaze still locked on Loona. Yeah… he could do this. His nerves were firing, but this wasn’t Valentino. This wasn’t fear. It was… excitement. Anticipation. He had looked up to Loona for years. And now? Now he finally had the chance to tell her what she meant to him.

Angel Dust leaned against the edge of the rooftop, his usual flirty grin missing, replaced by a rare, heavy frown. The kind that didn’t quite fit the loud-mouthed persona he was known for. He sighed, staring down at the chaos unfolding below. It had been weeks of this feeling—stuck in a rut. Valentino had been riding him harder than usual, and no matter how much havoc he caused with Cherri Bomb, it just wasn’t shaking the strange emptiness gnawing at him.

Beside him, Cherri sat popping gum and tapping her foot like she always did, unbothered. She noticed Angel’s mood and nudged him sharply with her elbow.

“Ayyyyye, Angie! Snap out of it! Look!” Cherri grinned, pointing toward the street below.

Angel blinked out of his fog, following her gesture until his gaze landed on a familiar figure. Loona. The hellhound stood tall in the center of the battlefield, surrounded by Vox’s drones, sleek and dangerous. Each one buzzing with enough firepower to turn her into ash. But there she was, claws crackling with blue fire, unflinching in the face of an overwhelming force.

Angel’s frown shifted, curiosity flickering in his eyes. Loona hadn’t changed much since he’d started keeping an eye on her at seventeen. She’d always been tough, but at twenty, she looked even more dangerous. More determined.

The drones swarmed closer, their movements sharp and calculated. From the rooftop, Angel could see the exhaustion in Loona’s body. She was tired. She’d been fighting for hours, her legs trembling, her breath ragged. But she was still standing, defiant as ever.

“She’s bitin’ off more than she can chew,” Angel muttered, his fingers twitching. He almost wanted to jump in, but he knew better. “She’s good, but… they’ve got the numbers.” C’mon. Get outta there. You’ve done enough today. Angel ends up thinking.

It tended to happen whenever Loona is especially cornered. She slips away. Licks her wounds. Then comes back. That makes her an irritant in Vox’s eyes, the fact that she comes back even after losing so many times. Angel did admire that about her, but he also found himself more invested in her safety when things got dicey.

Then, the attack hit.

The drones fired in unison, bolts of crackling lightning shooting through the air. KRAKOWWW! The force of the explosion rocked the street, scattering debris everywhere. Angel flinched, his heart lurching as he saw Loona’s body crumple under the blast, buried beneath the rubble. The drones hovered above, waiting like vultures for confirmation of the kill.

“Shit,” Cherri whispered, leaning forward, her single eye wide. “That was brutal.”

Everything went still for a moment. The silence was deafening. Angel felt a hollow ache in his chest as he watched Loona’s unmoving form. She wasn’t supposed to fall like that. It felt wrong.

But then… she moved.

Angel’s eyes widened as Loona staggered to her feet. She was battered, bloodied, and bruised, but she wasn’t down yet. Her chest heaved, her body trembling, but her eyes were blazing with defiance. Her snarl was sharp, fierce—a predator ready for more

“I ain’t…” Loona spat blood onto the ground, her voice ragged but dripping with venom, “gonna let ya… have your way… motherfuckers!”

Angel blinked, awe filling his voice. “She… she really survived that?”

Cherri let out a sharp whistle. “Well, hot DAMN! She sturdy!” She slapped Angel’s arm. “She ain’t done yet, Angie! Look at her!”

Inside the Vee Tower, disbelief rippled through the Overlords.

Velvette stared at the monitor, looking up from her phone, baffled. “Ain’t no damn way.”

Valentino’s cigar slipped from his fingers. “She really just tanked that…”

And Vox? His screen flickered dangerously, static crawling across his image. “NO!” he growled, his voice sharp and furious. “She should be dead!”

Back on the battlefield, Loona wasn’t just alive—she was pissed. She wiped the blood from her muzzle and smirked, locking eyes with the drones. “That’s the best you can do, huh?” she taunted, spitting on the ground. “Fine. Let me give you my best.”

With a sharp motion, Loona raised her arms, blue flames erupting from her hands, twisting like serpents. The fire was hotter, deadlier than before. Shadows coiled around her, growing thicker, darker. The street darkened as her power surged.

The drones closed in again, but this time, Loona was ready.

She moved like a blur, too fast to follow. Her claws slashed through metal, CLANG! Sparks flew as she ripped through the drones, tearing them apart. SWOOSH! She dodged energy blasts, her body weaving through the fire. Blue flames shot forward, engulfing the drones and reducing them to molten slag. Her shadows lashed out, crushing the remaining drones with bone-cracking force.

Angel stood frozen, his breath caught in his throat. She wasn’t just fighting—she was annihilating them.

Cherri was losing it beside him, hollering at the top of her lungs. “Hell yeah, Loona! Get ‘em, girl!”

Loona wasn’t done. With a final, ferocious roar, she summoned all her energy. Her flames and shadows merged into a vortex of destruction, BOOM! The explosion rocked the block, lighting up the night as the last of Vox’s drones were obliterated.

Panting, Loona stood amidst the wreckage. She wiped her muzzle and spat, then locked eyes with one of Vox’s nearby cameras.

“Oops,” she sneered, grinning devilishly. “Broke your toys again, Voxxy.”

In the Vee Tower, Vox seethed, sparks flying from his circuits. “Damn you, bitch! I’ll make you pay for this!”

“Suuuuure ya will,” Loona shot back.

Angel Dust, still watching from the rooftop, was slack-jawed. “Holy shit… Loona’s still standing.”

Cherri was practically vibrating. “Ayyyye! That’s our girl, Angie! She’s kicking ass and taking names!”

Angel blinked, shaking his head. “I knew she was tough, but this? This is something else.”

Loona wiped her mouth, cracking her neck as she glared into one of Vox’s cameras. The red lens zoomed in, capturing every detail.

“That was a good try, Voxxy. Still shit, though,” she said.

Inside Vee Tower, Vox’s screen flickered with rage. “What the hell is this?! You’re a damn dog! You shouldn’t be capable of this!”

Loona’s smirk widened. “And yet, here I am. Capable. And makin’ you look like a dumbass.” She turned slowly, locking eyes with the camera.

Vox sputtered with frustration. “You shouldn’t even be standing, let alone beating me!”

“Oh, shut up already,” Loona waved dismissively. “Someone needs to teach you three you’re not the hot shit you think you are. Hell’s future don’t belong to you; it ain’t that shit of a place that it’s new era needs to be run by the fucking Vees.”

And that, is where it clicked for Angel. Loona had once been wary of the Vees herself, of Overlords because of their power.

That was thrown out the window when the Vees declared the future belongs to them. Vox is especially confident about voicing this, which may explain why Loona is so dogged on defying him the most.

“Tell em’ like it is, girl!” Cherri whooped, fist raised in the air with a wide grin.

Loona’s smirk deepened as she leaned into the camera. “Hey, Vox! Too high and mighty to come down here yourself? I mean, I’m just a hellhound, right? Beneath the almighty ‘TV Overlord?’ Oooooh!” She threw her arms up in exaggerated mockery. “But if that’s the case…” She spun around, raising her hand with a grin, ensuring the camera was in her. “Then you’re too chickenshit to stop me from doing THIS!”


Her hand came down hard on her ass, the echo bouncing through the street. The camera zoomed in on her muscular frame, capturing every second of her healthy hips wobbling from the impact.

“Not the ass wobble!” some random demon shouted, laughing hysterically.

Cherri collapsed in laughter. “She did it! Angie, she fuckin’ did it!”

Angel was in tears, laughing uncontrollably. “Vox ain’t ever gonna live that one down!”

Even after the initial buzz dies down, demons every now and then refer to this exact moment as “The Ass Slap of Pentagram City.”

Inside Vee Tower, Vox seethed, his screen glitching violently. “You bitch! How dare you—”

But Loona wasn’t finished.

“Oh, but wait!” she called back, her voice dripping with mockery. “There’s more!”

Vox’s circuits screeched in frustration. “The FUCK do you mean there’s more?!”

Before he could finish, Loona leapt into the air, dropping to all fours in true Hellhound fashion. Then, with deliberate provocation, she began shaking her hips at the camera. The lens zoomed in automatically, capturing every exaggerated sway.

“No! NO! She is NOT shaking her ass at that TV head!” Cherri wheezed, clutching her sides as tears of laughter streamed down her face.

Angel could hardly breathe. “She doesn’t give a shit!”

Nearby demons roared with laughter and cheers as Loona kept taunting Vox with her playful hip movements. It was one of the most juvenile, humiliating insults imaginable, and that was precisely why it would drive Vox insane. By denying him a dignified engagement, she was hitting him where it hurt—his pride.

Loona glanced over her shoulder, smirked at the camera, and threw in a playful wink, sticking out her tongue. Her expression was one of pure, unapologetic impertinence. With a flick of her tail, she added, “Kiss it, dipshits!” and disappeared into shadows, her laughter echoing through the streets.

MOTHERFU —” Vox’s voice cut off as sparks flew, and the Vee Tower plunged into darkness.

Velvette groaned, tossing her now-battery-drained phone across the floor. “Damn it, Vox! Stop shorting out the fucking tower!”

Valentino sighed heavily, blowing smoke from his cigar. “Third time this month…”

Back on the rooftop, Angel wiped away tears, still laughing. “She really did it. Vox is gonna be screamin’ for weeks.”

Cherri was breathless, clutching her sides. “That was legendary!”

Angel looked down at the battlefield. Loona had taken everything Vox threw at her and still stood tall. She wasn’t just a scrappy hellhound anymore. She was a powerhouse.

Angel grinned. “She’s incredible.”

Chergri nudged him. “Took you long enough to figure that out.”

“Good things take time,” Angel winked. Deep down, something had shifted. If Loona could stand up to Vox, maybe one day, he could stand up to the Vees too.

She was his hero.

Witht he memories passing him by, Angel inhaled deeply, locking eyes with Loona. He stepped forward, gripping his dress nervously. “Uh, hi…” His voice wavered, but it was a start. He turned back to Cherri, who enthusiastically gave him a thumbs up.

Loona glanced up, raising an eyebrow. Angel’s breath caught—she was so young, yet so strong at 22. He had watched her since she was 17, defying the Vees and standing tall. Now, here she was, a powerhouse.

“I guess Husk’s gamble paid off,” Loona smirked. “You’re an Overlord now.”

Angel nodded, still adjusting to the power within him. “Yeah… it feels weird. Like, I don’t know if I deserve it. I threw Valentino out a window, but… I don’t feel like I’ve fully settled into it.”

Loona chuckled. “Only fitting you were the one to do that. Moth boy deserved it. You’ve always had strength, Angel. You just have more now, and that’s what matters.”

Angel hesitated, glancing down. “I’ve always looked up to you, Loona. You’re fearless, everything I wanted to be. But now… being an Overlord feels like I might lose touch with what’s important.”

Loona’s gaze sharpened. “You wanted the power to protect your loved ones. You have that power now. The how and why don’t matter—only how you use it.”

Angel blinked. “But what if I become like the Vees? What if I mess it up?”

Loona cut him off. “You’re not Valentino. Husk told me who you are deep down. You’ve seen the worst of power, and that’s why you won’t abuse it. Trust me—you don’t have to worry about that.”

Angel smiled softly. “You really think so?”

“I know so.” Loona leaned forward, eyes gleaming. “The Wild Card Alliance is about empowering each other to protect what’s ours. We help each other get what we want. It’s okay to be greedy, Angel. Want things for yourself. You won’t hurt your loved ones like the Vees do.”

Something settled in Angel’s chest, years of uncertainty lifting. “So, it’s okay to want more?”

Loona smirked. “Yeah, and trust me—you deserve it. Now stop doubting yourself and start living like the badass you are.”

Angel laughed, his smile growing. Loona was right. He had power, but he wouldn’t become like Valentino. With the Wild Card Alliance at his back, he was ready to protect what mattered and carve out his own path.

“Thanks, Loona. I needed that.”

“Anytime, Dusty.” Loona turned back to her phone, but Angel knew something had changed for him. He wasn’t just an Overlord—he was part of something bigger. And he was ready for whatever came next.

Husk walks up to Angel, smirking. “So?”

Angel chuckles and looks at Husk. “She’s everything I expected her to be…and a bit more. But more than anything, direct and to the point. Just like you. You must have rubbed off on her.”

“Really? I haven’t noticed.” Husk rubbed his chin with a sly smirk.

“Cheeky kitty.” Angel huffs while nudging him with a small smile.

Blitzø watched as Angel and Husk seemed to be getting along perfectly, and before he could stop himself, he slammed his hands on the table. “What the fuck, Husk?!”

Husk raised an eyebrow, already having an idea of what Blitzø was about to dive into. “Hmmm?”

“I’ve been flirting with you on and off for five fucking years!” Blitzø huffed, crossing his arms. “You kept rejecting me, making fun of me for trying!”

Loona rolled her eyes. “Dad, he’s just not into you.”

Blitzø pressed on, ignoring her. “And now look at you! Getting along like two peas in a pod with…” He gestured dramatically toward Angel. “ The Spectacular Spider Twink?!

“Hey!” Angel pouted, placing a hand on his hip before smirking and adding, “I’m also an Amazing Spider-Twink.”

Husk shrugged casually. “I don’t see what the big deal is. Weren’t you flirting with Prince Owl over here before you left on your mission?” Husk gestured toward Stolas, who blinked, cheeks turning red as he suddenly found himself dragged into the conversation.

Angel, now noticing Stolas, looked him up and down. “Huh. I bet he could pull off dresses. Some pretty damn beautiful ones, too. He’s got the figure for it.”

Stolas blinked, surprised. “I do?” He placed a hand on his chest, his tone thoughtful. “Well, I’ve never really considered trying on dresses…”

Angel gave him a playful wink. “Trust me, Prince. You’d work it.”

Blitzø threw his hands up in exasperation. “Don’t change the subject!” He pointed accusingly at Husk. “You rejected all my advances for years and now you’re kissing Spider-Twink’s hands left and right! How could you, Husk?!”

Husk smirked, shrugging. “Maybe he’s got more to offer me.”

Angel blushed. Blitzø gawked. Loona snorted. “Oh, damn. ” she muttered under her breath.

Blitzø dramatically retreated into Millie’s arms, curling up in fake tears. “Everyone is so mean to me…”

Millie, ever the supportive friend, patted Blitzø on the back. Then her eyes widened with excitement. “Oh shoot! Almost forgot! Be right back!” Millie zipped off for a few moments and returned holding a squirming, excited Fat Nuggets. “Guess who missed their daddy?” Millie grinned, holding the pig out.

“NUGGY!” Angel dropped to his knees, holding his arms out wide. Millie set Fat Nuggets down, and the pig bolted into Angel’s embrace, squealing happily. Angel wrapped his arms around the hellpig, peppering his face with kisses as Fat Nuggets licked him in return. “Daddy missed you so much! I’m sorry I took so long. You’ve been good for the kitty, right?” He glanced toward Millie, who smiled warmly at him. Angel paused, then smiled back softly. “I remember what you said. And… you were right. Thanks for believing in me.”

Millie’s tail flicked with pride. “That’s what friends are for!”

Moxxie cleared his throat, drawing the group’s attention. “Not to interrupt the fun, but there’s still one more thing we have to take care of.”

Blitzø immediately straightened up, his expression darkening as he clasped his hands together. “Right. Killjoy.”

Stolas nodded solemnly. “Indeed. That Sinner still remains to be dealt with, once things have settled.”

Millie grinned, her eyes glinting with excitement. “So, we gonna kill the bitch?”

“Give it a few days,” Octavia chimed in, barely looking up from her phone. “Information travels fast. I.M.P just wrapped up a major mission with help from Overlords and Goetia.” She held up her phone, showing the screen filled with posts about the mission. The 100-kill quota surpassed with a staggering 400, and word was spreading fast about how Overlords and Goetia had deemed them worthy of their support. “When Killjoy’s influence in the media sphere completely runs out, that’s the proper time to strike. It’s to ensure that her defeat is complete and irreversible. By killing her when her influence is gone, you’d permanently end her relevance in Hell.”

There was a brief bit of nervousness due to the fact that Octavia, the youngest in their group at the moment, was suggesting something so cold and ruthless. But then again, she’s Goetia. They tend to be that way when they have a vendetta.

Loona grinned, a savage gleam in her eyes. “Killjoy’s little narrative is gonna crumble, and when it does, she’ll have nowhere left to run.”

The Wild Card Alliance—an unprecedented gathering of Sinners, Overlords, Goetia, imps, and hellhounds—stood as a testament to the changing tides of Hell. A collaboration meant to defy Hell’s rigid hierarchy and forge a path to achieve what no one could accomplish alone.

I.M.P., the once small-time assassination firm, had risen to fame after their monumental success on their latest mission, guided by none other than Prince Stolas. Hosted at Overlord Husk’s Royal Roulette Casino, the mission had shattered expectations. The initial goal? 100 kills. The result? 400 .

Over the next four days, the streets of Pentagram City buzzed with rumors, disbelief, and celebrations. This wasn’t just about kills. This was a massive, symbolic victory. If imps and hellhounds—considered the lowest class—could achieve this with Goetia and Overlord support, what did it say about Hell’s status quo? What did it say about Katie Killjoy, the mouthpiece of fearmongering and hate?

On the first day, Vox’s electronic face flickered on billboards across the city, his voice static-filled and irritated as he addressed the masses. He loomed over the streets, larger than life.

“Valentino’s loss is immeasurable,” he droned, his tone cold and sharp. “Angel Dust’s departure from his business marks a tragic blow to the industry. But you wanna know who we blame for this shitshow? Katie Killjoy.”

Pentagram City gasped. Katie Killjoy—Hell’s queen of media—was being blamed?

Vox continued, his voice crackling. “Killjoy escalated tensions, spreading her hate and lies, stirring the pot until Husk had no choice but to act. Valentino? He’s pissed. And me? Well, Killjoy, I’m done with your bullshit. Consider our support for you revoked.

The city’s chatter shifted. Katie Killjoy, who had once ruled the media with an iron fist, was losing her footing. The power of I.M.P.’s success, backed by Overlords and Goetia, was too much to ignore. And now, even Vox was washing his hands of her.

It didn’t take long for Velvette to chime in on the second day. Her image appeared in a gaudy, pink overlay, surrounded by flashing hearts. She wore her usual flirtatious grin, but her words were anything but sweet.

“Killjoy,” Velvette laughed, adjusting her fluffy boa, “I didn’t think you could fall so low. Guess you’re not the Queen of Hell’s media anymore. You’re old news now, babe. But don’t worry,” she winked at the camera, blowing a kiss, “I’ll carry on your torch. Someone’s gotta keep the gossip alive, right?”

The city’s reaction was immediate—laughter, cheers, and gossip of their own. Velvette, another media darling, was ready to snatch Killjoy’s crown. Katie was being replaced in real-time, and Hell’s citizens were loving it.

On the third day, the fury of the Wild Card Alliance roared into the city next. Overlord Mayberry, once a quiet force, now stood proudly as the Overlord of Fury. Her eyes blazed with power as she addressed Killjoy, a wicked grin curling her lips.

“Killjoy,” she hissed, her voice dripping with venom, “your yapping can’t save you now, whore!” Her fists clenched, flames licking at her skin. “This? This is what fucking consequences looks like. Your lies, your bullshit? It’s over. You’re done for, and there’s no coming back.

Imps and hellhounds across the city cheered. Mayberry had been empowering them for days, mentoring them to fight back against the fear Killjoy had instigated.

Finally, on the fourth day, the daughter of Lucifer herself, Princess Charlotte Morningstar, made her appearance. Dressed in her pristine pink suit, Charlie stood before the camera, smoothing out her suit as she prepared to speak. Her usual calm and cheerful demeanor was tinged with something darker—something real.

“Katie Killjoy,” Charlie began, her voice steady but sharp, “if you’re watching this, I want you to know… this is the result of you causing so much pain and chaos throughout Hell these past few days with your toxic fearmongering.” She flipped her hair, her fingers tightening into a fist. “But guess what? That’s beginning to die down. Just like you are. And do you know why? Because of the imps and hellhounds you underestimated. They’re my people too.” Charlie’s smile twisted into something wicked, and before anyone could blink, she flipped off the camera with both hands, her laughter echoing through the streets. “ YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE, YOU FAKE BITCH!

Hell erupted into stunned silence, then laughter. Charlie, normally so composed and diplomatic, had snapped. But for once, her citizens were with her. Even the imps and hellhounds—often overlooked by royalty—saw Charlie in a new light.

“Calm down,” Vaggie muttered, though a smirk tugged at her lips. “You’ll scare them.”

Charlie took a deep breath, the fire in her eyes flickering out as she composed herself. “I don’t want to overshadow anyone’s efforts,” she said, addressing the camera again, her voice softer now. “This was a team effort. The Wild Card Alliance has done incredible things, and I don’t want anyone to feel abandoned in the wake of all this.”

Her gaze softened, and her tone became more personal. “I hear you, all of you. I want to help, but I don’t want to coddle you or take away your power. Help me help you. Together, we can help each other, and that’s the kind of Hell I want to oversee one day.” As she spoke, her demon form flickered for just a moment, eyes glowing, teeth sharper. “And if anyone tries to silence you when I’m around? I’ll gently reprimand them.”

Her words were met with a roar of approval. For the first time, many in the crowd—especially the imps and hellhounds—felt seen by their future Queen. Her role was crystallizing before their very eyes.

By the end of the fourth day, the entire city knew: Katie Killjoy’s reign was over. Her once-dominant presence in the media had been eclipsed by the powerful actions of the Wild Card Alliance. No one cared for her fearmongering anymore. With imps and hellhounds rising, supported by Overlords and Goetia, the hierarchy of Hell was shaking at its foundations.

And at the center of it all? The Wild Card Alliance—proof that even the lowest in Hell could rise to greatness, united by shared goals and a determination to tear down those who had wronged them.

Katie Killjoy? She was nothing more than a footnote now. And Hell had moved on.

Katie Killjoy staggered through the grim streets of the Pride Ring, her breath labored, her hands slick with blood. She shook off the remnants of another imp, a lifeless child whose body now lay crumpled at her feet. A Blitzø plushie, torn and dirtied, lay beside the small corpse. Her heel came down on the plush’s head with a sharp crack. The sound echoed in the alleyway, a cruel punctuation to her thoughts.

“This is all his fault,” she growled under her breath, eyes narrowing in blind rage. “Everything is because of that damn imp. Blitzø.”

Her thoughts twisted with fury. Blitzø, imps, hellhounds—they were beneath her, and yet somehow, they had managed to tear everything from her. She had Overlord-level strength, power surging through her veins, but what good was it now?

She wiped blood from her face with the back of her hand, trying to steady herself as her mind spun back to how this all started spiraling out of control.

It was the Goetia. That’s what threw everything off. She had no way of knowing that a Goetia—Stolas, of all demons—would side with the likes of Blitzø. And once the Vees cut her loose, she had been alone. Completely alone. Velvette, Vox, Valentino—they’d all turned on her the moment things got tough, throwing her to the wolves. They didn’t need her anymore. Velvette practically cackled when she watched Killjoy lose everything. Vox publicly severed ties, blaming her for Angel Dust’s defection to Husk and damaging Valentino’s industry in the process. She was dead to them.

Then Charlie Morningstar had the final laugh. Katie could still hear Charlie’s voice in her head, mocking her downfall, laughing as the power structures Katie relied on crumbled.

“They’remy people, too,” Charlie had declared to the whole of Hell. “YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE, YOU FAKE BITCH!

Katie clenched her fists so hard she could feel her nails digging into her palms, almost drawing blood. The weight of Charlie’s words rang out in her head. She’d been outsmarted, outplayed, and now—outcast.

“Damn it… it wasn’t supposed to be like this,” she snarled through gritted teeth, her voice seething. “I was supposed to stay at the top. I had the power! I had everything!”

Her footfalls echoed through the alley, her mind a storm of bitter thoughts. But even in the chaos of her fading reign, something dark stirred within her—a desperation to claw back what she had lost. There had to be a way, some means of reclaiming her power. She’d never let herself fade into mediocrity.

That’s when she heard it.

The radio static.

Radio static crackled softly from behind her. She turned, her bloodied hands ready to strike, her eyes glowing with the faint remnants of her Overlord power.

Out of the shadows stepped Alastor, the Radio Demon, his red eyes glowing with amusement as they met hers. His grin stretched wide, unsettling and predatory, as though he’d been watching her fall with keen interest.

“My dear,” Alastor said, his voice smooth, laced with sinister charm, “you seem to be in a bit of a rut.” He stepped closer, his cane tapping lightly against the ground with each step. “I do wonder how you’ll be able to claw your way out of this.”

Killjoy straightened, glaring at him. “What the hell do you want, Radio Demon?” she spat, though her voice lacked its usual venom. She was too far gone for pride.

Alastor’s grin widened, as if he had predicted her reaction. “Oh, no, no, no. It’s not about what I want,” he hummed,circling her slowly. “It’s about what you want. You’ve lost everything—your influence, your allies, your relevance. You’ll do anything to keep from fading away, won’t you?”

Katie didn’t flinch. She had already fallen so far. The Vees had used her and tossed her aside like trash. The imps, the hellhounds—they had torn away her empire. And Charlie? Charlie’s words had burned a hole in her pride, a hole that needed to be filled .

“…I’ll take whatever I can get,” she muttered, hatred dripping from every word.

Alastor’s eyes glimmered with satisfaction. “Splendid,” he said, his voice as smooth as velvet. “But I do have conditions, of course. One: You answer a single question for me. And two: You’ll never be able to speak of my involvement. But that won’t be an issue, will it? After all, you want all the credit for yourself, don’t you?”

Killjoy’s gaze hardened. She could feel her pride slipping away completely, but it didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was vengeance, proving to everyone that she was still Katie Killjoy, the one who was feared and respected. She nodded sharply.

“Fine. Whatever it takes,” she said, her voice low and dangerous.

Alastor chuckled softly, extending his hand, his magic swirling around him like a storm. “A deal, then,” he grinned. “If you’re prepared to embrace infamy, I’ll give you the power to be remembered… one way or another.”

Without hesitation, Killjoy shook his hand. Power surged through her veins, twisting and dark, filling her with a newfound strength. Her teeth clenched as the energy coursed through her, every fiber of her being brimming with malevolent force.

“Good. Now,” Alastor said, eyes gleaming, “tell me—Husk is part of this ‘Wild Card Alliance,’ isn’t he? The name sounds like something he’d come up with.”

Killjoy sneered. “Yeah. What of it?”

Alastor’s grin widened. “Oh, nothing of consequence. Just… an old acquaintance that I had a... disagreement, then falling out, with. Simply wondering how he's doing these days. Now, let’s see what you do with this power enhanced by desperation, hmm? Remember, my dear—this was your choice, after all.” With that, Alastor vanished into the shadows, his sinister laugh echoing in the air.

Killjoy stood there, brimming with new energy. It was time. No more games. No more tricks. No more restraint. She would burn everything down, remind those imps and hellhounds of their place. She would make them fear her again.

If fame was out of reach, then she would embrace infamy.

(One Week Until The Next Full Moon)

Hell bears witness to one of the worst 'crash outs' in it's history.


Oh no, Katie...what have you DONE, Katie...

What are you THINKING about doing, Katie...?

Next Chapter: Operation Killjoy!: Part One

Chapter 17: Operation Killjoy!-Part One


Killjoy goes all in on her madness.

I.M.P sets out to put her down.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Tom Trench sat slumped on his worn-out couch, the quiet hum of the television barely filling the silence in his apartment. For the first time in what felt like forever, he was alone. Free from the chaos, the madness of 666 News, and—most importantly—free of her.

Katie Killjoy.

He exhaled, as if releasing the weight of years of abuse and venom from his lungs. She was gone, right? Abandoned by the Vees, outcast by Velvette, mocked by everyone. Hell, even he had turned his back on her, finally deciding that it was better to stay alive than to stay loyal to someone so venomous.

But then, there it was. The crash of his front door splintering off its hinges.

Tom froze, his blood running cold. He barely had time to process the sound before she stepped into the room, her silhouette framed by the hellish glow of the city behind her.

Katie Killjoy, in the flesh. An Angelic Knife in her hands.

"Hey, Tom..." she greeted, her voice sickly sweet with an undertone of malice. Her eyes glinted with the kind of insanity that was always bubbling beneath her perfectly curated exterior. "Remember when you took the money Husker offered you? Kept filming my little moment while those filthy imps and their mutt tore me apart?"

Tom could barely breathe. His pulse raced as the memory of that day flooded back—the day Blitzø, Millie, and Moxxie publicly humiliated Katie on live television, the day Loona had crushed her beneath her boot. And the day Husk, ever the opportunist, had slipped Tom a fat stack of cash to keep the cameras rolling.

Tom swallowed hard; his throat tight. "K-Katie, wait—"

"Oh, no, no, no, hold on, Tom. I’m not done," Katie continued, tilting her head, her tone darkening. "What about when the Vees ditched me? When Velvette laughed in my face, when Charlie Morningstar decided I wasn’t worth the dirt beneath her boots?" She took a step closer, her presence suffocating. "And you... What did you do? You turned your fucking back on me, just like the rest of them." Her eyes were burning now, alight with something unholy. "Fucking spineless bitch."

Tom opened his mouth, desperate to defend himself, but his words tangled up in his throat. What could he even say? That he was scared? That he didn’t want to get involved?

Katie let out a low chuckle, stepping closer until she was right in front of him, her breath hot and poisonous on his face. "You thought you could live all nice and cozy, huh? Pretend like I never existed? That I was just a bad dream?" Her fingers toyed with the handle of the blade she had unsheathed, the infamous Angelic Blade, glowing faintly in the dim light of his apartment.

"I was just... I didn’t want to..." Tom stammered, his voice weak, his body shaking.

Katie’s grin widened. "Oh, Tommy... I thought you were smarter than this." Her voice softened for a moment, almost pitying. Then it hardened. "But don’t worry. This will be the last time we ever see each other."

The first stab was almost too seamless, too quiet. It slid into Tom’s side like a hot knife through butter. His eyes went wide, and a sharp gasp escaped his lips, but no scream followed. Just shock.

Katie’s gaze didn’t leave his, her expression calm, eerily composed as she pushed the blade deeper, her fingers gripping the hilt with casual strength. "Fitting, don’t you think?" she whispered, her voice barely a murmur. "I’m closing the door on my past. And you’re that door."

The blade slid out just as smoothly, dripping with Tom’s blood. He stumbled back, his hand instinctively clutching at the wound, the hot, sticky liquid pouring over his fingers. But there was no time to react, no time to process. Katie was on him again, stabbing him once more in the back.

Tom fell to the ground with a thud, trying to crawl, his breaths labored and ragged. Katie walked slowly alongside him, watching with idle amusement as he dragged himself pitifully across the floor.

"Oh, Tom... Tom baby," she cooed, stabbing him again, this time through the shoulder. "What’s happened to you?" Another stab. "Are you happy with the way things turned out?" She kicked him over onto his back, straddling his waist with unsettling ease, the Angelic Blade poised in her hand.

Tom coughed, blood dribbling from his lips as he tried to speak. Tried to beg.

Katie tilted her head, amused. "Did you enjoy the money, Tom? Did you enjoy watching me get torn to pieces while you stood there and did nothing?"

Another stab, deeper this time. Tom’s body spasmed under her, but he was too weak to fight back.

Katie leaned closer, her face inches from his, her smile widening into something grotesque. "Why so glum, Tom? A woman’s straddling you. Doesn’t that make you excited?" She raised an eyebrow. "No reaction? Ah... too distracted by the dying. I get it." She shrugged. "Oh well."

Eight more times. Each stab deliberate, each thrust of the blade accompanied by the soft sound of Katie humming to herself. She didn’t blink. Didn’t hesitate. It was a ritual to her, a dance of death that she savored, drawing it out like a performance.

Finally, she raised the blade high and plunged it through his gas mask, piercing straight through Tom’s skull. His body went still beneath her, the faint glow of the Angelic Blade still flickering in the darkened room.

Katie sighed, brushing a lock of hair from her face as she stood up, leaving the blade lodged in Tom’s lifeless body. She glanced around the room one last time, her lips curling into a satisfied smirk. "If I’m being canceled, so are you," she said, her voice dripping with finality.

With that, she turned and walked out of the apartment, leaving the Angelic Blade behind. It had served its purpose. As she stepped out into the night, Tom’s home exploded in a fiery blaze behind her, a display of her Overlord power that lit up the dark streets.

Alastor was watching from deep within his shadows, his grin widening ever so slightly. "Beautiful."

Katie’s eyes gleamed as she surveyed the destruction, the faint glow of fire reflecting in her gaze. "This has been 666 News," she whispered with a dark grin. "Fuck you."

She walked away, the explosion still ringing in her ears.

"And goodnight."

Stolas and Blitzø walked side by side through the winding streets of Hell, the buzz of the city a mere backdrop to their conversation. It was a rare moment of peace, something both of them had come to treasure amidst their busy lives. The Wild Card Alliance had been keeping them on their toes, and yet, for once, they could afford to relax—just a little.

Blitzø chuckled, kicking a loose pebble down the road. "I gotta say, seeing Loona and Octavia actually becoming friends... never thought I'd see the day. I mean, Loona doesn't make friends easily, y'know? She’s a bit... prickly."

Stolas nodded, a fond smile tugging at his lips. "Octavia feels the same way about Loona. She’s always been quite reserved, but it’s clear she values their bond. It warms my heart to see them both finding comfort in each other’s company."

"Yeah," Blitzø agreed, "they’re both tough as nails, but it’s kinda nice knowing they’ve got each other’s backs. Makes me feel like we made the right choice with the whole Alliance thing. If our daughters can find common ground, maybe there’s hope for the rest of Hell, huh?"

Stolas hummed in agreement, his eyes wandering over the horizon. "Indeed, Blitzø. It's moments like these that remind me how important it is to foster such connections. Not just for our own sakes, but for the future we’re trying to build." He hesitated for a moment before glancing at Blitzø. "Speaking of connections... I’ve been curious. Have you had many romantic relationships?"

Blitzø snorted. "Romantic? Eh, if you mean relationships in general, I’ve had plenty, but romance... that’s a stretch. Mostly flings, nothing too serious. But I’m guessing you haven’t been in much, huh? Not since, well..." he trailed off, waving his hand vaguely. "Y'know, with your ex and all. No offense."

Stolas chuckled, though there was a touch of sadness behind it. "None taken. You’re right. After my... situation with Stella, I haven’t really thought much about romance. I’ve been focused on Octavia. She’s been my priority, as any father should understand."

Blitzø nodded, hands in his pockets. "Yeah, I get it. Parenthood does that. Keeps you busy, makes it hard to think about anything else."

“Hm. Speaking of connections, might I ask you something?” Stolas asked, and Blitzø shrugged.


“How are Barbara and Fizzarolli?” Stolas didn’t notice that Blitzø stopped walking, too lost in his memories. “I remember seeing the three of you performing together when I was a chick. It was only for a little while, but I was able to feel the depth of your bond with each other. I’ve always wanted something like that. The three of you seemed truly…inseparable.” Stolas stopped once he realized Blitzø wasn’t next to him anymore. He turned to look at him.

And he saw the sheer agony on his face, mixed with confusion on how he should respond. His mouth opened and closed a few times, and he was looking anywhere for some kind of answer, but no words were able to come out.

Stolas closed his eyes. “Ah. I see. I seem to have stepped past a boundary.” Stolas walked up to Blitzø and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I apologize. Please, forget I asked.”

Blitzø nodded.

The walk was somberly quiet for a while, before the were able to regain their energy again.



“My sister. She never liked being called Barbara. She’s Barbie Wire, now.”

“I see. Is it similar to why you prefer the O in your name to be silent?”

“Something like that.”


“And my best friend, Fizz…” Blitzø sighed while running his hand over his head. “…I’m not ready to face them. Either of them. Not right now.”

“But something within you has decided that you must. Eventually.”

“Yeah.” Blitzø grimaced, shaking his head. He didn’t even say that much and already it felt like his heart was being ripped apart. Blitzø, Barbie, and Fizzarolli. Back then, he felt like he could take on anything in Hell so long as they were together. So of course, he felt utterly lost and hopeless when both of those cords ended up being cut. Until he finally found Loona. “…Sorry. That’s…that’s all I’m willing to say right now.”

“It is more than enough, Blitzø. I appreciate you opening up to me. Have yo told anyone else about these tidbits?”

“The only other person I willingly told the entire story to is my daughter.” Blitzø closed his eyes. “Heh. If I still bothered with my old surname, she’d be Loona Buckzo. I don’t want anything to do with it, though. Neither me or Barbie do. Loona’s the only one I trust with all that.”

“And that is completely fine. There are some things only family can understand. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that.” Stolas nodded. “I’m content with this much, Blitzø. I am also here if you feel ready to tell me more.”

“…Thanks.” Blitzø quietly nods. “…Do you regret it? Divorcing your wife?”

Stolas sighs. “…I am not quite comfortable sharing that full story either. Not right now at least. But to summarize’ I do not regret getting the divorce itself. What I do regret was that it was necessary in the first place for Via’s sake. I had to protect her emotional well-being. And even so, Octavia’s sense of normalcy was shattered at a tender, innocent 7 years old. And that will always be one of my gravest failures as a father.”

Blitzø nodded. He could definitely see why that would be a major point of pain for him. “Can’t win em’ all, Stols.”

Stolas nodded. Something about admitting and accepting that, gave him comfort. “…No. I suppose not.”

The conversation lulled into a comfortable silence as they continued walking.

But then, Blitzø's sharp instincts kicked in. He paused, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the area. Something wasn’t right. His hand instinctively moved toward his flintlock.

Before either of them could react, a grenade launched from the shadows, arcing toward them in a deadly trajectory. Blitzø’s eyes widened. "Move!"

The grenade exploded with a blinding flash of light, sending Blitzø stumbling back as his ears rang and his vision blurred. He gritted his teeth, shaking off the disorientation, but what he saw next made his blood run cold.

Stolas was standing protectively over him, but there was something wrong. His usually imposing figure seemed weakened, his feathers slightly singed, and his breath labored. The light... it wasn’t ordinary. It was Angelic.

"Shit," Blitzø muttered as realization struck him. "That was an Angelic grenade."

Stolas, still steady on his feet, grimaced but remained composed. "Indeed... it appears our enemies have grown bold."

The air buzzed with energy as multiple figures emerged from the surrounding shadows—assassins, led by a Hawk Sinner named Bullet. Blitzø's jaw clenched as he recognized the group. These weren’t amateurs.

Generators lined the perimeter, humming ominously, and Blitzø quickly understood what was happening. The entire area was surrounded by a barrier, pulsating with blessed energy that was weakening Stolas’ immortal strength.

"Impressive," Stolas commented, though his voice was strained. "It seems Hell’s technological advancements have caught up to us. I must admit, I haven’t been paying enough attention."

Bullet stepped forward, a cold grin spreading across his sharp beak. "Goetia and imps teaming up? Pathetic. Time to remind Hell who holds the real power." He gestured to the generators. "You’re not getting out of here. And your Goetia tricks won’t save you."

Stolas, despite the pain, smiled coldly. "Oh dear, you seem to have gravely miscalculated something."

With a subtle movement, Stolas raised his hand, and from the ground shot a spike of red and black darkness, impaling one of the Sinner Demons through the chest. The assassin’s eyes widened in shock before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

Stolas’s voice remained collected, his eyes gleaming. "As long as we are within the same space, your immortality is similarly nullified. What a dangerous gamble you've made."

Bullet flinched but quickly recovered, narrowing his eyes. "You think a Goetia's tricks can scare us?"

Stolas tilted his head with a soft smile. "I'm not nearly as helpless as you hoped. While you’ve certainly dulled my power, I assure you... it is far from extinguished."

Blitzø, watching Stolas’s calm yet deadly precision, felt a flicker of something unexpected. He had to admit, watching Stolas hold his ground like that, confident and commanding, was... kinda hot. Shaking the thought aside, he pulled out his flintlock.

"Alright, bird boy," Blitzø muttered under his breath, a smirk tugging at his lips. "You hold your own. I’ll bust up those tech heads so you can get some wiggle room. Can ya fight?"

Stolas nodded, his eyes glowing with dark energy, lightning flickering at his fingertips. "I may be vulnerable... but I am far from powerless."

Blitzø grinned. "I can work with that."

Without another word, the two launched into action. Blitzø darted forward, moving with the precision and agility of an assassin, while Stolas stood firm, summoning dark spikes and lightning bolts to take down the approaching enemies.

Then, they moved.

Stolas dodged and weaved with graceful precision as bullets and blades of wind sliced through the air around him. Each movement seemed effortless, as though the attacks were mere nuisances. But then, Bullet, the Hawk Sinner leading the charge, managed to land a hit. His wings lashed out, sending a razor-sharp wind slicing through the air. It struck Stolas, leaving a deep cut across his chest. Before he could fully react, Bullet blasted him with a gust of wind from his beak, sending the Goetia prince crashing into the ground.

Blitzø, engaged in the battle around them, caught a glimpse of Stolas being knocked back, and his eyes widened with concern. "Stolas, you good?!" he called out, his voice tinged with worry even as he focused on taking down the Sinners guarding the generators.

Despite the impact, Stolas’ eyes glowed with determination. With a flick of his fingers, Bullet was suddenly slammed into the ground, his body held there by Stolas’ telekinesis. The Hawk Sinner struggled against the invisible force, growling in frustration. Stolas, however, was forced to release his hold to deal with other enemies rushing toward him, kicking them away with calculated strikes.

Blitzø was amid shutting down another generator, dispatching the Sinners guarding it with a few well-placed shots from his flintlock. He glanced around, noticing the chaos unraveling before him, and shouted with a smirk, "Double-edged sword much, asswipes?! You’re giving me more than enough firepower here!"

Meanwhile, Bullet, though disoriented from Stolas’ telekinetic assault, refused to back down. His wings unfurled, sending another barrage of razor winds slicing toward Stolas. Wind bullets shot from his beak, slamming into the Goetia prince and sending him careening through the wall of a nearby building.

Landing in front of the gaping hole Stolas had crashed through, Bullet huffed, surveying the damage with a smug look. He was ready to move in for the kill, but to his surprise, Stolas was already getting back on his feet, blood dripping from his beak but still standing tall.

“Tch,” Bullet sneered, his beady eyes narrowing. "You’re more resilient than I expected from a blue blood."

Stolas, though battered, managed to smile through the pain. "Why of course. You don’t expect the Goetia to go down that easily these days, do you?" His words were calm, his gaze unyielding.

With another growl, Bullet slashed his wings once more, sending winds toward Stolas and using his momentum to fly around, circling him to strike from behind. He was fast—his feathers cutting through the air like knives. But as he moved to strike, he froze when he saw Stolas' head rotate completely around, his owl-like nature on full display. Stolas smiled widely, an eerie grin that sent chills down Bullet’s spine.

"Hoo." Stolas taunted, his voice low and sinister.

Before Bullet could react, Stolas’ eyes flashed, and a pulse of telekinetic energy slammed into Bullet, sending him crashing into the wall behind him. The Hawk Sinner hit the ground with a groan, struggling to rise, his body trembling from the impact.

Stolas was upon him in an instant. He stomped his foot down on Bullet’s chest, pinning him to the ground. The Goetia prince’s eyes gleamed with a cold, eerie calm as he gazed down at his would-be assassin.

"My dear boy," Stolas said softly, though his voice carried a dangerous edge, "you tried to take my life. Surely, you’re prepared for the consequences for that, are you not?"

Bullet’s eyes widened in fear as Stolas raised his hand, and a pulse of lightning crackled from his fingertips. Before the Hawk Sinner could plead or move, the lightning shot through his body, reducing him to a charred, lifeless husk.

As Blitzø finished off the last of the Sinners managing the generators, the barriers began to flicker and fade. He turned to see Stolas stumbling toward him, bruised and bleeding but still victorious. It was clear, however, that the Angelic grenade had done significant damage. Stolas’ usual regenerative abilities were severely hampered, and each step seemed more painful than the last. He looked towards one of the killed demons, who seemed to be holding a few more. Four of them. He brings them along, just for curiosity’s sake.

Just as Stolas was about to collapse, Blitzø rushed forward, catching him before he could fall. Without a second thought, Blitzø shifted Stolas into a cradle carry, holding him close. Stolas’ eyes widened in surprise at the gesture, his feathers ruffling slightly.

"My... apologies, Blitzø," Stolas murmured, his voice weak but steady. "They’ve truly come prepared for me this time."

"But it wasn’t enough, was it?" Blitzø said with a grin, looking down at Stolas with newfound admiration. "You’re stronger than ya look, Owl Prince. They jumped ya with a major advantage and still got whooped. Pretty badass, if you ask me."

Stolas’ face flushed bright crimson, his eyes widening as he processed Blitzø’s words—and the fact that he was now being carried by the imp. "I-I don’t mind the help... I mean, I’m quite alright, really... N-No need for you to—" He fumbled over his words, feathers still ruffled. "I mean, you’re more than capable, I didn’t mean to imply you weren’t, but—GUH!" Stolas covered his face with his hands, utterly embarrassed. "I’ll just cease speaking for now..."

Blitzø chuckled softly, adjusting his hold on Stolas as he started walking. "Relax, Stolas. You’re not a burden. Besides, I think I can handle giving you a royal escort this time."

Stolas peeked through his feathers, his face still burning with embarrassment but touched by the gesture. He said nothing, allowing himself to relax, trusting Blitzø to carry him to safety. The battle had been rough, but together they had survived, and Blitzø’s casual bravery was more than enough to keep the Goetia prince’s mind at ease.

Loona and Octavia strolled through the bustling mall, the sound of chatter and footsteps echoing around them. It was a rare moment of downtime, but they both knew better than to fully relax. Loona’s ears twitched, her senses on high alert even as she maintained a calm exterior.

"You're getting stronger, you know," Octavia said, her gaze drifting up to the ceiling as if sensing something beyond. "Your connection to the moon—it’s intensifying. I can feel it. You’re on the verge of another breakthrough, I think."

Loona nodded. "Yeah. I’ve noticed it too. My control over water magic’s been improving since that fight with Amara." She glanced at her hands, flexing them as if to summon the magic on command. "Been honing it the last few days, getting ready."

"For Killjoy?" Octavia asked, her voice quiet but knowing.

"Yeah." Loona’s voice was low, tinged with a quiet anger. "Once we get the green light, she’s dead. No hesitation."

Octavia sighed, crossing her arms. "I’m not surprised. Killjoy’s lost everything. She has no allies left, her audience has turned against her. And... even Charlie publicly called her out. That’s pretty much the final nail in her coffin." She paused, her brow furrowing. "But desperation can make people dangerous. I expect her to try something insane."

Loona's ears flicked suddenly, picking up on something off in the distance. Before she could fully register the sound, a bright flash of light filled the area.

"Move!" Loona barked, shoving Octavia out of the way just as the explosion erupted.

The blast sent Loona hurtling through one of the large windows, crashing onto the ground with a grunt. She shook her head, rubbing at her temples as the ringing filled her ears. Slowly, she looked up, only to see a hulking bear-like Sinner demon named Angus glaring down at her.

"Great," Loona snarled, baring her teeth. "They’re trying to kill Via."

Angus moved, his massive fist slamming down where Loona had been moments ago. But Loona was too fast—she dodged easily, the ground beneath Angus’ punch cratering from the impact. Without hesitation, Loona surged forward and delivered a powerful kick to his chest, sending him crashing through a nearby wall.

Meanwhile, Octavia staggered to her feet, coughing as the last remnants of the explosion rattled her senses. She recognized the blast immediately—it had been laced with blessed energy. Before she could fully recover, an eagle-like Sinner demon named Talon dive-bombed her, slamming into her with his beak. The force sent her careening into a pillar, pain lancing through her body.

Talon circled back around, his beak gleaming as he aimed to impale her, but Octavia’s eyes glowed with a fierce light. She thrust her hand forward, and a pulse of telekinetic energy slammed Talon into the opposite pillar, cracking it with the impact.

He groaned, pushing himself up. "Tch, even with that blessed grenade, she still has some power left. But she’s weak—vulnerable. That’s all I need!"

Octavia wiped the blood from her beak, steadying herself on one knee as she stood up, eyes narrowing. "Alright... what assholes are trying to kill me today?" Her voice was low, filled with quiet fury, her eyes glowing with residual power.

Octavia stood her ground, summoning purple flames in her hand and launching them toward Talon. The eagle-like sinner demon flapped his wings and easily dodged the blast, swooping over it with graceful precision. As he soared above her, he whipped up a powerful gust of wind with his wings, sending Octavia flying off her feet. She tumbled through the air and crashed into the far side of the mall, slamming hard against a wall. Before she could even recover, another shockwave of wind blasted her downward, slamming her into the ground, cracking the stone beneath her.

Octavia groaned in pain, trying to pull herself up, but Talon was already upon her, his talons raised to strike. He swooped down, attempting to stomp on her head, but with a burst of effort, Octavia summoned lightning from her hands. Purple energy crackled through the air and struck Talon square in the chest, sending him crashing into the nearest wall with a shriek.

Breathing heavily, Octavia staggered back to her feet. Her muscles ached, and her magical reserves were draining fast, but she couldn’t give up now. As she steadied herself, Talon's reinforcements began to close in, guns blazing. Octavia raised her hand, summoning a telekinetic barrier that absorbed the bullets as they ricocheted harmlessly off. With a quick wave, she unleashed a sweeping blast of purple lightning that surged outward, scattering her attackers like ragdolls. Still, she was clearly struggling—her breaths were shallow, and her vision wavered.

Talon, however, recovered faster than she’d anticipated. He shot through the air like a missile, his talons striking Octavia square in the chest before she could fully refocus. The impact sent her crashing into a wall, her body crumpling to the floor.

“You’re pathetic,” Talon sneered, stalking toward her, his wings twitching in anticipation. "A pampered princess, trying to act tough. You can't even defend yourself."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mall, Loona was engaged in her own battle with Angus. The hulking bear demon swung his massive claws at her, but Loona ducked under his strike with a snarl, her eyes burning with rage. She jumped up, driving a kick into his chin, sending him stumbling back. As she landed, she inhaled deeply and unleashed a fiery blast straight into his chest, flames engulfing him as he staggered back with a roar of pain.

Angus growled and quickly regained his footing, charging at Loona once more. His massive paw swiped across the floor, knocking her off balance and sending her skidding across the ground. Loona, undeterred, pushed herself up on all fours, snarling impatiently as her eyes glowed with determination.

"Come on, you big idiot," she muttered under her breath. With a feral growl, she darted forward again, ducking under another swipe from Angus. This time, her fists burned with blue flames, and with a powerful punch to his chest, she sent the bear spiraling through the air, engulfed in a trail of blue fire, before he crashed through a wall.

Angus groaned, struggling to rise, but when he looked up, he found Loona looming over him, her face twisted in disgust. "You assholes brought the tools to weaken Octavia," Loona growled, her eyes flicking to the now-destroyed wall where the bright explosion had occurred. "But that same blast weakened you too, didn’t it?"

Angus snarled in response, lunging at her again, but Loona tilted her head just out of range, dodging his attack. With a snarl of her own, she raised her hand, igniting it with blue flames before shoving it against his face. The flames roared to life, and in seconds, Angus’ head was consumed by the inferno.

"Dumbass," Loona muttered as she stood over his charred remains.

Back on Octavia's side of the battle, Talon approached her, ready to finish her off. He grinned menacingly as he raised his wings, preparing to deal the final blow. But before he could strike, a sudden crack of purple lightning ripped through the air, striking down Talon's remaining allies in one swift, lethal arc.

Talon faltered, his eyes widening in disbelief as he watched his companions fall. He whipped his head back toward Octavia, who was now slowly rising to her feet, using the wall for support. Her breaths came in slow, steady waves as she stared him down.

“There’s no way,” Talon hissed, his voice filled with shock. "You’ve been weakened. How are you getting up after all of that?!"

Octavia wiped the blood from her beak, her eyes glowing softly with renewed strength. "You really thought a pampered princess like me couldn't handle herself, didn’t you?" she muttered, raising her hand as purple flames began to swirl in her palm.

As the flames gathered in her hands, the faint twinkle of stars glittered within the fire, and Talon blinked, cautious and confused. What was that glimmering?

Her uncle's voice echoed in her mind, reminding her of the training she'd undergone: "We Goetia have honed our bodies alongside our magical power for centuries. Our resilience to holy energy is significantly higher than most demons. Conditioning our bodies and souls to endure holy energy. A passive trait that all Goetia share, which is actively enhanced by physical conditioning and magical reinforcement. This is part of what makes us elites."

Octavia’s eyes gleamed with power as her telekinesis latched onto Talon, yanking him forward despite his best attempts to strike back with gusts of wind. He slashed wildly, sending waves of air toward her, but her barrier held firm.

"You think you can kill me with a few cheap tricks?" she said coldly, her hands now glowing with arcane magic. The starry flames in her palms intensified, crackling with celestial energy. "Let me show you the power of the stars."

It was easy to give a name to this aspect of her magic. After all, it’s her father’s favorite nickname for her.


In one swift motion, she slammed both hands into Talon’s chest, the force of her arcane flames sending a pulse of raw energy through his body. Talon let out a pained squawk as the flames surged, burning through him like wildfire. His body spiraled through the air, smashing through a wall before he crumpled to the ground, his body a charred husk.

Octavia staggered, her vision swimming as she struggled to remain standing. Her chest heaved with each breath, and just as her legs gave out, Loona rushed in, catching her before she could fall completely.

“Woah, easy,” Loona said, worry flickering in her voice. "You good?"

Octavia nodded weakly, adjusting her beanie. "I’m fine," she muttered, though her body was clearly exhausted.

Loona sighed in relief. "Well, damn. You weren’t kidding about the star magic, huh?"

Octavia chuckled softly. "No. That jackass came to kill me. So I retaliated… as any Goetia should."

Loona huffed, shaking her head. "Yeah, seems like that’s the only reason Goetia ever step out, huh?" As they sauntered out, Loona has felt it. The sheer power of the stars, that Octavia held in her hands. Remembering that such similar arcane power lies within the heavenly bodies.

Including the Moon.

After seeing it for herself in action, her intuition grabbed into the demonstration…Loona feels she might have made that breakthrough.

Back in the gleaming halls of the Royal Roulette Casino, Angel Dust was still adjusting to his newfound power. The massive surge of energy that came with owning souls—not just a few, but thousands—made him feel larger than life, but it also left him slightly off-balance, like learning how to walk with legs longer than you’re used to. The power transfer from Husk’s collected souls had been overwhelming, and while Angel was getting a handle on it, the sensation of raw power flowing through him was still something he hadn’t quite settled into yet.

As Angel lounged on one of the casino's plush velvet couches, casually chatting with Cherri Bomb, the air seemed to thrum with energy. Cherri was leaning against a slot machine, tossing a grenade up and down, when a shadow moved into their line of sight.

A Jackal demon approached, her hips swaying with a sultry confidence. Her voluptuous silhouette was accentuated by the sharp lines of her suit, which was cut low enough to reveal a teasing glimpse of cleavage. She wore a short skirt, showing off long, lean legs, and behind her trailed a small group of equally menacing-looking jackal demons, all dressed similarly in sleek, mercenary-style attire.

The woman stopped in front of Angel and Cherri, her amber eyes scanning him with a mixture of appraisal and respect.

“You Angel Dust?” Her voice was smooth, authoritative, yet slightly amused.

Angel blinked, taking a drag of his cigarette as his multiple hands shifted slightly, still getting used to the surge of power within. “Yeah, that’s me, sugar. What’s it to ya?”

The Jackal demon grinned, baring sharp teeth, her eyes glinting. “Name’s Amara. Husk informed me that I’m now one of your owned souls. Guess that makes you my new boss.”

Angel’s memory clicked into place. Amara—she had been one of the humans Loona killed during the 100 Kill Mission. Now, here she was, a full-fledged Sinner demon in Hell.

He tilted his head, curious. “Wait, you’re one of the ones Loona got to, right? Didn’t think you’d be so… chill about it.”

Amara shrugged nonchalantly, brushing her short hair behind her ear. “Yeah, she killed me. But I was a mercenary, fought demons in life, gave it my all against a real one. And I lost. Simple as that. No hard feelings. I ain’t gonna hold a grudge just ‘cause I lost to someone stronger. I knew the risks.”

Cherri let out a low whistle, impressed, while Angel blinked, still processing her relaxed attitude. Amara continued, her tone even but firm.

“Haven’t been a good girl in life, so it makes sense I ended up in Hell. I don’t particularly regret the life I lived, but I get that things are different now. My power’s not the same as it was, but now that I’m a demon? My control’s gotten a helluva lot sharper.” She smirked. “So, if that means working under you, Angel Dust, I’ll accept the terms. Gotta adapt to survive, right?”

Angel sat up straighter, taking another drag of his cigarette as he sized her up. This chick was tough, pragmatic, and clearly a force to be reckoned with. Husk had just handed him a powerful enforcer, and that was a resource he wasn’t going to waste.

Cherri nudged him, clearly impressed. “Damn, Angel. Looks like ya just gained yourself a certified badass.”

Angel grinned, the glow in his eyes intensifying as he leaned forward. “Alright, Amara. You wanna work for me? I think I’ve got the perfect first job for ya.”

He pulled out his phone and quickly texted a location, sending it to Amara’s device. She glanced down at her phone as it buzzed, raising an eyebrow at the coordinates.

Angel’s expression darkened, his tone low and dangerous. “Valentino’s got a warehouse, stockpiled with this concoction that he works together with Velvette to create, that he makes extensive use out of. ‘Love Potion.’ I need you to destroy it.”

Angel was trying to get off the stuff, and it hasn’t had the same pull on him ever since he became an Overlord. Addictions aren’t something he can just get rid of overnight, though, so he’s been fighting the pull to relapse again. Every time Val forcibly kissed him, sending that potion down his throat, he feels like he’s on cloud nine and his own consciousness blurs until the effects wear off. That false feeling of freedom in the kind of life that he had, was one of the things Val used to keep him coming back.

He can’t compromise his newfound freedom over something like this, so he destroyed all his stashes of it to get rid of the temptations to take it. He placed himself at a crossroads. If he wanted more of the Love Potion, he’d have to go back to the Vees. Back to Val.

It was obvious which side won out. His body ached for it at the time, but he wouldn’t let himself fall into the temptation again without a fight. He can’t stop them from making more, but it’s to be a sign that he’s serious about severing every bit of Val’s influence that could convince him to go back to him. It’s a constant threat to him, but now he has the inner strength to actively fight against it.

Cherri would know what to do in case he falters. He trusted her with him when it really mattered, even when he can’t trust himself with himself.

Amara’s grin widened, showing more of those sharp teeth. “Destroy, huh? You mind if I blow it up?”

Angel chuckled, his voice dripping with malice. “If it takes leveling the whole damn place, then yeah, blow that bitch sky high. I don’t want a single drop of that shit left standing. Send a message.”

Amara’s eyes gleamed with excitement as she clapped her hands together, turning to her squad of jackals. “You heard the boss! We’re gonna turn that warehouse into a crater. Move out!”

As she led her crew out of the casino, Cherri turned to Angel, folding her arms and smirking. “Wow. First orders already? You’re movin’ up in the world, babe.”

Angel’s grin faded slightly as his expression became more serious. His fists clenched, and a dangerous fire flickered in his eyes. “Valentino ain’t gonna get over me. That asshole is obsessed, and he’ll keep trying to get me back under his thumb. But I’m not gonna sit around waitin’ for him to make his move. If he wants to fuck with me, he’s gonna bleed for it.”

Cherri nodded, her smile mirroring Angel’s fierce determination. “Damn straight.”

Husk was watching from his bar where he was cleaning glasses. He closed his eyes and huffed. “He’s a fuckin’ natural at this.”

Thirty minutes pass. Blitz busts through the doors. Husk raises his head.

Then he sees that both he and Stolas were bloodied and hurt. Especially Stolas.

He swooped down immediately, landing with grace as his wings flared before tucking. “What happened?”

“Assassins after Stolas. We got jumped.” Blitz utters while carrying Stolas over to a bench, helping him sit. It wasn’t too long afterwards that the door pushes open again, and he turns to see Loona and Octavia stumbling through, with Loona helping Octavia walk. “Loona?!”

“Via...?!” Stolas grunted, his injuries aching as he pushed himself to turn and face his similarly injured daughter. Loona helped Octavia over to him, and he hurries over, cupping her face. “Via, what happened?!”

Octavia winced, fresh pain still coursing through her. “I can only assume it’s the same for you, Dad.”

“Some fuckers jumped us.” Loona spat, her tail flicking in irritation. “And they weren’t complete dumbasses about it, either. They brought blessed weapons with them.”

“Those grenades really fucked them up. They’re not healing as fast.” Blitzø utters worriedly. Things were getting out of hand quickly.

“Sir.” Moxxie hurried over, both his and Millie’s eyes wide. “We know where Killjoy is.”

“Not the time, Mox! Stolas and Octavia got jumped, they’re hurt bad.”

Millie winced. “Blitzø, you really gotta see this.” Moxxie pulled out his phone and gestured to Blitzø. He looks at the screen…and his eyes widened.

“…The bitch has completely lost it.” Blitzø muttered while running his hand over his face. “Shit, shit. This is the absolute worst time for her to pull a stunt like this!” He mutters, looking over towards the weakened Stolas and Octavia. “The timing for all this could not be worse if it tried.”

“Dad. What’s the play?” Loona asked, her eyes narrowed.

Husk tapped his cane on the ground, getting Blitzø’s attention. “Go deal with this, Blitzø. Stolas and Octavia are fine here with me. Nobody’s gonna touch them while I’m here.”

Blitzø locked eyes with the Overlord for a moment. And before long, he turned to the others. “Alright gang, pack whatever shit you need in the next ten minutes. Because we’re heading out on one of our biggest assassinations yet.”

Loona’s eyes sharpened. “It’s time to cancel this bitch, permanently.”

“Yeah.” Blitzø narrows his eyes. “Katie Killjoy’s gotta die.

Katie Killjoy tore through Imp City like a tempest, her once-pristine form now twisted with the raw energy of her Overlord-level powers. Flames crackled around her, lightning forked from her fingertips, and her laughter echoed off the ruined buildings. Imps screamed and scattered in her wake, their homes reduced to rubble as she unleashed beams of concentrated lightning, fiery explosions, and destruction, all tinted in a menacing red hue.

A group of imps ran for their lives down a narrow alley, thinking they could escape her notice. Katie caught sight of them and grinned, her eyes glowing with cruel delight.

“Where do you think you’re going, you little vermin?” she snarled, raising her hands high. Red lightning crackled around her fingers as she summoned a deadly blast of energy. With a flick of her wrist, she sent a cascade of fire roaring down the alley. The explosion rattled the streets as the alleyway crumbled, the imps within barely managing to scatter in time.

She heard a shrill scream and saw two imps desperately scrambling to help a third imp pinned under debris. Katie’s grin widened with twisted pleasure.

“Helping each other, huh? How quaint.”

A red beam of light erupted from her hand, slicing through the air and into the buildings behind them. The imps, slick and sly, jumped out of the way just in time, using the debris to their advantage. One imp grabbed a broken metal sheet, throwing it up just in time for Katie’s light to reflect off it, sending the beam careening back toward her.

Katie snarled in frustration as the beam struck her arm. “You dare?!” she screeched, her voice sharp and venomous. Her blood boiled with rage at the impudent display. These imps were supposed to be nothing, and yet they had the audacity to fight back, to even trick her. She would make them suffer for their defiance.

As she raised her hands again, preparing to obliterate them with a powerful blast of lightning, she felt a sharp tug at her leg. Looking down, she saw a young hellhound darting away, its eyes wide with terror. Behind it, three older hellhounds—a mother and two others—growled low, baring their teeth in warning. They were protecting their pup, trying to buy it time to escape.

Katie’s face twisted into a sneer. “Protecting the pups, are we?” Her voice dripped with mockery. “How adorable. Let’s see how resilient you are when I burn you alive.”

With a flick of her wrist, a column of fire erupted from the ground beneath the hellhounds, but they moved with surprising agility, dodging the flames with practiced skill. One of the hellhounds sprinted toward her, jaws snapping, while the others circled around, working together to draw her attention away from the pup.

Katie laughed, watching as the hellhound leapt toward her. In one smooth motion, she raised her hand, sending a red light beam directly at it. The beam seared through the air, narrowly missing the hellhound, who twisted in midair and landed to the side. A glancing blow had burned its flank, but it snarled defiantly, standing between Katie and its kin.

“Oh, you think you’re clever, don’t you?” Katie taunted, her voice a maniacal shriek. She stepped forward, eyes gleaming with malicious intent. She raised both hands, electricity surging between them as she prepared to strike, but then something shifted in the air—Katie felt it, and her sneer faltered for a moment. The imps were regrouping in the distance, helping each other dodge her attacks. The hellhounds were still moving with the same practiced precision, drawing her attention in multiple directions. They were fighting back, each in their own small, clever way, working together as if they could challenge her.

Her eyes flickered with something darker than just rage—this defiance, this bravery, it disgusted her. The very fact that these inferior creatures still believed they could evade or resist her, that they could outwit her, only reinforced her belief that Hell’s natural order had to be restored.

Nobody from Pentagram City will bother helping anyone down in Imp City. All of their matters remain within Pentagram. Imp City is ultimately a forgettable part of Hell that has no major figures standing in their corner. No matter the crisis, it's forced to face them all on their own.

Meaning Killjoy can act upon purging this infestation with impunity.

“If no one will put those inferior in their place,” Katie hissed, her voice dropping to a low growl, “I’ll do it myself.”

The city around her began to glow a sinister red as she drew on more of her power. Lightning crackled and jumped between her fingertips, sparks flying off in all directions. Without warning, she unleashed a barrage of destructive energy—red fireballs erupted from her hands, explosions rocked the city, and beams of light cut through buildings like a scythe. The entire city block shook under her relentless assault.

Several imps, thinking they had a moment to escape, darted from the shadows of a crumbling building. Katie spotted them instantly, a wicked grin spreading across her face.

“Now, where do you think you’re going?”

She raised a hand, and with a sharp crack, an explosion detonated in the center of their group, sending bodies flying. The imps scattered, some charred, others barely clinging to life. But even then, even as she watched them try to pick themselves up from the wreckage, Katie could see it—their persistence. The way they kept moving, helping one another, hiding, evading.

Katie’s rage was volcanic now, her laughter turning into a high-pitched, maniacal screech. Her time in the sun would not end, not after everything she had lost. Not after everything these filthy creatures had taken from her.

“You think you can defy me?!” she howled, her voice carrying over the wreckage and ruin of Imp City. “You think your bravery matters?! I’ll burn you all to the ground, and no one—no one—will ever remember you!”

She swept her hand across the sky, a wave of red lightning following in her wake. Buildings exploded, debris rained down, and the very ground seemed to crack beneath the force of her wrath. Hellhounds cried out as they shielded their pups, imps dived into shadows, helping each other out of the collapsing ruins. And still, they fought to survive, their courage a flame that refused to be snuffed out.

But Katie wouldn’t stop. She couldn’t stop.

Another hellhound charged at her, trying to distract her from the smaller ones escaping through a nearby alley. With a laugh, she raised her hand and fired a beam of light. It struck the hellhound mid-leap, mutilating it, leaving it howling in agony on the ground.

She didn’t even blink.

“I’ll make you all pay,” she hissed, her voice low and dangerous. “Every imp, every hellhound…I will eradicate you all.

Katie Killjoy unleashed a torrent of destruction, tearing through Imp City block by block, never slowing, never hesitating. Her need to prove her superiority—to reestablish Hell’s natural order—drove her further into madness, and no amount of bravery, trickery, or resilience could slow her rampage.

That’s when a car was thrown at her.

Her eyes widened as she at once blasts it into pieces, her eyes narrowing in confusion. “The fuck? How did a car even-“

Another car was thrown, this time from behind, slamming into her back. She grunted and smashed it to bits, and she immediately turned around, seeing that a Hellhound was the one who tossed it. One that was much larger than most, and had a scar running down his blind eye. He eyed her with nothing but cold defiance.

“Who do you think you’re looking at like that…?!” She was on the verge of attacking him, when an explosion rocked her from the side. She crashed into the ground, shaking her head, then glares in the direction of the one responsible.

“Heeeeeeyyy Killjoy!” Blitz grinned savagely, holding a rocket launcher with Moxxie’s help, and flipped her off. Both were on the edge of a roof. “I didn’t think you could be much more of a sore loser, but ya somehow proved me wrong! I really do live rent-free in your head, do I?”

You…” Killjoy’s heated glare focused on Blitz, and suddenly nearly everything else ceased to exist.

“Sir, is it wise to antagonize her further?” Moxxie utters, though his gaze was steeled.

“Maybe not, but her attention is on us. That’s gotta be a start.” Blitz grinned while gesturing to Katie with a hand. “Well, Killjoy? You managed to escalate things to bullshit levels because you’re so hellbent on living up to…well, being a Killjoy. So how about we settle things once and for all? Oh, and some people say that we have a similar voice. Which is un-fucking-true!” Blitz placed a hand on his chest and flutters his eyes. “Mine’s far prettier to listen to. How about we settle things between us. For good.

Killjoy narrows her eyes, as she raises one of her hands towards him, red flames spiraling. “Die.

“Nah I’m good. Appointment with death is held off until further notice. Waiting for a discount.” Blitz grins as he and Moxxie jump away, right as the blazing red fireball destroys the spot they were just standing on. Killjoy snarled at them not being dead instantly, opting to chase them down. “Well, we definitely have her attention!”

“For better or worse…” Moxxie grimaced as he ducked under the searing flames of another blast. “She really hates you, sir.”

“And that clearly makes her unique.”

Katie struck down where they were in a bolt of red lightning, with Blitz and Moxxie avoiding the bolts before they crashed down with full force. She was hellbent on chasing Blitz down, not even soaring much of a glance to Moxxie. Oh, but that didn’t mean she didn’t try to blast him too, with the red flames exploding near him, with one such sending him rocketing and crashing into a wall.


Two bright flashes detonated in Killjoy’s way, and she screeched as she was slammed into the wall from the explosions. Blitz narrowed his eyes, having thrown two of the blessed grenades he tossed “He’s got stronger nerves than you!” Killjoy glared in his direction as she tossed a blaze of red fire his way. He jumped again, rolling to the side to avoid the worst of it, though the heat was felt on his burned side.

She was unprepared for Millie to slash at her back, getting an angry screech out of her. Millie’s eyes gleamed with fury; her ax blazing with blue flames, and already bloodied from the initial slash. “You better step offa my boys, bitch!” She slashed again, with Katie dodging right under it, then blasting her with red lightning. Millie twirled her blue flaming ax and was blasted back into the ground. She recovered easily as she jumped away from the next blast of lightning, though she was notably wincing from the strain.

“Who the fuck do you think you are you wretched creature?!” Killjoy snarled as more lightning crashed down where Millie was, with her doing her best to avoid them. She even managed to deflect a few of them with the blue flames of her ax, then slashed them against Killjoy, managing to burn her across her hands for a moment.

“You’re the one who took this whole thing all outta proportion! Yer fuckin’ crazy! Which is really sayin’ something!” Millie blocks another blast of red fire, with Killjoy wincing as she felt a shot to her side. She turned around to see that Moxxie was shooting at her from the side, and Millie took the opportunity to slash her across the back.

“Fucking little-“ Killjoy only had a moment to gather her bearings before Blitzø through two more of the blessed grenades that blasted her across the roofs, making her crash into another. The holy energy weakened and damaged her further, and she crumpled to the ground in a heap. Blitzø landed a few feet away, and Killjoy turned towards him with a glare.

How did he even get his grubby hands on those? Did he managed to get them from…grah! Those useless shits!

“You’re not looking to good, Katie.” Blitzø says as he points his flintlock pistol towards her. “Guess your time in the limelight is at an end.”

Katie’s eyes gleamed with hatred. A combination of red flames and red lightning blasts down where they stood. “That not for you inferiors to decide!

Moxxie and Millie were slammed and falling off the building, with Blitzø briefly rolling off the side and nearly hanging off the edge. He grunted as he nearly passed out, but managed to pull himself together enough to see Katie Killjoy itching towards him.

“You thought that would be enough? That you were gonna do something with such pathetic efforts?” Katie grinned as a crackle of red lightning dances across her hands. “This was the best you could do, and it was feeble and weak. It was a shitty effort from a shitty race. And now you’re going to die for trying!

Blitzø coughed while pushing himself to his feet. “…what’s feeble and pathetic…is that you think you’re gonna get what you want after all this bullshit. You think anyone’s gonna wanna know your name for who you are, after this?” Blitzø fell to his side with a pained grunt, rolling slightly as he furned for are the snarling Killjoy. “F…face the facts, Killjoy. The time you’re desperately hanging into is becoming more and more outdated. Nobody wants to tune in with you anymore. You don’t got the influence. You don’t got the riches. You don’t got the charisma. And most importantly…” Blitzø grins. “You don’t got the backup.

Katie Killjoy was about to blast him with red lightning, moving in to do so, but she found her hand severed from her arms, which had her screeching again.

Loona had emerged from Blitzø’s shadow, shooting out and slashing off her attacking arm with claws ignited with blue flames. Along with her, came Millie and Moxxie. Both of them landed next to Blitzø, and helped him stand to his feet.

“You two okay?” Blitzø asked while holding his side.

“We’re fine, Blitz. Loona managed to catch us when we fell off. Then we sunk into the shadows. Literally!” Millie held him over her shoulder.

“It was all cold and dark. I’ll prefer not to travel that way often.” Moxxie shivered.

Killjoy shook her head as she looked around her, only to see that I.M.P were currently surrounding her, their eyes glowing through the smoke caused by her lightning and fire. She snarled. “You little shits…!”

“You mad?” Loona huffs. “You talked too much shit and caused too much shit. Time to die, Killjoy.”

Killjoy glares, then feels the searing wound that Loona had caused her already. Something feels wrong. Something feels off. Those blue flames feel…different, somehow. The darkness, too. And the water around her, glittering with something strange…